Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 134: Alchemist vs Shinobi

Chapter 134: Alchemist vs Shinobi

Marek was still amused:

"Things got much more complicated!! 4 Against Two now!!! Hahahaha!!!"

His laugh seemed to mock the world!! The Doctors didn't know what to think of this man who still didn't seem willing to move a finger.

"Grand is a body strengthening and metal user. Basically the kind who is the weakest against the Sharingan."

"Comanche is a silver weapon expert.Also a field that is weak against the Sharingan."

"As for the last one."

He locked eyes with the incoming handsome man. Gloves on his hands and a difficult and confused expression on his face as he saw how young those kids were.

"He is a fire user!!"

Suddenly the voice became a tad serious:

"Focus. Do not let your guard down. You are at a disadvantage."

"And you have a Weak Point."

He looked at the doctors.

"Don't let them exploit it!"

The two nodded and disappeared before appearing before the two doctors.

Sarah spoke:

"SorryIt's our fault that!!"

"Shut up!! Now is not time for that."

Madara still kept a cool head.

Analyzing the information, he just received. Izuna was doing the same.

The Emperor's voice sounded again:


Izuna was suddenly startled!! His eyes saw a little change in the air!!! Immediately he threw two shuriken!!

They collided with an invisible projectile in mid air!!!

The two clashed!!!

All the Alchemists were baffled!!

'Fucking Hell!!'

He stopped a sniper shot !!! NoHe saw a snipper shot coming!!

Marek had an approving smile:

"Be aware of HawkeyeShe is in Mustang Shadow wherever he goes."

Hawkeye at the high hill was frozen!! As those Red eyes were now focused on her!!

Izuna's eyes already analyzed the trajectory!! And already deduced her position!!!

She then moved her riffle to the mysterious men's head, only to find him waiving at her cheerfully. The words in his mouth were spelled for her to understand:

'Don't bother with me.Riza.'

Mustang who saw what happened spoke for the first time:

"Are you going to hide behind kids to defend yourself?"

Marek titled his head:

"Believe meFire BoyYou don't want me on this battlefield."

He then looked at the other two:

"Focus. Analyze."

"Let your eyes guide you to victory."

The both took a deep breath.Calculations and tactics going in their mind.


.They screamed!!!

"Izuna!! Escape with the Old Hag and the Old man!!!!"

"I will hold them here!!!"

He spoke to the couple.

"I will be back!!"

Immediately Izuna nodded!! As they both escaped!!!

The Four Alchemist moved!!!

Grand spoke arrogantly:

"How bold of you!! Kid!!"

The Four sped up!! Kimbley roared!!

"Don't let them escape!!!"

Izuna ran as fast as he could with the Rockbells!! As Madara stayed in place!! Shuriken at each of his fingers!!

He used his swift hand speed to make the Shuriken take weird and difficult trajectories!!

"Using weapons against me!! Interesting!!"

A large smirk on!! Comanche unleashed a silver chain from the ground!!! As he intercepted the Shuriken!!

Butas they collided. The Shuriken seemed to lose substance as if they were


Yet at this point it was too late!! They were too focused on a fake clone who cannot even deal damage!!

Arriving in front of the kid Grand punched and seemed to touch nothing!!

"We can still make it!!!"

Kimblee said as he saw the advance that the doctors took!!

On the other side!

Izuna spoke to the couple:

"Mister Rockbell!! Miss Rockbell!! It's been a pleasure to meet you two!!"

The two looked at the little boy who they got to know these last months.

"I am sure we will meet again!!"

Suddenly the Image of Izuna turned blurry!!!

Turned out!! He too was only a basic clone!!!

As the both disappeared in front of their eyes, the smart Alchemists already knew that they've been played!!

SuddenlyThe Bullet and the two Shuriken.Transformed!!!

And the two boys appeared again!!


Madara smirked!! As he looked at he defenseless back of the AlchemistsHe immediately took a scroll and summoned a Fuma Shuriken!!!

With blinding speed he launched his offense!!! It targets Comanche!!!

Only Mustang who was in constant communication with Hawkey cried!!!

"Comance!! Behind you!!!"

Suddenly!!! In the Shadow of the first a second appeared and deviated from his trajectory!!!! Grand's!!

Comanche barely reacted as he rotated around himself!!!

Grand!! Prepared to face the incoming Shuriken with his metal strengthened arm!!

Suddenly!!!The Fuma Shuriken transformed!!!

Turning into Izuna Uchiha!!! The Izuna beside Madara turned illusory too!!

Taken off guard Grand tried to retaliate!! But the Sharingan worked best in close range!!

Nothing of his modest Alchemist body movement could escape a taijutsu expert of the Sharingan!!

Izuna was too close!! Grand was too vulnerable in this situation!! The Moment he was transformed it was already over!! He swiftly evaded his stirike and cut his hand!!!

Before going for his defenseless neck!!!

In the same time!!! Madara also charged in plain speed!! A prideful smirk on!!!

Mustang looking at the kid had the illusion of looking at a certain man.

'The FuhrerTheir expression are alike.'

He took a deep breath before he started launching his attack at The boy!!! Madara's Sharingan already detected the slight change in the air!!


'Pathways.Air PathwaysLeading to me!!'

He had a large smile!!

'So this is how he uses his flame attack'

He broke off in an even more incredible speed!!! His path already modified to escape his attacks!!

Kimbley also started to use his attacks!!

Explosion and Flames raged on the way of Madara!!! Yet his genius mastery of the Sharingan made him evade it all!!!


Finally at an abnormal speed he arrived in front of Comanche, who was still resisting the Fuma Shuriken!!

At that moment!! The both knew his exact position!! If he didn't move and stayed there. He would surely die!!!

There was no doubt about it!! But what was Madara about to do, was outside of their expectation!!

He threw himself arm first at the Fuma Shuiken with his kunai entering in a clash with the Rotating Comanche!!!

As expected, his was thrown away in the air!!!

'He is finally immobile!!!'

The two most powerful alchemist will not miss such an occasion!! They both unleashed their most powerful attacks!!

Immediately an explosion and a powerful flame appeared on the kid!!! Completely destroying him!!!

A charred body descended to the ground!! And as they approached!! Suddenly the body exploded!! As it turned into charred wood!!

They were immediately taken aback!! Only the Lively Mustang remarked another oddity!

"ComancheWhat are those weird paper on your face?"

Comanche who seemed completely unaware, didn't even have time to respond before, the paper started burning!

"And Boom"

An amused voice was heard as the kid reappeared again behind them.

Mustang screamed:


But before he could!!


A large explosion ensued, reducing him to smithereens!!

At the same time!!

Another plop took everyone by surprise. A Headless body fell to the ground!!

Standing beside it!! His blade soaked in blood Izuna Uchiha had a cold smile on.

His red eyes resembling that of the devil.

Who would have thought in a matter of mere seconds!! Two Mighty State Alchemist would meet their doom!!



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