Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 674 Eve Of Auction 1

The space above Peters City vibrated, and then a group of three people appeared there, coming out of the vacuum of space.

"Ah, how long has it been since I've been to this place? About 2,000 years?" An elderly-looking man with long hair and no beard commented right after seeing this city.

A man dressed as a butler behind him then said. "Almost 3,000 years, sir."

"That's right. Back then, I was still an aimless traveler." This level 19 old man commented, looking at this city and noting the significant changes it had gone through.

Next to him was a beautiful young woman wearing a lovely red dress, matching her hair of the same color.

But although she looked young, this woman was at the same level as her father, level 19.

"Father, are we going to buy this company for our family? Those cars look really interesting." She said, but she wasn't disregarding the Ritter family. She just felt that this power couldn't compare to her family.

"It won't be that easy, haha." The old man smiled as he took his eyes off this city and looked ahead, where another group of similar strength to his had just arrived.

He then commented to his daughter. "It looks like the Jansen family will also be joining the auction..."

"Uh?" She looked in that direction and saw the heir of the Jansen family, a man of the same age as her, level 19, accompanied by an elder of the same level.

"Haas families?" That young master looked toward the three and promptly identified their origin.

His advisor and bodyguard then said. "Our Asken neighbors will also be participating in the auction...

I expect a few of them will be here by tomorrow."

"Hmm, Asken is even bigger than our state, and even if there aren't that many high-level powers there, there are still at least half a dozen families like ours in that place." Young master Jansen commented.

His advisor nodded and said. "But if they are here, we will probably have representatives from Lenz, Cesha, Utral, and Utrary as well. Our neighbors are pretty hard to leave behind."

That brown-haired man narrowed his eyes and said. "We will try to achieve as much as possible in this auction. In the meantime, be prepared, Tobi. A battle for this company is not out of possibility."



As night came on and specialists from all over the empire and other neighboring states of Leopoldine arrived in Peters City, Helmut was still in that city.

After the days since Annaliese's recovery, this man had been shocked several times.

First with Mabel's awakening but then with the rapid cultivation advances of Elke, Annaliese, and Viktoria.

In a matter of a few days, they had all significantly raised their soul cultivations!

He still didn't know what was happening, but he had decided to stay in this city longer to observe the Ritter family.

But amid his observation, news of the Ritter Motor Company auction had spread.

After finding out about the chance to become a partner in this company, which seemed very lucrative, he promptly communicated with Mabel's parents about this event.

Mabel's parents had agreed to participate in the auction, and at this moment, Helmut was standing in front of Mabel's only cousin, there to negotiate on behalf of the Rios family.

"Mister Jonas, how was the trip? It is good that you arrived on time." Helmut said to the level 18 man, who was accompanied by two other people of the same level.

Jonas Rios, brown hair, tall and strong, a few centuries older than Mabel, nodded to that subordinate with a smile on his face.

"There were no problems on our trip. This Leopoldine area is truly quite weak. Anyway, how are things locally? I bet several high-level powers are coming in for the Ritter Motor Company auction, right?" He asked.I think you should take a look at

Helmut immediately agreed. "Yes, even Saints are arriving in this city. By my count, at least five families of powers similar to our House Rios' will be in this city for next night's auction."

One of the men in Jonas' group heard this and frowned. "It won't be easy for us to get a share of that company."

"Hmm, it's a good thing I brought lots of gold coins and crystals.

Otherwise, we wouldn't even stand a chance." Jonas sighed.

"But what about the Frost family? We should approach them and try to buy their holdings directly from that family. There will be no competition for us if we follow that plan."


Everyone looked at that man interestedly.


Meanwhile, at the Morning Star Academy...

"Your Highness, I didn't expect you to come here personally," Luis said while standing in front of Klaus.

Meanwhile, the prince was sitting in the chair of the principal of this institution.

Klaus smiled and said. "Luis, you have done a good job here. Acquiring 10% of the Ritter Motor Company was a genius move, so you won't be treated badly in the future."

Luis heard this and soon understood that this prince probably wanted to replace him. "Actually, my deal with Lothur was not as amazing as you imagine, Your Highness.

Lothur has a grudge against the imperial family because of Lars' repeated actions."

"And what does that have to do with it?" Klaus asked without understanding.

"We actually own 10% of the Ritter Motor Company, but we have no voting rights. We are only entitled to the company's profits and participation in investments.

Besides..." He placed the Blood Contract he had signed with Lothur on the table in front of Klaus, showing this prince that things would not be as simple as he would like.

Upon seeing that, Klaus and his men looked at that sheet of paper. They immediately changed their smiling expressions.

"What? But this is outrageous! How could you sign such a bad contract for our family?" Klaus stood up from his seat, angry at this man.

"It was that or nothing, Your Highness. Lothur is very vindictive, so there were no options here." Luis said sincerely before advising. "In fact, if I were you, I would not try to participate in tomorrow's auction.

Lothur's wives haven't forgotten how Lars' men took him. They will definitely not accept your entry into the auction."

"Oh? And who do they think they are?" Klaus closed his fist and slammed it against the table before him. "I am their ruler! What choice do they have? This is my state. If they don't accept our rules, then they should leave.

Not the other way around!"

"Your Highness, let's go to this Ritter family!" One of Klaus' guards said. "I want to see if these girls are bold enough to stop us from anything!"

The others agreed before Klaus made up his mind to go from there to Viktoria, Elke, and Annaliese.

Luis watched this in silence. He could say something and advise them otherwise, but it wouldn't do any good. So he remained silent.

A fool would do something stupid even when warned not to!

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