Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 183 - THE DANCE 2

Chapter 183 - THE DANCE 2

For it was not into

my ear you whispered,

but in my heart.

It was not my lips

you kissed,

but my soul.


The next dance I had was with Skye

He took my hand into his own and swayed me into the dance floor while the soft, subtle music played from the orchestra.

The wondrous sound pleasantly filled my ears and I closed my eyes, allowing myself to get carried away.

Just this moment I wanted to enjoy and be happy so I could add this night to one of the most memorable days of my life..

"Happy Birthday, Beatrix, my dear lovely sister." he said and my eyes fluttered open.

"Thank you Skye." I replied, flashing him an appreciative smile.

I continued to listen to the sound of the playing orchestra when all of a sudden I felt the weight of a stare on my shoulder. True, everyone was looking at us on the dance floor but this feeling was different.

That moment my eyes slid to the door where I felt someone was staring at me, a man?entered the door and had his attention directed on me. His face was concealed behind the mask and it completely hid his features.

My pulse quickened and I gasped. He was tall and muscular. The black tuxedo he wore clung to his body, giving him a well-dignified stance. It was hard not to spot him in the sea of people, he was too remarkable not to be noticed.

Looking at him felt like I was looking at Ace. My heart quickened at the thought.

"Something wrong, Beatrix?" Skye asked and when he touched my arms it made me realize I wasn't dancing anymore.

"Sorry, I thought I saw someone familiar." I told him, placing my hand back to his shoulders to resume the dance.

"Are you sure?" He asked, not yet convinced.

"Yes, of course! I'm fine." I replied cheerfully.

I wasn't sure if he believed me but I was thankful when he shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more.

The man standing on the door was gone and a part of me was surprisingly disappointed and sad at the same time. Disappointed that I haven't had a closer look at him and sad, knowing he couldn't be the man I was praying to miraculously come to my birthday and take me to dance.

A soft sigh escaped my lips. Skye stopped moving. If he didn't let go of my hand and land a kiss on my cheeks I would not realize that his turn has ended.

The next dance I shared was with Troy. He greeted me with a happy birthday and I thanked him.

I was already so distracted that I nearly missed a step as we danced. Fortunately, Troy is an expert dancer and a good partner too. He guided me well after I missed a step.

Letting go an inward sigh, I forced myself to focus and not repeatedly think about the man I had seen standing on the entrance. I understand that a part of me was quietly wishing it could be my husband despite knowing it would be impossible.

When I felt I was calm enough and my heart beat normalized, I raised my head and when I did, I saw the man again in the corner of my eyes.

I swallowed hard and turned my head to the direction I saw him but he was gone.

Blinking my eyes several times, I asked myself if it was?just my imagination. My eyes must be playing a trick on me.

The dance ended so soon or perhaps because I wasn't paying much attention to it. Troy kissed me on the cheek before joining the crowd.

Keith stepped in front of me and offered his hand which I gladly took and I let him pull me to the center of the room where we started to waltz.

As we dance, the erratic sound of my heart continues. I couldn't quite comprehend what I felt. It's as if I'm nervous and excited over something I don't even understand.

"Happy birthday, big sister." Keith spoke, waking me up and pulling me away from my burgeoning thoughts.

"Thank you Keith." I replied.

"Something bothering you?" He asked. I was surprised that he easily noticed I was restless.

"I'm sorry, was I that obvious?" I asked. Astonished.

"It was my intuition telling me." He replied. Worried.

A smile stretched on my lips. "I'm fine, Keith." I told him. "Don't worry about me."

We continue to dance in silence. My eyes darted to the crowd in search of the mysterious masked man but he wasn't there.

"Enjoy this night, sister. I promise, this will be your most memorable birthday ever." Keith said in assurance. A mysterious glint playing in his eyes which the mask he wore wasn't able to conceal.

And before I could ask what he meant, the orchestra stopped and so the dance did. He let go of my hand and I regretfully watched him walk away. I was still so consumed with curiosity that I felt sorry for not being able to ask him what his statement was supposed to mean.

Calix arrived and offered his hand to me. I took it and we started to dance as the orchestra began to play another song.

He didn't say anything as we danced. Calix, among my eight brothers, was the silent type, very opposite of Ethan's personality. But he was the gentlest person I've ever met. His mother died when he was a child and he'd grow up depending on no one except himself.

Calix was the youngest and didn't have much in common with the rest of his older brothers even if they are all close, and that perhaps was the reason why he was so shy and introverted.

We danced in silence while both listening to the background song, his hand on my waist while my hand was placed on his shoulders.

Once more, I felt someone's heavy stare on my back and without me even turning around to see, I knew the man I saw entering the door earlier was looking at me now.

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