Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 301 Stranded - 02

Chapter 301 Stranded - 02

?Emma, taken aback by Daniel's intense glare, opted to shadow him discreetly, intrigued by his intentions regarding their plane wreckage. Observing from a distance, she witnessed Daniel expertly salvaging electronic components and all the communication equipment from the pilot's cockpit.

Despite Daniel noticing Emma trailing him, he remains focused on the task at hand, indifferent to her presence.

Realizing that the plane's electricity had been fully depleted and the emergency reserve was running low, Daniel, resolute in his efforts, embarked on the construction of a simple electricity generator and a makeshift communicator using the salvaged components.

Emma, acknowledging that the process would require a significant amount of time, made the decision to return to her lady, Seraphina, who patiently awaited her at the camp.

"I'm back, Lady Seraphina." Emma greeted her lady.

"Um… Welcome back." Seraphina nodded, while eating chicken barbeque that Daniel cooked.

After Emma sit down in front of her and start eating the chicken Daniel had cooked for them without any shame. Seeing her secretary acting like that, Seraphina start asking.

"Emma, Isn't it too rude for you to do that? He save us, and even prepare both food and shelter for us."

"That might be true, but we still don't know what he want in return in saving us, besides, this place is very strange. Don't you think? Lady Seraphina. I don't even know if the plane crash is an accident or not." Emma asks.

Seraphina nodded a little, since she also feel the same as her secretary about this place. And the lesson she learned through out her life is that to never easily trust anyone. But even so, she still think what Emma did to Daniel is still rude.

"Besides…" Emma continued. "I think these chickens came from our fridge in the airplane. So I don't think he's not so innocent either since he had salvage food from our plane." Said Emma.

"I see…" Seraphina, nodded, looking at the barbeque chicken breast in her hand without saying anything.

As for Daniel, he continued to build a simple hand generator from the salvaged equipment. After checking the communication equipment from the plane, he found it to be mostly intact, malfunctioning due to the crash and lack of electricity. So, he needed to improvise a solution.

After a day of work, he finished building the hand generator and used it to generate enough electricity to power the communication equipment. The first thing he attempted was to contact his people through the emergency radio channel predetermined before the crash.

Unfortunately, his efforts proved futile as he received no response. It could be that the radio power was still too low to reach the people who came with him, or perhaps their communication equipment was not functioning. He never anticipated that they would meet their demise, as he had instructed Heracles and Momotaro to assist them.

While he didn't have information about Momotaro, he knew about Heracles and was confident that they would survive under Heracles guidance and protection.

Daniel spent another day attempting to contact his people, paying little attention to the ladies' group. Despite being aware of Emma spying on him intermittently, he succeeded in building a makeshift generator and communication device.

While Daniel explored other radio channels, he unexpectedly received a transmission from unknown sources. The content of the transmission ranged from shady at best to downright disgusting at worst. It appeared to be communication among pirates patrolling the area, searching for potential victims.

Daniel deduced that the pirate base must be in the vicinity. He picked up on key details from their radio communication, indicating that they had been quite successful in this area. Astonishingly, when selling the people they captured to the slave market in the confederation, about 2 out of every 10 fetched an unusually high price. The pirates themselves were perplexed by this happy phenomenon.

Attempting several more radio channels, Daniel failed to catch any signals besides those of the pirates. Determined to extend the range of his communication, he decided to construct a makeshift radio tower using the available scraps.

In light of the limited tools available, the process appeared unfeasible, prompting Daniel to consider tapping into his mana to retrieve the necessary tools from his Universal pocket. Recalling a moment during the VTOL crash outside the island when he could still use mana, he entertained the idea that going beyond the island might enable him to regain this ability.

Outside the plane wreckage, Emma approached Daniel, her expression a mix of hostility, hope, and a touch of regret. She appealed to him on behalf of the Aldenmere family, proposing that they would owe him a favor if he allowed them to use the communication device.

"Mr. Danny, let us use your communication device. We can contact our people, and the Aldenmere Conglomerate must be desperate to find us," Emma implored.

