Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 132: Courting death

Chapter 132: Courting death

And so months passed by.

The Three stayed there. The Food Shelter became as known as the Medical Center. And since the owner was anonymous all the merit was attributed once again to the Rockbells.

Marek's goals have been fulfilled. The two never truly felt it until it happened. But staying here changed them.

The process of growing was continuous. From the stories and wails of the starving at the Food Shelter to the dying breath of the Medical Center.

All was a long tedious assault to their young minds. They even participated in some rescue missions, he commissioned.

They fought, they learned, they understood.

This is war. No.

This was what genocide looked like.

Passing time here, they heard every version, every interpretation in the book, every facet of the Intelligent mind.

They saw love, they saw care, goodness.

They saw fanatism, xenophobia and degeneration.

All were different sides of the same coin and all were something that held truths within them.

Their confused eyes know were shinning with clarity and deep indifference.

In this battlefield, they have learned all they have to learnor almost.

That dayThe Emperor woke up, his eyes focused on a tragedy occurring.

He sighed. As he woke the two kids. As they ate together, their sense of closeness growing in this last month.

"You've grew a lot in these last months."

He had a large smirk on his mouth:

"Today is our last day."

That daythe news of a large tribe being destroyed near the centers reached them. A certain Kimbley destroyed a tribe in a pure genocidal raid!

This dayMarek didn't open the shelters, he only sat by in the Medical Center like in the first day. The two kids by his side. He heard the words of the couple:

"Mister really helped out a lotI am really grateful for your care."

Their eyes were shinning as if they forgot their first awkward encounter with the man. Marek sighed:

'These twoWill never work for a government of any kind.'

He titled his head in desolation:

'That only means I need to conquer their country to have them.'

He sighed:

'Actually it's far easier than convincing them.'

'NoMe precisely because of who I amCan't get them to follow me.'

His eyes were shinning:

'Maybe I should get Trafalgar too'

Suddenly some men were entering and bringing with them an injured man in the doors of death!!!

This man had tattooed arms, Marek sighed:

'Let's see how will this turn out.'

He looked far away:

'Kimbley is on his way tooHmph! It seems the reaper has decided of their fate today'

His eyes were cold.

He looked at the couple do his best to cure the man who would later take their lives.

He waited leisurely, until.

"He is awake?"

"Don't move or you will open up your wounds! Dear come here!!"

"You aren't well enough to move on your own yet!!"

"Somebody!! Get a cart!! This man needs help!"




"We don't have it anymore!!"

The Emperor looked at the scene happening just like in the anime.

"AmestriansState alchemists"

The man suddenly stood up!!!

The Rockbells couple were taken offguard!! The Man looked at them with eyes filled with berserk hatred!!

Yuriy saw Scar arriving and covered for Sarah!! They both felt itthis was the end!!

Yet not one shred of sadness or regret were present in their eyes!!

It was that look that the Emperor was so eager to see.


'And such a shame'

As he was about to attack!!! Two Shuriken downed from above!!! Getting in his way!!

"What do you think you are doing?"

The voice was calm, but each word was embedded in a layer of deep rage.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks!! Feeling the cold breath of death downing on him!!!

He barely escaped a downing blade!! Targeting his neck!!!

He looked up only to find a dark-haired youth, hanging out from a ceiling, like a bat his eyes dark with deep and cold killing intent.

Izuna was having a hard time keeping reign of his emotions.

He looked in front of him to find another youth, with a cruel smirk on.

Reminding him of Kimbley's!!

He had a kunai on his neck.

"Intersting.Since you think you can take people's live that easily."

The man was severly wounded. For regular civilians he was a significant threat. But for trained Shinobi.Not so much.

He was basically at the mercy of the two youth.


The man was delirious yet he was still sane enough to know that if he moved only by inch. It would be the last inch of his life. Madara's eyes turned cold

This was not his first-time taking livesAnd this certainly wouldn't be his last.


His Kunai was about to move to his throat when


The two heard the synced voice of the couple. Izuna and Madara's eyes were wide open as their attention turned on the couple.

"He is clearly delirious. We must get him a sedative!"

Izuna addressed:


"No But!! This is my patient!! His life is my responsibility!"

He was stopped by Sarah's statement.

The two brothers looked at each other before sighing in desperation. They could see the deep unwillingness in each other's eyes, and the great frustration.

This was not the first time they felt that with these people.

Those two were definitely not like them.

No matter how much affection they held for these people.

No matter how much respect.

They lived in two different worlds.

Madara took a deep breath. Before swiftly immobilizing the man and chaining him.

The two left the place. Feeling somewhat down.

Izuna was behind his brother:

"At least they are not injured"

Madara hearing him, spoke severely:

"What about the next time?"

He had a grave tone:

"Those two are courting death."

"Will we always be there to protect them?"

Izuna took a deep breath he knew what his brother was talking about.

But before they could definitely leave.

They heard a doubled voice they couldn't mistake for anyone else's:

"The next time? I would be surprised if they make it to the end of the day!!"

The two kids were surprised on the spot:


Izuna looked at the still sitting man. Madara was the first to react:

"Izuna!! Quick get the Rockbells out of here!!!"

His Impeccable sense could see a mighty foe approaching!!!



I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time. /ThunderDawn

There is up to 15 Chapters of advanced chapters there!!

My discord is available too!! Let's interact more!! I know my readers have some great opinions to share:

Awesome fight awaiting next!!!

I got to introduce Scar and change the tragic fate of the couple!! We will end the arc with a fight!! Before we go back to the naruto world!!

Support me on ******* and get more chapter and spoilers too hhh!!


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