My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 86: Dylak’s Revenge (Part 3)

Chapter 86: Dylak's Revenge (Part 3)






"This really is a weird situation," Clara muttered after opening the door's room for Bella, who carried a sleeping Amelia in her arms.

"What's weird about it?" Amelia asked quietly, eyes closed, once she was gently put in bed.

"Nothing, bestie. Sweet dreams." Clara kissed her on the forehead before exiting the room. Once she silently closed the door, she exhaled. "Even you can tell this is awkward, don't you?" she asked Bella, who smiled.

"The awkward part is that you didn't attack them right away." Bella giggled. "That's what any other User would have done in this kind of situation."

"Hey, don't paint us with the same brush, okay?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand..."

Clara loudly sighed. "Forget it. Let's go back before Alan says something inappropriate," Clara was saying while taking down the stairs. "Now that our most powerful ally is KO'd--by alcohol--the protection of this house and the safety of our weak Guild Master relies on me. So be grateful that I can also be serious and responsible." She turned to Bella, whose gentle smile did not give away if she believed her or not. "W-whatever..."

"What is Amelia's condition?" Ashley asked as soon as Clara entered the living room.

"Don't ask it as if she was injured. She just passed out, that's all. What about our unexpected guests?"

Ashley did not respond, and instead turned her gaze towards Alan, who was drinking and laughing, accompanied by a very extravagant group.

The tallest of them all was finishing one bottle after the other. His maids silently tasted cookies from Ashley's stash, and the one wearing a business suit and glasses was examining his bottle of cider, squinting.

"Was this made by Users? Fascinating..."

"Why didn't you receive the 'advanced' title as the slimes did?" Alan asked, grinning to the 6' 5", pale man.

Dylak laughed after gulping another beer. "Did the Goddess Viola also evolve such weak creatures? Gya-ha-ha! With what purpose? Do you know something about it, Professor? Why are we not 'advanced'?" Dylak elbowed the man beside him, who corrected his posture.

"Well, the reason may be that we are already 'technically' evolved, although I would not use such a term," Professor Spiegel said, staring at Alan. "We were an already advanced kind of NU from the beginning, that is why we did not change as radically as the slimes you mentioned. So I would kindly ask you if you did not compare us with such low-tier creatures."

Spiegel then glared at the little blue creature, eating leftovers from the dining table.

**Look at them...** Clara thought, frowning. **They even act prideful, although they're nothing more than low-level bosses.** She then glanced at Alan, who looked fascinated.

"Um... What's a Nu?" she asked.

"Non-User," Alan quickly replied without glancing at her. "But something changed, right?"

"Well, our Level-Cap was raised, and we got new skills," Spiegel said, lifting his chin. "Besides that, I have not detected any significant upgrade worth mentioning."

**What about the fact that you can now leave your dungeon and talk in a more sentient way?!**

"I see..." Alan said, nodding consciously.

**Aren't you going to mention something that obvious?! **

Mentally exhausted, Clara occupied her seat, far away from the pair of black-haired twin maids occupying an armchair. Their posture and serene attitude made them seem like a pair of human-sized dolls. After sipping beer, Clara noticed that Anastasia, sitting beside Alan, was mirroring the maids' mannerisms.

"To summarize," Ashley took the word, positioning behind Alan, "all of you, who were once inactive, have been given purpose now that a low-level User has appeared again."

"That is correct, my lady," Count Dylak said, raising his drink as if he wanted to toast.

"What's the maximum level you could help me raise?" Alan asked excitedly.

"Our dungeon was created for Users level 7 to 12," Spiegel replied, making Dylak nod. "So after reaching level 12, training with us would be pointless. Unless we level up too."

Clara glanced at the number 9 above Alan's head.

"I expected to at least reach level 20 with you guys, but that is totally fine. It's okay." Alan said, dropping his shoulders. "I'm very lucky that Viola gave you another chance, so I'm grateful for all the work you're doing." He stood up and stretched out his hand. "I'm counting on you. It'll be a pleasure working with all of you."

