MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 755 - Disappearing Wind

Chapter 755: Disappearing Wind

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Ancient King Series Dungeon had eighteen 5-man dungeons, five group dungeons, and two secret dungeons, making it twenty-five dungeons altogether divided between Level 100 – 200.

Ancient King Series Dungeon was unique and peculiar. Apart from the five group dungeons where random equipment fragments were dropped, there was exclusive equipment in each of the dungeons. For example, the Frost Graveyard produced the Frost Emperor Equipment Set whereas the Eternal Light produced the Light Emperor Equipment Set.

There were twenty different series of Emperor Equipment Sets from twenty dungeons. However, there was a limit to a person’s strength, collecting all twenty sets would take an eternity.

In his past life, Li Yi only managed to complete the Night Emperor Equipment Set by persevering through the Night Emperor dungeon daily. It took him two years to collect all the parts.

Out of all the Ancient King Series Dungeon, the easiest sets were the Frost Emperor and Light Emperor Equipment Sets due to how short they were. These two dungeons could be completed in an hour or two.

The rest of the dungeons, excluding these two dungeons, were long-drawn courses, requiring at least three to five hours to complete. Time would drag even longer if one suffered TPK a few times.

Heroic Mode was only reset once a day. Even if Emperor’s Invitations (Single-use item dropped by Emperor bosses used to reset Heroic Mode dungeons once) were purchased at a high price, the time constraint discouraged multiple attempts in a day.

In his past life, the fastest player to assemble a whole set was Brother Windcloud Nine. He collected the whole Impartial Guardian Emperor Equipment Set in six months.

Brother Windcloud Nine hired men and splurged on Emperor’s Invitations, spending incalculable energy and finances yet it still took him six months. It went to show how precious the Emperor series equipment could be.

Due to the uniqueness of Ancient King Series Dungeon, players would have to choose a few dungeons to tackle as it was out of the question to be an expert in all twenty-five dungeons.

Li Yi was most proficient in five of Ancient King Series Dungeons — Frost Graveyard, Eternal Light, Wild Fury, Disappearing Wind, and Night Emperor, which he could do with his eyes closed.

Apart from these five dungeons, he knew the strategy to clear the rest of the dungeons but was far from an expert in them.

Knowing and doing was two separate matters. It was the same as Li Yi knowing that aeroplanes flew but operating one, on the other hand, was a problem.


He was leading Alleria for a stroll in Silvermoon City when he saw the first kill announcement for the Disappearing Wind in Heroic Mode published in the World Channel. It left a bad taste in Li Yi’s mouth.

This was one of the dungeons he was most proficient in and it was snatched right out of his hands.

Although, it could not be considered as being snatched away. If Li Yi was playing, so were other people. The dungeons were opened to all players, and it was up to one’s capability to take home the win.

The Disappearing Wind dungeon was a long course which took at least seven or eight hours to complete. The Heroic Mode of the Ancient King Series Dungeon was forcefully reset at midnight. In other words, no matter if a player was still in the midst of clearing the dungeon, the dungeon would reset when the clock struck twelve, teleporting out all players within by force.

Just as Li Yi was about to leave Silvermoon City with Alleria, another first kill announcement appeared in the World Channel. The first kill of the 5-man dungeon Spellking’s Tomb in Hero Mode was achieved!

However, this time, Li Yi was both dejected and excited by the news. The reason was simple, the party that seized the first kill of the Spellking’s Tomb in Hero Mode was Jiaojiao’s team.

The five girls had achieved the Spellking’s Tomb dungeon’s first kill!

“Die, hahahahaha. Die, hahahahaha...”

Li Yi tried to contact Jiaojiao, but her arrogant roar of laughter left him speechless.

So, they took the Spellking’s Tomb’s first kill, why the arrogance?

“Die, hahahaha. Lil Yi’zi, do you want me to carry you in the dungeon tomorrow?”

“Go play in your corner!”

Before he logged out, Li Yi contacted Little Elf from the Magical Realm to have her accompany him to clear a dungeon the next day.

When he logged on the next day, Li Yi went forth to the Disappearing Wind dungeon and waited at the entrance for half an hour before Little Elf from the Magical Realm arrived.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm and Jiaojiao had cleared the Disappearing Wind dungeon in Normal Mode so if she was made the leader, they could immediately go for Heroic Mode.

With the duo entering the dungeon, Li Yi let out Alleria and handed the Orange Quality Shield he had to her.

Li Yi had entrusted Snickersnee to create three Orange Quality equipment and one of them, an Orange Quality Quarterstaff, was given to Chen Yang. He has been keeping the remaining Orange Quality Shield and Orange Quality Staff.

[Earth Goddess’ Shield (Orange Quality, Legendary)]

[Level requirement: 110]

[+50000 P-DEF]

[+50000 M-DEF]

[Geocentric Force (special effect): Immune towards repelling type of external mobility effects.]

[Earth Protection (special effect): Double DEF value will rise at the decease of character’s HP.]

[Titan’s Flesh (special effect): Reduces 30% damage.]

