Monster Paradise

Chapter 1619 - Elevated to Eighth-Rank!

Chapter 1619 - Elevated to Eighth-Rank!

After putting Royal’s identity token away, Lin Huang tapped open his communications page.

Very soon, he saw two missed call requests. One was from Lin Xin half a month ago. Another one was from eighteen days ago; it was Sword12 who had called.​​

He did not call back right away. Instead, he opened up his message page and checked it.

As expected, he saw the messages that Lin Xin and Sword12 had sent. There was also a message from Buried Heaven, as well as an unfamiliar number.

With some curiosity, he tapped on Lin Xin’s message first.

Only after reading the message did he breathe a sigh of relief.

Initially, he thought Lin Xin might be calling him about some urgent matter. It turned out she was entering the Battlefield of the Dragon Abyss with Xiao Mo and the rest and only wanted to inform him of this.

Lin Huang then opened the message from Sword12.

It was nothing too urgent either. Sword12 was merely informing him that he had sorted everything out for Sword1 and the others. Sword12 also mentioned that he had turned over everything regarding the Sword Alliance to Sword1, and he would now be assisting Sword1 instead.

Lin Huang had anticipated that such a thing might happen.

From Great Heaven’s inheritance memories, he had realized that Swords1 to 10’s functions were more complicated compared to those of the other Sword Servants. Apart from guarding the swordmaster, they were also involved in combat, as well as managing and coordinating all the other Sword Servants. All of that was included in their job scope. Naturally, the girl—Sword8—was excluded.

Lin Huang had previously assigned Sword12 to be responsible for the Sword Alliance as he had been training Wu Hao back then, and Sword12 had the highest authority among the Sword Servants. Sword12 had no inherent work experience of this kind, so he was thrown entirely into the deep end with something far beyond his skills. Since the swordmaster had requested it, he had no choice but to take up the task regardless.

Now that Sword1 and the others had taken over, he was more than happy to be a backseat boss.

After reading over Sword12’s message, Lin Huang thought about it and decided to send a brief reply back to him.

After that, he glanced at the topmost message, which was from Buried Heaven. He skipped it for now and opened the message from the unfamiliar number.

The communicator he had was different from mobile phones on Earth in that there were hardly any messages that were advertis.e.m.e.nt-related.

When Lin Huang saw the stranger’s number, the name that flashed through his mind immediately was, without question, Yang Ling. However, on second thoughts, he remembered that Yang Ling was now dead.

He opened the message with some misgivings.

Only after quickly glancing over the message was he able to ascertain the sender. It was not Yang Ling but Sword1.

This unfamiliar number was Sword1’s new communicator number in the great world.

Sword1 had sent the message to give Lin Huang a brief update on their current situation.

He and the other swordmaster’s guardians had taken over management of the Sword Alliance. Sword12 remained a member of the management team, but no longer had any real authority.

Sword1 also gave a brief description of the future development plans he had drawn up for the Sword Alliance.

Apart from that, he also indicated to Lin Huang that whenever the swordmaster was out, he had to have guardians with him at all times—at least two each time. His position required a show of prestige, after all.

Lin Huang was rendered slightly speechless upon reading this, but he did not directly reject it. Naturally, he knew that Sword1 meant well.

After reading Sword1’s long message, Lin Huang gave it some thought, then replied as well.

He suggested promoting Sword11 and Sword12 to become swordmaster’s guardians.

After all, be it ability or prestige among the Sword Servants, both were imminently qualified.

Sword1 replied almost immediately after the message was sent.

"I’ll arrange it accordingly. Lord Swordmaster does not need to worry."

Only after replying to Sword1 did Lin Huang look at the message from Buried Heaven.

It had been sent just a day ago.

Upon opening it, he only saw two brief sentences.

"I’ll officially perform unification in ten days’ time. If you’d like to witness the ceremony, you can come and watch."

The message came with a star map attached that had coordinates marked on it.

It had to be said that Buried Heaven trusted Lin Huang implicitly.

The process of a Heavenly God’s unification for elevating to become a Lord was very risky. The slightest mistake might see one forever doomed.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, one would only invite one’s closest friends to witness a Heavenly God unification ceremony.

Furthermore, the ceremony’s coordinates were secret and not disclosed to the public.

One must know that if by chance the unification failed, the most minor consequence would be the individual failing to consolidate their Dao seal and being unable to elevate to lord-level forever. The worst-case scenario was that their Dao seal would collapse, and they would immediately disintegrate into smoke and ash.

Lin Huang knew that one of the reasons Buried Heaven had invited him was because he trusted Lin Huang. For another, he thought highly of Lin Huang, so he had specially given him an opportunity to observe the ceremony.

After all, Lin Huang would certainly have to elevate to lord-level in the future, so he would have to go through the unification process as well.

"He sent this yesterday, so I still have nine more days." Lin Huang checked the date and replied to Buried Heaven right away.

"I’ll definitely be there! Let me express my wishes in advance that Master Buried Heaven will succeed in this unification and become a Lord!"

Buried Heaven replied immediately as well after Lin Huang replied.

"Thank you!"

After closing the communications page, Lin Huang scanned his Royal identity token with Divine Telekinesis to check the number of God Territories within. He then came up with a rough time estimate.

"There should be enough time..." He gave this some thought, then set a date reminder on his communicator.

After entering the palace, he adjusted the time to be 10,000 times faster than the outside world again. He then retrieved the half-step Lords’ God Territory Shell Remnants one after the other...

Time went by in the Great Heaven Palace.

As Lin Huang had expected, the refining of all the God Territories was extraordinarily successful.

It did not matter if it was the Bug Tribe’s chaotic half-step Lords’ God Territory Shell Remnants or the half-step Lords’ God Territory Shell Remnants contaminated with Abyssal energy. There was no hindrance to his refining process at all.

This round of closed-door cultivation went on for over eighty-five thousand days.

During this time, he fully refined a total of two-hundred and thirty-nine half-step Lords’ God Territory Shell Remnants.

His combat strength elevated from its initial fifth-rank heavenly god-level all the way to eighth-rank heavenly god-level.

Sensing the number of god sequence chains that he could borrow had skyrocketed to twelve thousand eight hundred chains, Lin Huang had a vague feeling that he might possess sufficient ability to challenge a Lord now.

He raised his brows after looking at the time on the communicator.

"Eight and a half days have passed in the outside world."

This was not too far from what he had anticipated—perhaps a little slower, that was all.

Lin Huang stood up immediately and spent a few minutes familiarizing himself with his massive increase in both power and his God’s soul’s strength. He did not go in-depth, nonetheless, and opened the doors of the Great Heaven Palace.

Since he had given Buried Heaven his word that he would be present at the ceremony, of course, he was not going to break his promise.

Moreover, watching Buried Heaven performing unification would be beneficial to him.

In the future, he would definitely have to do the same to become a Lord. Watching another’s unification procedure could be considered a preview of what he would be doing.

Lin Huang did not waste even a second and teleported out of the Great Heaven Palace. On the way, he activated the spatial dimensional gateway and hastened to the coordinates marked on the star map.

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