Monster Paradise

Chapter 1658 - Lin Huang’s Conjecture

Chapter 1658: Lin Huang’s Conjecture

After killing Black Mountain and the others who had turned into Voids, Lin Huang spread his Divine Telekinesis to scan through the several nearby star zones.

Unexpectedly during the scan, he discovered another Void.

He did not know if Black Mountain and the other Voids had not managed to discover it when they were fighting earlier or if they had noticed its presence but chosen to ignore it.

When Lin Huang appeared in a flash, the lower-rank lord-level Void was still trembling.

Its ability could not be considered particularly powerful. Lin Huang estimated that it had only consolidated four or five seals.

Its eyes brightened when it saw Lin Huang, and it stopped trembling.

Clearly, what it feared was the battle fluctuations from earlier. However, it was not in awe of Lin Huang, whose ability it was unable to probe.

Sensing the other’s intent to kill, Lin Huang did not wait for it to attack but made his move first to gain the advantage. A red gleam shot out of his sleeve and immediately pierced through the Void’s head.

A moment later, he obtained yet another portion of Origin Energy.

Lin Huang spread his Divine Telekinesis again in the Void’s location. After discovering that there were no more Voids in the surrounding star zones, he returned to where the Ricky Star was.

The Coyne Star Zone in the virtual realm had been almost completely destroyed by the massive battle between Black Mountain and Spy.

The Ricky Star had long since been turned into a mass of cosmic dust.

Lin Huang glanced around him and very soon picked a planet that had not been destroyed.

It was a neutron star with an extraordinary gravitational force. In the material realm, it was highly improbable that there would be any living beings on it. It was one of the most uninhabitable stars in the universe.

Lin Huang appeared on the surface of the planet in a flash, then crushed a Virtual Realm Cabin Card.

He summoned the Gate of All Realms and returned to the great world only after making sure that the virtual realm cabin had fully consolidated.

After returning to the material realm, Lin Huang was still in the same initial location he had been at when on the neutron star. He pushed open the door and entered the virtual realm cabin. He removed his storage ring from his finger and placed it on the floor of the room. Then he turned around, opened the door, and left.

Lin Huang summoned the Gate of All Realms again after leaving the virtual realm cabin and entered the virtual realm once more.

As soon as he entered the virtual realm, he pushed open the door immediately and entered the virtual realm cabin.

He picked up the storage ring on the floor.

He had decided to cultivate in the virtual realm cabin this time because he had a new conjecture about the next step in his cultivation, and he was quite eager to verify it.

When he crossed the threshold of ninth-rank heavenly god-level, the Godly Right in his body seemed to have reached satiety and had stopped absorbing any half-step lord-level god sequence chains.

This had also led to the number of god sequence chains his Godly Right could contain reaching its upper limit of fifty-one thousand two hundred chains. Although the total number of god sequence chains in the God Territory within him had surpassed one hundred and eighty thousand chains, due to the limits imposed by the Godly Right, he could only compound fifty-one thousand two hundred god sequence chains outside his God Territory.

Lin Huang had been considering whether or not to elevate to lord-level in this condition; in fact, he had been thinking about the matter for days.

However, for the past few days, he had a vague sense that his Godly Right ought not to be completely satiated yet.

Sitting in the virtual realm cabin with his legs crossed, Lin Huang took out a Lord’s body.

This body belonged to a lower-rank Lord in Black Mountain’s group. It was one of the three lower-rank Lords whom Lin Huang had killed with Mirror.

To be honest, Lin Huang could not tell exactly which one among the three it was.

After taking out the body, Lin Huang pressed his hand against its abdomen and soon retrieved its God Territory.

Before giving this Lord’s body to the Queen Mothers to use as material, he decided to make full use of it first.

Looking at the illusory crystal in his hand that was smaller than half his palm, he hesitated no more and pushed it between his brows with a smack.

The next second, the illusory crystal sank into Lin Huang’s brow and disappeared.