Ignoring her, Daniel walked toward the shore, keenly aware of the urgency in reaching Greed for reinforcements in America.

"Mr. Danny! Does this mean I can use the radio!?" Emma asked with a hopeful smile. Daniel halted and turned toward her.

"Lady, since you don't want to owe anyone a favor and are concerned about ulterior motives, please keep your word," Daniel retorted before resuming his path to the shore.

Frustrated by Daniel's cold dismissal, even after Emma had brought up the topic of the Aldenmere owing him a favor herself, it felt like a stinging slap to her face. Unwilling to accept this, she decided to defy Daniel's wishes and walked toward the wreckage to use the communication device.


"Aaahhhh!" Emma screamed as the thunderous sound of a gunshot reverberated. The bullet had struck the ground before her. Following its trajectory, she saw a large-caliber handgun in Daniel's hand.

"Step into the cabin, and I'll make Ms. Aldenmere find a new secretary," Daniel declared, gesturing with the gun for Emma to retreat.

"You wouldn't dare..." Emma retorted, challenging Daniel's resolve.

"Try me," Daniel responded with a cold voice and an intense gaze, his killing intent directed at Emma. She flinched, feeling the weight of the threat. Frustration welled up within her, a desire to lash out, yet fear restrained her. These were the eyes of a cold-blooded killer, and she knew better than to push further.

After ensuring that Emma didn't dare to use his communication device, Daniel continued toward the shore, while Emma returned to her camp. She felt a mix of fear and frustration at Daniel's behavior, smarting from the blow to her pride. Helpless, she couldn't challenge him physically.

"Tch! What's with this damn island! If it's not for this damn island, I would have already beaten that guy," Emma vented her frustration, casting a resentful look back at the inland island as if it were her nemesis.

Observing her secretary's vexation, the girl with the light blue hair chuckled at this rare sight, finding amusement in Emma's distress.

"This is not funny!" Emma rolled her eyes at her lady, but the blue-haired girl continued to chuckle before gradually calming herself.

"Please excuse me; this is the first time I'm seeing you like this," the light blue-haired girl said with a smile. Emma pouted, prompting the girl to console her secretary with various comforting words and head pats.

On Daniel's side, lingering frustration from the encounter with Emma was overshadowed by his unwavering determination to leave the island. Surveying the wreckage of the plane and the abundant wood along the shore, he formulated a plan to construct a makeshift raft.

Utilizing salvaged materials from the plane, Daniel meticulously fashioned a simple raft, securing the wooden pieces with improvised bindings. As the raft took shape, he conscientiously checked each knot, ensuring the seaworthiness of his makeshift vessel.

Once satisfied with his creation, Daniel pushed the raft into the water, ready to embark offshore and test the distance from the island to see at which point he could use mana.

As the raft floated further from the island, Daniel focused his mind on channeling mana. He extended his senses, reaching out to the mystical energy that dwelled within him. The process was gradual, each attempt met with a sense of anticipation.

At first, the mana seemed reluctant, responding weakly to his efforts. Undeterred, Daniel continued his concentration, pushing the boundaries of his magical capabilities. The open sea surrounded him, offering a canvas for his mana experimentation.

After several attempts, at approximately 8 kilometers offshore, a breakthrough occurred. The mana responded more vigorously, weaving through the air responding to his call.

Unbeknownst to Daniel, once Emma was certain that he had gone offshore, presuming his departure to be permanent, she discreetly sneaked inside the plane cabin.

With fumbling fingers, she clumsily operated Daniel's communication device for a brief moment before swiftly grasping its intricacies—a surprising fest for a novice seemingly unfamiliar with such technology.

Emma promptly endeavored to establish a connection.

"This is Emma from Aldenmere Conglomerate, requesting a response, over."

She repeated this process for a few minutes before a response finally came.

"This is Lamborghini, over," a rough male voice replied. If Daniel were present, he would recognize it as the voice of the pirates. However, unaware of this fact, Emma smiled with hope.

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