My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 134: A bargain sale

Chapter 134: A bargain sale

Yun Jhin let his willpower flow freely through the crowds of black tortoises which were in their ancestral form, they were all sleeping and Yun Jhin's willpower didn't wake them up as he moved it expertly through them to scan their bloodlines for injuries.

A bloodline injury was easy to see as the person which had their bloodline injured would exude a very weak aura and their skin would be very pale with no vitality.

There were some of them which had their vitality injured but there were very few of them, it seemed that the majority was handled with care.

Yun Jhin selected 100,000 of them before he threw his money towards the ugly disciple who caught the spirit stones with gusto as he gave a nod to Yun Jhin and Hao Tian before saying:

"Pleasure to do business with you young masters, to finish the transaction all you have to do is sign some papers, I have them right here."

He took out some black papers from his robes and sent them flying to Yun Jhin, Yun Jhin looked over the papers and nodded before signing them with a fake name, the transaction between them was now done!

The ugly disciple gave him a special container for living beings that had the 100,000 black tortoises stored in it.

Seeing that Yun Jhin was ready to leave made the ugly disciple rather hesitant as he asked:

"Would you like to buy anything else? Our Brilliance Radiance and Light sect has got quite a few treasures and resources for sale that might attract your master's attention."

Yun Jhin stopped and looked at the ugly disciple for a second before he asked:

"What kind of treasures are we talking about?"

The ugly disciple gave a toothy smile which showed his sharp teeth that made him look like a dirty animal, he took out a booklet from his clothes and threw it at Yun Jhin.

Yun Jhin easily caught the booklet before he opened it and looked through:

"Nine Ying light grass, Nine Yang darkness grass... Death Grass... it seems they use the old and weak black turtles for the Death Grass... There are quite a few things here... Maybe I should buy some."

Yun Jhin sent the booklet back before ordering:

"A 100,000 years old fire Ginseng, Roots of the Black Burplot, Dragon Grass of at least 20,000 years old, The bones of a small Gioxiu, Light water and 30 grams of starlight powder of the highest quality."

The ugly disciple continued to smile affectionately as if Yun Jhin was his lover as he said:

"That would be 250 top-grade spirit stones. Anything else this young master fancies?"

Yun Jhin shook his head, the ugly man invited him to the waiting area as he went to procure everything that Yun Jhin listed.

While Yun Jhin waited with Hao Tian the ugly man went to get the ingredients, it didn't take him much time to come back with them considering his identity as a seller of the sect.

Yun Jhin looked through the ingredients one by one, looking for any defects, the Brilliance Radiance and Light sect could be considered one of the bigger con-men out there under the righteous sects banner.

Fortunately, all the ingredients that the ugly disciple came with were genuine, Yun Jhin paid the spirit stones and then signed the other paper to finish the transactions. The ugly disciple bowed before he leads them to the exit.

After they reached the exit and Yun Jhin and Hao Tian left the ugly disciple laughed as he looked at the profit he made, even though most of the money would go to the sect he would be able to get 15% of the money and top-grade spirit stones could get him a lot of things that would be beneficial to him.

Yun Jhin left the territory of the Brilliance Radiance and Light sect before he went traveling again, the contract between Hao Tian and Yun Jhin expired during the travels and Hao Tian wanted to go his own ways, only to find himself being confronted by Yun Jhin:

"You think you can leave now after you saw so many things?"

They were currently in space and there was a lot of free space between them, but Hao Tian felt something strange encroaching on his body as he couldn't move!

Hao Tian shouted:


Yun Jhin laughed as he looked at Hao Tian as if he was a fool:

"When did I break the agreement? Did I scheme against you? Did I do something against you during the agreement?"

It was true if Yun Jhin actually broke the contract his cultivation base would have took a big hit, it seemed he either left a small passage in the contract that Hao Tian couldn't see through or this energy that was stopping Hao Tian from moving was applied to him after the contract ended.

Hao Tian gritted his teeth as he tried to use his escaping technique only to find out that he couldn't transform his body into smoke anymore!

Yun Jhin shook his head as he said:

"You fortuned ones are so obvious, I knew you wouldn't have learned any other technique as you followed me around, there had been no tournaments nor any tombs for you to exploit, you think that I didn't analyze your escaping technique day and night after my fight with you?"

Hao Tian's face turned pale as he glared at Yun Jhin, but he couldn't do anything here, he was at his mercy and his only fate would be death or enslavement, and he didn't want to die at all here!

Hao Tian opened his mouth trying to self-destruct, but the thing that was clenching his body immediately stopped the energy that was gathering into his body while cutting the supply of his ki in his veins and pathways.

"You think that I would let you self-destruct?"

