My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 137: My dream is unbroken

Chapter 137: My dream is unbroken

Yun Jhin didn't make it so far, reincarnated so many times and fought with his life on the line billions of times in total just to fail at this point because that righteous prick didn't find him pleasing to the eye, cruel as they are, his methods were what gave him the edge on everyone else, and while Yuan Fang hated Yun Jhin's methods, that didn't mean he wouldn't employ them, look at what he had done to his son, albeit it was with his approval, Yun Jhin would have forced his guinea ping into such a strange if he had to, unlike Yuan Fang who coerced him.

Yun Jhin frowned as he kept himself hidden from Yuan Fang's men, this wasn't good at all, they might have that stealth breaking technique with them, and thinking of it made the few men and one woman start to throw the technique around to see if they could find Yun Jhin.

Yun Jhin did his best to dodge every attempt of the technique touching him as he went underground, normally, this wouldn't be normally possible due to the formations in the blood throne sect territory, but after so much time passed the formation waned away into being unable to obstruct Yun Jhin.

While Yun Jhin was the master of the blood throne sect and had control over all of the formations, he now had to insert his bloodline and soul willpower in them again to take control of them, after all, they had been inactive and also half-broken for a long time and they were almost done for but that didn't mean they were useless, Yun Jhin could use them to distract and impede the search party from finding him.

Yun Jhin inserted his soul willpower with a little bit of his manufactured bloodline inside the formation inside the ground as it roared to life and started to attack the 5 men and 1 woman.

As they defended themselves Yun Jhin realized that their cultivation base was around the 5th stage of the sage realm each while the woman was very close to the 5th stage meaning she was the weakest, but appearances can be deceiving so it wasn't a good thing to attack her first, he needed to continuously use the formation while advancing through the ground and get out of the sect's territory.

The 5 men shouted in unison as they started to charge their energy pooling it together into the formation and destroying it for good now!

The woman frowned as she scanned the formation and the remains before looking at the ground and said:

"Our stealth breaking technique didn't work, he must have gone below the ground or flew above us, 2 people go into the sky and 2 come with me below the ground!"

Yun Jhin knew that he couldn't have an easy escape at this point so he triggered the formation for a chance they would split up, 6 people at the 5th stage of the sage realm were a bit too much for him to deal with his current cultivation base, fortunately, they split-up according to the plan so there was a higher chance for him to escape.

Yun Jhin was drilling through the ground like an expert mole as he had a big headstart compared to the three people that were now following him, they easily found the tunnel Yun Jhin dug as he didn't have time to collapse or conceal it.

Yun Jhin's speed was way higher through the ground compared to the surface and the air, his speed at this point broke through any normal conventions as he made his way through the territory of the blood throne sect, but his ki was also used accordingly.

When his ki would run out he would occasionally take a herb or pill out of his spatial dimension that came from his treasury.

However, his pursuer's speed wasn't anything to laugh about as they were slowly closing onto him, and they also somehow had good a good amount of resources combined with the fact that their cultivation base was higher meant that they could never run out of ki like this!

Even with a big headstart, Yun Jhin's tail was slowly getting stepped on.

Yun Jhin knew that if he didn't something fast he might be caught up to and if he was caught there was a big chance he wouldn't be able to escape without doing some compromises that would push back the day he fused his bloodlines even further, and Yun Jhin certainly didn't want that!

"It seems I have to bring out the big weapons."

Yun Jhin closed his eyes as he maneuvered himself through the ground before he started to ascend going up and above the ground, then he started to fly as pure black wings grew out of his back and increased his flying speed by 200%, a circular light could be seen growing around his arms as he thrust them forward breaking through space!

This was the first time he had to employ this technique and it took a lot of ki out of him, right now he had no more ki left in his body as he squeezed himself through space, this was the use of the space jewel that he had gained in the king realm that grew accordingly with his strength.

The pursuing fellows met each other at the place that Yun Jhin broke through space and all of them frowned at the same time as they started talking to each other:

"Goddamit, it seems teacher was right, we didn't catch up to him and he broke through space to evade... do any of you have a spatial awareness or a spatial technique?"

The men didn't say anything but the woman stepped forward and started to analyze the space as her eyes glowed with a silver light that enhanced her beauty, she had blonde hair and green eyes, her ears were a bit elongated and her skin was pale and fair, she wore a skintight green suit that covered her whole mesmerizing body, from her looks it could be seen that she was from the elf tribe!

