My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 592

Chapter 592: To Bed

I was already bracing for it.

The singular voice of opposition, sounding out... or more like growling out her clear dissent for this. And indeed, Sera was practically elbowing my ribs with her intense leering and peering.

Just who the hell do I think I was, amirite? Barging in outta nowhere trying to start some funny business dredging up unpleasant memories that have long since been buried. Do I think I’m entitled, obligated? Just because I’m the so-called Master or something?

Y’know what, I think I’m actually getting the hang of reading Sera’s thoughts. Yes, I’m sure that’s exactly how she sounds like. Bratty, snobbish voice and all.

Jackassery aside, it’s not as if I think her qualms were unfounded. She knows Ash undoubtedly better than I do. She knows her memories, her history, and her pain... and she surely understands perfectly the pain recalling would entail... otherwise, she wouldn’t be glaring her disapproval at me in the first place.

But, even so... I have to know.

“It is alright, Sera,” Ash reassured, her show of reluctance not going unnoticed. “It is my Master’s request... desire... and I fully, willingly intend to see it done.” then slowly she raised an arm out towards her, her empty palm quivering, the green in her eyes gleaming, “If you’d be so kind?”


Sera sounded a whine, both her veil and cloak fluttering wild in indecision, not wanting to accept, but yet simply unable to refuse, and in typical Sera-fashion, I’ve become the subject of her scorn, her fiery glare scorching once more at the root of all her problems.

Sure, I believed it was a little unfair. Of course, I thought she was being a bit childish... but I didn’t mind it, I can understand why.

I can understand her.

After all, my wants and her wants... they all really stem from the same love we had for this adorable, if a little abnormal, sickly Elf.

“I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do,” I said, empty of bargains, absent of any leverage. “If you don’t want to – fine, it’s okay,” speaking now only with absolute sincerity. “But I’d really appreciate it if you could help me out here.”

Again, violet hues began to restlessly flail, grumbles in the night lowly rumbled, and in the intensity of her golden light, I saw, gradually, as it began to soften.

With a quiet shuffle, her hand fell into Ash’s, and raising the other, Sera slowly reached out to me – offering hers.

I lost my ‘thank you’ somewhere down the line as I took her hand and moved into position, somewhere between letting myself rest, getting myself focused, and allowing the softness of the sheets to drift me gradually into slumber, but I made sure she knew it, felt it, as I gently squeezed my grip.

And it was only then I realized – Sera’s hands were so awfully small. Amazing how I never noticed it before.

“Don’t you need to almost kill me first or something?” I asked, peering up at her looming silhouette at the end of the bed, scouring her cloak for any signs of rustling gaps where possibly any sharp, bony appendages may protrude. “I remember this used to involve a lot of strangling.”

In her stead, Ash played the telepathic messenger, scooting over onto her side, the green glint of her tender gaze extending past the corner of my eye. “She only requires you sleep, Master. Unlike the case with Mistress Ria, I am a willing participant. No such extreme measures need be necessary here.”

“That so?” I said, muttering. “Didn’t realize there were many layers to this thing.”

“Indeed, a process far too complex and dull for me to eagerly clarify for your understanding,” Ash said, scooting even more until the tip of her nose brushed the edge of my shoulder, then quietly, almost furtively, she took in a big, deep relishing whiff. “Instead, Master, simply allow me this brief respite of you beside me before sleep inevitably drifts us apart.”

“If only you could sleep with your eyes open...” I said, turning over to my side as well, letting nothing else enter my sight aside from her loving stare just mere inches apart. “Or else you could just always just dream of me.”

“I always dream of you, Master,” She muttered, her hot breath grazing my dry lips. “Always you...” then her other arm began to rouse, slither, the warmth of her fingers finding its way onto the side of my face. “However, tonight, I fear my dreams won’t be as pleasant as you.”

That’s right, I’ll be delving into her memories... which means she’ll be there delving and remembering right alongside me too.

“I presume you’ll be having a long night ahead of you, then...” I said.

“Yes, it will be quite the restless night for me, indeed.”

My chest began to hurt again, the familiar pangs of guilt ringing, searing...

“I’m sorry.”

“No, no, do not apologize, Master,” Ash said, her gentle expression straining, staying so kind it almost hurts to see. “I realize myself just as well, that if I am to ever truly profess myself as being yours wholly... then there can never be secrets, dishonesty nor trickery... indeed who you see now, is not who I am completely. I want, no – I need you to see me completely. As you’ve declared, Master... I need you to love me completely.”

Her smile was like a nightlight in the grim, scary darkness surrounding us. Seeing it, I felt comforted, I felt safe... I felt ready.

It took a while for it to happen, longer even than I had hoped, but eventually, I could feel my focus begin to drift, my eyes seeing only blurred rims of light – in front of me, the glow of green gradually dimming.

I let it happen, I didn’t fight it, soon enough... I stopped feeling anything... seeing anything.

The slippery slope of sleep... I was already halfway slipping, sleeping... then...

“Master...” a voice in the murky darkness called, and by an innate impulse, I instantly answered, moaned I think... or whatever it was that rumbled out my throat, then in the same faint, quiet tone, the voice spoke, “There is... but one thing... I would like to request of you... if you are willing to bear it in mind...”

“What is it?” I responded back, or at least... I tried to anyway.... “Anything you want, Ash...”

From somewhere, from far away, I could hear breathing, I could hear smiling...

“You will see many... many things... you see...” echoed the voice again. “And I have done... many... many things...”

Then faintly, on the side of my face, I could feel something light there, something warm there.

“When you wake up tomorrow beside me... I hope of you, Master... that you do not judge me too harshly.”

I didn’t know if I replied, I didn’t know if I even made a sound, or responded in any way whatsoever.

There was still only that deep darkness, that nothingness...

“And should you ever... find yourself unable to regardless...” and that voice... its loving echoes resounding once more a familiar set of words... before the pull of slumber consumed me whole. “Rest assured... that I will love you all the same... regardless...”

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