MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 835 - Command the World

Chapter 835: Command the World

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The three-headed demons were all slain under Aragon’s Ten Thousand Lightning Blade, leaving Kolanian the only one standing.

Kolanian had only a thousand HP, but it was completely immune to physical and magical attacks. Simply put, it was invincible!

Kolanian could not be hurt by anything including Forbidden Curses and Territory Skills, even the gods would tremble before it.

According to the official wiki, it had one weakness.

“Only Genghis knows that mysterious weakness.”

Another dragon breath filled with dark elements spat out, Li Yi’s HP hit the bottom and the Panda Fight was automatically recalled. Aragon now stood alone within the Demon God Halls.

“Bam! Bam! Bam!”

The bone spurs were released once more from Genghis.

Aragon’s HP continued to drop, and soon he could not hold on. He bailed before his HP was reduced to zero.

The battle was over...

A disheartened Li Yi lay on Genghis.

He would have nailed this but for the unanticipated appearance of the Demon Dragon.

C’est la vie. One could only blame luck after a failure due to unforeseen circumstances even after ample preparations were made.

Li Yi had the completed Sacramental Stone and thus able to come back to life infinitely. Therefore, it did not matter if he botched the challenge. It would not take long for him to stand up and fight again.

Of course, the Stone was not perfect. Each time its wielder died, some equipment durability would be deducted in exchange for the price of unlimited resurrection.

When the durability was entirely depleted, it served no purpose to be revived again.

After a while, the Demon Dragon left, and the bodies of three-headed demons disappeared altogether.

The Demon God Halls were restored back to the status quo, only a dead body was laying on Genghis.

After ten minutes, Li Yi resurrected on the spot and fired an arrow at Genghis.

“Stinger Arrow!”

Genghis’ heart was large enough to hold more than a dozen players at the same time, which was why Li Yi was able to shoot it. Otherwise, a so-called blind spot would appear, causing him unable to use bows and arrows as a result of being too close to the opponent.

The Stinger Arrow continued to deal damage on Genghis, and Li Yi was inevitably penetrated by the bone spurs, entering an immovable state with Genghis.

With Aragon, the time to knock down Genghis should be reduced by at least half. Without him, he could only slowly grind.

Li Yi summoned Alleria the second time his body recovered. Aragon fled, no one could clean up the minions. Only the white elf could attract their attention.

Alleria held a strong defense whilst carrying her orange-colored shield. As long as the dragon did not appear, she should have no problem repelling the monsters.

Li Yi’s Stinger Arrow was quite formidable, and the intervals in between were just enough to last until the end of the paralysis, which also limited the ability of Genghis to heal indefinitely. Without it, it would be a protracted battle.

Release an arrow, then paralyze, Release an arrow, then paralyze; lather, rinse, repeat. The process was long and monotonous.

Genghis was not designed for soloists. As such, it was not easy.

Every time Li Yi was free from the paralysis, he could only choose to either make one move, launch an attack, or convalesce. Fortunately, Alleria was well versed in healing spells, which relieved him a lot of pressure.

About three hours later, Genghis’ heart started pumping hard. It repeated the same procedure as before and began summoning monsters for aid.

A group of black-winged vampire bats larger than the average human adult appeared from all directions, with no fewer than fifty, blaring and flew toward him in a quick fashion.

The black-winged vampire bat, level 200, good at utilizing sound waves as attacks and adept at sucking blood. Its defense was atrocious and had miserable HP.

“Alleria, contain them!”

“Leave it to me!”

Alleria wielded her shield forward. With an Earth Shield Strike, she aggroed all the black-winged vampire bats in the room.

Genghis had an irregular pattern in summoning monsters. Sometimes hundreds of them, sometimes only one was summoned, adding to the unpredictability.

Those black-winged vampire bats were an annoyance. They would hide in the distance and cast sonic waves when they still had a high amount of HP. When their HP was sufficiently reduced, they would pounce on their prey to suck the blood and replenish their health, after which they would fly away and do it all again.

Alleria blocked left and right while healing herself continuously, and the bat menace was finally contained.

Without Alleria, Li Yi would have wasted a True Overlord Arrow to kill them, slowing down his efforts in killing Genghis.


The black-winged vampire bats had not been totally quelled before another group of three-headed demons joined the ranks. Alleria hollered and used the Earth Shield Strike again to aggro the flock.

Holding two waves of monsters simultaneously, Alleria still had the luxury to heal Li Yi from time to time. It would seem that if another wave of monsters spawned, she would have no problem dealing with them at all.

She would keep them at bay!

Without any worries, Li Yi could fully engage in battle with Genghis. As its heart beat fast, he activated God Mode and launched a round of aggressive attacks.

