MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 791 - My Master

Chapter 791: My Master

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Lil Yi’zi, join me in bed...”

“I’m busy!”

“Come on. Don’t you want me to...” Jiaojiao’s tone was seductive.

“Maybe next time.” Li Yi’s voice was calm and steady.

“It’s now or never! Log out now!”

“I don’t have the time for it now!” Li Yi struggled inwardly.

“Okay, fine. I’ll bring out the big guns then. I’ll go call Fire Ice and Qian’er over so we can have an orgy!”

“Wait whaaaattt?”

Li Yi shot up from his seat.

“Damn you! I’m going to log in and kill you!”

All Li Yi saw was Jiaojiao pointing her middle finger at him. With a bang, the door to his room was slammed shut.

‘Hmm... Lil Chili seems to be angry. I wonder why? Well, who cares, back to the game.’

Li Yi logged back into the game...

The ground beneath him was pitch-black and the skies above him were murky and ominous. The place he was in was devoid of sunlight, and wails of agony echoed throughout his surroundings as innumerable spirits drifted around. Plenty of sword-wielding skeletons were walking around, along with various other types of undead.

Li Yi was in the Dwelling of the Undead!

Li Yi had used the random ticket to the Seven Secret Places he obtained from the Brawl King Tournament. However, he never would have imagined returning to the Dwelling of the Undead.

He had been here once before, and the biggest prize from that trip was the Orange Quality Weapon he gave Jiaojiao, the Lord of Disaster.

The monsters within the Seven Secret Places would be adjusted according to average levels of most of the current players. As such, since the average player was around Level 140-150 in this phase of the game, most of the monsters here were only around Level 160, which was 10 levels higher than the average player.

Despite being at Level 172, which was way higher than most of the monsters here, Li Yi did not act rashly. Instead, he flitted from shadow to shadow, avoiding the undead and slowly inched towards the Undead Palace Hall in the Depths of the map.

‘I found an Orange Quality Weapon there last time. Now that the monsters have leveled up, I wonder what kind of good loot I’ll find,’ Li Yi was extremely excited.


Two Blade Aura arcs came hurtling at Li Yi, but Li Yi did a swift roll, dodging the blows.

A Blademaster Skeleton had spotted him, and it was repeatedly fired Blade Aura attacks on him.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Li Yi steadily fired his Meteor Arrows as he ran, allowing him to deal massive damage while avoiding the Blade Auras. After ten shots or so, the Blademaster Skeleton fell dead on the ground.

With that kill, Li Yi obtained 100,000 points of EXP.

At present, Li Yi’s Emperor’s Sword already had 24 King’s Marks. All he had to do now was to clear the Tomb of Kings and he could take the sword, head to the Emperor’s Capital, and ascend to the throne of Emperor.

However, due to the special mechanics of the Tomb of Kings, Li Yi currently stood no chance of conquering it. As such, he told The Cat that Sings to seek help from The Mountain. Surprisingly, The Mountain had quickly agreed to help, and thus, Li Yi had set the dungeon attempt two days later.

Although Li Yi was unable to single-handedly take on the Tomb of Kings, it was still necessary for him to power up as much as possible before the dungeon attempt. For this reason, Li Yi had utilized his random ticket to the Seven Secret Places.

It was just that, he did not expect to be sent back to the Dwelling of the Undead.

Li Yi carefully walked forward, and whenever he encountered ‘unpassable’ regions, he would use his Holy Light Talisman and employ corpse-dragging techniques until he finally reached the Land of Slumber.

The ominous palace that towered within the shady woods looked the same as the last time he came. There were no changes whatsoever.

When Li Yi walked into the palace, he noticed the white-haired male that was lying in the coffin had been revived. The Lich, Nar’iz that used to stand guard over him was now within his grasp, and she looked as gentle as a little kitten, allowing the male to caress her.

The white-haired male’s name was displayed above his head in an orange font — Lich King, Ner’zhul.

‘An orange name, it’s a Legendary Boss!’

Li Yi’s eyes lit up in surprise.

Plenty of monsters resided within King of Pantheon. If they were to be ranked based on their colors, excluding the Ruler of Gods, who had a rainbow-colored name, those who had black or orange names were regarded as the strongest.

Black-named monsters signified that they were Ancient-level, while those with orange names were Legendary monsters.

Indeed, the orange name of the Lich King meant that it had Legendary status!

In regards to Legendary status, Pantheon’s official forum had only provided a single line of explanation. [Beings that only exist in legends.]

The Lich, Nar’iz had a purple name, so it was an Epic-level Boss, whereas the white-haired Lich King, Ner’zhul had an orange name, making it a Legendary Boss.

‘Would I be able to defeat all of them?’

After getting over his initial surprise, Li Yi began to analyze the situation before him.

He took out his Divine Looking Glass and keyed in the two bosses’ names. Then, the looking glass displayed their Levels and HP.

[Lich King, Ner’zhul, Level 180. HP: 300 Million!]

[Lich, Nar’iz, Level 170. HP: 100 Million!]

The two bosses had roughly the same HP.

Li Yi took out his Orange Quality Bow and summoned both Freya and Violent Bear King.

Li Yi did not summon Alleria as he was not confident in this battle. He did not want to accidentally kill the White Elf Vagabond as there was no way of reviving her here.

