MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 702 - Attribute Infusion

Chapter 702: Attribute Infusion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Li Yi generously paid the ten-thousand Gold Coin fee and retrieved the Holy Crystal from Naixiu’s hand. Using Attribute Infusion, Li Yi slowly infused the Holy Crystal into the trash White Quality clothes.


The Attribute Infusion was a failure, and the Holy Crystal evaporated...

“What a shame. You need to focus.” Naixiu shook her head regretfully as she issued Li Yi another quest, in which he needed to purchase a ring.

Li Yi brought out his ring and presented it to Naixiu. Once again, Naixiu did not accept it, and instead offered a Holy Crystal for him to infuse.

Again, Li Yi spent ten thousand Gold Coins to receive the Holy Crystal. This time, however, he was greeted with a rainbow-filled light as he successfully Infused the Holy Crystal into the trash White Quality ring.

A huge golden achievement frame popped out, along with a melodious chime.

[Congratulations! You have learned Attribute Infusion and have earned 100 Demonic Reputation Points! You have also obtained the Achievement, Devil’s Advocate!]

All three trash items that Li Yi had experimented on was taken away by Naixiu. By spending only twenty thousand Gold Coins, Li Yi had successfully learned Attribute Infusion.

Attribute Infusion was actually a very simple process. Just like Decomposition, it did not require any tools, only one’s own two hands. Also, it could be done anywhere, at any time, and it was free, practical, and convenient...

After checking the clock, Li Yi realized that he had been there for almost half an hour. He gave his farewells to Naixiu, and based on his memory, he retraced the path he took and made his way back to Aragon’s abode.

Aragon would only head out of Karan City once per day. Any time else, he 1 would be in his house sleeping. Players who wished to have a chat with him in the city would need to be in demon form. Otherwise, he would show no remorse as he pummeled the players.

With only half an hour of the transformation to spare, Li Yi finally reached Aragon’s dwelling.

Li Yi had been proceeding forward along the streets. Due to his current physical state, he was unable to use any of his mounts or skills, otherwise, his transformation would be forcefully dispelled.

Aragon’s abode was a dilapidated straw house. Demonic society was not much different from the human’s, as they were both stratified according to the wealthy and the poor.

The upper-class demons’ most obvious trait was their pair of purple eyes. The Infuser Naixiu was one such upper-class demon, and even among the demons themselves, her position was highly respected.

Aragon, however, was the lowest of the low. His abilities were weak, and while the upper-class lived in mansions that were as huge as palaces, Aragon could only live in a dingy shack.

Within the poverty-stricken area of Karan City.

Aragon laid in his bed and stared emotionlessly at Li Yi. “Human, I really thought that you were too afraid to follow me.”

Li Yi grinned as he pulled over a chair to sit on.

“The demons are a tribe of savage invaders in the eyes of humans, so why weren’t you afraid when you saw me?”

“I had a feeling.” Li Yi gave an extremely dumb reply.

“Hoho...” Aragon chuckled as he got out of bed. He then narrated the history of the Demonic Tribe to Li Yi.

Unlike the history of humanity, the history that Aragon described was far more accurate than what that the humans had recorded.

When the gods created the Pantheon World, they also created tens of thousands of living beings. Among them, the purple-eyed Demons that possessed unbelievably beautiful looks were the creation that made the gods the proudest.

During the early period of the Pantheon World’s creation, all the tribes lived in perfect harmony. This era of peace lasted for thousands of years, and though there were small conflicts every once in a while, there was never a large-scale war.

As a whole, the relationships between each tribe could be said to be quite closely knit. Furthermore, during this period, the perfect ‘demons’ that were created by the gods had taken on the role of the leaders, becoming the envoys of the gods within the mortal plane.

Later on, during a blank era in demonic history, the humans had appeared out of nowhere. Within a period of a thousand years, they had taken over the position of the demons in the hierarchy of leadership and had become the Pantheon World’s newest overlords.

That era was known as the Pantheon Continent’s dark ages. For some reason, the gods had ignored the plight of their messengers, and they did nothing to aid them as the humans slowly replaced them.

Back then, the strongest demons were known as the Seven Demon Kings, and later on, they would come to be known as the Seven Outlander Demon Gods.

At that time, the Demonic Tribe were faced with an extremely dire situation. The originally weak humans had gotten hold of mysterious power, and that power had overwhelmed even the perfect ‘demons’ that the gods had created.

‘Didn’t the gods not say that the demons were their most perfect creations? So, how were the puny humans able to surpass us, the demons’ power?’

In order to unravel the mystery, the Seven Demon Kings got together and headed into Mount Pantheon so that they could question the Pantheon of gods themselves. However, the Seven Demon Kings have since vanished, never to return again. Rumors say that they committed the greatest offense against the Pantheon, entering Mount Pantheon without prior permission. As such, they had long since been sentenced to death by the gods.

With their strongest members, the Seven Demon Kings gone, the Demonic Tribe began to collapse. The demons at that time were no match for the humans who had acquired this mysterious power, and in the end, the wisest of the demon elders had come to a conclusion. They proposed a plan to forcefully open a path to another world and to leave the Pantheon Continent behind. By doing so, the Demonic Tribe would manage to live on.

Not long after, the Demonic Tribe had set the plan into motion. They opened up a path to another world, and moved every demon into it, forming the current Foreignland.

