Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 289 Assault on Hell’s Gate - Final

Chapter 289 Assault on Hell’s Gate - Final

After Daniel had stripped all of the valuables from all of the demons there, he quickly rushed toward the hell gate.

Seeing this, Mammon quickly realized what went wrong.

"Shit... his desired greed is all of my wealth! Stop him! Stop him!!" Mammon roars his command at all of his Hell guard that now is no different than a group of exhibitionists quickly running following Daniel while shaking their trunk around.

"Kyaaaa!" One of the female paladins quickly closes her eyes with her hand but still somehow leaves a gap between her fingers.

Penthesilea: "....."

Christopher: "....."

Daniel, at this moment, ran and laughed like a maniac towards the hell gate, with a large group of butt-naked demons pursuing him, attempting to stop him. Of course, any demon that came near him received a severe blunt trauma to the face, sending them away to who knows where by Hecatonchires.

"Idiot! Why won't you use your power to stop him!" Mammon roared at his Hell guard while still running naked, only having a small rag of cloth that Daniel didn't care about to hide his family jewels.

"We can't, Lord Mammon! We don't know what has happened, but we can't use our power at all!" One of the hell guards answered, distraught at their situation.

"Shit!" Mammon swore. Then he remembered that Lucian told him that his power was sealed by Daniel and can't be unsealed.

Subsequently, he recalled that Hecatonchires serves as Hades' sentinel, overseeing Tartarus, and should have the power to seal other people's power. Now, he's sure that Daniel somehow has a magic that allows him to use the power of Hecatonchires—not just any normal borrowing, but as if he is Hecatonchires himself.

This kind of magic should only belong to the category of ancient magic, as it is impossible for modern magic to achieve something like this. It's almost akin to a miracle of the gods.

Meanwhile, any demon that dared to impede Daniel on his way to the hell gate got punched into oblivion by Daniel's Hecatonchires avatar.

In just a few minutes, Daniel arrived in front of the hell gate. Now, a gigantic gate of more than 20 meters high made out of human blood, flesh, and bone didn't seem terrifying at all. To Daniel right now, it looked like a gate to unimaginable wealth.

Daniel quickly produced a tablet and punched in some commands, but at this moment, the demon exhibitionist group caught up to him.

"Stop him! Stop Hiiiimmmmmmmm!!" Mammon screamed at his hell guard, and they quickly pounced on Daniel. However, they met with a fierce counter from Daniel's Hecatonchires avatar, which appeared and punched all of those hell guards to kingdom come.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fight was short; in just a few seconds, with Hecatonchires' hundred arms, all of the demons who tried to stop Daniel were either unconscious or sent flying away to who knows where.

At this moment, a resounding noise echoed, akin to the swarm of millions—no, billions—of bug-like creatures flying toward them.

Simultaneously, a cataclysmic event unfolded above the Royal Capital City, as an awe-inspiring force of nature descended from the heavens. Billions of metal scarabs, an unyielding and incessant swarm, eclipsed the sky, transforming day into an eerie twilight. Their sheer numbers, immeasurable and beyond comprehension, blotted out the already ominous atmosphere influenced by the demonic realm.

As if an ancient prophecy had been fulfilled, the scarabs moved in perfect unison, their synchronized hum resonating like an otherworldly symphony. The air quivered with their collective energy, and the swarm's ominous presence darkened the very essence of the demonic-touched weather.

The scarabs, with their multifaceted bodies gleaming in an eerie metallic sheen, formed an undulating mass that stretched across the horizon.

Witnessing this spectacle were both demons and men, and even Mammon himself was shaken to the core, as if beholding a natural disaster of mythical proportions.

As the scarab cloud advanced, it cast shadows on the ground below. The city, already tainted by the demonic realm, now found itself under the dominion of this monumental swarm.

This cloud of trillions of metal scarab swarms comprised all the scarabs Daniel could spare, except for those maintaining the bare minimum operation of his base back in Sector Alpha City. Their target was none other than what obviously lay within Mammon's hell realm.

Trillions of metal scarabs descended toward the hell gate, much to the horror of Mammon, who had an inkling of what was about to happen.

"No! Whatever you're about to do, please stop! I beg you!" Mammon pleaded as he went toward and knelt before Daniel.