Elfs had the most diverse talent ranging from being able to summon beings from both hell and the celestial realms to being good alchemy, formations, or blacksmithing, they also had their proficiency in elemental ki and could also be born with spatial or time abilities, but those were rarer instances, they were also prideful and righteous beings that held their nose so far in the air that they wouldn't even socialize with normal people and offending an elf in its territory was pretty much a death sentence.

The ability the woman had was called spatial sight and she could use it to track where Yun Jhin would land with his technique, but suddenly her eyes started to bleed as she closed them quickly and almost fell to the ground due to the pain that assaulted her head at the same time.

Two men came to support her and asked what happened:

"Are you ok?"

The woman sighed as she opened her eyes, instead of being the normal green as before they were now a deep red and one of them turned blurry as she lost some sight in it:

"This person that master wants... he is very dangerous, his cultivation base is at the 5th stage of the Emperor realm, there is a whole realm difference between us but he can employ such a technique... a reincarnated one's abilities are truly fearsome."

The men didn't care about that as they asked:

"Have you seen the spatial coordinates on where he would land? We need to go there right now using the scrolls that the master gave us, we need to catch up to him or we would have let the trust that master has in us down!"

The woman shook her head and said:

"The moment I used spatial sight I was hit with a flashbang of different colors, I don't think I can fix my sight in my left eye anymore as everything is very blurry to me, I would need special resources or the help of the master, what an insidious escape technique..."

Yun Jhin sighed as he found himself out of the territory of the blood throne sect, he stumbled and almost fell into space, he caught himself at the last second, if he fell in space with no ki it was certain death!

Yun Jhin changed his appearance before he consumed some red herbs that restored his ki to the brim before he went ahead and started to fly towards a neutral secluded star where he could continue the fusion of the bloodlines.

Finding neutral stars was fairly easy as the blood throne sect was located near a large star cluster of neutral stars, where villains gathered, profiteers came. It could be certainly said that evil people were good at 'the business' so the neutral merchants and people who wanted to make a profit by hook or by crook installed themselves near the sect a long time ago and they flourished as they worked with the blood throne sect to make money, this led to a big alliance between the neutral stars and the blood throne sect.

Yun Jhin landed on a nearby neutral star and found himself a secluded inn where he got a room, he changed his whole look as well as his cultivation base and aura, his life force also had a different tint to it compared to before, he knew that Yuan Feng only saw his appearance through the dying eyes of his son as he cut through the connection before his aura could be sent, but he still was as wary as ever against his biggest and smartest enemy.

Yun Jhin finally gave a content sigh as he sat cross-legged in the bed of the inn, even if he was found by the search party he could play it by the ear and make them unable to see through his disguise, and if they wanted to get violent there was always the guards on the neutral star that he could rely on, either with some bribery or cultivation tips, and if worse came to worse, he could just empty his ki tank again and escape, but this wasn't really doable as that would push his cultivation time away, again and again, he had to either get rid of them or enter secluded cultivation somewhere that Yuan Feng wouldn't think of finding him.

Yun Jhin looked at the screen that appeared in front of him as 4 images of the sacred beasts were reflected into his eyes:

"Phoenix, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise.. finally I have gathered all of your blood."

The four being's images started to mix as a helix DNA sequence appeared in front of him, that helix was currently dark but as the mix of bloodlines entered the helix it suddenly came to life as it started to show a radiant celestial light of righteousness and all that was good.

The celestial caterpillar came from the celestial realm and it was one of the most beautiful and strong bugs of the realm, it became a ruler of bugs when it evolved into the celestial butterfly which even the Celestial Emperor would love to have such a specimen as a pet due to its high combat power and potential, but most of the time celestial butterflies were hard to meet let's not even talk about catching them.

Yun Jhin looked through most of the information about celestial caterpillars into his mind and nodded, unfortunately, he would have to revert to his caterpillar form until he broke through the sage realm as the celestial caterpillar would gain its human form at that point.

Yun Jhin closed his eyes as he felt the system start injecting the four types of blood into his body activating the hidden helix DNA that it created into his body at the same time.

It was finally time to achieve the evolution he had desired his whole life, however, he didn't know if the evolution would be the same considering he was an artificial celestial caterpillar and not a true one.

All he could do now was go through with the evolution, after all, he didn't waste his blood time, and sweat to dilly dally at this time!

Yun Jhin's breath came in and out as he could feel the inner changes happening in his body, his human form slowly transformed into his thick dragon caterpillar form that was starting to shrink to a smaller and smaller size he finally reached the size of 15 centimeters in height and 4 centimeters in width.

The true changes coming to his body were starting just now!

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