My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 598

Chapter 598: An Elf’s Tale, Part

Situated right behind their burrow, their narrow inconspicuous crevice carved deep into the side of a grassy mound, was a tiny woodland grove adorned with the most vibrant verdant greenery you’d ever see.

A small oasis of beauty left untouched, undiscovered for the longest time. Here, was an eternal flourish where no flowers ever wilted and not a leaf strayed from the branches, unwavering even against the most relentless of storms.

It was a uniqueness found only sparingly across the land – where certain kinds of trees possessed a resilience almost frightening. Blades would nick, axes would blunt, and even her own bare fists, valiantly as she tried, would only bruise and sore pummeling them against its hard-timbered walls.

To retain her keen senses, strengthen her might, during the more quiet, listless days, Eshwlyn would venture deep into the grove, standing before the sturdiest tree, with the sole objective of fissuring possibly just a single bark of wood from its still smooth, unbroken exterior.

Yet today’s vigorous attempt would only prove to be no different from any other. Her knuckles flaring with pain, her skin glowing raw and red, leaving not even the faintest imprint of her efforts upon the tree’s rugged surface.

But so unlike the attempts from any other instance, today – Eshwlyn wasn’t alone. The clean pleasant green of the forest’s aroma suddenly started smelling foul.

A rustle in nearby bushes, and her pointed ears rapidly quivered. In an instant, her blade left its scabbard, pointing it directly forward towards the source of the rustling.


“Just me, it’s just me!” fervently sounded a voice, as the rustling grew louder, closer, the putrid smell getting more stronger. “Not as if you’d even understand me anyway...”

Terra looked exceedingly unsightly garbed in the stitched, leather pelts of Lenora’s doing. Something Eshwlyn would never dare admit within earshot but can never stop thinking about seeing her every time.

And this time especially, watching her clumsily emerge between the trees, in the rays of the sun, moving, walking, her stark raven hair blowing with the wind, she was truly such a ghastly sight to the eyes.

Begrudgingly, fighting against her better judgment, Eshwlyn lowered her blade back to her side, yet still looming her silent, piercing glare towards the unwelcome stranger before her.

The seventh day had finally arrived, and with its advent, returned the human’s mobility in its entirety, though still with some difficulty... as her wobbling, nearly buckling knees just then demonstrated.

“I, um... I figured I should start stretching my muscles as soon as I’m able, you see... I mean, the sooner I can leave, the better for you, right?” the woman politely explained, ultimately falling upon deaf and rigid ears. “I’ve just been wandering... heard you punching... and... still not understanding, never mind.”

There was more flesh to her bones now, more color to her skin, her cuts and bruises diluted to healing welts and fading scars – her expression was no longer vacant either, there was never one look on her face that lingered for more than a second. She was always moving, always expressing... always so infuriating.

“Lenora,” Eshwlyn took a step forward, and Terra took a step backward. “Lenora, vemer?”

“Uh, fishing – fishing! You know... fishing?” Terra said, deciphering her words through her tone, while gesticulating. “Lenora...” – she threw her arms out. “Catch...” – she flapped them at her sides. “Fish!” before finishing with a flourish. “You get it?”

Eshwlyn blinked, her brow remaining furrowed.

“Nope... you don’t get it...” Terra said, her shoulders slumped in defeat. “If only I knew how to speak a little Elvish like... oh well...”

Then, just like every other instance their stares would meet, the human’s deep blue eyes began to drift below, the sharp gleam of silver reflecting back in her stagnant gaze.

“I see you’re still holding onto that sword.”

The glowering Elf tightened her grip – ‘sword’ was a word that was not lost on her. Eshwlyn understood.

“But I’m wondering... um... have you used it before? Apart from nearly stabbing me, I mean...” The human made another motion, swinging an arm in a slicing action, her brow raised high in question. “Fight... have you... fought with it?”

For once, there was a vague sense of understanding between them, and while still apprehensive, still dubious, Eshwlyn stiffly shook her head at her.

Terra formed a smile, having somewhat made a conversation – bolstered, she gestured a little more, slowly unfolding and folding her hands together, like one of Lenora’s books. “Should I... teach -” a single finger jutting forward. “- you to... ” before the slicing motion of her arms repeated once more. “Fight?”