"Helping you level up is also beneficial to us, Alan Warden. You will not be disappointed," Count Dylak said, standing up too to shake his hand.

**What's with all this formality?** Clara thought, feeling nauseated. **I wonder if Amelia would feel the same.**

"What will happen once you finish helping Alan level up?" Ashley asked. "Will you be shut down by Viola Lang again after accomplishing your main function?"

"D-don't call it 'function', Ashley..." Alan said apologetically. "What about 'objective'?"

"Your partner is right, Mr. Warden. That Users level 12 and below can train with us, it's indeed our main function. And we are proud of it."

"Just call me Alan," he smiled warmly, making Clara roll her eyes.

"Well, now that we're all here, what about a little demonstration of what we can do?"

"What? Right now?"

"We bothered coming all the way here, Mr. Alan. And if I'm not mistaken, eating, drinking and fighting is the Users' speciality. Is it not?"

"And mating," Spiegel added, adjusting his glasses. "According to our records..."

After pondering about it for a moment, Alan turned to Anastasia, who was staring at the twins. "Are you in the mood for stretching out your legs?"

"I'm always ready, Master Alan," the turquoise-haired NPC replied in a soft voice."

"We accept, then. But it's pitch-dark out there. We wouldn't see a thing."

"Eliora, Eliza?" Dylak called, and his two maids stood up solemnly.

"Yes, Master Dylak?" they spoke in unison.

"Illuminate the backyard so we can have our friendly duel."

They made a short bow, and exited the house through the back door, where they channeled mana and cast: "Minor Fire Crafting, Flarelight."

They formed an orb of light between their hands and launched it upwards, getting suspended 30 feet in the air. The maids did it three more times each, successfully illuminating what, in a brief moment, would be an improvised arena.

When Clara got outside, the place reminded her of a small playground. **Those lights resemble lamp posts.** She could see herself playing soccer with her twin sister and her cousin, running and laughing. **A long time ago. When kids still had permission to play outdoors...**

"What do you think, Alan?" Dylak asked. "I don't want to hear excuses if you lose."

Those last words made Claire squint in his direction.

"This is perfect. A little workout before bedtime is fine once in a while. Besides, you're the one that should be worried. My partner here is level 25, you know?" Alan pointed towards Anastasia.

Dylak stared at Alan for a moment before shaking his head. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

"Well, she's going to fight for me..."

"Why? Don't you want to strengthen yourself?"

"She's my minion... That's the way I fight."

Dylak grinned. "Oh! I didn't know that a level 9 user could have a minion so early on."

"Y-yeah... It's a long story."

"But you're right. It would be disadvantageous to fight against a fully geared level 25 minion. I don't think my retainer here could even lay her a scratch." Dylak pointed towards Professor Spiegel, who was doing stretches.

"She'll fight without her armor then," Alan said, grinning, making Clara form a dismayed expression.

"Guild Master, a word please!" she said, pulling him by his arm.

"Give me a second, Count!"

"Why are you acting so easygoing?" she whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"They come in the middle of the night, say they have been looking for you, demand a 'friendly duel' out of nowhere, and you give them an advantage? What gives?!"

"You heard them. They were abandoned by Viola Lang. It's clear they just want to prove their worth. What's so weird about that?"

"Alan! After what happened to Unus, you should know what people are capable of!"

"They're not people, Clara! Now, if you excuse me."

"He won't listen..." Clara muttered while Ashley joined her, sipping cider. "If only Amelia was awake..."

"Even if she was, I doubt she would be able to persuade him. Trusting machines is part of his persona."

"Is there something else about that history?" Clara asked, folding her arms. "Because something tells me there's something dark about it. Hmm? Hmmmmm?!"

"Maybe I'll tell you all about it. But in another time, Clara Dominguez."