Hao Tian kept his head down, it seemed he wouldn't be able to die as he wanted to...

Yun Jhin slowly approached him as he placed his hand on his chest, Hao Tian could feel something very important leaving him, something that he couldn't live without as Yun Jhin kept his hand on his chest.

Yun Jhin smiled as a notification appeared in front of him:

[Destiny of the fortuned constitution attained, 9,997 left for the evolution path of the fortuned caterpillar to be unlocked]

Yun Jhin didn't have to eat his prey anymore to absorb them at this point, all he had to do was devour their destiny with his self-created patented technique.

Hao Tian sagged like a deflated balloon as he felt his destiny leaving him, he didn't know that it was his destiny but he felt that he became somewhat unlucky after it left him.

Hao Tian wanted to break through his confining and take back what was his only to find out that his consciousness was getting blurry, he could feel his life force slowly leaving him, he knew that Yun Jhin wasn't someone he could trust but he couldn't believe that he would be betrayed the moment the contract ended, he couldn't even run away properly before his body was paralyzed!

Yun Jhin looked into Hao Tian's eyes which were slowly losing light as his body was getting disintegrated slowly from the feet up:

"You are number 3, could I be able to gain the fortuned constitution in this life? But it's most unlikely, that would mean I would have to recreate the blood throne sect and to reach the God Realm I would need to evolve first, who knows how much time will this evolution take?"

With his current dragon caterpillar bloodline, Yun Jhin could reach the peak of the sage realm at most, even though his body had been tempered a lot of times due to his effort, the God Realm was a little bit different and while it needed a strong body, it also needed a pure and strong bloodline for it to be achieved, let's not even talk about the ability to learn laws, fortunately, Yun Jhin only needed to change his bloodline to get the potential to reach the God Realm.

Yun Jhin decided to find a secluded location where he could do his evolution into an artificial celestial caterpillar.

Where would be a good and secluded location where he could evolve?

Yun Jhin thought for a short time before he decided, it was of course at the headquarters of the blood throne sect inside his private chambers, even though the outside might be destroyed that didn't mean the inside was, just like the treasuries.

Yun Jhin used the teleportation formations to get back to the neutral star before he flew to his own formation that took him near the blood throne sect ruins, then he went further into the ruins.

It took him almost 2 years to reach the depths of the sect where he entered the ruins of the biggest and most imposing palace, he looked around and sighed, he was back home finally!

He could feel that further down the gate of hell was open but he ignored it as he went to the throne of bones that were still standing in the depths of the palace.

The blood that was running like a river around it dried and became as dark as coal, all of the bones on the throne were cracked and ready to transform into dust.

Yun Jhin slowly approached the throne as he ran his finger on the arms of the throne, he remembered staying in it just like it was yesterday, Yun Jhin opened his mouth and started an incantation in a language that couldn't be described or understood:

"**** **** **** **** ***"

The throne exploded into dust after 500,000 + years of existence as Yun Jhin disappeared from where he previously was, he appeared in a dungeon with dim light and walked deep inside it.

He reached a door that had a giant skull that dripped blood from it, the blood was still flowing even after 500,000 Yun Jhin knocked on the door 5 times in a certain pattern before the skulls' eye sockets started to light up its mouth opened and ate Yun Jhin!

Yun Jhin sat inside the skull, it was a different dimension that he created in a situation of emergency if he was too injured and he needed a secluded location where he could restore his body to its peak state, and now it would be used to aid his evolution!

In a different location inside the ruins of the blood throne sect a decrepit mummified person appeared, his appearance indicated that he had lived for a very long time, one of his arms even fell so he had to bend to take it from the ground and reattach it.

His blood-colored eyes looked into the direction of the biggest palace as a hoarse voice was heard coming from the being's almost destroyed vocal cords:

"Father... you have finally come back!"

The mummy then showed a disturbing smile that showed his empty mouth all of his teeth decayed and fell, it was unknown how old the mummy was but by its words it should be at least 500,000 years old.

The mummy then started to slowly trudge towards the direction of the palace, it was very slow, oh so slow that you would think that it wouldn't ever reach the palace before it would fall to the ground and transform into dust, he would even have to reattach his body parts from time to time as they would fall from his body.

Yun Jhin took out all 100,000 black tortoises from the container that the ugly disciple gave him, the tortoises finally woke up only to find themselves in a different environment than before, they didn't know what to say as they looked at each other before they looked at Yun Jhin, they realized that he was their new master as they kept their heads lowered.

Yun Jhin took a good look at the hundred thousand black tortoises before he chuckled and smacked his lips a few times, it was time for a feast, unknowingly to him, somehow the very slow mummy already reached the palace and was getting closer to the former location of the bone throne.

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