Later on, after an extensive breeding process, the Demonic Tribe regained their former strength. Upon realizing this, they immediately set off to attack the Pantheon Continent, and they massacred all the races indiscriminately. That period of time was known as the Demonic Tribe’s golden age, and during that period, the name — Foreignland’s Seven Demon Gods — struck fear into the hearts of every soul living in the Pantheon Continent.

The Humans, the Orcs, and the Elves had all lost in the battles against the Demonic Tribe. The latter was made into the Demonic Tribe’s private slaves whereas the former two had been subjugated. The Demonic Tribe had defeated the hundreds of races in the Pantheon Continent and reigned supreme in the Pantheon World.

A long time later, nearly a thousand years after the Demonic Tribe’s slaughter, a few powerful figures had appeared within humanity. It was at that time that the heroes such as Augustus and Emperor Lan had come into being. Despite that, they were relatively unknown back then, and one could even say that they were hiding in the dark. It was only after the Demonic Tribe had been pushed back into Foreignland did their names finally make a mark in history.

They were called all sorts of names, such as the Heroes of Humanity, the Slayer of Demons, the Legendary Sword Saint, the Divine Punisher, the Holy Light Envoy, and many more.

“For the Demonic Tribe, their attack on the Pantheon Continent had only been an attempt to reclaim their home. However, for the humans, the Demonic Tribe was akin to Evil, and as such, they needed to be disposed of.”

Aragon raised his brow. “Human, what’s your take on the matter?”

Li Yi answered, “The Demonic Tribe is evil, and they must be dealt with.”

“Hahaha...” Aragon laughed out loud.

“As expected, one’s stance on the matter can really affect their judgment...”

Aragon continued to talk about the Demonic Tribe’s history, and Li Yi constantly clicked his fingernails as he listened to Aragon’s speech. He had already heard the story once in his past life, and even then, it did not interest him. However, that was how the game had been set up, and in order to obtain Aragon’s trust, he needed to endure the lengthy sermon.

He took a quick glance at the clock, and realized that there were only 6 minutes left until his transformation ended...

“Mr Aragon, I just remembered that I have a matter to attend to. I’m afraid I’ll have to leave as I need to complete this now. Let’s continue this chat on another day, alright?” Li Yi stood up from his chair, interrupting Aragon’s speech.

Li Yi had spent too much time learning Attribute Infusion, and because of it, he no longer had enough to finish Aragon’s speech in one session. Should he continue to listen any longer, his transformation would vanish, and Aragon’s Affinity towards him would drop, despite Aragon’s Neutral disposition. Recovering that lost Affinity was not an easy task, and as such, Li Yi would like to avoid it as much as possible.

Li Yi’s sudden interruption triggered a tinge of anger on Aragon’s face, but in the end, Aragon had reluctantly agreed.

Li Yi promptly left Aragon’s straw house. At breakneck speed, Li Yi made various twists and turns as he made his way into an old straw house in the slums.

The house was empty and devoid of all furniture. If any player were to complete all the quests issued by Aragon once he finished his speech, he would tell them that the abandoned straw house was the safest place in Karan City. As long as the players were there, they would be safe from all demon attacks.

The moment Li Yi entered the straw house, his demon form vanished.

‘Safe at last.’

Li Yi heaved a heavy sigh.

Within the Sixth Demon God’s territory, players were forbidden from using any forms of Spatial Transportation, and be it the Return City Stone, King’s Order, or even the Dungeon Escape Scroll, they were all useless there. There were only two means of leaving the place. One was to suicide and get sent back to the Capital, and the other, was to bravely walk out of the area!

Players who chose to return to the Celestial Capital would definitely lose 1 level, and if their luck was awful, they would even lose 5 levels. It was for that reason that Li Yi hastily left Aragon’s humble abode.

Although Aragon would not attack players, the same could not be said for the other demons as once the transformation timed out, Aragon would forcefully chase players out of his house...

Li Yi sat cross-legged in ‘Karan City’s Safest Shack’ and took out all 36 of his Holy Crystals.

The mystifying brilliant Holy Crystals laid in his palms, filling the little house with its scintillating brilliance.

Li Yi took out his Orange Quality Bow and placed it onto the ground. After sucking in a deep breath and with rainbow lights still streaming out of his palms, Li Yi slowly infused one of the Holy Crystals into the bow.

One of the greatest advantages of learning Attribute Infusion was the option to turn non-Holy Equipment into Holy ones.

While infusing the Holy Crystal into the bow, the Orange Quality Bow’s surface began to light up.

“This power, how mysterious...”


The Hunter Goddess popped out from the Orange Quality Bow and stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of her.

“This power is indeed formidable, but it definitely isn’t the power of a god. How strange...”

The Hunter Goddess mumbled to herself. From the looks of it, she did not seem to be familiar with Holy Power.


Li Yi completely infused the Holy Crystal into the Orange Quality Bow. After a series of vigorous flashes, a System Notification popped out.

[Congratulations! You have successfully infused your weapon!]

[Gift of the Hunter Goddess, the Wrath of the Stars (Orange Quality, Holy +1)]

At that instant, the Hunter Goddess’ eyes suddenly lit up. In an excited tone, she stated, “I sense an increase in the Wrath of the Stars’ attributes!”

Li Yi chuckled as he took another Holy Crystal to infuse it into the Orange Quality Bow.

After all, how could a measly Holy +1 fulfil Li Yi’s standards?

This was just the beginning!


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