Seeing his trillions of metal scarabs ready for his command, Daniel laughed out loud in exasperation, reminiscent of a supervillain from a children's TV show.

"UWAAA Hahahahahaha!! HAHAHA Are you ready, Mammon!?" Daniel jubilantly asked.

"No!!! Whatever you're about to do, I'm not ready!" Mammon quickly shook his head.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Daniel then turned toward his metal scarabs. "Plunder all the valuables this hell realm has for me!!!!" Daniel shouted his command jubilantly at his metal scarabs.

Once the command was issued, like a decree, the trillions of metal scarabs moved toward the hell gate.

In a few seconds, millions of scarabs emerged from the hell gate, carrying with them a plethora of treasures—gold, jewelry, diamonds, mythical ores such as adamantine and orichalcum. This scene was like a sharp dagger plunging through Mammon's heart.

"No! I'm not ready! I'm not READY! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Mammon screamed like a pig being slaughtered at this mind-rending scene.

In the hellish expanse of Mammon's realm, trillions of metal scarabs moved with calculated precision, resembling a single, unstoppable entity.

The once-vast and opulent landscapes of hell were on the brink of witnessing an unparalleled event, orchestrated by Daniel's relentless army of scarabs, promising a transformative upheaval in this infernal realm.

The scarabs swarmed through the domains of hell, from towering citadels to the darkest caverns, leaving no corner untouched. Their multifaceted bodies glinted eerily in the demonic-touched atmosphere as they executed predetermined movements, synchronized like a perfectly orchestrated dance.

Hell guards and archfiends, adorned in golden armor and bejeweled accessories, were rendered defenseless as the scarabs skillfully stripped them of their wealth. The air resonated with the hum of a trillion tiny tools at work, disassembling, rearranging, and collecting every valuable piece.

Mountainous piles of gold and jewels amassed over eons were swiftly reduced to barren landscapes. The scarabs, armed with micro tools, meticulously combed through underground caverns, extracting precious ores from the very heart of the demonic realm.

They showed no mercy, even to treasures submerged in magma or existing in a liquid state. Utilizing their micro tools, they cooled molten riches, solidifying and then picking them clean.

The scarabs' efficiency was unparalleled, systematically plundering Mammon's once-boundless wealth within a matter of days.

Moving as an unstoppable force, the trillions of scarabs left in their wake a hell realm devoid of its former opulence—a stark testament to the sheer power and resourcefulness of these tiny creations.

Outside the hell realm, Mammon profusely pleaded with Daniel.

"Lord Daniel, please don't! Anything but that! I understand; I'll close the hell gate, I'll bring all of my army back!" Mammon pleaded in a pitiful manner.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAhAHA!" Daniel responded with maniacal laughter.

Then, another mountain load of wealth emerged along with another wave of the metal scarab swarm, a scene that ripped at Mammon's heart.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, I can't take it anymore! Daniel, either you or I will die today!" Mammon roared in anger, attempting to fight Daniel, but met with a punch from Hecatonchires, rendering Mammon unconscious and silencing his voice.

Meanwhile, Daniel continued to laugh like a cheap supervillain. Unbeknownst to him, this scene was witnessed by Penthesilea, Christopher, and all the people present who followed him out of curiosity about what Daniel did to Mammon that caused him to scream like a pig being slaughtered.

"Hey, girl, do you know how many of those things you have in your base right now?" Christopher asked Penthesilea.

"I don't know; we stopped counting after it reached a trillion," Penthesilea answered.

"Why?" inquired Christopher.

"Well, I want some of those little scarabs. They seem very useful."

"Heh… You need to wait for our lord to regain his self-control first if you want to ask that from him," Penthesilea let out a small laugh.

The great plunder continued for more than four days as Mammon's hell realm is so vast, about the size of Earth, and its wealth is beyond imagination.

During this time, any demons or archfiend that tried to obstruct Daniel's great plunder were met with a swift end under the full-power punch of Hecatonchires or became a pile of minced meat under the blade of trillions of metal scarabs.

The metal scarabs, of course, met with some resistance and lost some of their numbers, but in one hour, the losses were replenished by their self-replicating function.

This made the demons in hell realize that they were fighting an unwinnable war and allowed these scarabs to plunder the hellish wealth, knowing that obstructing them would turn them into minced meat.

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