MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 769 - What’s Up

Chapter 769: What’s Up

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

If Li Yi had not sandbagged, how could Tyrant Sword King the Fifth beat him just because the guy got his hands on “Frost Emperor Equipment”?

When it came down to equipment, Li Yi had three pieces of Demonic God equipment,. When it came down to the Holy Value, he had nearly double the Holy Value of Tyrant Sword King the Fifth. When it came down to skills, he could only be better than Tyrant Sword King the Fifth, never worse.

If Li Yi was not sandbagging, Tyrant Sword King the Fifth would already have ‘

been annihilated.

What was a loss to him?

What Li Yi cared about was the future.

Tyrant Sword King the Fifth had always been trying to stick to Qian’er. He was like that in his past life, he was still like that in this life. Not only that, he even tried to screw with Li Yi out of nowhere. When facing someone like that, could Li Yi really afford to let him off that easy?

Go big or go home!

The reason Li Yi was sandbagging Tyrant Sword King the Fifth was to be able to go big in the future!

In his past life, by this time, the Five Great Enterprises had already heavily invested a huge amount of assets in Pantheon a long time ago. However, in this life, they still have not made a move. Why was that?

After thinking a long time, Li Yi finally had somewhat of a clue.

Maybe it was because he was garnering a bit too much attention this year, constantly suppressing Tyrant Sword King the Fifth. Since the person who initiated the investment in the Shangri-La was him, if he was not doing well inside Pantheon, how would the Wang Enterprise higher-ups trust him with investing their assets?

Tyrant Sword King the Fifth’s style was to lay low, so this whole open challenge to the Invincible Continent was already weird enough. This was completely in contradiction to his personality, so Li Yi predicted that there must have been something else going on behind the scenes.

Although Li Yi was not completely certain that he was correct, he knew one thing for certain – if Tyrant King Sword the Fifth did this, he must be getting desperate.

Brother Windcloud Nine had money, Tyrant Sword King the Fifth also had money, but the way the two spent money was different. If Brother Windcloud Nine wanted to spend money, he would not hold back. If Tyrant Sword King the Fifth wanted to do something, he would slowly deliberate over it before deciding whether to spend money.

If he was spending so many resources to rush out a “Frost Emperor Equipment set, he must have some other goal.

With regard to Tyrant Sword King the Fifth, there was only a single major difference between him in the past life and him in the current life, and that was the Shangri-La stuff.

Li Yi still had not even paid Tyrant Sword King the Fifth back for when that bastard tried to use the Bedroomphoto-gate to take him down. The whole reason for his delayed reaction was because if he had made a move before Shangri-La, he would be letting this brat off too easy.

If he wanted to, he had to wait till all the Shangri-La assets are invested. Then, he would be able to annihilate this bastard without any chance of a comeback!

That was what Li Yi was thinking.

So what if he killed that bastard once now? If things did not go well, it might even foil his master plan. So why not just sandbag him once and let his fame start to spread? With that, his backers would start to trust in him more, and he would also have more assets to do what he wants.

In the past life, if Li Yi remembered correctly, Tyrant Sword King the Fifth’s individual wealth was valued at over a hundred billion. That was due to the profits of the whole Shangri-La venture.

If he was given some room for development, surely he would be able to show off his true abilities.

By sandbagging him now, and giving him a mediocre piece of equipment, he would start to get arrogant. Only then, would Li Yi be able to get the big fish.

Furthermore, doing this also had another advantage. This battle had also promoted the idea that the Emperor Equipment Sets were invincible, causing a lot of players in the Foreignlands to rush over to the Emperor’s Capital. This gave Li Yi a much easier time in the Foreignlands.

With less competition, the rate of leveling up would also increase.

A lot of the people around Li Yi could not understand him. Most of the Invincible Continent players also could not understand him. Without even getting an excuse, they could not believe that their invincible idol had perished.

However, naturally, this was not the sort of thing Li Yi could just simply explain to the masses. All in all, he had just left them on their own. No matter if they were suspicious or enraged, it had nothing to do with him. He just wanted to silently level up on his own.

A lot of Li Yi’s close friends also started sending him some PMs to comfort him. Li Yi replied all of them in the same manner, telling them that he wanted to engage in some close-door grinding1. If they did not have any urgent issues, he asked them not to bother him.

When the clip of Li Yi and Tyrant Sword King the Fifth’s went viral, Tyrant Sword King the Fifth’s name started spreading even more. Since Li Yi was called the “God of Archery”, now Tyrant Sword King the Fifth also had a new nickname – the “Unparalleled Sword God”.

Li Yi’s reputation being affected was something that was bound to happen. For every winner, there was also a loser. Although Li Yi had only lost this single match, in the widespread discussion threads, the players made it sound like he had never won a match before.

Maybe that was what they meant by “All it takes is one bad day”...

Li Yi intentionally sandbagging was not something that he had told anyone. That was something he kept private to himself. Before his master plan was complete, he vowed that he would not tell a soul.

However, there was one person’s reactions that shocked him quite a bit.

It was Huashan Guild’s Third-in-charge — Fengxi!

As Li Yi headed to the Foreignlands to grind, he had bumped into Fengxi at the Path of Darkness. At that time, Fengxi merely uttered a single line at him, “That’s a big fish you got there.”

The Path of Darkness did not have any bodies of water nearby and Fengxi was not holding a fishing rod. In addition, this was something he said to Li Yi in a PM...

