Misty World: Start with SSS skill

Chapter 308 Feeling Stuck...

However, he was not worried that Narita would betray him. Anyway, since the contract of equality between Hikaru and Narita had been signed, there was no reason for Narita to run away.

Now he had returned to his current affairs. All the problems he was facing took time to solve, and they could not be solved immediately.

Military, economy, population, society..etc.

Those were problems that even many large countries on Earth could not solve perfectly.

That's why he didn't think that he could do better. Hikaru could only hope that things would settle down so that he could continue to grow.

At the very least, Hikaru hoped that the territory would grow to the point where he would reach king rank.

Hikaru propped his chin up in thought. Currently, the economy did not have many problems because the number of soul points he had was extremely huge.

Although this could easily cause inflation, Hikaru believed that Anno could solve this difficult problem easily.

The territory management was also not a problem because the number of inhabitants in the territory was not large. Besides… with Selvih in charge and Norra drafting the rules for the territory, perhaps in the future the management will be stricter.

Now the main problem was the army.

Currently, Hikaru is only building up the air force. Although he still had his army of blood-elfs, it was his secret army.

[Master, why don't you use the Blood-Elf army as trainers?]

"Heh?! But they are too crowded… Wait! You mean…"

[That's right. You just need to use the Void Creator skill to sacrifice all the existing Blood-Elves and then fuse them into five people with five different occupations.]

[Like that, each person will be in charge of training a different army. Besides… they will be able to make those armies work together very well.]

[And Tsuraguki will become a general. She just needs to take charge of the overall command, so there will be no need for her to participate in training the army.]

Hikaru nodded, agreeing with Rika's opinion.

The Blood-elves were races born to be warriors. Although their tier was evolved into UR+ by Hikaru, their talent and strength were not as strong as those of other races.

Even Tier UR+ Blood-Elfs were only as strong as other Tier SSR races.

But what makes them special is their ability to fight in groups and work together. Besides, they also possess magic that can help them cooperate better on the battlefield.

Currently, he had 1,000 magicians, 100 supports, 2,000 archers, 2,000 swordsmen, and 4,900 shield warriors.

Thus, he could fuse all of them into five people with five occupations, as above.

According to Rika, Tsuraguki could then become a general. That way, she could do more things without having to spend a lot of time training new people.

Suddenly, Hikaru thought of something. He asked, "But... the Void Creator has no effect on living things."

[Master, the Blood-Elves are also not counted as living beings because they are monsters summoned from the monster cards. Because of that, the Void Creator can still work on them.]

Hearing that, Hikaru nodded. After that, he went to the places where the Blood-Elves were stationed. Then he fused them into five people with five different occupations and brought them to the army barracks.

While the Harpies were performing Tsuraguki's new quest, she and Hikaru were looking at the five people standing in front of them.

There were three men and two girls. They had red skin, pointed ears, red hair, and red eyes.

If it weren't for the elf's red skin and pointed ears, Hikaru would have thought that they were of the same race as Tsuraguki.

Of course they also had names, and their names were given to them by Hikaru.

The man over 180cm tall, with a slightly thin body and holding a sword, was a swordsman, and Hikaru named him Sworden.

The man over 200cm tall, wearing a large shield on his back, was a shield warrior, and Hikaru named him Shielor.

The last man, who was about 170cm tall, and whose body was quite thin, with a long bow on his back, and a crossbow hanging on his side was Archer, Hikaru named him Archive.

The other two women were not very different, one was a Magician, named Magicana. And the other was a Support, named Sukko.

Hikaru felt that his naming sense was too arbitrary, but there were too many people in his domain right now.

The easier the name was to remember, the better. At least when he was reading their names, Hikaru could recognise who they were and what their duties were.

After the fusion, their tier was still UR+, however, their true strength had probably reached the level of the Tier SSR+ races.

They all wore military uniforms that had moon medallions on their chests, which meant that they were one rank lower than Tsuraguki.

The equipment on their bodies was provided by Hikaru, including the Tier UR weapons and fog-seeing glasses.

It could be said that they were the most comprehensively equipped army group. No, the weapons they possessed had a tier equal to the weapons used by the kings of the Ancient Kingdoms.