“F-Fight...” the Elf echoed back. For a while, she watched the human repeat the same three motions again, each time with a bit more fervor, a bit more anticipation, before the realization suddenly clicked. Eshwlyn’s eyes went wide with confusion, her single step forward retreating back. “You... van kemelster?”

The woman’s smile grew a little more, and springing a light step closer, nodded in response. “Yes, I do want to fight you.” another opened book. “Just for you to learn how to use a sword, okay?”

It was a ruse, a trick, an attempt at deception... her senses, her instinct blared at her... it was better to be rid of her, better the grass be doused in red from the gushing slit around her neck...

“I understand you Elves have this drive to kill rather indiscriminately if they’re not one of your own... it’s in your nature... you can’t help yourself...” Terra pulled a face, an uneasiness tightening her gaze. “But I’d appreciate it if you could hold that back a little for the sake of the lesson? I just got my life back after all... would seriously prefer not to lose it just yet.”

“Sesvalur nora’bor ka?!” Eshwlyn barked. “Nibil! Kis! Fenmathur ko asang, Nes’na!”

“You don’t understand me, I don’t understand you, just splendid, I know...” The human said with an exasperated sigh. “I’m taking a guess – are you asking why I’m doing this? If so, it’s because you saved me, remember? she made another complicated set of actions, “You... saved... me...” before finishing with another kind smile. “And like I told your sister... I always repay the kind of treatment I am given. Though I do recall you almost stabbing my face – but let’s forget that for now. You ready?”

The day was quickly spiraling from her control. Ever since the human had first entered into their daily lives, things have been spiraling.

Lenora was now always cooking, the burrow was now always reeking... and she... and she herself was now always learning.

Learning that the cooking tasted delicious, learning that the blaze of a fire didn’t always hurt, and learning that the stench of humankind didn’t always smell so foul... and at times... could even smell different.


Right now, this human... Terra... smelled only of kindness.

Even if the kindness still smelled ever as foul.

“S-Sword...” Eshwlyn stammered, pointing at Terra with her unarmed hand. “Human... no... sword...”

“Mm? Hm? Ah! Yes, you’re right, I don’t have a sword...” Terra’s eyes fervently darted about, the glee in her expression plain to see. “Alright, that looks like it should do – and here we...”

Her words trailed off as she raised an arm forward, an empty palm stretched wide into the air. Terra’s expression remained light, her smile remained gentle... but then beyond sight, beyond sound... Eshwlyn felt something strong rousing within her.

An invincible force, a crushing presence, pressure...


Her instincts flared again, her muscles tensing, bracing, her finger reflexively contorting to the shape of a kill – but through great effort, she managed to restrain herself, and simply permitted for the foreboding sensation to grow.

Then that’s when she heard it, her ears perking instantly, perceiving the literal impossible, up above in the largest, sturdiest tree in the vicinity – the crackling snap of a branch loosely breaking free.

Eshwlyn shot her gaze to the skies, in time to see a bundle of leaves in a swirling plummet to the dirt around her – and above it, a thick, splintered branch, hurling down at an angle, before quickly propelling itself into the gentle grip of Terra’s palm.

The most resilient of trees, a true rarity amongst scarcity, and a single human so easily, seamlessly, had its indomitable nature quite literally bending to their will... in her hand... swinging and swaying, she fiddled with it... as if it was simply a mere branch to her like no other.

“It’s just perfect!” Terra piped, satisfied with her weapon of choice, and blind to the Elf’s sudden tense expression, she cheerily declared. “Now then, are we ready to go?”

Silently, Eshwlyn shuffled another step forward... and inversely... Terra instead took a stumbling step back, nervous chuckling.

“Again, um... just keep in mind, if you can understand me... please understand me,” She muttered, rigidly shifting herself into a practiced stance. “Please try not to kill me, would you?”

“Kill... you...” Eshwlyn blinked, the sharp edge of her blade raised forward almost as if separating the human herself completely in two – briefly, once more, the sense of danger took over.

She thought of Cale again.

“If you... deserve it...” The Elf answered.

“Alright, fair enough...” Terra replied, her cheery smile faltering into quivers. “I’ll... try not to deserve it then...”

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