Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 40: Zoldyck Family

Chapter 40: Zoldyck Family

Both of them said the same words as Silva disappeared and Marek looked in the sky, his Saiyan smile still on.

As he continued to observe each of their movement, his cruel smile turned into a crazed one:

'This Family! I will bring her under my orders, even if I have to use Kotamatsukami!!!'

A Mighty dragon formed with Nen was hovering in the Sky. Two old men aboard it.

'Zeno and Maha Zoldyck'

The dragon descended with all it's might on Marek, he lightly elevated his index launching a Ki ball on the tip. The Ki ball cut the dragon in two like it was air. Zeno had a much more crazed expression and Maha became nearly hysterical.

As the old Maha's body using his Nen slowly started growing until he became a bulky warrior!

He punched with all his might, as the figure of an Ashura God appeared behind him. Marek easily stopped his punch, but he continued:

'ImpressiveAt least City Level. Still lower than a Super Devil, tho. But he should know how useless this isWait!!'

Suddenly he felt dizziness overcoming him! As his body started weakning by the second:

'Dammit! He is not just enhancing his body! His true goal is to reinforce the poison I have taken in!'

Suddenly he started coughing as pus came out from his mouth!

'Dammit! This is not a poison! This is an air born virus!! It absorbs vital energy, Nen and Ki included! It will get stronger with time!!'

His power level continued to dangerously drop! As his body started disintegrating, sick from the virus propagation!

Suddenly all the Zoldycks started cornering him as he lost even the abilities in his eyes!

They made him sick! Sick and weak!

So they can kill him!

Still fighting and retaining some fighting strength he kept barely avoiding all their attacks and going for the kill.

But they were too shrewd, too shrewd to let a weakened pray get away!

The fight have gone for a whole day until night appeared and a mess of blood and pus that Marek became, crumbled in front of them.

The Four of them sighed. Silva having lost his left arm. Zeno his right Leg and Maha having a vehement hole in the chest. Illumi already dead.

Maha sighed deeply:

"It seems my time has finally come"

Silva smiled viciously:

"This was the greatest assassination of your life Great Grandfather"

Zeno nodded:

"Even Netero wouldn't hold a candle to 'his weak' state."

He slowly raised his head looking one last time at the sky. Only to open his eyes widely:

'The Moon, why is it red?'

He immediately had his response:

"I am honored by the praise"

Silva, Zeno and the others immediately opened their eyes to find that it was still daytime! And that their mighty foe didn't seem sick in the slightest but he was wearing another set of clothes

Silva sighed :

"It seems we have lost"

"No, you could consider it your win. But still because of that..

Zeno responded:

"-You want us under your service, more than ever.

-You guessed that.

-It was obvious you were testing us from the start.

Marek smiled lightly:

-So you know what's coming next

Silva responded casually:

"Do what you must."

Marek had an appreciative smile:

"I will not change who you are."

All the Zoldycs had all the same expression:


"You will get to kill for the thousands years to come."

Their eyes immediately changed as bloodlust could be seen in their eyes.

'The Art of Assasination is like a passionate craft for them. A craft they are so good at, that they could even kill someone of my realm if I was unprepared.'

"You will Assassinate Gods, Demons, Angels, Monsters."

Deep interest could be seen in their eyes.

"I wouldn't let you kill civilans or innocents.

You will get paid much more in my service.

I will treat Killua well, hell, he will even friends his age. Assasins his age he could actually be friends with.

I will make you much stronger than you are now. You as assasins and martial artists are already as accomplished me. It's only realm that you lack. "

Zeno had a smirk on his face:

"I can't believe someone this strong can be such a brat! You want to make us accept your hypnosis willingly."

Marek replied:

"Don't you think someone as strong as me doesn't have to settle for anything? I have decided to bring you under me, but I also want you to look forward to it. "

Maha laughed:

"What an intersting kid! Even if we somehow get over 'your trick', it won't actually change anything. An assassin who failed his assassination has to suffer the fate of one."

Marek had a curious look:

"So you all find no problem with being under my control?"

Silva smirked:

"Why do you think we haven't killed ourselves yet?"

Hearing him, Marek laughed out loud:

"Good!! Good!! What great subordinates I am about to have!"

His Galactic Magnekyou Sharingan on he flew up in the air as he used:


All the people in the residence had immediately a deep sense of Loyalty towards the man standing there, kneeling in unison.

All the Zoldyck Family.

""""We greet his Majesty"""

He sighed as he remembered what he had to go throught so he could conter that Virus.

Back in time. Immediately sensing the threat of the virus, Marek used his Infinite Tsukoyomi before he his power level could drop!

After that He activated his Magnekyou Sharingan and used his 'Jahanam' (Galactic Fire) to burn himself in mystical green fire!! He felt every inch of his body burn out as he entered a cycle of destruction.

Seeing his Impeding doom, he used the Wrath-State to use his Rinnegan!!

He then activated his Nakara Path to regenerate himself!!

Making his whole body enter a cycle of destruction and regeneration completely obliterating any trace of infection!!! Yet he was only getting more and more excited :

'If Vegeta or Goku were in my place, knowing their 'never use your full strength' policy. They would be dead by the moment! Zoldyck Family. To have a way to kill Universal-level charcters! How terrifying!'

He slowly looked at them, extreme happiness in his eyes.

'Such Heaven-Defying assassins. I would make it so you could kill the Gods with ease!!!'

"Let's go back, second noble family of the Atlas Empire. Zoldyck."

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