An army that wields weapons of the same tier as the one's the kings of the ancient kingdoms used. This was enough to show how rich Hikaru was right now.

"Master, are you planning to use them to train the army?"

Hearing Tsuraguki's question, Hikaru nodded and said, "That's right. Don't worry, they are professionals, their ability to train people is much higher than yours."

"And most importantly, they are all absolutely loyal to me. Moreover…"

Hikaru now whispered in Tsuraguki's ear, "You'll have more time with me."

As soon as she heard what Hikaru said, she immediately blushed. Of course she didn't refuse, as she would have more time to spend with Hikaru.

Teasing Tsuraguki a bit, Hikaru then said: "Although this is their first exposure to these new weapons and military environments, they are a race born to fight, they will quickly get used to new things quickly."

Tsuraguki nodded and said, "So… what should I do?"

"Right now you don't need to focus on training but on recruiting. The amount of mixed-blood people that would be brought to this place is high, so we can supplement the army from those mixed-blood people."

Tsuraguki frowned at that and said: "Then… I'm just afraid they won't be loyal to us. I think it's a good idea to use slave contracts on them when they enter the army."

Hikaru shook his head and said, "It can't be done. They're mixed-blooded people after all, using a slave contract will only make them feel like they've become slaves of this place rather than a normal resident."

"Don't worry about that. If we treat them equally and with respect, they will be loyal to us."

"At that time, they will realize that this is their home. And when the mixed-bloods think like that then they will be loyal to us, and they will try to protect their home."

Tsuraguki listened to Hikaru very convincingly. Yes, while no place would accept them, this place would give them a good life.

Other kingdoms look down on them, but this place respects them. At that time, the mixed-blooded people will consider this as their home, no, calling this place the holy place of the mixed-blood was not wrong.

At that time, they will try to protect this place more than their own lives.

Tsuraguki nodded and said, "I understand, master. But… when will that group of mixed-bloods arrive?"

"Probably about 15 days from now. Perhaps the speed will be faster, so we need to be fully prepared when they arrive." Hikaru rubbed his chin and said.

"I will build more buildings to expand the army barracks. Besides, the barracks also need clean water to use."

"Is that okay, master? Clean water is an extremely rare resource for them to use…"

Hikaru folded his arms and explained, "Tsuraguki, the army is the wall that keeps the kingdom alive. They deserve good treatment."

"Not only them but their families too, you need to take this seriously."

"Yes, master." Tsuraguki nodded, remembering Hikaru's words.

Of course, Hikaru also thought about the welfare of the military. Either way, he couldn't keep them like slaves forever.

Even though they were loyal to him and probably wouldn't notice it. Hikaru was different, and he felt that everyone needed a good life.

Maybe… he needed to draft a military welfare plan.

Hikaru suddenly said, "Tomorrow the Harpy group needs to leave for the first mission. Do you think they can do it?"

Tsuraguki thought for a moment and then said, "If the mission is to rescue puppies, I think they have a 70% chance of success."

"What about the remaining 30%?"

"Those are unpredictable factors like weather conditions, enemy ambushes or many other things."

Hikaru nodded upon hearing that, he also hoped that tomorrow's task would be neither too difficult nor too simple.

It should be at least hard enough to keep the Harpy group from taking this quest lightly and easy enough for them to complete the quest.

After all, Tsuraguki only trained them for 3 days. Although they were extremely well equipped and more disciplined, that still did not mean that they could complete every task.

"So… master, what are your plans?"

"For the time being, you will be the observer, while the other 5 Blood-Elves will follow them secretly in case the unexpected happens."

"Yes, I understand."

After that, Hikaru also returned to the office. Right now, he felt there was too much work to do.

He wanted to build more military buildings but Darnag was focusing on the Greenhouse.

Currently, Hikaru realized that he was seriously lacking a Builder.

Not only now, but in the future, he would need to build many other buildings. At that time, Darnag couldn't manage the whole thing.

Hikaru also couldn't find any monsters with the profession of builder among the monster cards. He also couldn't find outside builders because their loyalty would be almost zero.

Hikaru sighed, as he started to feel stuck.

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