MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 737 - Tactics

Chapter 737: Tactics

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

May 15th, Foreignland, the Seventh Demon God Altar.

Li Yi, Brother Windcloud Nine, the Iron Alliance, and the Windcloud Clan’s tens of thousands of elites gathered here to siege the Seventh Demon God Altar.

The Fluttering Snow Alliance had yet to show their faces, but Li Yi and his people had not made their move. It was a summit, discussing tactical strategies.

In terms of ability, the Iron Alliance did not have much of an upper hand against the Fluttering Snow Alliance. The Iron Alliance had the Windcloud Clan backing them, but the Fluttering Snow Alliance had the support of multiple guilds. The coming battle was going to be a close match.

Should they strike now?

What if the other party ambushed them?

These questions burned in Li Yi’s mind.

Fast forward to the afternoon, the Iron Alliance had yet to begin the battle. The band of leaders were still sitting together in a heated discussion.

Tapping on his shield, Little Drunk Cat’s impulsive Mad Dragon ran to ask Li Yi, “Guild Master, when do we fight?”


“Make it quick then, I can’t wait any longer.”

Flashing a smile, Li Yi removed the bow from his back and gently caressed it.

The current Orange Quality Bow was shimmering in rainbow colors. A slight waver would drag these dreamy rainbow colors along. The change in the appearance was drastic. While it resembled a phoenix before, now, the bow was a phoenix.

It was no longer within the realm of mere resemblance.

The phoenix’s flames engulfed the entire bow and at each end, there were countless flickering stars. One look would cause people to lose themselves.

“The battle begins in ten minutes!” Li Yi ordered.

Battle howls thundered across the sky.

Several thousand main tanks holding wide shields walked in line, spreading out.

This was the human wall protecting the Seventh Demon God Altar. Its purpose was to prevent the Fluttering Snow Alliance’s sneak attack.

Several thousand Wizards stood firm behind this human wall while the other classes got into position by scattering around. Beneath the Seventh Demon God Altar, stood Li Yi and a dozen men.

Buffing up, the dozen walked towards the Seventh Demon God Altar under Li Yi’s guidance.

Tens of thousands of elites were brought in by the Iron Alliance and the Windcloud Clan, but they were not here to kill the Seventh Demon God. Their duty was to prevent the Fluttering Snow Alliance from ambushing them. The killing of the Seventh Demon God was left to the dozen walking up the altar.

Brother Windcloud Nine, Unending Unmatched, Gongsun Chuqian, Little Elf from the Magical Realm, Flower Underpants, Fang Jie, Windcloud Killer, Pale Blue Elegance…

The dozen Territory Masters strutted towards the altar and stood behind Li Yi.

The difficulty remained the same regardless of the number of people fighting the Seventh Demon God. With the right tactics, the Seventh Demon God could be defeated by a small party or a large one. Li Yi tasked the remaining elites with blocking the Fluttering Snow Alliance from butting in.

Pretty Good Mood shouted in the Alliance Channel, “Friends who aren’t at the altar, please do not be discouraged. You are equally as important as us. We are responsible for killing the Seventh Demon God, but you face an entity even freakier than the Seventh Demon God, the Fluttering Snow Alliance!

“Leave the Seventh Demon God to us and we leave the Fluttering Snow Alliance to you. It is on you if you can’t defend against them while it’s on our head if we can’t kill the Seventh Demon God. Can you handle this responsibility?”

Pretty Good Mood was not up on the altar as his talents placed him in a logistical role. However, he had a natural talent in raising morale. Just a few words were enough to ignite the alliance members’ blazing passion.

A brother yelled, “I can if you can but Commander, do you dare to die once?”

“F*ck you!” Pretty Good Mood replied.

A roar of laughter filled the air.

Li Yi hurled a Hunt Target over the Seventh Demon God’s head. The Seventh Demon God did not seem to show any reaction as he stood there staring blankly at the center of the altar.

Li Yi summoned a Water Clone, urging it to charge a Powered-up Arrow side by side with him.

Tch tch tch tch tst —

Tst tst —

Two Powered-up Arrows were fired and headed for the Seventh Demon God.

“Clang! Clang!”

Four black shiny shields emerged around the Seventh Demon God, blocking the two incoming Powered-up Arrows.

This was the Demon God Shield that only a Demon God could master. Its initial damage reduction was 500% and before it dropped to 100%, the attackers would suffer the Demon God Curse.

A black vapor entangled around Li Yi’s body, reducing his HP by half.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm blew on her Orange Quality Piccolo. A single note was sufficient to bring Li Yi’s HP back to full.

“Repulsive ants, you think that you can…”

The Seventh Demon God was on the move. With a flash, he disappeared with Stealth and when he reappeared, the steel tridents he held had speared Brother Windcloud Nine, lifting him into the air.

Li Yi cried out, “Heal, fight!”

“You think you can harm me?”

Tst —


The Seventh Demon God separated his hands, instantly draining all of Brother Windcloud Nine’s 80 thousand HP.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm blew on her piccolo, healing Brother Windcloud Nine fully with three notes.

Seventh Demon God held his steel tridents as he stood upright on the ground, allowing their attacks to hit his Demon God Shield. He raised his head and took a deep breath in.

Tst tst —

Black vapor lingered around the attackers’ body, removing half their HP each time. Little Elf from the Magical Realm and Nirvana Inaction took turns healing. They were the only two pure healbots in the party to challenge the Seventh Demon God. All healing duties rested on them.

Unending Unmatched Charged ahead, swinging his Shieldsword to strike the Seventh Demon God in the back.

Tst —


The Demon God Shield blocked the Shieldsword, but black smoke rose from the spot where it was stuck, dispersing in the wind.

“What a great weapon. Shame though, it can’t harm me.”

The Seventh Demon God reentered Stealth and when he reemerged, it was Unending Unmatched at the end of the trident.

Li Yi barked, “Initiate Shield Wall!”

Tst —

The Seventh Demon God separated his hands, dealing [-276,666] damage to Unending Unmatched. His HP was not as high as Brother Windcloud Nine, but he triumphed in quality as his Territory Skill was Absolute Defense.

The Seventh Demon God resumed his gazing afar stance, but his steel tridents were shimmering with a strange glow.


Li Yi’s roar urged the party to follow his footsteps in stepping back.

The party had just retreated when the Seventh Demon God plunged his two tridents into the ground, creating dark shockwaves. The shockwaves spread out and destroyed the altar’s pillars.

If they had not evaded in time, this move would have wiped out the whole party.


“Bp bp bp bp bp!”

Steadying his hand, Li Yi fired a round of Overlord Arrows at the Seventh Demon God.

During the battle with the Seventh Demon God, he would randomly grab a still player for a Garotte. So apart from the main tanks, the other classes had to run around to avoid being captured. The main tanks kept still intending to be caught to protect others from becoming the victim.

Li Yi chose not to use Powered-up Arrows to prevent Seventh Demon God from grabbing him.

“Despicable beings, what short lives you live! Bow down to me and I will grant you eternal life!”

Seventh Demon God coldly spoke before spreading his arms apart. His body levitated into the air and he disappeared.

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