My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

After that day, Yi Qingju had been looking for the elevator operator who had tricked her that day.

Strangely, that person seemed to have evaporated. No matter how she looked, she couldn't find him.

This matter faded to the back of her mind as her injured foot healed and the good thing that would happen tonight approached.

After picking up Little Bun, Yi Qingju told Auntie Zhang that she wouldn't be home for dinner tonight.

Auntie Zhang was surprised. "Madam is going to eat out?"

This was really rare. She didn't remember Madam having any friends.

She nodded.

After Auntie Zhang left, Little Bun, who was holding a fruit juice box in his arms and biting the straw, looked at her strangely, "I guess you're going on a date."

Yi Qingju smiled 'kindly', "I guess you don't want to hear a bedtime story tonight."

Qi Xinian immediately said seriously, "Don't worry, I'll take care of dinner for the old mother pig and little piggy tonight."

She laughed and rubbed his head, "Now you don't mind it."

Qi Xinian pouted stubbornly, looking at the little turtle on her shoulder, "Since you're leaving, why don't you leave it with me?"

Thinking of the story the teacher had told today about freeing marine life, his sense of justice was aroused.

Yi Qingju was really mean to the turtle. She never gave it food or let it sleep. It was so pitiful.

The little turtle poked its head out of the shell, its eyes the size of green beans shining, [Host would never give me to you. I'm not an ordinary turtle.]

"This is the turtle from Wang Wei's poem. You have to treat it well."

Yi Qingju stuffed the dumbfounded Little Bun with Xiaojiji.

Xiaojiji: ?

So love will disappear, right?

When he won the lottery that day, the male streamer had already added Yi Qingju on WeChat. They quickly settled on the restaurant address.

When Yi Qingju first came to this world and felt unfamiliar and repulsed, she got through every sleepless night by watching the male streamer.

The streamer's online name was Yu Du. He had the kind of rugged good looks that she really liked too, and he had a great body. Especially his voice - when chatting with people, it didn't feel distant.

Yi Qingju had rewarded him with a lot of money.

That's right, commonly known as the 'Top One Big Sister' in his stream.

If it was an ordinary person, they would undoubtedly dress up gorgeously without a doubt.

But Yi Qingju's identity was a big trouble.

She dressed as ordinarily as she could.

So when Yu Du arrived, what he saw was her side profile facing him. She was wearing ordinary sportswear, with a pair of thick black frame glasses covering half her face, looking utterly plain.

She was younger than he had imagined.

"Hello, are you 'The Only Red Bottom in a Mountain Full of Monkeys'?"

Yi Qingju turned her head and looked into a pair of eyes flickering with kindness.

Her eyes lit up.

Oh my, my boy looks even better than he does on his livestream.

"Yes, it's me. Nice to meet you, Yu Du."

Yu Du was tall and long-legged. His simple white sweatshirt and black pants, despite being very ordinary attire, gave off the charm of a runway model.

With black bangs over his peach blossom eyes looking at Yi Qingju, he hooked his lips at her, two little canine teeth hiding inside, making his smile a little roguish.

"Sis Monkey, you're younger than I imagined."

His tone was as casual as when he chatted with Yi Qingju in his livestream, instantly closing the distance between them.

She smiled, "You look more handsome than on your livestream too."

Sis Monkey was what Yu Du and his other fans called her.

Legend has it that the top donator in Yu Du's stream, who casually threw money around, was a fierce woman with lots of cash who would donate without whining.

She had been a regular in his stream back when he was a small streamer with almost no viewers.

Some people even followed Yu Du just to watch Sis Monkey's crazy gift-sending.

"How old are you this year, Sis Monkey? You seem around my age." Yu Du poured her a cup of warm water and slid it in front of her.

Yi Qingju smiled, "I already work." Though in terms of age, this body should still be in college.

Yu Du was surprised and raised his brows, "Sorry, you look so young, I was ready to call you little sister."

