Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 578 Peaceful Option

As Lothur appeared behind where those beasts were, just 1 meter away from that gap, he had a smile on his face, wondering if he could steal it so easily.

All the beasts noticed his movement and narrowed their eyes, seeing how shameless this human was to try to steal from them like that.

Simultaneously, the level 18 beast had already moved and was about to attack Lothur!

However, he slowly changed his expression in the meantime as he realized something would prevent him from reaching it so easily.

The moment he tried to stretch his hands towards the item, he suddenly felt a shock as he touched an invisible barrier there.

"What?" He shouted in surprise as the giant toad attacked him with its tongue so fast and so strongly that Lothur couldn't help but shiver at it.

"Damn it!"

At that instant, Lothur tried to escape with the Space Belt, but the big toad screamed at him. "Not so fast!"

With that shout, Lothur felt a great pain in his ears, unconsciously bringing his hands to his ears to protect himself.



After a few milliseconds, Lothur felt his body being hit by that powerful attack, feeling pain all over his body.

But the difference between his defense and that frog's attack was not considerable. He was not seriously injured by that first move in the battle about to unfold.

In the meantime, Lothur's body finally crashed into one of the walls of that place, and blood appeared at the corners of his mouth.

The toad saw this and lowered its tempers. "Human, if you can't defeat me, you will never be able to get anywhere near that item.

This barrier was created so only I can authorize someone to access what is there.

Without me recognizing you or dying, you will never be able to get your hands on that leaf!"

Lothur realized the problem and tightened his fingers on the Elemental Staff while his Super Regeneration resolved the damage done by that creature.

Before he went for combat with those beasts, he stepped out of the crater he was in and asked aloud. "Then how about this? Give me access to that item, and I'll leave without causing any more trouble.

I promise to the heavens that I will not use my skills to hurt any other beast in this place after this."

"Humph! Presumptuous!"

"He thinks he'll beat us!"

"Arrogant human!"

Several creatures shouted in displeasure, as the great toad looked cautiously at Lothur. "If I authorize you to do that, I might as well kill all the beasts in this Secret Realm too...

If what that item sealed is released, the entire Secret Realm will perish in a matter of days!"

"Uh? What are you talking about?" Lothur asked, not understanding the worship of these beasts over this item.

Lothur thought of these scrolls sought by the system only as ancient artifacts capable of passing on powers, abilities, and maybe techniques. So he didn't give that much importance to it beyond what he would give to something capable of making him stronger.

But these beasts acted as if a calamity was related to it, something he didn't quite understand.

That beast decided to answer Lothur, as it didn't think it was impossible that this human could defeat it. "Human, let me tell you something before we fight. If you want what is here, you must know the consequences of removing it from this Secret Realm."

"Or? I'm listening."

"Very well, this item is made of a precious metal that can store and suppress things of an extremely high level. That could be used for storing a powerful technique or even a specter.

My master, the creator of this Secret Realm, used this item to suppress the remnants of the main demons that lived in this area thousands of years ago, trapped in this alternate space.

So it is the presence of this artifact here that prevents demons like Morning Star and his followers from resurfacing and leaving this Secret Realm to victimize the continent.

If this item is removed from the area, the person who removes it will be cursed, and the last remnants of the demons sealed in this space will recover and possess new bodies.

Once this happens, all the beasts of the Secret Realm will be devoured by them to strengthen them. Then, in sequence, they would leave that space and destroy your city, province, and even empire." The toad said in an extremely solemn tone.

It paused for a moment to breathe better and asked. "Are you sure you want to release this evil? Because of this, your death and the death of all those you love could happen in a matter of days.

The Secret Realm itself would be destroyed, and your city would lose its place. So I ask you once again, will you really want this? Is it worth enough to you to risk so much?"

Lothur did not expect to hear such things from that creature and remembered the item Viktoria wore around her neck. 'If it is only the material that matters, without what is inside this item, would it still work the way these beasts talk?'

He then said. "Beasts of the Secret Realm, I wish no harm to those in this incredible space. I have only acted so far to defend myself and achieve my goals.

However, this leaf is vital to me, and I will not give it up, no matter what story is related to it. But there is one thing you do not know. I have no intention of taking that leaf away from here."

"Uh? What are you talking about?" One of the level 17 beasts didn't understand, feeling Lothur was playing with them.

If he didn't want to take what was there, why was he acting so decisively against them?

The giant red toad also thought it was strange but waited for Lothur's response.

"I just want to touch that thing. After that, I will depart from this place and leave it here."

"What would you gain by just touching this item?" The great toad could no longer remain silent, asking what his heart demanded.

Lothur answered with sincerity. "As you said, this material can store things of extremely high level. What I want is precisely to absorb what is inside it.

As for the carcass, I don't care what happens to it. You can continue to use it to suppress the remnants of demons sealed in this area after my action."

"Can you do that?" The creatures there asked.

They knew that extremely ancient item had something inside it, but none of them, not even their master, could access that.

"Yes, I have done that with another such leaf. That's why I'm so strong at my age..." He didn't lie. "In any case, I can guarantee that all I want is what is inside that item. I won't do anything else against your interests after that.

Hell, if you agree to give me what I want, I might even give you another of those carcasses."

"Do you have other such material with you?"

"Not with me, but with my wife, who also entered this Secret Realm," Lothur said, trying to avoid a fight with these creatures.

From the blow he had received from the great toad, he knew that he would have little chance of winning if he had to fight them all!

The level 17 beasts had little chance of hurting him individually. But together, they posed a significant threat to him.

But still, he felt that he could handle them if it were only them.

The problem was that they were not alone!

That level 18 beast was there to disrupt his plans!

With this in mind, he used a more peaceful alternative to get what he wanted in this place!


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