My Space-Time System

Chapter 365

Chapter 365: DIY design.

After he read a book on the automation of arrays, Blake found out that the main area he was meant to be focused on was making the array periodic.

As long as the array had a power source it would continue to remain active until it had completely drained the power source. So since he didn’t want the humidifier to continuously spew out essential oil, Blake needed to learn how to make arrays periodic.

“This was way easier than I thought.” Blake was ecstatic when he saw that the book was not only straightforward, but it explained all the tiers of periodic arrays in great detail.

Since the humidifier wasn’t any complex weapon of mass destruction, it needed only the basic tier of periodic arrays.

The best part of the book was that it taught all the sets of symbols for every second up to 50 secs. So all Blake had to do was look at all of them and have the system remember them when he needed to learn them.

“Since that is done, now off to the exchange store.” Blake used the warp array at the library to return to the castle.

On seeing the holographic screen of the exchange store, Blake moved over to the alchemist section. He was finding it hard to recognize any essential oil he knew back on earth.


‘Tea tree... Yuck.’ Blake was disgusted as he remembered the scent of Tea tree essential oil.

‘Lemon fragrance! 50 EP that’s a fair price.’ He didn’t waste time purchasing 5 bottles of the lemon fragrance.

He continued scrolling through the long list and was able to get other fragrances like lavender, cinnamon, vanilla, rose, and wild orange.

Unfortunately for Blake, he couldn’t get a sample of the essential oil. So what he did was buy one bottle of each and smell them one after the other before buying more.

The thought of upgrading his room to his dream setup had crossed his mind, but he felt it was redundant. Things like light strips would just distract him while he was cultivating, so it was useless.

After he was done shopping for essential oil, Blake began searching for the best metal to construct the body of the humidifier.

‘What if I used gold?’ Blake thought. He felt like since he was putting in so much effort he should make it special.

[I must be dreaming, or did you get hit on the head?] The system was confused about what happened to Blake

‘haha funny...’ Blake said in a sarcastic tone as he searched for a gold ingot.

In both exchange points and the gold coins get had gotten from commissions, Blake had way more than he needed.

‘It would take quite some time before another DIY project.’

Although he wanted to make sure the result was magnificent, Blake still felt his heart bleed as he paid almost 3k exchange points for a block of gold and silver.

[There is the cheap stake I know.] The system laughed its ass off, but Blake as usual ignored it and headed for his room.

“Now for the last part before construction, design.” Blake said as he sat down on his reading table beside his bookshelf and brought out a sheet of paper and a pencil.

“I should first start with the exterior appearance.” Blake began searching through his memory for a cool shape.

After more than 10 minutes, Blake was stuck between a hexagonal spiral structure or an oval shape. So he asked for the system’s opinion.

[You will need more metal for the hexagon.] The system said.

“The oval it is!” Blake didn’t need a second more to decide on what shape to pick.

The exterior of the humidifier was the easiest part of the design. That was why when he got to the interior he was finding it harder to make decisions.

By the end of the night, Blake decided that the humidifier would have 2 sections.

The bottom would house the power source and arrays needed to make it function, while the top part would contain the chamber for the essential oil and the tubes for air and water coming from the bottom section.

All that was left were now the intricate design of each component, and that was work for the next day.


The next morning at the cafeteria, Blake’s team was currently seated and having breakfast.

“Don’t you guys think it is weird that the school hasn’t called for any meeting?” Tessie said.

“You guys haven’t heard the news?” Luciano asked.

“What news?” Brian, Castiel, and Tessie asked with confused looks on their faces.

“Principal Lovren was fatally injured by a tier 2 emperor rank Arachne at the western wall.” Luciano said.

“That explains a lot.” They now knew why they weren’t told to assemble at the auditorium immediately after they were back.

“Did you know of this?” Tessie couldn’t help but ask when she saw Blake wasn’t surprised by the piece of news.

“Hey!” It was when Tessie waved her hand in front of Blake that he snapped out of his thoughts.

“No, I didn’t know about it.” Blake answered as the system gave him a recap of what they were talking about.

“What’s on your mind?” Tessie asked because she noticed he wasn’t eating as usual.

“Nothing. Just a little project that I am working on.” Blake said.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” With how spaced out Blake was, Luciano the problem might be serious so he offered to help.

Blake had a long pause before asking. “Does the empire have a patent for inventions?”

The question took everyone by surprise because it was nowhere related to the conversation they had.

“Yes. Both magical and non-magical inventions.” Luciano answered.

“Hmmmm” Blake stopped chewing on his breadsticks and entered a pondering pose.

“Is that all?” Luciano asked with a raised brow because he was acting weird.

“At the moment, nothing I can’t deal with, but I will show you guys when I am done.” Blake said as he picked up his breadstick and continued munching.

Blake’s weird actions made the entire silent for a while before Brian broke the silence.

“How serious is his injury? When will he fully recover?”

“No one knows this, but it would be in more or less 3 months.” Luciano said.

“3 months?! That like almost an entire semester.” Brian was shocked.

They all knew how effective the light element was in terms of healing. So for Lovren to be out for 3 months meant that it was a very serious injury.

“Did you guys hear that Professor Hoffenheim killed a tier emperor rank Deathworm all on his own?” Tessie said as she lowered her voice and leaned in.

“What do you mean he defeated a tier 2 Deathworm?” Castiel couldn’t help but ask for more details because it was unbelievable. Even Blake was paying attention to her.

It was basic knowledge that an angel couldn’t win against a tier 2 emperor rank beast.

“Yeah, he killed an emperor beast at the same level as the one that defeated principal Lovren.” Tessie said in a hushed tone.

“Firstly, you don’t have to do that when talking.” Blake said as he face-palmed. “Secondly, how legit is this news?”

“I overheard those posted to the western wall talking about it.” Tessie narrated what she had overheard people talking about.

‘I knew he was strong, but not this strong!’ Brian said in the mind link.

[Seems my suspicion was right all along.] The system said.

Back when Blake had gone into Professor Hoffenheim’s office, he had used both water and light elements to demonstrate the fusion process.

These were the exact elements of the God of knowledge, and it was hard to think it is a coincidence that he is the best researcher in the entire Synder empire.

‘Are you saying professor Hoffenheim is Azekelwart?’ Blake couldn’t help but ask.

[Doesn’t make sense that a God would become a professor. I am thinking he is Azkelwart’s descendant.] The system said.

‘Are you saying he is Zultra?’ Blake asked because the journal confirmed that Zultra was a clone of Azkelwart and he had left the base.

[Most likely, because this is too much to be a coincidence.] The system said.

‘Come to think of it. With how powerful the royal family is, do you think they didn’t know about Azkelwart’s base?’

‘You can’t tell me something that huge and powerful would be in their land and they wouldn’t have any clue of it?’

‘If they already knew, don’t you think they would already know about Zultra?” Blake said.

‘So?’ Castiel was unclear on where this was going.

‘So, if they knew about him, they should know the secrets and knowledge he possesses. So why haven’t they captured him?’ Blake asked.

‘The only reason I could think of is that Azkelwart is so dangerous and powerful that they can’t afford to go against him.’ Blake said.

It took some time for Castiel and Brian to process Blake’s thoughts but that was only because they were trying to understand how it related to the topic.


After breakfast, Blake returned to his room to continue his DIY project.

He had used most of his time in the cafeteria to finish planning his interior. It was time to start forging.

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