My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 617

Chapter 617: An Elf’s Tale, Part 2

Even with the thickest apparel made from the hide and fur of a Gliurbeast from the far north, it did little to stave the biting cold from ravaging through her body and freezing her joints, stiffening her muscles.

Eshwlyn tightly clung to her cloak, resisting the burning impulse to cough, furtively wiping away the cold sweat from her face, as she struggled to keep pace with Wilvur’s strides growing only quicker, louder, a sense of urgency echoing across the manor walls.

“We bear the heavy burden of the present in hopes that our future may be lighter,” Wilvur whispered, a musing gaze watching as mounting clumps of snow bury away the last sliver of moonlight from the corridor windows. “Surely our tomorrow together will come to be a most prosperous venture indeed. What do you think, Eshwlyn?”

“Hmm?” She blinked, suddenly finding herself locking gazes and not having heard a single word of the question. “I, um... whatever Master thinks, I am doubtlessly inclined to hold the same belief.”

Seemingly satisfied, Wilvur briskly marched on... and as with every instance she had in his presence, it did not take long at all before the silence had launched him into another long-winded dribble.

“Ah yes, why, I almost forgot to inquire of you. Is it true you’ve bested seven of my soldiers bare-handed?” He asked, continuing on without awaiting an answer. “That’s a remarkable feat-and while also claiming victory unscathed? And all this, without yet undergoing conversion. When I received word of this, I couldn’t describe to you how elated I had felt right then, why even Tilina was only capable of-oh, Tilina! What are you doing out here at this late hour?”

They both came to halt. In the middle of the entrance hall stood a familiar, slender figure. Tilina drew forward towards them, elegance brimming in every aspect of her appearance, her bright eyes like rays of gold banishing the dark.


Eshwlyn tried looking for her gaze, but it was then immediately apparent that it was not for her that Tilina had been roaming in the late night.

“Master,” She bowed in greeting, fluid, graceful, like second nature. “Please, once more I implore you, I invite you to reconsider your decision.”

“Tilina, this discussion has already run dry its course, has it not?” Wilvur said, a delicate politeness masking his impatience. “I wish not to speak of this anymore. I have heard your qualms, heeded your reasons-do you truly mean now to go against my wishes?”

“Never, Master, never,” Tilina immediately refuted, her long crimson locks shaking fervently in denial. “I act and do only in your best interest. And for this instance especially, I only mean -”

“To delay me further, surely,” He crossed his arms, expelling out a cold, audible sigh. “Is that not why you’re here? To reiterate upon past discussion, bickering here in front of the entrance... whatever you claim your intentions to be, whether just, whether otherwise... know that every second you are wasting my time.”

“Allow me to speak freely, then, Master,” There was a flicker, a glint, in a moment that passed too soon, the deep fury in her eyes having finally acknowledged Eshwlyn’s presence. “You should not have picked her for this, she is unfit, she is unwell. Master, you know this is an issue best left to be resolved by more capable hands!”

“And what you mean by more capable hands...” Wilvur replied, unperturbed by his devoted Knight’s sudden outburst. “...I suspect you are referring to yourself?”

“Of course,” She heaved. “It is undoubtedly a given, is it not, Master?” She spoke on, her stoic demeanor forming fissuring cracks. “Is this not precisely what you’ve cultivated me for? To aid you, to serve you, as your sword and shield. You have always delegated to me your most troublesome woes, and I have yet to fail you in every order you’ve given. Why not this one? I am the more capable of us two, the more reliable, the more infallible-Master, I fail to understand your decision! If it is a matter of efficiency, then surely I-”

“But it is not,” He stopped her tirade, turning a blind eye to the exasperation seeping through the cracks in her expression. “Efficiency, capability, it is not a question of abilities, Tilina. Who I chose, who I believe befitting of this task... I have merely chosen according to my whims,” then flashing a smile in a half-glance, Ehswlyn found her reflected in the shimmer of his scarlet eyes. “And it is to my desire that Eshwlyn accompanies me tonight.”

“But why is it so?!” echoed the confusion, the indignation resounding aloud across the empty chamber. “Master, this is unbecoming of you! You’ve had me impounded behind these walls for how long now when you know that this is not where I truly belong! Endless bureaucracy and bargains at your behest! For what?! Is it not I that you’ve chosen?! Not I that you’ve relied upon for years?! I, that had always been by your side?! Is it not I that you’ve proclaimed as your great-!”

A blur of movement, and suddenly a sharp crack reverberated, instilling a sudden tense silence upon the air. Wilvur still had his hand firmly raised, and Tilina was still clutching the side of her face, her once furious expression quickly turning despondent, reproachful... narrowed lips trembling, holding back words still left unsaid.

