My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 379 - The Final Battle in the Far North

Chapter 379: The Final Battle in the Far North

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At the same time, in a secret place in the far north.

Addimus, who had just witnessed the defeat, did not show any signs of anger.

On the contrary, from his expression, it could be said that he seemed to be a little happy at the moment.

“Master, what should we do next?” Kamps asked as he looked at Addimus who seemed slightly deranged.

“Master! I really didn’t expect those guys to be able to pass this test! What should we do next?”

Addimus looked at Kamps with a smile and said,?“In their hearts now, what is morality? What is conscience? Hahahahaha!

“Only when their hearts are filled with anger can our plan be carried out more smoothly! Isn’t that right?”

Just then, the ghost fire from before appeared again in Addimus’ hand.

He looked at the ghost fire in his hand, then smiled and said,?“I really didn’t expect it! You were willing to attack your own people! How interesting!”

At this moment, in the center of the northernmost land, Mike and Sally, who had heard Addimus’ voice, began to act as Addimus had expected.

Sure enough, the two of them began to show extreme anger.

“Addimus, you despicable and shameless villain! You used those innocent villagers to become your puppets! Doesn’t your conscience hurt?”

Hearing Sally’s tirade against him, Addimus smiled lightly.

Then, he spoke.

“I’m doing this for their own good! Is it wrong to pursue eternal life?”

As Mike listened to Addimus’ justification of his actions, the hatred in his heart intensified.

Then, Mike continued to speak.

“Just wait! Addimus, we will come and find you now! Prepare to pay for everything!”

When he heard what Mike said, Addimus smiled once again. Then, he also opened his mouth to speak.

“Mike, my friend! Don’t be so anxious!”

Mike also opened his mouth to ask again.

“Addimus, what is it that you want?”

Addimus sneered again. Then, a terrifying voice was heard by Mike and the others.

“What I want is just absolute power!”

Suddenly, the color of the sky in the far north became abnormally dim.

Mike, Sally, and Ogallas raised their heads to look at the gray sky. A trace of sadness appeared in their hearts.

A familiar figure appeared before them again.

Although that person was wearing a black cloak, the pair of demon wings on his back had long revealed his identity.

With a sharp laugh, that person then took the hood off his head.

A familiar face was then revealed to Mike, Sally, and Ogallas.

That face belonged to Addimus.

At the same time, Ogallas suddenly said,?“Danger! It’s dangerous!”

When he heard Addimus’ warning, Mike looked at him with confusion and asked,?“Ogallas, why do you say that?”

Ogallas turned his head and looked at Mike, then said.

“I feel an unprecedented evil aura from him!

“That power is so terrifying that I’ve never seen it before!

“I’m afraid we’re doomed in the next battle!”

Mike and Sally’s faces immediately became serious.

Then, a huge black wave attacked Mike and Sally.

“Addimus is attacking! Everyone be careful!”

Ogallas said.

Mike and Sally quickly flew towards the two ends of the dark wave.

The dark wave seemed to have some kind of tracking properties.

Wherever Mike ran, it would follow.

Seeing this, Mike could not help but feel a wave of panic from his anger.

At that moment, an extremely violent undercurrent started charging towards Mike.

At this critical moment, Mike looked at the approaching dark undercurrent and slowly closed his eyes. At that moment, he could only silently pray in his heart.

Everything would be fine from now on.

Just as the dark undercurrent was about to come into contact with Mike, a?golden beam of light shot towards the surge.

It was the divine sword in Ogallas’ hands that had created such extraordinary power.

The blade of the divine sword completely wiped out the entire surge, leaving the golden light in its place.

Addimus floated in mid-air, looking at what had just happened. He could not help but laugh coldly, before speaking again.

“He still wants to save him even when he’s about to die! What a joke!”

Ogallas fixed Addimus with a determined gaze and said,?“I won’t be the one who’s about to die!”

Before he finished his sentence, Ogallas suddenly disappeared.

It was not just Mike and Sally, but even Addimus did not notice Ogallas’ movement.

Then, in the blink of an eye,?Ogallas appeared behind Addimus.

Ogallas then whispered in Ademos’ear.

“That’s what I just said!

“Now, you should know who is going to die!”

Just then, a golden Holy Sword of God pierced through Addimus’ chest.

The expression on Addimus’ face became unusually complicated.

After a while, a mouthful of blood spurted out of Addimus’ mouth.

Mike and Sally were standing not far away as they saw what was happening in front of them, feeling somewhat incredulous.

For Mike and Sally, even Addimus’ previous doppelganger had made it difficult for them to fight back. How much more difficult would it be to fight the?real Addimus?

Then, when they saw Ogallas holding the Holy Sword of God and piercing through Addimus’ body, it was natural that they were very surprised.

Just when everyone thought the situation had been determined,?Addimus suddenly began to smile wickedly.

Then, his body suddenly began to expand.

Almost in an instant, a huge explosion shot towards Ogallas.

When Ogallas saw this, he quickly drew his Holy Sword and began to defend himself.

“So, is this just another clone?”

Ogallas said coldly.

When the explosion ended, the thick smoke dispersed.

At that moment, a familiar figure appeared on the distant snow mountain.

That figure was Addimus.

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