My Master Disconnected Yet Again

Chapter 233 - Unlucky Child

Chapter 233: Unlucky Child

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“It’s difficult to get that prize – they only hand it out once every two years!”

“Master, you’re smart beyond comparison!” Yi Qing rushed to affirm his master. “Master, you’re high in intellect, and you think outside of the box. It is no wonder that you’re able to achieve things that we cannot and think of things we cannot even think of.”


Lonemoon glared at Chef. Just admit that you don’t understand what she’s saying! Would you die if you don’t bootlick her for one second?

On further thought, Shen Ying was indeed quite smart. Of course, that was when she was not being lazy.

“What’s the big deal about all of this? What else can you do?”

“Er...” Shen Ying pondered for awhile and replied, “When I’m bored, I can tinker with technological gadgets. Does that count?”

“IT? You?” Lonemoon scanned her from head to toe. “This is my profession. All you do is play around – that’s not considered IT!” What would a bum know about IT?

“I know other things!” Shen Ying exclaimed.


“For example...” She thought for awhile more and replied, “Your company had an interstellar game, but the main engine was modified and your company only found out five years later?”

“How did you know that?” Lonemoon was taken aback. That was the main project of their company’s game development department. It was the most popular and profitable project at that. Shortly after they released it, however, some modifications were made to the game. Those modifications did not have much impact on the game, but the company only realised they were made five years later. Since it did not result in any losses, and the modifications improved the main engine, they covered the matter up. Only the top levels of management knew about the matter.

“Oh, I was the one who made those modifications!”

“...” Huh?


“Also! I was your main servicing technician. Am I right to say that every noon and midnight, the system would jam for two seconds and there would be no recovery available?”

“... Yes.”

“That’s because my computer is too slow, so I borrow your network to send documents over.”

“...” What the f*ck!


“And your company organised an e-competition. In the finals, the game suddenly broke down and could not be started up again. This resulted in a two-day delay?”

“Yes... what’s the matter?”

“Oh, that day, I used your network to send a super huge document.”

“...” Damn it!


“Before we transmigrated, your technology department discovered the holographic technology and intended to release holographic online games, right?”

“That isn’t-”

“I wrote the core program. I borrowed your network and forgot to delete it.”

“...” Motherf*cker!


“Enough!” How many times did you cheat us? He took a deep breath in and tried to stop himself from strangling her. “Did I do something horrible to you in my past life? Why are you always trying to take advantage of me?”

Shen Ying paused. After awhile, she replied him confidently, “Maybe... I was just too bored!”

“Bored my ass!” Being bored doesn’t give you the right to mess with my network! If you’re that capable, go and mess with the Ministry of Defence! Lonemoon inhaled sharply and calmed himself down. “You mean to say that your IT skills were taught to you by your older sister?”

“Oh, that’s not counted. I picked those skills up on my own when I had nothing better to do.” She looked at him soberly and continued, “I spent about two months on it.” It was so much simpler than studying the universe.

What the hell, I can’t continue this conversation. Did she spare a thought for the feelings of those thousands of IT staff working in his company?

“Alright! We’ll talk about your older sister next time. Are we just going to forget about the debt that the Godfiend owes to us?” Lonemoon felt indignant about just wiping the debt off like that.

Shen Ying raised her head and looked him in the eyes. Then, she said, “Father Niu, how do you want to settle that debt? Do you want to go back?”

Lonemoon paused, his expression darkening. There was a struggle in his eyes.

If they had faced this problem when they first transmigrated, Lonemoon would choose to go back without any hesitation. But now that he had been living here for hundred of years – not just ten or a hundred, but three hundred – it would be hard to ask him to leave behind everything and go back. Although he still remembered everything from his past life, he has already begun to take this world as his own. He would probably have difficulty adjusting back to life in his original world.

Lonemoon fell silent. The Godfiend was indeed detestable, but apart from beating him up to take his anger out, Lonemoon would not be able to do anything else. Even if the Godfiend was willing to send them back now, it would not be practical. Lonemoon looked up at Shen Ying and asked, “What about you? Do you want to go back?” She had not been here for long anyway.

Yi Qing looked nervous.

“No!” She exclaimed without any hesitation. Her expression was extremely serious as she shook her head vigorously and said, “It’s good here. I have food to eat and a place to sleep. I don’t have to learn anything and I can even eat supper!” She could truly be herself here.

“Useless!” Lonemoon rolled his eyes. Indeed, he could not expect much from a foodie.

Wait a moment!

Knowing Shen Ying... Could she be choosing to remain here just to avoid her sister and continue her long holiday?


Damn it! Why did Lonemoon feel like he was the only one who was losing out?!

“Chef, I’m hungry. Make some supper for us.”

“Yes, Master. No problem, Master!” Yi Qing heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the kitchen.

“...” F*cking retard .

“Sect Master,” Yu Hong rushed into the door at the same time that Yi Qing rushed out. Feng Ying and Qi Chengyu followed closely behind her. As the big senior sister, Yu Hong always looked composed. Seldom did they see her as flustered as she was now. “It’s no good, Sect Master! Xuan Tong is missing!”

“Xuan Tong?” Lonemoon paused. Then, he lowered his voice and asked, “Why is she missing? What happened? Talk slowly.”

“I’ll say it!” Qi Chengyu stepped forward anxiously. “A few days ago, Little Tong told me that she had an epiphany during the great battle the last time. She was also showing signs of developing sword intent, so she intended to isolate herself and turn into an Exalted Immortal!”

“An Exalted Immortal!” Lonemoon exclaimed. When they undid the seal on Xuan Tong’s body, she immediately rose to become a Stygian Immortal. Apart from Yi Qing and Lonemoon, nobody else in the sect was capable of teaching her. Ordinarily, Lonemoon would offer her a tip or two when he was free, but he had been so busy with calculations and predictions given the recent moving of houses that he did not bother to check in on her. As for the other disciples, they were used to training on their own. Lonemoon did not expect Xuan Tong to be so capable as to develop her own sword intent so quickly. She was indeed cut out for being a sword cultivator!

“Yes, that was why Yu Hong and I started to get ready for her to go into isolation these few days.” Qi Chengyu glanced at Yu Hong, and her panic heightened. “But this morning when we went to look for her, we found that she was not in her room. There was no damage done to the array outside the house – she just disappeared into thin air!”

“She’s in the midst of ascending and the immortal Qi in her body is still unstable. There’s no way she would leave now,” Yu Hong continued. “And she was at the east side of the rear hall. It’s always been quiet there. I also instructed the disciples not to go over and disturb her, so nobody has seen her.”

“I also got System to check,” Feng Ying interrupted. “I can’t detect her aura in the entire heavenly palace. I think she left.”

Lonemoon and Yi Qing exchanged a meaningful look. “Let’s go to her house to take a look!”

They both walked out of the entrance and picked up Shen Ying, the pile of mud, as they exited.

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