Li Yi was quite shocked. However, Fengxi did not elaborate further. He merely chuckled before walking away.

‘What the hell did that line mean? Is it a coincidence? Or...’

Due to Fengxi’s single sentence, it became the single thought Li Yi had when he was grinding in the Demonic Forest. In the end, he could not resist his curiosity as he contacted Scumbag Wang.

“What’s up with your Third Brother?”

“What’s up?

“I mean in terms of IQ.”

“It’s too damn high! Ol’ Dark, you’d better not try any funny sh*t with my Third Brother, otherwise you’ll definitely be reeling in losses.

“You don’t believe me? Let me tell you a story.”

Leader Scum got into the mood...

“I remember one time, me and my Third Brother went out to kill a target. Back then, my original plan was to just kill off this piece of sh*t and get it over with! But my Third Brother stopped me. He suggested that we first kill all the innocent bystanders and passers-y in the area.

“We’re just killing out nemesis, what did everyone else have to do with this? I had no idea, but I definitely trust in my Third Brother’s intellect. So, I followed him and killed a bunch of innocent bystanders... Hehe, can you guess what happened next?”

“What happened?”

“Those innocent bystanders could not finish us, so they started raging all about. Then they started having an engagement with our dear nemesis. Sigh, that heated chaotic battle was something that provided entertainment for me and my Third Brother for quite some time...”


“Oh yeah, Ol’ Dark, Do you still have... Have...” Scumbag Wanf suddenly started to stutter.

“Spit it out.”

“That video of Sister Hua... Cough... I wanna keep it as a souvenir, maybe use it for a wank or two.” Scumbag Wang was just that blunt, he would not even try to hide his thoughts.

“Check your inbox tonight.”

“Good man, you’re such a bro! I’ll also send you one tonight! It’s beastiality, with a big male bulldog... It will definitely get you going hehehe...”

“Don’t, I don’t swing that way.”

“That’s unfortunate.”

After talking to Scumbag Wang, Li Yi felt a little sick...


The process of grinding in the Foreignworld was a little boring, but to Li Yi, he had already gotten used to these sorts of things.

By using the Mermaid Princess to gather the mobs, Li Yi could level up at miraculous speeds. However, due to him killing the mobs too quickly, he had to rotate to another area as soon as he fired a shot. Otherwise, the respawn rate could not keep up to his kills.

Thanks to the graciousness of Tyrant Sword King the Fifth, the number of players still in the Foreignlands was actually quite low. Most of the players have rotated over to the Emperor’s Capital, given that they were all farming for the Emperor’s Equipment set.

If one were to make a comparison, both the Demonic God Equipment Set and the Emperor Equipment Set had their strengths. The Demonic God Equipment Set was better in terms of enhancing skills and attributes. Having super high attributes and super OP skill levels was something only the Demonic God Equipment Set could achieve.

On the other hand, the Emperor Equipment Set was different from the Demonic God Equipment Set. The Emperor Equipment Set was good in a sense that it could allow players who have not mastered their Territory Power to use Territory, but solely based on the attributes added from the equipment, it was definitely worse off than the Demonic God Equipment set.

In King of Pantheon, the majority of the players did not know how to use their Territory Powers. If they used Demonic God Equipment without knowing how to use their Territory Power, it would be useless. Hence, when the players saw the availability of the Emperor Equipment Set, they all gave up on farming in the Foreignlands.

The Demonic God Equipment Set was suited for the high-tier players, whereas the Emperor Equipment Set was more suited for the masses.

No matter what, the players’ progress was not something that could be stopped. Just a while ago, Li Yi and the gang were the only ones over at Sin City. Now, it had already turned into one of the biggest homebase for players, with nearly millions of players wandering around Sin City at any given moment.

Every single day, there were countless players joining the Defiants’ Confederation, but within the group, less and less players were able to hire an NPC. The reason was simple. There were too many people, even killing quests could not be completed due to the lack of monsters. How would the players even raise Affinity levels this way?

Luckily, before this surge of players entered the Foreignlands, Li Yi had already helped his girls to deal with everything.


As the Mermaid Princess’ beautiful singing voice rang out, the mobs around the area all gathered around...

“Hey! Wataah! Hwacha!”

The Panda Warrior was summoned by Li YI. He was the second pawn hired by L Yi. As a sole DPS, Li YI naturally could not start grinding the levels without him.

After a series of Whirlwind Kicks and Blasts of Qi, all the mobs started dropping to the ground.

Unlike Ophelia, the Panda Warrior’s DEF was only average, but its ATK was terrifying. Furthermore, he also had a unique skill, causing his hits to be Fatal to monsters (excluding bosses) 5% of the time. In other words, it could completely disregard the monsters’ health and cause instant death. Even if a monster had full health, they would also instantly die.

In the Foreignlands where the monsters were all strong, having a Panda Warrior with a “Fatal” skill was definitely practical.

As Li Yi used an all-out Territory Barrier, slowing down the normal mobs to extreme levels. This way, the Panda Warrior could just carefreely DPS.

However, when his Territory Power was almost fully exhausted, Li Yi would dismiss the Panda Warrior, switching over to Ophelia and have her act as the Main Tank.

If only he could summon both Ophelia and Panda Warrior at the same time.

Every time Li Yi switched his Mercenaries, he could not help but think that.

Summoning two Mercenaries was not impossible, it could be done with the help of a single item.

The Champion’s Merit!

It was one of the Foreignlands’ rarest drops.


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