Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 305 Pirate Trouble-Final

Chapter 305 Pirate Trouble-Final

?"I'm Danny, now that we know each other, let's go," Daniel concluded and followed the direction that the metal scarabs sent to him. He watched the console on his wrist and gestured for Kato to follow. The two proceeded along the route indicated by the spy metal scarab.

Then, the screen on Daniel's wrist console displayed a change. He stopped and hid at a secluded spot, with Kato joining him. They observed a group of pirates emerging from the forest, carrying two unconscious women whom Daniel recognized.

The first one was the secretary named Emma Turner, and the other with light blue hair was Seraphina Aldenmere.

On the screen, the pirates conversed with each other in a teasing tone, some with malicious smiles and lustful gazes toward the two women, laughing loudly.

"What are they talking about?" Daniel asked Kato, who was nearby.

Kato listened for a moment and began translating as the pirates spoke.

"Oh… they are talking about… er… having fun with the two women and then selling them. And their leader seems to know that the lady with blue hair is the daughter of the Aldenmere family. And he plans to blackmail the Aldenmere group." Kato honestly translated the content without prying into Daniel's secrets, even though he was curious about Daniel's futuristic gadget on his wrist.

"Thank you," Daniel nodded and fell silent, appearing deep in thought.

"Do you want to help them? The two women, I mean," Kato asked.

"Why not? If I don't, I would have trouble sleeping tonight," Daniel stated matter-of-factly. If the two women had just had their belongings stolen by a petty thief, he might have watched and laughed it off, but the situation they were about to face was different.

"I see," Kato nodded in understanding. He had asked that question to gain insight into his new boss's mindset.

"[Even though he's killing people without even blinking, at least he's nicer than those pirates]," Kato thought to himself.

Currently, Daniel was preparing himself, checking his remaining bullets, and concealing various weapons within his trench coat before going to aid the two women.

As the pile of weapons beside Daniel grew, Kato couldn't help but notice a small collection of bullets, grenades, blades, drones, and various futuristic-looking weapons that seemed capable of obliterating a small military garrison. His curiosity peaked as he stared at Daniel's trench coat.

How could this small trench coat conceal so many weapons? Did it actually have a fourth-dimensional pocket like a certain cat robot in a Korean cartoon? These thoughts crossed Kato's mind. (Author Note: Since this world's Japan is isolationist, many popular cultural influences come from Korea.)

While Daniel was preparing his weapons, the situation on the screen changed. The pirate Daniel had released a moment ago had arrived on the scene and quickly informed his leader about everything that had happened, including Kato's betrayal.

"That guy, he's telling the captain everything that happened, including me killing his younger brother," Kato translated.

"So, that guy is his younger brother? Interesting," Daniel commented, while looking at the screen on his console.

On the screen, the pirate captain seemed to be angry, cursing and venting his anger at the surviving pirate with punches, beating him up badly before uttering something to his men.

"He wants to take revenge against you. Instead of returning to his ship, he will stay on this island and bring reinforcements from the ship to kill you. He ordered his subordinates to blockade the island, allowing no one in or out. The two women will be used as hostages against you," Kato translated everything the pirate captain said.

"Heh… typical," Daniel uttered in disdain as he concealed all the weapons he had checked in his trench coat. After fully preparing, Daniel gave Kato a small device that looked like a brooch.

"What is this?" asked Kato.

"Think of it as a shield generator. It's not a high-quality one; the best it can block is a rifle bullet. If it's against a larger caliber than a normal rifle, it will shatter within two or three shots. I've already activated it. Just keep it within yourself and hide. It also has some basic communication functions in case something happens. Push the blue button on it and speak," Daniel explained, pointing at the blue button on the brooch-like device.

Kato was surprised at first but quickly suppressed all his curiosity, understanding that this was not the time to inquire about the equipment that looked like it flew out of a science fiction movie.

After that, Daniel went toward the direction of the pirates where they were waiting for him. He wouldn't wait until their reinforcements came. His objective was to rescue the two women, capture one of their ships or speedboats, and get off the island with some of their rations for his journey to find the mainland of Japan.

"Find someplace to hide. I'll contact you once everything is done," Daniel said to Kato before sprinting off with a speed beyond human capability, leaving Kato, who was about to stop him, staring at Daniel's back as he quickly vanished behind the thick foliage toward the direction of the pirates' fortified position.

— Meanwhile - Pirate fortified position - Plane Cabin —

"Now, while we're waiting for that fool, let's slowly get to know each other, shall we, Miss Secretary?" The pirate captain said with a lustful gaze. He touched Emma's chin and forced her to kiss him, but...

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh!" Emma bit the lip of the pirate captain with all her might and pulled it off, making the captain's lip tear off as blood splattered.

"Bitch!!" The pirate captain slapped Emma to the ground as he clutched his mouth. Some of his lip was torn off by Emma, making his face look even more horrible.

This was the last straw that the pirate captain could take as humiliation from this woman. He took out his gun and aimed it at Emma's head.

Emma, feeling the dread of the gun aiming at her for the first time, felt her pride and dignity crack, but she still forced her eyes to stare at the pirate captain in defiance.

"You low life! If it weren't for this island, I would have already finished off all of you within minutes!" Emma said unwillingly. She was ready to die, but she would deny the pirate captain any pleasure.

The pirate captain looked at her in disdain as he uttered, "Heh... Die!"

"NOO!!" The moment the captain aimed his gun at Emma, Seraphina, who seemed subdued and afraid, suddenly shouted and threw herself toward the gun, shielding Emma with her body.


A shot was fired, and Seraphina fell to the ground, her back shot. Seraphina felt great pain at first, but then, she didn't feel anything below her head. Was this to be the last moment of her life? Dying in the middle of nowhere for her lady.

"Emma!!!" Emma shouted in panic toward the blue-haired lady who just saved her life.

Tears fell from Emma's eyes as all of her walls of pride crumbled into dust. She sobbed and repeatedly called the blue-haired lady Emma, urging her to wake up.

"What! Who the fuck are you!!" "Arrgh!" "my arm!!! my arm!! arghh" "Argghh! My leg!!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Ratarataratarataratarata!! Booooom!

The sounds of commotion came from outside, pulling the pirate captain's attention away. He quickly walked out of the plane cabin.

The spectacle before him unfolded as a ghastly scene of blood and carnage. A lone invader, clad in a black trench coat, surged through the small battalion of pirates the captain had prepared. His right arm wielded a large-caliber handgun, its bullets capable of tearing through armored vehicles, while his left arm brandished a short blade with the capacity to cut through metal like butter.

The shots fired from his right arm obliterated any pirates unfortunate enough to be in its path. Whether it was the head, limbs, or torso, any part hit by the handgun was blown to smithereens, leaving behind a splatter of blood on the pristine white sand.

The left arm, armed with a short blade, swiftly dispatched any pirates within its melee range. Like a reaper, the blade effortlessly cut through both flesh and metal. Some pirates attempted to use their rifles for defense, only to be cleaved in half along with their weapons.

Even those seeking cover found no refuge. The lone invader in the black trench coat moved like a wraith, appearing in the brush and leaping toward any target that dared aim their guns at him. Each encounter concluded in a gruesome manner, with blood, guts, and innards staining the once-white sand red.

Several drone-like objects flew around, akin to reapers themselves, killing the pirates as their sharp blades cut through anything obstructing their path—be it man or metal. Nothing was spared, and all were cut and severed into pieces.

The reaper in the black trench coat, witnessed by the pirate captain, was none other than Daniel himself.

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