Water Clone!

Shooting Star Arrow Hail!

Even if Li Yi’s body was perforated by the bone spurs, his clone remained able to launch the Shooting Star Arrow Hail. Only a round of arrows and Genghis lost 400 million HP.

Genghis’ ATK was very strong, but not its defense. Originally, the Water Clone’s Shooting Star Arrow Hail could only deal up to 100 million damage. However, after the arrows landed on Genghis, the damage doubled immediately.

“Territory—Stinger Arrow!”

“Extermination Arrow!”

After Li Yi estimated that there was not much HP left in Genghis, he spread his wings and flew up to launch a final attack on it.

The Stinger Arrow was followed by the Extermination Arrow. This move was incredible. When the target’s HP was less than 20%, there was a 100% chance to kill it.


“Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!”

The gargantuan heart of Genghis violently thudded. Li Yi’s body suddenly turned around in midair and fired an arrow in the speed of lightning toward the entrance of the Demon God Halls.

Genghis instantly croaked, but before that it would launch a move to martyr itself. If one was not vigilant enough, he would be dead before he knew it.

Li Yi brought himself out of the Demon God Halls and waited for about 10 seconds outside before going back in.

The walls were covered in coal black blood. The kamikaze of Genghis was indiscriminate, all its minions lay dead.

Alleria was not spared. Li Yi could not recall her when she was battling.

Li Yi received a system prompt: Announce first kill to general public?


He announced his first kill on the Third Demon God earlier, why make an exception for Genghis?

Name announced!

[Player Dark Wing successfully killed the First Demon God Genghis, greatly weakening the power of demons. The power of all demons dropped by half...]

[100,000 points Reputation Value with various major cities rewarded to all players! System reward 1,000,000 Gold Coins obtained!]

[Recorded in the Pantheon Hall of Fame!]

[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked ‘Terminator of the Demon God’ achievement.]

[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked ‘Demon’s Bane’ achievement.]

[Obtained the Title ‘Demonslayer’.]

[System reward 10 Skill Points obtained!]

[System reward 100 Demon-vanquishing Points obtained!]


Although the First Demon God was not the strongest, it represented the highest authority of the demons, and its death could almost be regarded as the failure of the Demonic Invasion!

[After the First Demon God was wiped out, a minaret shrouded in fog appeared in the mountainous region in the east of the Ninth Continent...]

[The Ancient Dungeon of the Tower of Remorse is officially opened, players are welcomed to the challenge.]


Since the First Demon God died, the second Ancient Dungeon of the game was opened to the public.

Compared to his previous life, the Tower of Remorse was unlocked two years earlier. Li Yi once again sped up the progress of the entire game!

On the World Channel, there were not many who vented their spleen. Some merely left an ellipsis as they were speechless.

“Is it that OP guy again? Not surprising. It would be much more surprising if that turned out otherwise.”

“I already knew that it would be him.”

“No doubt...”


Looking at comments on the World Channel, Li Yi grinned.

To him, being the first to kill the First Demon God was not a thing to be really proud of.

His goal was to become the one and only irreplaceable Ruler of God. How much satisfaction could he gain from such an achievement compared to his goal?

Li Yi went to the place where the heart of Genghis was placed. He searched for loot for a while on the ground and found the only item that Genghis dropped.

It was a huge greatsword black in color with a dramatic appearance. When Li Yi took the black greatsword in his hand, bright orange characters materialized.

The Dragonslayer!1 (TN:

“Son of a—”

Li Yi was astonished...

Genghis would only drop weapons and not other equipment. However, its drop rate for weapons was very low. The Assembled Gods in the previous life hung around for six months and not a thing was dropped.

Li Yi had the privilege of killing it twice in his previous life. Similarly, he returned empty-handed.

In the King of Pantheon, there was said that the First Demon God would not easily drop goods, but it would 100% be an artifact if it did.

The orange-colored black greatsword weighed around 218 pounds. It was the uber legendary weapon that men and women of the Warrior class dreamt of.

[Dragonslayer (Orange-colored, Legendary-level)]

[Equipment Requirement: Wrist STR 99 (Max value, achievable only by Warriors)]

[550,000-1,100,000 Damage]

[STR +5100]

[AGI +1500]

[WIL +1500]

[END +1500]

[ATK SPD 3.0 seconds]

[Shatter (Special Effect): Ignores DEF.]

[Dragon Slaying (special effect): 5% chance to cause instant kill toward members of the Dragon Clan.]

[Skycutter (special effect): Temporarily increases ATK by 100 times (Adjusted to 10 times if aimed at bosses). Single Target. Skill Cooldown: 100 hours]


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