Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

Chapter 234 - Dear Stepmother!

Fu Lan was greeting the guests at the banquet hall’s gate with a pleasant smile, unknown to the commotion of the outside world. If she knew about Xu Mey being President Xu, she’d have already puked blood with anger.

As soon as Xu Mey appeared before her, Fu Lan’s smile stiffened but because of Ye Jie, she had to maintain her pleasant look. But her contorted face made her look ugly. Fu Lan smiled brightly at Ye Jie and disregarded the presence of Xu Mey.

Since she was being such an oblivious person, Xu Mey decided to introduce herself to not just her but to all the people gathered around her. There was no harm in doing that at all. If anything, it was time for her to show her Oscar Winning performance.

"Dear stepmother!" Xu Mey spoke louder than necessary catching the attention of a lot of people around as she pulled Fu Lan in for a hug. It was tight hug making people feel like they were really close. Xu Cheng who stood by Fu Lan’s side had a look of askance as he looked at his daughter’s ever-changing mood. "Did I mention, this ugly look on your face really suits you. It actually compliments your ugly soul." Xu Mey whispered near her ear and keeping her sickly sweet smile, she pulled back. Her comment made Fu Lan’s face black like tar.

"Stepmother, you look so gorgeous in that qipao that I’m super jealous. Oh, wait! I think people might think that you’re my elder sister," hearing Xu Mey’s words a lot of guests around playfully laughed. She was really getting better at this compliment stuff.

"Aw! She’s such a sweetheart." An old lady remarked looking at Xu Mey and Ye Jie could only praise his wife in his heart. He greeted Xu Cheng politely with respect and stood by his side.

"Stepmother, you must be tired of greeting the guests. Forgive this unfilial daughter for coming so late. Leave the rest to this unfilial daughter of yours. You should go and accompany my little sister, she must need you right now." Xu Mey offered as she urged Fu Lan to leave.

Keeping her stiff smile, Fu Lan replied, "No, no. You’re a guest Mey. How can I ask you to do this stuff?" Fu La tried to push Xu Mey away but today, Xu Mey was the pest. She wasn’t going anywhere!

Xu Mey gasped as she held her hand over her heart and spoke ruefully, "Stepmother, just because I’m married that doesn’t mean that I’m a guest now. I’m still your Mey. I’m still the daughter you raised with so much love. And I still consider you as my family." To add another level of effect, her voice choked as tears swam in Xu Mey’s eyes making her seem pitiful to the guests.

"Aiyo, such a sweet girl she is." Another lady spoke up.

"Fu Lan, let the young lady take your place. You should go to check on Liqing." Another old lady suggested.

Seeing them all taking Xu Mey’s side, Fu Lan seethed in fury but she could only swallow it back down. With a belly full of anger, she turned to leave.

Out of nowhere, Xu Mey stuck her foot in her way making her trip over. "Ah!" Fu Lan screamed as she fell to the ground on all four.

Xu Mey muffled her laugh as she held her arms acting anxiously. "Stepmother, are you alright? Aiyo! Are you that excited to see Liqing that you tripped over your own qipao?" Someone giggled from the side making Fu Lan’s rage to reach a pinnacle. "Walk carefully! We wouldn’t want you to get hurt now, would we?"

"You!" Fu Lan gritted her teeth and pointed a finger at her.

Xu Mey held her pointed finger and whispered softly, "What? Wanna take revenge? Better yet take care of your daughter. I have plenty of surprises for you to watch. Her poor heart might not be able to bear this much attack from my side." Xu Mey winked devilishly and helped her up.

"Wow! That was some level of acting!" Xu Cheng commented when Fu Lan was out of hearing range.

Xu Mey covered her mouth with her hand in shock. "Dad! How can you say that? I was trying to be such a good daughter to my lovely stepmother." Her sarcasm was completely unmasked making Xu Cheng shook his head.

"You should go! She’ll keep looking this way," Xu Mey told her father and made him leave her alone with Ye Jie.

"Ah-Jie, was I good?" She looked up to Ye Jie as if asking for praises and approval.

"Baby," Ye Jie fixed her strands of hair and said, "You’re always good at whatever you do and I love your way of doing things."

Xu Mey grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Sheesh! Ah-Jie always knows what to say. Such a sweet mouth!"

"Well, how do you know that my mouth is sweet? Have you tasted it?" Ye Jie asked keeping a solemn look.

"I certainly have tasted it. It’s mine to taste anyway. And I must say, it’s too addicting." Xu Mey replied sassily.

"But baby," Ye Jie came closer to her face, "You haven’t tasted it tonight. So, you really can’t tell whether it’s sweet or not?" Although his face was serious, Xu Mey’s heart was not. It was in complete disarray because of his words.

Both were unbeknownst to the fact that a few reporters had made their way inside the venue and were snapping away the PDA moments between the couple with zeal. It was like hitting jackpot for them. Xu Mey’s blush was priceless while Ye Jie’s smile was out of this world.

"Oi! We are here to take photos of the top star Zhang Jingjing." The reporter smacked his partner’s head.

"Forget her! She’s old news. They, on the other hand, have such good vibes. I must say, they are better looking than those celebrities." The partner replied as he kept clicking photos.

They both complimented each other so well that even the reporter had no argument to make. The way they looked at each other seemed like as if there were flowers blooming all around them leaving them in their own cocoon.

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