Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 545 Improvements

[Name: Lothur Ritter]

[Physique: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger]

[Bloodline: Life Devourer]

[Cultivation: level 15]

[STR: 197] [CON: 417.5] [DEX: 203.6] [AGI: 198.2]

[INT: 135.6] [PER: 239.9] [WIL: 172.7]

[EVF: 0]

When he opened his eyes, Lothur saw his status as he clenched his fists, feeling his current powers.

As he looked at his fists and felt that incredible sensation, it didn't take him long to see the information regarding his third Soul Bone.

[General Demon Rib Soul Bone] [Rank: Silver]

[Progress: 0%]


[Gravity] [Rank: Silver]

[Characteristics: ability related to the user's Will. With it, the user can manipulate the surroundings up to 100 meters away from him, attracting or repelling things or even increasing or decreasing the effects of gravity within his domain.]

'Will-related ability?' Lothur frowned, not expecting something like this.

He would much rather have his abilities be related to his Constitution...

But he was not disappointed, knowing that he had a considerably high Will and could increase it even more in the future.

For now, the improvements in terms of attributes would be enough for him!

'Well, it's not so bad...' He figured, as he activated this skill for the first time, and watched a grate on one side of that cultivation room begin to spill over, as he manipulated the gravity there with his mind.

Luis had already expected Lothur's ability to be one of this type, considering that Soul Bone had originated from a demon capable of controlling gravity.

What impressed him was that Lothur absorbed that Soul Bone in half the time he expected, so fast that Elke and Larissa were still halfway through their absorptions.

But even these two could be considered well above average regarding skills. So Lothur's achievement was even more impressive!

'How is this possible? He absorbed that bone like it was nothing, as if the Soul Bone was already his before he started the whole process.' Luis thought about this as he watched his associate stand up as he tested the new ability.

Suddenly, Lothur made the gravity in his surroundings work so that his body slowly began to float in the air!

"Hehe, that's not so bad." He commented aloud, reveling in floating for the first time.

He couldn't use that to fly since it would be tiring. But this had been a useful experiment for him to discover that he could lift his weight with this ability.

'I can probably influence gravity in the same way for several people at my level...' He pondered before stopping playing and looking in Luis' direction.

Walking up to the academy director, Lothur said. "Principal, thank you for watching over me these few minutes...

And this Soul Bone is really unique! How did you get it?"

"It was from a former student..." Luis said, still looking with interest at Lothur. "Some academy students, even after leaving this place, leave orders to their families that what was earned here will be returned when they die.

A student who was here 50 years ago and won this bone died three years ago. Recently his family handed over these three bones that I used as the prize for this competition."

That was not an uncommon tradition in this world. Many individuals left their wishes to be fulfilled after their deaths.

Usually, the wishes were fulfilled because they only entrusted their last wishes to people committed to fulfilling the promises through Blood Contracts.

Even if those three bones were precious, someone had still delivered them to this academy!

"So that was it..." Lothur understood a little more about the cultivation world.

But he did not intend to make any promises. So after exchanging a few words with Luis, he continued waiting for Elke.

Elke had a higher Constitution than Larissa's, while her Soul power was lower, but not that much. Adding these two attributes together, she would have an advantage over the leader of the Angelic Feathers. Because of this, her absorption of the Soul Bone would be faster than that of Lothur's associate!

After only 40 minutes since Lothur finished his absorption, Elke opened her eyes, showing signs of a breakthrough!

Lothur immediately looked at her status.

[Name: Elke Becker]

[Soul Cultivation: level 13 -> 14]

[Body Cultivation: level 12]

[STR: 71.4] [CON: 293] [DEX: 74.6] AGI:75.6] [SOU: ???]

As impurities left Elke's body, Lothur and Luis could see the genuine smile on her face, revealing how amazing she was feeling at the moment.

But in a few moments, she would show off her new ability, one capable of manipulating liquids at will, something associated with her Soul power.

When she activated it, all the impurities leaving her pores stopped contacting her body, flying toward one of her hands but not touching it.

In a few moments, all her impurities gathered into a dark ball below her right palm, which smelled terrible but wasn't spreading, given Elke's control.

But this was not simply a useful cleaning skill. If Elke wanted to, she could use this ball of impurity to shoot projectiles capable of hurting level 15 cultivators!

Luis knew this better than Lothur, so he was naturally more impressed to see this skill in action again.

Meanwhile, Elke looked at Lothur and smiled, feeling like hugging him. But first, she used her energies to destroy that ball of impurities before she approached him.

Then, as she explained her ability to her man and heard from him about his own, Larissa finished absorbing her Soul Bone.

[Name: Larissa Carstensen]

[Soul Cultivation: level 15]

[Body Cultivation: level 11]

[STR: 80.3] [CON: 84.8] [DEX: 82.7] [AGI: 83.5] [SOU: ???]

Lothur saw that woman's status but could not feel for sure how much she had improved due to his inability to see the mental attributes.

At the same time, unlike him and Elke, Larissa would not demonstrate her new ability after she finished absorbing her Soul Bone.

Before leaving, she would merely thank Luis and say goodbye to Lothur and Elke.

Lothur and Elke were not bothered by this and soon after left, heading towards his house to see Annaliese's situation and show their improvements to the rest of his family.


Meanwhile, the transport service launched earlier in the day had already fallen to the likes of the local population!

After the service was launched this morning, with young Ritter's associates inaugurating the minibusses around Peters City, thousands of people had already passed through the central station.

There, they learned about the peculiarities of this service, with many people already buying formations that could cheapen the use of this service.

At the same time, already in the afternoon of this day, Lothur's minibusses were running almost constantly at full capacity.

At first, only cultivators rode them to experience an autonomous animal-powered vehicle. But gradually, even mortals began trying this service that would soon change the local reality!

But Lothur would only find this out after a night of headaches...

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