Monster Paradise

Chapter 1628 - The Combat God Temple’s Temple Master

Chapter 1628 - The Combat God Temple’s Temple Master

Kratos Star Zone was a galaxy supercl.u.s.ter with a diameter of over 180 million light-years.

If it were viewed from sufficiently far away, the shape of this star zone looked a little like a battle-axe.

This was also the location of the Combat God Temple’s headquarters.

It was Lin Huang’s first time setting foot on this star zone. It was also his first time at the Combat God Temple’s headquarters—the Combat God Shelter.

Looking at the massive palace in front of him that seemed to be built for giants hundreds of meters tall, Lin Huang was somewhat bereft of speech.

The door alone measured at least five hundred meters in height.

"The Combat God Temple’s headquarters is a Dao Weapon left behind from the ancient epoch. It’s said to be the palace of the Giant King of the ancient epoch’s Giant Tribe," Buried Heaven explained off-handedly as if noticing Lin Huang’s confusion.

Both of them made their way slowly to the door. A warrior in silver armor, who was guarding the door, quickly went to announce their arrival.

A moment later, the warrior returned and said to them respectfully, "Please follow me."

Led by the silver-armored warrior, Lin Huang and Buried Heaven made their way into the palace.

After all, this was the Combat God Temple’s headquarters. It would be imprudent for them to invade the place before they had ascertained the facts of the matter—that would be equivalent to a complete falling out with the God Combat Temple.

Right after they stepped into the Combat God Temple, many people in the palace turned their gazes toward them.

Not many were able to identify Lin Huang as Xiu Mu, but almost everyone recognized Buried Heaven.

Of course, Buried Heaven was not using his youthful Primordial form right now, but the muscular form that he displayed to the outside world.

In the crowd, countless people whispered among themselves.

"Is that fellow Buried Heaven?"

"Why is Buried Heaven here at the Combat God Temple?"

"I heard a rumor a few days back that Buried Heaven succeeded in unification and elevated to become a Lord."

"I saw the gossip thread online too. What’s strange is that Death Sickle didn’t deny it, nor did they give a definitive answer."

"I think that’s got to be fake news. If I were Death Sickle’s upper echelons and Buried Heaven really did successfully undergo unification to become a Lord, I’d trumpet it with a foghorn everywhere I went. I’d want everyone in the entire God Territory to know. What’s there to hide?!"

"That’s right. Death Sickle has been so low-key lately. It doesn’t look as if they have a new Lord."

Naturally, Lin Huang and Buried Heaven heard the gossip among the crowd as clear as could be.

Lin Huang felt rather puzzled. He had thought the news about Buried Heaven’s elevation to lord-level had been circulated much earlier. That was because good news like this would usually be announced right away. Furthermore, it was also considered a boost for Death Sickle’s reputation.

"The news of your successful unification hasn’t been announced?" Lin Huang asked rather doubtfully through voice transmission.

"Not yet." Buried Heaven shook his head. "As soon as it’s announced, we’ll have to temporarily shelve the investigation. That’s because the God Territory gaining a new Lord is no small matter. All the major organizations would take turns to congratulate us, and we’d need to host a banquet out of courtesy and invite them... It would be at least half a month before things settle down."

Lin Huang immediately understood Buried Heaven and the few Blood Sickle members’ points of view.

The longer the two cases dragged on—the attempted attack on Buried Heaven, as well as the massacre at Death Sickle’s headquarters—the more difficult it would be to find the murderer.

Buried Heaven and the others had prioritized investigating the truth over Death Sickle’s honor to find the perpetrator as soon as possible.

The warrior in silver armor led Buried Heaven and Lin Huang through the crowd. They ascended a floating staircase and soon came to a cultivation room.

"Please go in, both of you."

There was only a woolen blanket on the floor in the middle of the room. An old man with white hair sat upon it, cross-legged.

Lin Huang identified the man at a glance. This was the Combat God Temple’s current Temple Master—Zhan Guang!

Lin Huang had seen his picture on the internet more than once.

Zhan Guang opened his eyes when the two of them entered, then locked his gaze on Buried Heaven. Only after observing him for a good while did he venture, "So you really have succeeded in unification and elevated to become a Lord, young fellow. I knew I wasn’t mistaken in you."

"Senior Zhan Guang, you praise me too highly," Buried Heaven said respectfully.

Zhan Guang was a veteran Lord. Even the few Blood Sickle members from Death Sickle would have to address him as their senior.

"This is..." Zhan Guang then turned his gaze to Lin Huang. It was not long before he discovered that there was something odd about the young man.

"This humble junior is Xiu Mu. It’s a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you, senior." Lin Huang went forward and offered his greetings.

No matter what, they were still not enemies for now and should not skip the usual formalities.

Zhan Guang scrutinized Lin Huang again and realized that he was still unable to read this young man. He could not help exclaiming, "The younger generation has certainly surpassed the old!

"Please take a seat." Zhan Guang casually brought out a teapoy and arranged the tea service, taking his own time. "Peerless told me there’s something important that you’d like to speak to me about in person? What is it exactly?"

The Peerless mentioned was the Combat God Temple’s Peerless Overlord, whose rank was on par with Buried Heaven.

"During this junior’s unification, a Lord attempted a stealth attack on me..."

Buried Heaven took his seat directly across from Zhan Guang; Lin Huang followed suit and sat beside Buried Heaven.

"Such a thing actually happened?!" Before Buried Heaven could finish speaking, Zhan Guang paused in the middle of what he was doing. Frowning, he asked, "Do you suspect that this was someone from the Combat God Temple?!"

Buried Heaven did not answer this question. Instead, he continued, "Almost the same time as the attempted assault on me, Death Sickle’s headquarters was attacked. Old Sun, who was standing guard, was killed. Besides him, there were also five hundred and thirteen lives lost. Nobody was spared."

Zhan Guang’s expression was one of utter shock when he heard this. "Old Sun, the combat cultivator?! How did he die?"

"There were no traces of battle at all in Death Sickle’s headquarters, nor did Old Sun have any wounds on him. His God’s soul was instantly obliterated," Buried Heaven explained.

"This must have been done by a Lord whose main cultivation path is God’s soul!" Zhan Guang said with certainty, "None of the four Lords from the Combat God Temple are experts in God’s soul techniques, let alone specializing in God’s soul cultivation."

"I know that. However, it’s impossible for there not to be a connection between the two attackers. It’s just too much of a coincidence." Buried Heaven nodded.

"So what you’re saying is that the Lord who tried to attack you is from the Combat God Temple. And he collaborated with another Lord to destroy your headquarters?" Zhan Guang looked at Buried Heaven with a displeased expression.

Although he had always thought well of this junior sitting in front of him, Zhan Guang would definitely turn violent if Buried Heaven dared to slander the Combat God Temple.

"I only suspect this is so; nothing has been confirmed yet." Buried Heaven stared right back at Zhan Guang as well. He had no intention at all of backing down.

The two of them locked gazes for a long time before Zhan Guang finally spoke, "Tell me the reason for your suspicions. If it’s not legitimate, I’ll have no choice but to ask you to leave."

"A few days back, the Combat God Temple discovered the battlefield of a Lord. Your Lords were preparing to explore it. However, there was someone who cited closed-door cultivation as a reason and declined to join in..." Buried Heaven abruptly changed the topic of conversation as soon as he finished speaking. "The Lord who attempted to attack me was wounded."

"Are you suspecting that it was Zhan Zhuo who tried to attack you?" Zhan Guang’s eyes narrowed slightly at this point. "What means do you have to verify your suspicions?"

"He left behind a severed hand," Buried Heaven stated very calmly.

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