Li Yi had used two of his Holy Light Talismans, which meant that he could only use one more. Should either Freya or Violent Bear King die, he could immediately revive them.

Although Freya’s abnormal status skills were useless against bosses, her ability to deal damage to monsterlings was not to be underestimated. After all, Li Yi did not need her help against bosses.

Freya flew far away and began to sing Sea God’s Song.

Affected by the melody, the monsterlings surrounding them started to gather at her location.

As long as Freya’s song did not stop, the monsterlings would not attack her.

The Lich King and the Lich heard Freya’s song, and they had stood up together to listen more intently.

Li Yi hurled a Hunt Target onto the Lich, Nar’iz’s head. However, the results left him disappointed as all it took was a single wave of her hand to dispel the mark.

“Who dares disrupt the Lich King’s rest?”

The Lich, Nar’iz held up her dual blades and entered Stealth Mode. She was playing as a Thief.

One of the most relieving parts about beginning the battle was that the Lich King, Ner’zhul had only stared at him silently. It appeared as if he had no intentions of joining in.

‘From the looks of it, you want me to defeat Nar’iz before you’ll join, huh?’

A smile crept onto Li Yi’s face as he activated God Mode.

As long as both bosses did not attack simultaneously, Li Yi had an 80% chance of winning the battle!

“Water Clone!”

“Shooting Star Arrow Hail!”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Nar’iz’s Stealth was totally useless against Li Yi’s Sensory for one simple reason. Li Yi’s Level was higher than Nar’iz’s!

The two Li Yis continued firing their Shooting Star Arrow Hails, and like machine guns, they swept across the battlefield, leaving no room for Nar’iz to retreat to...

Before the storm of arrows had even finished firing, the 100 Million HP Nar’iz gave an agonizing wail and slumped onto the ground.


A Vampire Queen’s Devouring Short Sword dropped...


The moment the Lich King saw the scene, he immediately cried out.

He probably had not expected for his strongest subordinate to die that quickly.

“Lalalala... Lalalala...”

Far away from their current position, Freya’s melody continued. Thousands of undead, ranging from vengeful wraiths, zombies, and the like had gathered at her side to listen to her harmonious melody.

Li Yi had personally tested the limits of Freya’s singing before, and only after singing continuously for an entire day did the Lil Mermaid finally show signs of fatigue.

Due to this, Li Yi had no concerns about leaving Freya to attract the monsterlings.

In truth, if Li Yi had not called Freya out to assist him, he would never have defeated Nar’iz that easily, even if he had summoned Onyxia.

The monsterlings of the Dwelling of the Undead had a unique characteristic, in which whenever their leaders were attacked, they would mindlessly rush towards their leaders to save them. Had it only been one or two of them, Li Yi would have no trouble dealing with them. However, when there were over tens of thousands of them, forget Li Yi, even a thousand-man army would be powerless against the horde.

Just like that, Li Yi had easily circumvented the hardest part about facing the bosses in the Dwelling of the Undead. As such, it was no surprise that he had easily defeated Nar’iz.

“Shooting Star Arrow Hail!”

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud...

Before his water clone expired, Li Yi seized the opportunity to attack the Lich King, Ner’zhul.

“You killed Nar’iz! I’ll have your head for that!”

Ner’zhul gave a primal roar, and he produced a strange-looking helmet out of nowhere. He withstood Li Yi’s hail of arrows and put the helmet onto his head.


A black vapor seeped out of the helmet, shrouding his entire body, and hiding his body from view.

Before the black shroud completely enveloped Ner’zhul’s body, Li Yi’s rain of arrows could still do damage. Even if it was a few seconds, Li Yi could already take out over sixty million or so HP. However, once the shroud completely encased Ner’zhul’s body, the arrows were like a rock sinking into the ocean1, having no effect on Ner’zhul.

“Nar’iz! My dear Nar’iz! Don’t you dare die on me! Hurry up and resurrect!”

The black vapor thickened, spreading to an even greater area now. As Ner’zhul continued to howl, a wisp of the black vapor struck the dead Nar’iz’s body.


Something strange occurred. Nar’iz who was dead just moments ago had risen once more, and her health was full as well.

“My master, whether it be my body or my soul, they’ll always belong to you!”

Nar’iz held up the dagger below her and lunged at Li Yi.

With a roar, Violent Bear King shot forward, intercepting Nar’iz.



With a single stab, Violent Bear King was killed.

Her ATK was staggeringly high, and it had even left Li Yi in shock.


In order to deal with the revived Lich, Li Yi was forced to summon the White Elf Vagabond.

“Hahaha, Nar’iz, kill the Archer and make him my slave!’

“Yes, my master!”

Nar’iz shouted and ran towards Alleria.



Alleria had used her shield to block the attack, but even so, it had taken away 80,000 HP from her.

Alleria had 1,000,000 HP, and she was also well versed with healing spells. Due to this, she would have no problems tanking Nar’iz, so long as Li Yi did not take too long fighting Ner’zhul.

Li Yi hopped back three times, steadied himself, targeted the source of the black vapor, and slowly drew back his bow.

“True Overlord Arrow!”

A flaming phoenix extended its wings and plunged into the black vapor...


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