She lowered her head and smiled. Behind her thick bottle-bottomed lenses, her eyes curved into crescents. Although her outfit prevented her from looking too stunning, it still made Yu Du feel a fleeting loss of composure.

Suppressing the inexplicable ripple in his heart, he seamlessly continued the topic, "What do you do?"

Yi Qingju swallowed the tea in her mouth and replied, "I run a pig farm."

Yu Du's mouth formed an O shape, "Pardon me, Boss Monkey."

As the two chatted amiably...

In a certain villa in S City's golden district.

Qi Weiran sat in a recliner by the floor-to-ceiling windows, continuously swirling the white liquid in the tall glass in his hand. Without any hair gel to keep it in place, his black hair lazily draped over his forehead. His eyes were shrouded in a thin layer of shadow.

That's right, pay attention to the keyword 'white liquid'.

Don't suspect, it was just milk.

"The male streamer...if I'm not mistaken, it's today."

He murmured to himself, expressionlessly sipping the milk while fiddling with the pills in his other hand.

They were vitamins from Feng Yi Shengkai.

The moment his discarded cell phone on his leg rang, Qi Weiran could be said to have picked it up swiftly.

But when he saw the caller ID displayed 'Wan Sui', his originally constricted pupils instantly relaxed.


His tone was very irritable.

Wan Sui on the other end: "..."

"I'm very sorry to disturb you during non-working hours, but there is an urgent document that requires your review before I can make a decision. I've sent it to your email."

Qi Weiran immediately hung up the call and picked up the ultra-thin laptop next to him, entering the password with one hand.

It was indeed a file worth Wan Sui's prudent consideration, but it didn't take much time at all, just ten minutes to handle.

Just as he was about to close the laptop, his peripheral vision suddenly caught sight of the email from 'Zhang Wei and the Security Department's New Year Greetings'.

Perhaps because tonight was too quiet, or maybe because of something else, Qi Weiran clicked open that email on impulse and casually picked up the neglected milk, intending to read it slowly.

"Being carefree is not the same as giving up~ It's my confident state~~"

Then a clear, cheerful singing voice came from the laptop. The previously relaxed eyebrows tightened in astonishment upon seeing that dancing figure.

In the end, that cup of milk remained unfinished.

And in Qi's Mountain Villa, Auntie Zhang, who had just glanced at the time and was about to go back to rest, suddenly heard the phone ring.

"Young master? Why are you calling so late, did something happen?"

"Madam is not home for dinner tonight."

"She said she was going to eat with friends."

"Didn't say the exact location, seems to be around Tian Street."

Just as she finished the last word, Qi Weiran had already hung up.

And Wan Sui, who had just finished work and was about to reward himself with a hearty dinner, had just finished searing a steak when a call came in from 'The Iron Tree That Has Recently Bloomed'.

The command was simple: "Investigate all the restaurants on Tian Street. In ten minutes, I want to know where Yi Qingju is."

Wan Sui lowered his head and looked at the now disconnected call, a bitter smile emerging from his lips.

"During my interview, I did say I had a certain level of stress tolerance."

"But I never said I would die from overwork."


On the other side, the still oblivious Yi Qingju had a very splendid smile.

Yu Du's words were witty, with a touch of humor that wasn't annoying. No wonder Yi Qingju had spent so much money on this man.

In front of him, she wasn't some rich madam sucking up, nor was she a steady pig farm boss.

She could laugh out loud without restraint. To hell with composure.

"The scenery there is very beautiful. I want to go again next time. What do you think about doing a live stream there?"

When they were casually chatting about the stunningly beautiful small town they had accidentally discovered during their trip to Yudutown, a sudden loud rumble came from outside.

Judging by the sound, it came from above.

The chatter in the restaurant fell silent for a second, then swelled.

Yu Du laughed lightly and joked, "It must be some tyrannical boss flying his private helicopter to pick up his little darling wife."

Yi Qingju threw back her head and laughed heartily, completely oblivious to the impending disaster.

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