MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 837 - Fall of the Celestial Capital

Chapter 837: Fall of the Celestial Capital

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

With seven Genghises coexisting at the same time, the strength of demons had also increased by seven times!


The country’s officials such as Li Yi and Jiaojiao kept making calls for players from the Invincible Continent to gather round the Celestial Capital.

Main cities could be rebuilt, but if the Celestial Capital was destroyed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Jiaojiao used two King’s Orders in the course of an hour, but the number of players was not ideal, with only a few million. Most of the members from the Iron Alliance had come, but there were very little for the others. The rest did not accept the Order at all.

Among the Three Major Guild Alliance headed by Defiantly Tyrannical, only thousands came, hardly forming a portion of the doped Demonic Army which consisted of billions.

In addition to the Three Major Guild Alliance, there were still many forces that had not come, being busy with demons in their respective main cities.

This Great Monster War was different from the last. Once the main city was occupied, its Castellan would be stripped of its title. If the Castellan could survive the siege assault, his city would not fall. Many defied the Order out of selfish reasons.

“Damn, not even a million people, how do we even win this war?” Confused Fox yelled.

The country’s officials could check the state of the cities and calculate the number of people near those cities. Now there were 7,214,774 players in the vicinity of the Celestial Capital, not even 10 million. Their opponents, on the other hand, were an army of billions whose strength was increased by sevenfold.

“Prepare the Forbidden Curse!” Li Yi hollered.

“Steel-armored Tank at the ready!”

Albeit the great disparity between the numbers of both sides, the crisis was about to come. It would be a certain defeat without a fight, there was no turning back.

“Defend the Celestial Capital!”

Millions of players gathered near the gates and shouted.

“Brother Windcloud Nine from the Ninth Continent has arrived with a million troops!”

“It’s the Brother Nine! Hahaha! He has come!”

“Brother Nine, the glorious and magnificent!”

In such times of crisis, it was every man for himself, which made Li Yi very angry. At this moment, however, there was no time to punish them, and he could only wait until the siege was broken.

Li Yi did not ask Brother Windcloud Nine for help since there was a chance that the demons on steroids might suddenly turn to the Ninth Continent.

If they really did, would he not be hurting Brother Nine’s interests?

However, Li Yi understood that he would bring reinforcements albeit not requested. His character would not tolerate him to sit back and watch as his brothers were in dire straits.

At 4:52 in the afternoon, billions of monsters broke through and arrived at the Celestial Capital.

The Fire-path Forbidden Curse was cast right after their appearance.

Fire-path Forbidden Curse, Ice-path Forbidden Curse, Wind-path Forbidden Curse, Light-path Forbidden Curse!

The demons fell like dominoes, but their numbers were too great. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place...

“Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!”

When the demons charged the gate, millions of players could not resist the onslaught as the army broke through their formation, and the crowd was instantly dispersed by the demons.

Li Yi was capable of fighting millions of enemies, but not billions.

He had slaughtered more than 200 million demons by himself, leveling up to 195 in the process. Even so, he was unable to stop the constant waves of demons, and he fell tragically at the gate.

From the beginning of the battle to his demise, Li Yi had not faltered, as if glued to the gate of the Celestial Capital.

The crazed demons rushed into the Celestial Capital like a freshet, destroying everything in their wake.

Li Yi looked for the opportunity to resurrect and rejoin the battle, but he understood that there was nothing he could do. There were too many of them.

The Celestial Capital of the Invincible Continent, known as the Iron Bucket1, the defense lasted for only an hour before being razed to the ground by billions of monsters.

[The King Invincible Jiaojiao was slain, the Celestial Capital has fallen and captured by the demons...]

[The Executive Officer Dark Wing was slain, the Celestial Capital has fallen and captured by the demons...]

[The Great Lord General Unending Unmatched was slain, the Celestial Capital has fallen and captured by the demons...]

[The Celestial Capital of the Invincible Continent has fallen into ruin!]


The Celestial Capital of the Invincible Continent was completely leveled; they lost!

“Motherf*cker! Come over, Jiaojiao, use the Order!”

Pretty Good Mood lay near the gate, his voice strained from constant shouting.

In order to hold the Celestial Capital, Pretty Good Mood died no less than 30 times. Everything left on him was a pair of undies.

“The Celestial Capital is destroyed, we are in a state of anarchy, hence it’s impossible to really order anyone. The teleportation door cannot be used, and the Return City Stone is not functional...”

“Aaaaaaa...” Pretty Good Mood let out a howl as he lay on the ground.

He had been a commander in the Invincible Continent for several years, and this was the first time it ended in miserable failure.

Billions of monsters stood in the ruins of the Celestial Capital, flaunting and waving their weapons in the air.