[Goddess’ Favor (special skill): Recovers HP and mana by 30%. It can be used once every 20 seconds.]

[Note: This is my strength. Worship me, mortal!]

[From, Earth Goddess]


The Earth Goddess’ Shield had strong attributes and it would be, without a doubt, up for grabs by many main tanks if it was sold in the Auction House.

Li Yi chose not to sell it because when he had Snickersnee forge the shield, his intention was to give it to Alleria.

An Orange Quality item, prior to use, would be ‘sealed’. Once it was used, it would be locked with the user’s soul. In other words, no one else could use it.

Li Yi’s action of gifting the Orange Quality Shield to Alleria meant that the shield could not be used by others, even if, he was to retrieve the shield in the future. The most he could do was decompose the weapon for raw materials.

Accepting the Orange Quality Shield, Alleria’s Affinity was boosted up to over 50 thousand points, leaving just a little more before surpassing the Worship state.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm asked in surprise, “Is she your summon beast?”

If she had not witnessed Li Yi summoning Alleria with a summoning stone, Little Elf from the Magical Realm would have thought Alleria was a player...

“Accurately speaking, she’s a... pet,” Li Yi leaned in to whisper in Little Elf from the Magical Realm’s ear.

“Pet?” Little Elf from the Magical Realm was shocked.

Alleria scowled at Li Yi’s words. Li Yi then received a System Notification.

[The Affinity between you and Alleria has dropped by 3 points.]

A price to pay for blowing his horn...

Li Yi told the truth, “Cough, she’s a mercenary I hired.”

“You can get NPCs to fight with you? Can I hire them?” Little Elf from the Magical Realm’s eyes lit up.

“Of course, you can. I’ll take you guys there when we’re done with the first kill.”

“That’s great.”

Li Yi had main tank Alleria armed with Orange Quality Shield to pave the way ahead while he and Little Elf from the Magical Realm followed close behind, stomping on the footprints left behind by Alleria.

The Disappearing Wind dungeon was set in the desert. Fierce winds howled above their heads, stirring bursts of sands to run across their faces, impairing their visuals.

The Disappearing Wind dungeon was a huge map and had a rather strange setting. Players would not meet with any monsters in this desert map and the condition to clear the dungeon was simple.

It was to collect 12 Wind Pearl Fragments and bring them to the Wind Altar which was located in the center of the desert. This series of actions would summon the Wind Emperor and the task was the defeat it.

1 Wind Pearl Fragment would randomly appear anywhere in the desert map. For players to collect all 12, it was imperative to search all over the huge map.

There were no monsters in the desert, but a vicious enemy lay hidden within and that was the Disappearing Winds left behind by Wind Emperor.

The Disappearing Wind was without form. It would appear when a player stepped on it. If luck was on one’s side, the player would be swept up into the air and fall down to the ground. However, bad luck would send out of the desert map. The player would then be determined by the System as failing the challenge, resulting in death.

The Disappearing Wind appeared in various locations in the desert. The number of Disappearing Winds grew with the chances of a Wind Pearl Fragment being hidden in that location.

“I tried this dungeon with Lil Jiao and the other for the whole afternoon. We couldn’t even find one Pearl Fragment and died at least a dozen times,” Little Elf from the Magical Realm helplessly sighed.

Li Yi chuckled, “Do you believe that we’ll clear it this time? Care to bet?”

“Okay, what’s the bet on?”

“Let’s bet...” Li Yi wandered his eyes over Little Elf from the Magical Realm’s body, spurring her to blush and wave her hands about. “I want out.”


Wuu wuu wuu—

Suddenly, Alleria, who was exploring the area, stepped on a Disappearing Wind. A violent tornado swiftly spun with her as the center point. Li Yi was quick to pull Little Elf from the Magical Realm to lie face down on the ground.

The tornado subsided ten seconds later. Alleria was covered with sand and dust but managed to hold her ground steadfastly.

Holding the Earth Goddess’ Shield, she was unaffected by any external forces. The tornado formed by the Disappearing Wind was no exception.

This was the very reason Li Yi was confident they would clear the dungeon.

The two got up from the ground and brushed the dirt off each other.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm covered her mouth. “Thank goodness I didn’t bet with you.”

Li Yi snickered and ordered Alleria to continue their journey.

Alleria became a landmine detector, fearlessly paving the way ahead. Li Yi did nothing while Little Elf from the Magical Realm would heal her during times she stepped onto a wind.

It was not long before the first Wind Pearl Fragment was uncovered. With that, their journey was made easier as using the Wind Pearl Fragment, an arrow appeared in their minimap. The arrow pointed out the direction of the next Wind Pearl Fragment.

“I’ve decided, I want to hire this White Elf called Alleria too.”

Watching as Alleria braved the way ahead, Little Elf from the Magical Realm cast a face of envy.

“That’ll be hard but not impossible. Do you really want her? If you do...”

Wuu wuu wuu—

Before Li Yi could finish, Alleria, who was exploring the way, fell into another windstorm...


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