"Are you ready, Professor?" Alan asked the gentlemen positioned at the other side of the lit field.

"You can start whenever you want, Mister Alan."

"Sorry for making you fight like that," Alan whispered to Anastasia. The NPC was not using either her sword or shield, wearing only her casual clothes. A white shirt and a long purple skirt.

"Don't worry Master. This is training, after all."

Dylak stood behind Spiegel, each one of his maids beside him. The NPCs Bella and Fabio remained close to Clara and Ashley, offering them snacks.

Alan exhaled before channeling. "Active Skill, Advanced Puppet Master." A virtual keyboard and a computer mouse materialized in front of him. He cracked his knuckles before positioning his fingers on them.

Spiegel looked up at the sky, filling his lungs with the chilly night air. "This is a wonderful night, isn't it?" Grinning, his whole body glowed purple.


+++ Warning: Professor Spiegel is now targeting one of your allies.

Level: 9

Monster Type: Humanoid Minion

Vitality: Bronze A

Spirit: Bronze A +++

+++ Notice: Professor Spiegel has received an Atmospheric Boost. 'Creature of the Night'.

Vitality + 2

Spirit + 2 +++


**No matter if the enemy is level 9 or 100... A single boosted rank point always makes a big difference.**

Clara glanced at Alan's serious expression, wondering if he knew something that basic.

**In the case of this Professor guy, two full Vitality ranks are the difference between being able to make a hole through a concrete wall, and being able to tear down an entire house.**

"Eliza, do the honors," Dylak said.

The slim maid raised her voice: "Contenders, are you ready? 3, 2, 1... Fight!"

Alan made Anastasia dash and reach Spiegel in a second, catching him off guard. The female NPC then connected two hits, one in the Professor's left cheek and one in the stomach, making him fall to his knees.

"Wow, even if she's only level 25, you make her movements look so refined," Clara commented.

"Thanks," Alan said, nodding approvingly.

"You even reached his Death Zone in an instant."

"His what now?"

"Oh, come on! That's basic stuff!"

"Don't yell at me! I'm Alan 'Comatose' Warden, remember? I know nothing about the Novus' terminology!"

"You said you weren't in a coma!"

"Impressive, Mister Alan," Dylak said, clapping from the other side of the arena. "But I think you're celebrating your victory too early."

Alan looked around the backyard, but there was no sign of Spiegel. "What the...?"

"Master Alan!" Anastasia turned around, but it was too late.

Spiegel had transformed into his Second Form, sporting an arachnid body and a pair of additional arms coming out of his back. "First Battle Lesson, get rid of the commander and the troops will disperse!" Spiegel cried in a distorted voice, stabbing Alan in the lower back.

** If Amelia finds out I let Alan be killed, she'll kick me out of the guild for sure! **

"Training is over!" Clara cried, kicking Spiegel's round body and sending him flying 50 feet away.

The Professor's HP dropped to 30%.

"I don't think you understand, Miss Clara," Dylak said, while her maids stepped forward. "This can't end until Mister Alan reaches level 15. And I have decided that once we get to that point, Alan will continue training until he's able to beat me in one punch."

Ashley and the rest of the NPCs also formed a line to protect their leader.

"But he's not looking to be a physical fighter!" Clara cried while holding Alan's shoulders. "And you said training with you beyond level 15 was fruitless!"

"We'll find a way," Dylak said, glaring, showing scarlet, glowing eyes. "Our objective is to only strengthen him. The way he fights doesn't concern us. If he decides to continue using minions after this is done, it will be entirely up to him."

** That he wants to train Alan until he can beat him in one punch? That's insane! I'm level 52 and I kicked that one with all of my might, but he's still alive. Amelia will definitely not like-- **

"C-Clara?" Alan called quietly, and for a brief moment, she could tell he was poisoned. "I don't feel so..." Having said that, his HP dropped to zero and his body turned into pixels.

Clara's eyes widened. "Oh... crap..."

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