He followed suit with his consciousness and sank into his inner world immediately.

As soon as he entered the God Territory within him, he felt the entire God Territory shaking as if the whole universe were quaking.

A moment later, Lin Huang saw a piercingly bright light unfolding in the far-off starry sky.

After a long time, the white light that had illuminated everything as bright as day finally began to dim.

At the same time, Lin Huang sensed that the God Territory within his body had expanded again.

“It was successful?!” Lin Huang was over the moon. He checked his Godly Right immediately.

As he had expected, the limit for god sequence chains in his Godly Right had finally been triggered. It increased to 51,201 chains, then 51,202 chains, 51,203 chains...

The entire process was slow and steady.

Lin Huang finally completed refining the Lord’s God Territory after goodness knows how long.

The number of god sequence chains that the God Territory in his body could contain had skyrocketed to over two hundred and thirty thousand chains. (The number of god sequence chains in an ordinary Lord’s Kingdom within them far exceeded the number he could invoke using his Dao seal.)

Furthermore, the limit for god sequence chains that the Godly Right in his body could contain had doubled instantaneously. It had skyrocketed to one hundred and two thousand four hundred chains.

However, he could clearly sense that he had not reached his limit yet.

He realized that his previous conjecture was completely accurate. Lin Huang took out the second Lord’s God’s corpse without hesitation and extracted its God Territory from its body.

He then began a new round of refining.

He did not know how long this round of refining took either.

However, the total number of god sequence chains in the God Territory within him had skyrocketed to over two hundred and seventy thousand.

The limit for god sequence chains that his Godly Right could contain had also increased. It had skyrocketed to one hundred and fifty-three thousand six hundred chains.

Lin Huang subsequently refined the God Territories from the remaining two lower-rank Lords’ bodies one after the other.

The unknown lower-rank Lord boosted the total number of god sequence chains within Lin Huang’s body to over sixty thousand chains.

As for the lower-rank Lord with the codename Babble, her God Territory was considerably more powerful. It added another one hundred and twenty thousand god sequence chains to the existing ones within Lin Huang’s body.

At this point, the god sequence chains within Lin Huang’s body had reached over four hundred and sixty thousand in total.

However, Babble’s God Territory did not boost Lin Huang’s Godly Right; it remained at fifty-one thousand two hundred chains.

Refining the two lower-rank Lords’ God Territories had also resulted in the number of god sequence chains that Lin Huang’s Godly Right could contain increasing to two hundred and fifty-six thousand chains. Compared to previously, this was a fivefold increase.

Looking at the remaining two middle-rank Lords’ bodies, Lin Huang did not hesitate any further and extracted their God Territories.

However, he was unable to refine the God Territories after they entered his body.

Instead, they occupied a corner of the God Territory in Lin Huang’s body and went into hiding.

He tried twice, and the result was still the same.

Lin Huang guessed that the middle-rank Lords’ rankings were probably too high, which caused the refining to fail.

Feeling helpless, he had no choice but to give up.

However, he did not come out of closed-door cultivation just yet. Instead, he retrieved the remaining five hundred and twenty-three half-step Lords’ God Territories from his storage ring. He absorbed all of them into the God Territory within him and began a new round of refining.

After a mere moment, Lin Huang smiled wryly and shook his head.

‘As I expected, half-step Lords’ God Territories can’t boost the Godly Right’s containment limit any longer.’

However, Lin Huang did not stop refining this time, as the god sequence chains inside his God Territory were still increasing.

This new round of refining made Lin Huang lose the concept of time entirely.

He was focused heart and soul on the refining process and completely forgot about the passing of time until he had refined all the half-step Lords’ God Territories.

Although there were no changes to his Godly Right at all, this round of refinement boosted the total number of god sequence chains in his God Territory to over six hundred and thirty thousand chains.

When Lin Huang opened his eyes again, he gave a very long exhale.

“It seems I’ll need to use a large number of resources to trade for lower-rank Lords’ God Territories next!”

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