My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1424: Truth (1)

Chapter 1424: Truth (1)

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands?

It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them hehehe.


"Master Lai, how can I help you today?" Song Yan climbed down the stairs and walked towards the man who sat on the armchair in the middle of the room.

Her dress gilded behind her on the floor as she walked.

"Master Song, thank god you are here, "Master Lai thought that Song Yan would ignore him as Zheng Baozhi had disrespected her by making her wait outside her studio but fortunately the woman was willing to see him.

Song Yan indeed did not want to meet with this man who was blind enough to not notice the changes around him, even though Zheng Baozhi killed his wife and replaced her, Master Lai remained oblivious to it.

It was as if the man had no idea who his wife was in the first place even though he married Zheng Baobei after dating her for years.

However, she needed to catch Zheng Baozhi and it was only possible when she got her hands on enough pieces of evidence.

Zheng Baozhi needed to be thrown in the special prison for what she had done but it was impossible unless Song Yan had solid evidence in her hands. This could only be done if Master Lai helped her around a little, Zheng Baozhi was bound to be wary of everyone but not Master Lai.

'What can I say sometimes idiots have their uses as well,' Song Yan thought inwardly as she walked past the man and sat down on the couch. With her arm thrown behind her, she said to Master Lai, "This is supposed to be my home?"

Master Lai: ".." he did not know why but for some reason, Song Yan seemed to dislike him. A lot.

However, this was not the time for him to worry about Song Yan's dislike. He cleared his throat and then said to Song Yan, "Master Song, I...I want you to help me. I don't know what happened but Zheng Baobei's ghost came to my house and said a bunch of nonsense, she even told me that she was the one who married me and my wife is an imposter who took her place."

He wiped his sweat off his forehead and then added, "She also said my daughter is dead and that she was killed by Zheng Baozhi. How can it be possible? I am Zheng Baozhi 's husband. If she suddenly changed, wouldn't I know?"

After he was done speaking Master Lai raised his head to ask Song Yan to exorcise Zheng Baobei's soul lest she troubled him and his wife but when he saw how calm and unsurprised Song Yan looked, a bad feeling rose in his heart.

"Master Song?"

"She went to your home because I asked her to," Song Yan sat up straight as she crossed her legs one over the other. "And whether or not your wife has changed, why don't you calmly sit down and think it over from the start? Maybe three or four years ago? I think the subtle changes should have started around August four years ago."

Master Lai felt like he had fallen into an ice cave, he didn't seem to have heard what Song Yan had said but at the same time, he had heard everything. However, as the words reached his head, Master Lai couldn't understand them at all.

The changes? When did the changes start?

And if they did then....

He snapped his head and looked at Song Yan who was calmly sitting in front of him even though he was quaking in his shoes.

"Master Song, are you joking?" He asked the woman, feeling as if a weight was pressing on his heart. If what Song Yan said was the truth then what had he been doing all these years? All these years, he was sleeping and making love to a woman who killed his beloved woman?

And because of his carelessness even his daughter....

Master Lai was having trouble breathing as he placed his hand on the armrest of the chair on which he was sitting before turning his head left and right as he tried to calm down.

He couldn't believe it. He could not believe it!

Song Yan left the man alone, no matter what he had to accept the truth tonight!

"Whether you believe it or not, think carefully about your young daughter before you make a decision. The reason I am telling you this is to put you on guard, your daughter is talented and filial. If you protect her well you can still enjoy a comfortable life in your old age. She will take care of everything for you and respect and adore you even when you have indirectly caused the death of her mother and sister. However, if you don't listen to me then you can only wait for your daughter to die as Zheng Baozhi would not leave her alone since your youngest has more artistic talent than her mother."

"Since Zheng Baozhi cannot have children, she sees the children left behind by Zheng Baobei as thorns in her eyes. If you continue down the path you are walking at the moment then who knows? Maybe you will receive another piece of news where your youngest was bewitched and kidnapped?"

She then paused and added, "You might not have paid attention to it but Zheng Baobei is not allergic to oranges in fact she likes them. While Zheng Baozhi is really allergic to them, she cannot drink or eat oranges and orange juice. However, she has taken Zheng Baobei's position and can only take allergy medicines and pretend to like everything that Zheng Baobei likes. In a way, even if Zheng Baobei did not tell you the should have noticed it long ago."

Master Lai's face changed drastically and he squeezed out the words that were buried in his heart, "Master Song, are you saying that the woman I married was Zheng Baobei and not Zheng Baozhi? And the woman who is next to me is not Zheng Baobei but Zheng Baozhi whom I hated?"

It was rather difficult to talk to foolish people. Seeing how Song Yan sighed, Master Lai's heart sank even more. To be honest he had a feeling that there was something wrong with Zheng Baozhi. However, he never doubted it because Old Madam Zheng treated Zheng Baozhi very well and even Old Master Zheng was rather nice to her when he was alive. Everyone in the Zheng family treated his wife as if she was the apple of their eye and if someone else was talking to him in place of Zheng Baozhi, they should have told him about it right?

It didn't make sense that Zheng Baobei, who had been with him for so long, never said a word about it!

Song Yan knew what Master Lai was thinking and immediately crushed his last hope as well. "They sent Zheng Baobei's mother to the asylum and kept her trapped there, if Zheng Baobei went against them they would torment her mother and send her evidence of doing so. Even if she wanted to go against the Zheng family, she couldn't. And as their real daughter was a piece of trash, they could only make use of Zheng Baobei's glory."

"Now that the woman is gone, they are relying on your daughters and others. Didn't the changes in Zheng Baozhi start after the death of Zheng Baobei's mother's death? That's because Old Madam Zheng and Zheng Baozhi knew that they could no longer control Zheng Baobei. They were afraid that she would tell you the truth so they decided to silence her before such a thing happened."

Master Lai was more or less convinced by what Song Yan told him.

It was just that he couldn't believe it. If he believed it, then he would have to believe that his daughter was dead. How could he believe it! He would rather believe that his daughter eloped and was alive and doing well than believe that she was killed by Zheng Baozhi.

"Mas...Master Song...where ...where is my daughter then?"

Song Yan thought of the tragic state Lai Meifeng was at the moment and after a moment of silence, she said, "Where do you think she should be?"

Master Lai was scared witless when he heard these words. He had a vague and rather terrifying guess in his head but the more he thought about it the more scared he became. Was he

sleeping with the killer of his daughter?

Seeing that Master Lai was still refusing to acknowledge the reality, Song Yan shattered his fantasy at once, "Your daughter is indeed dead and she died cruelly. Zheng Baozhi tied her to an altar and cut off her flesh every night before feasting on it. She did this because she wanted to snatch the skills and talents of your daughter. The bigger the desire, the crueller the ritual

will be."



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