The bodies of countless players were all over the place. They tried their best, but was no match.

“Brother, we did our best. We are not the reason we lost. They are simply too strong.”

Brother Windcloud Nine patted Li Yi’s shoulder and sighed slightly.

Brother Windcloud Nine was naked above his waist, only his leg armor was still there. This made him look flustered and embarrassing, but Li Yi was very moved.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. If you hit a wall in reconstruction, remember to talk to me.”

Brother Windcloud Wine brought his people home.

The Celestial Capital of the Invincible Continent had been ruined, it served no purpose for them to linger.

“F*ck! What are the officials doing? So good at showing off but can’t even keep real monsters at bay!”

“Living in their ivory towers and feeding on taxpayers’ money is what they do, like dogs in the manger. Real cretins and chowderheads!”

“Electing the Iron Alliance was a big mistake!”

“That slut was Queen because she slept with Dark Wing. Nothing more but a shallow pin-up in Playboy magazines! Ptui!”

“Sack them before they can spin their bloody yarns!”

“I have seen that coming. Useless officials and rulers who practice action through inaction. The failure was all too normal.”

Sharp condemnations and obloquy flooded the National Channel and the World Channel. There was a fit of raging anger in Li Yi’s heart.

“Don’t blame the officials for not acting. Where were you when the King’s Order was called? Where were you when the demons attacked the Celestial Capital? All of you were saving your own asses in your own cities, and guess what? Our Celestial Capital is no more! Now get off your f*cking high horse!”

Li Yi had never told anyone off on the World Channel, but this time, he could not help it.

If only there were more defenders, if only other forces could make more effort, there would be absolutely no problem in holding the Celestial Capital.

So few answered the Order, yet they felt so self-entitled to rant and pontificate because of their panic and rage after the Capital had fallen to the enemies.

“Dark Wing, watch your mouth. I died seven times defending our Capital and you said I contributed nothing?”

“I died eight times, and my equipment broke several times.”

“I am not saying that you haven’t contributed, I am referring to other officials!”

The World Channel was in chaos again.

Everyone felt self-righteous, everyone felt that the responsibility was not their own.

Looking at the messages, Li Yi was even madder.

Finding out where went wrong, then live and fight another day, and they would not lose again. However, by the looks of these people, it was as if the Iron Alliance was entirely in the wrong and brought no benefits to them since the inception.

Li Yi was unable to tolerate such folly!

Among the three kingdoms in the Pantheon Continent, which nation suffered the least attack? Which country offered most on welfare?

Without a doubt, the Invincible Continent!

“Without Dark Wing, without the Iron Alliance, the Invincible Continent would be nothing!”

“You guys are a pain in the ass. I didn’t see you during the siege, now you are blaming the officials for not contributing. You should check the honor value in the national rankings and observe the officials’ kill count. Y’all will go crimson!”

Once people started hurling insults, others would fight back. They were merely verbal arguments at the beginning. Now, they escalated into a full-scale conflict.

They were to meet each other for a duel!

A civil war that had not happened for a long time, the powder keg exploded as a direct consequence of the siege...

Confused Fox found Li Yi and said, “Dark Wing, what do we do? We have no more exchequers to speak of. Do we really need to resort to crowdfunding to rebuild the Celestial Capital?”

Li Yi shook his head.

Rebuilding the Celestial Capital, he had no such plan for the time being.

“I contributed too, I died more than 50 times, killed more than 10,000 monsters, and lost three pieces of equipment. Why are they still calling me names?”

Jiaojiao felt wronged and bit her lip. She was very unhappy with the river of invectives on the World Channel.

“You are not to be blamed, don’t bother about those airheads,” Li Yi comforted Jiaojiao.

“We’ll dismiss for the time being. We shall reconvene to discuss the reconstruction of the Capital after the demons withdrew.”

Li Yi waved his hand and teleported to the entrance of the Foreignland.

He had the Emperor’s Sword, hence he could ignore the anarchy and remain free to teleport to anywhere within the four Continents.

There were not many demons near the entrance. Li Yi turned into the Lightning Leopard and sneaked around them. He went past the Seventh Demon God Altar to the Demonic Forest.

The strength of the demons had suddenly increased. This was by no means an accident. Although the Celestial Capital was destroyed, he would not die without solving the mystery. Why were they so powerful? What was the reason? If he could not get to the bottom of this, they would have lost without knowing why.

The defeat itself did not matter, but not knowing why they were defeated, this Li Yi could not tolerate.

“Brother Yi, open your private chat, we need to talk.”

On the way the Demon God Castle, Jiaojiao yelled at him on the Alliance Channel.

Li Yi opened as told and received her message.

“Brother Yi, I don’t want to be the King anymore.”

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