My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1353: Jade talismans (2)

Chapter 1353: Jade talismans (2)

Ma Yun gulped. He looked up at Song Yan from the missing reports that were in front of him and said, "But that doesn't mean that the matter is related to Ye Xiyuan, right sister-in-law? Why will she kill these people? There is no need for her to kill them."

"How do you know that she doesn't have a reason to kill them?" Song Yan questioned with a raise of her brows. "You did not even know that she lied about growing up in an orphanage when she never even lived in that place."

Her words silenced Ma Yun who pursed his lips. He blinked his eyes and clenched his fingers before stubbornly saying, "I trust Xiyuan, Sister-in-law. She is not someone who would kill anyone, she might be a bit career driven but she cannot be a murderer."

Song Yan knew that the reason Ma Yun was so adamant about refusing to accept the truth was because if he was to accept that his fiancee was a murderer then what would become of him? For him to accept that he had been living with a murderer for two years would be like a bolt of thunder.

"You can deny it all you want. I am not here to tell you to turn your fiancee to the police anyway," Song Yan stated coldly as she took out a jade talisman that she had refined earlier. She was going to hand it to Old Master Fu but later on, she changed her mind. Song Yan could not let Ye Xiyuan raise her cultivation any further, and if her guess was correct, the key to her cultivation reaching the final stage lay with Ma Yun.

She needed to keep this man safe!

If Ma Yun died then she would be in a lot of trouble.

Song Yan hurled the jade talisman which looked like a bracelet of beads at Ma Yun and told him, "Keep this talisman with you at all times. If not you will die a brutal death," she paused and added, "After all, you have already faced it once, right? I don't think you would want to face it again."

Her words brought the memories from the night when Ma Yun saw the dark figure in his room, the one that nearly killed him but then he woke up and sent that thing out of his room. His eyes widened and Ma Yun questioned, "How ...How do you know this, sister-in-law?" Song Yan glanced at the lingering Death Aura on his forehead and answered, "You do not need to know this, all you need to know is that you need to keep this bracelet on your body at all times no matter what others say. If you take it off..." She curled her lips and remarked casually, "Then you might as well tell me the favourite flower that you like, I will make a note to put a bouquet of your favourites on your coffin."

Ma Yun: ".." Should I thank you?

"And keep this bracelet with you especially when your fiancee is with you," Song Yan would have told Ma Yun without hiding anything from him but she could see that Ma Yun was not ready to believe her. However, she did not want Ma Yun to give into Ye Xiyuan's sweet words and end up as her meal, which was why she gave him a warning. If he took it to his heart, then he would survive if not --well, Song Yan had to ask Gu Chenyi to come to the capital and help her or send someone.

Ma Yun's eyes could not help but turn wide. He stammered, "S..Sister in law... do you know what you are saying?"

"I know," Song Yan curled her lips in a sly smirk. "Just as I know that your fiancee will come looking for you in five seconds as she is now aware of your meeting with me."

As soon as she spoke, Ma Yun blinked his eyes but at the same time counted the time. Five seconds later, he heard a voice behind him which both startled him as well as scared him out of his wits.

"Ah Yun!" Ye Xiyuan who was dressed in a bluish-grey ruffle shirt with wide beige pants walked over to where Ma Yun and Song Yan were sitting. Seeing her walk over to where he was sitting, Ma Yun instinctively wore the bracelet on his wrist.

He then turned to look at Song Yan who smiled at him and sipped on her coffee.

"X..Xiyuan, you are here? How?" Ma Yun asked as he looked at Ye Xiyuan.

Ye Xiyuan looked at the man in front of her with a smile. However inwardly she was grinding her teeth, though she did not have any evidence, Ye Xiyuan doubted Song Yan.

Ever since this woman came to know about her, everything was going down the drain. Not to mention, she did not forget about the small fainting incident that happened in the ward when Song Yan came to look for Fu Yu Sheng, with her in the room.

This woman either had some spiritual cultivation or she had a powerful weapon with her!

However, seeing that Song Yan did not show all her cards to her, Ye Xiyuan did not say anything either. She could only walk around the edges with this woman while testing her. "What's wrong? Do you not welcome me?" Ye Xiyuan asked as she stretched her hand and touched Ma Yun's shoulder. However, no sooner did she touch him, than a scalding sensation overwhelmed the back of her hand and she screamed. "Ahhh! What the hell--"

Ma Yun who was sitting on the chair looked at Ye Xiyuan who screamed in pain and was filled with disbelief. What ...what was this?


[Please check out my new work: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched by His Rival. I will be

grateful if you do, it's a wonderful story if only you give it a try.]

[On another note, please don't forget to send a golden ticket, power stone or gift to this book, my loving readers!]


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