Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

Chapter 278 - For Being Mine

Coming back to our dearest couple, keeping his words, Ye Jie took Xu Mey for a vacation over the weekend. While riding the car, Xu Mey kept asking him about the details related to their stay but he kept his mouth shut. Seeing Ye Jie being so secretive about everything, she decided to just wait patiently.

As they came closer, she could hear the sound of the waves as the wind caressed her face gently. It had been years since the last time she had a chance to come to a beach for some leisure time.

When Ye Jie parked the car, Xu Mey was frowning. She climbed down and looked around at her surroundings. They stood at the door of a beautiful mansion on a secluded side of the beach. This probably was the most scenic view of the beach and looking at Ye Jie’s smile, Xu Mey ran up to hug him as she said, "I’m so glad that you actually rent this mansion for us."

"I’m glad that you liked it but baby," he looked down into her eyes and added, "I didn’t rent it."

"Huh?" Xu Mey was confused. Did he just bring her to show this luxurious beach mansion? Why was she so excited then? What a mood spoiler!

Seeing her fifty shades of expressions in just a moment of silence, Ye Jie was amused. He pinched her nose and pulled her towards a side showing her the nameplate. It read: ’Cherry’s Beach House’.

Xu Mey was dumbfounded to see this. She looked at Ye Jie and he answered her, "I didn’t rent it. I just bought it... For my baby."

Xu Mey gasped as she covered her mouth in surprise. "This... This is mine?"

"Do I have another baby? I don’t think so..." Hearing his reply, Xu Mey’s eyes stung with tears as she felt overwhelmed with emotions. Without any warning, Xu Mey’s tears cascaded down like a stream of water.

Ye Jie was baffled by this reaction. He had imagined different expressions but crying wasn’t one of them. He pulled her in his arms and tried to soothe her by rubbing her back gently as he asked, "Baby, why are you crying?"

"Because I’m happy..." He heard her stifled voice as she kept sniveling against his chest. "I didn’t expect you to buy a house for me. I’ve never bought a house under my name in my entire life. So, I still can’t seem to believe that this house is mine."

Ye Jie finally heaved a sigh of relief as he heard her explanation and said, "I thought you didn’t like the house. Anyway, now this house is all yours and this husband was already yours. So, please don’t cry." Xu Mey chuckled a bit between sobbing softly.

Getting out of his embrace, Xu Mey ran around the mansion like a kid in a candy store. From the huge halls to the 5 bedrooms, she saw everything with a big smile plastered on her face. Ye Jie silently watched her skipping around and felt relieved.

"Do you like it?" He asked as she was wandering in the hallways.

"I love it!" Xu Mey exclaimed in reply.

"Do you love the house or the one who bought the house?" Ye Jie gave her an inquiring look making her giggle.

"Mmm... I love both." After pretending to take a moment to think she replied.

Ye Jie wrapped his arms around her waist and asked childishly, "Which one do you love more?"

"Hmm... That’s a tough one," Xu Mey pretended to be in dilemma.

Ye Jie lowered his head to nibble on her earlobe and asked, "Is it really difficult?"

Feeling his tongue licking her earlobe, Xu Mey lost her breath for a moment. "Now, you’re cheating." She whined breathlessly.

Ye Jie dropped soft kisses along her jawline as he reached her lips to catch them for a passionate kiss. He didn’t let her go until she was out of breath completely and whispered, "Am I really cheating?"

"You can’t possibly be comparing yourself to a house." Xu Mey remarked and Ye Jie pulled her even closer to himself.

"Baby, I don’t care if it’s a house. I should always be the number one on your list."

Xu Mey encircled his neck with her dainty arms and said, "Ah-Jie, you’re already on the top. No-one can possibly take your place ever."

Ye Jie was very satisfied with her answer. Lately, he had done everything just to see a smile on her face. And it seemed rather weird to him. He wasn’t the one who would strive to be best for someone else’s sake but for her, he wanted to be better. No! He wanted to be the best in her life. Only by being best, he could offer her the best of everything in this life.

"Ah-Jie, when did you buy this house?" Xu Mey asked while he was lost in thoughts.

"Mm... I bought it when you told me that you love me for the first time. Actually, I bought it for your birthday as a surprise gift but then last night, you said you want to go to the beach. I thought it was better to surprise you now when you least expected to be surprised." Ye Jie answered honestly.

Xu Mey felt her heart warming up again because of him. How was it possible for the same person to make you feel touched every single day? But she knew it was possible when it came to her Ah-Jie. He could make her heart burst with pink bubbles all day long. Perhaps, that’s what love does to people.

"Thank you, Ah-Jie!" She whispered looking into his eyes.

"Huh? For what?" Ye Jie was confused since he didn’t think there was any need for things like thank yous in their relationship. "I’m your husband. It’s my job to get you everything that makes you happy. This house is nothing."

Xu Mey shook her head saying, "Not for the house." Ye Jie frowned a bit and she added, "For being mine. And also, for loving me so much!"

With the ocean waves in the background, both of them held each other in a warm embrace at the terrace of the mansion overlooking the beauty of their surrounding. It was a picturesque moment. A moment two of them would want to frame as a precious memory.


Who knew, there was a third person who shared the same idea as someone clicked the photos and looked at it saying, "Ahhh... These vibes can make anyone envy. One should mind the evil eyes. Haha!"

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