“You’re shouting. I do not like shouting, I do not allow it,” Wilvur quietly said, lowering both hands back to his sides. “You forgot. But you don’t usually forget. This truly must have been bothering you. I see that now.”

It was merely a step forward, a step closer, Wilvur harmlessly shuffling forward... and yet it had the unwavering Knight stiffening her breath, and cowering slightly back.

“Let me ask you, then, Tilina-what is it that you find so vexing about your current position?” He cocked his gaze, widened his stare. “I’ve entrusted you with the upkeep of this Manor, a duty that you have excelled upon beyond my satisfaction. But more than that, it is you, you alone, that I’ve entrusted with the training and care of my new Knight. I trust you are keenly aware that that is not a decision I made on mere whims alone.”

“The encampment,” Tilina murmured, still retaining a sliver of resistance. “If Master had wished to simply train a future Knight, you could have simply sent her there instead, as you have done for me-my involvement in her tutelage was not necessary.”

“But I would argue that it was, that it is,” Wilvur replied, whispering words that permeated a chill colder than the outdoors. “Your knowledge and experience are invaluable-if I am to have a most excellent servant, is it not better to have my most promising Knight currently acting as her personal tutor?”

That’s when a resurgence happened, and Tilina lost the timidity in her voice.

“Currently?” She repeated, swallowing a lump down her throat. “So it is as I feared then. It is not a pair of Knights you desire, but a single one-the perfect one. Master, do you mean to replace me after all?”

But Wilvur again spoke only indifferently, the only semblance of emotion in his tone being a weary one. “I have not hidden this fact from you. If you’ve misunderstood anything, that is of your own doing. And replace?” He frowned. “I do not recall ever replacing you. I have made you great, and make no mistake, you are great, and as such you will stay as you are... but you will never be beyond what you are... because you’ve never been what I truly sought for.”

“But, Master, you said-!”

“What I’ve said,” He cut across from her, raising his only slightly, and yet echoing so profoundly. “And what you made of it... are two completely, vastly different things. Think for a moment, if you’ve truly deluded yourself into thinking you are befitting of achieving greater aspirations, then I must ask you-why is it that you haven’t already done so?”

There was a brief silence as Tilina scoured desperately for an answer.

“Because you... Because Master... Master, see, you’ve never-”

“I’ve never once given you the opportunity,” Wilvur finished, smiling and nodding at her trembling gaze. “Now you’ve got it.”

It was like a fire had been extinguished, a splash of icy water snuffing the light, the golden glow in her eyes. Once again, Eshwlyn tried to meet her crestfallen gaze, but now it was as if the entire world itself had been whisked away from her sights.

“But it is as I said, Tilina, I do not take your capabilities for granted,” Wilvur went on, stepping another inch closer, and for once, Tilina did not stir. “After all, is it not you I entrusted with the care of Eshwlyn? With her unmatched potential, her unknown capabilities... I would not have desired to delegate such a task to anybody else, no, Tilina-it is you, only you, that was capable of cultivating me my greatest Knight.”

Then as if in a gesture of comfort, of reassurance, Wilvur laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, a prideful smile on his face. “You should feel honored, truly,” He raised a brow. “You do feel honored, don’t you?”

Tilina did not return his stare for some time, the cold marble flooring instead mirroring a blurred expression back at her, contorted, malformed, and yet, when she looked back at him, it was her usual grace, her usual elegance, that met back the shimmer of deep red.

“Yes, Master,” She said, dropping herself into an apologetic bow. “I understand now, this honor, and this duty, you have bestowed upon me. I apologize for questioning your judgment. I deeply regret my behavior, and rest assured, Master... it will not happen again.”

“Very good,” Wilvur took his hand away, and still lingering a faint smile, he glanced back at Eshwlyn. “Now, we really, really must go. I fear we’ve wasted valuable time bickering here. No time for reprimands. In haste, now.”

In an almost deafening silence, Eshwlyn strolled past the unmoving, dour silhouette of the scarlet-haired Elf in the darkness. She did not look at her, she did not even acknowledge her. No malice, no resentment-nothing.

Eshwlyn contemplated on saying something, anything, to try and alleviate the situation, but with the aching pounding in her head, and Wilvur’s urgent callings from up ahead, only kept her lips sealed and her gaze keeping forward.

Then, like a fading echo in a storming blizzard, Eshwlyn heard a familiar sternness calling back to her.

“Should you be feeling better come dawn...” Tilina spoke, a profound vacantness in her voice as she disappeared within the vast darkness of the halls. “We truly must continue on with your training. For Master’s sake.”

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