My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 33: Episode 33 The eldest lady likes security guards?

Chapter 33: Episode 33 The eldest lady likes security guards?

In episode 33, as the bald man finished speaking coldly, he slammed his hand on the steering wheel, and the entire silver-gray car slammed into the car on Fei Fei's side.

With a thud, Feifei almost couldn't hold the steering wheel, and the car was just a little bit away from being knocked into the cliff, if the winding mountain road was really a car falling.

There must be no car wreck and no one killed.

Fei Fei's face turned pale, and her foot slammed on the brakes.

With a hiss, Lotus's tires made a noise on the mountain road, and the car stopped.

And the bald Liao Bin over there had also jumped out of the car at this moment, and strode over with a flying face.

Fei Fei also got out of the car at this time, I always thought that Miss Tang was different from others, she didn't like to play with insidious things, but I didn't expect that Miss Tang also liked to use this method to yin people.

Liao Binsen, who strode over, said coldly.

Fei Fei knew in her heart that she did blame herself a little this time, and she was a little too reckless just now.

Even if I break the rules, what's the matter?

Fei Fei said nonchalantly.

That Liao Bin sneered, Miss Dana, it shouldn't be that I don't want to admit defeat, why should I admit defeat, I haven't finished this journey.

Fei Fei said unreasonably.

That Liao Bin's eyes instantly became extremely ugly, what Miss Tang meant, you won't admit this matter today.

Nonsense, I didn't lose, why do you say that you lost, didn't I just hit your car a few times?

I'll give you money to fix it.

That Liao Bin listened to Fei Fei's words can be described as an insult for a day, let's go, don't see people like him.

After Feifei said this, how could Liao Bin let Feifei go so easily, and immediately sold it in stride, and said with a vicious face, Miss Tang, you just left, I'm afraid it's not good.

Fei Fei was stunned, glared at him and said, what do you want to do.

Li Tian was also looking at this bald head there, what do I think, of course it's still the old rule, you go to the hotel tonight to stay with me for a night.

That Liao Bing suddenly smiled wickedly and said, Hey, hooligan.

Fei Fei suddenly blushed and scolded there, that Liao Bin suddenly revealed his true nature, yes, my surname is Liao, I was originally a hooligan, but it's a pity that your Miss Tang only knows now that others are afraid of your Tang family, but I, Liao Bin, am not afraid that they dare not touch you, but Lao Tzu dares to move you, you must accompany me for a good night tonight.

If you're comfortable with your brain, maybe I'll be able to spare you if you're uncomfortable.

Hmph, I'll let my little brothers take your turn.

Hey, hey, hey.

When the despicable words came out of this guy's mouth, Feifei was so angry that he was trembling all over.

When did a hooligan dare to say such a lewd word in front of him, something inferior to beasts, pigs and dogs.

Fei Fei scolded angrily.

Li Tian, who had been standing next to Fei Fei, couldn't help but glare at the bald soldier at this moment, Hey, I said, are you still a fucking man?

Say such unpopular words.

Li Tian went up and scolded Liao Bin and said, Liao Bing over there didn't care about this little follower beside Fei Fei, but when he heard Li Tian's voice at this moment, he turned a triangular-eyed boy, what are you?

If you know each other, hurry up and get away.

As Liao Bin spoke, he took out a sharp dagger from his arms, and when he saw Liao Bin suddenly touch out the guy's Fei Fei, he was suddenly a little afraid that this barren mountain was halfway up the Wolf Mountain.

Where is half a person, if he is really blackened by this bald head, the consequences will be unimaginable, but I saw Li Tian clasping his hands in front of his chest.

Said lightly, hmph, what if I don't leave.

Ever since there were strange changes in his body, Li Tian has always wanted to see what he has become.

To be honest, Li Tian had always wanted to control the strength of his abdomen, and he remembered that he had controlled his strength once last time when he was fighting with those dozen hooligans.

But now can he control Li Tianzheng and want to experiment, no, when Liao Bin heard that Li Tian was not leaving, he couldn't help but say coldly, Then Lao Tzu will put you down first.

After speaking, the dagger in his hand stabbed at Li Tian fiercely, Li Tian's instinctive body took a step back, dodging a knife in the past, that Liao Bin raised his hand to stab right, Li Tian did not dodge this time, his left foot was very lame, his head shrunk into one of his right hands and stood up, and the strength of his abdomen suddenly hit Liao Bin in an ugly posture.

Although the action is difficult to see, the power should not be underestimated at all, and the fist full of strength hit Liao Bin's body, and Liao Bin suddenly screamed miserably.

His eyes widened, he looked incredulous, his body plopped, and he fell to the ground heavily, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and Liao Bin, who was screaming in pain, would not have thought that this guy would almost kill him with a punch.

And Fei Fei over there happily trotted all the way over, stretched out his hand and pulled Li Tian, who was stunned and blinked with a pair of depressed eyes, looking at his arm.

Wow, can't you fight, how can you suddenly fight again?

Fei Fei looked at Li Tian curiously and said, he still remembered that the last time he did it with Xiao Zhou, Li Tian was not Xiao Zhou's opponent at all, and he was beaten down by Xiao Zhou three times in a row.

But now it's suddenly able to fight, and it's not strange that you say that's weird.

Li Tian was also shocked, and for the first time there, he controlled the qi in his abdomen, which made Li Tian feel so comfortable.

Especially when that sudden energy burst out from the middle of his fist, it really made Li Tian feel like a thief, and Li Tian, who was boundless shocked in his heart, and Feifei got into the car, and no longer paid attention to Liao Bin, who fell to the ground and screamed.

drove down Wolf Mountain quickly.

Halfway through, Feifei made a phone call with Su Ke who was in Wolf Mountain and told him that he had gone down Wolf Mountain, and Su Ke, who was still a little worried about Fei Fei, was relieved when he heard that Fei Fei and they had already gone down Wolf Mountain.

It's that the gang of underground drag racing clans are completely depressed, and their brother Liao is racing with others, why can't they come back yet.

When he came back, Li Tian barely spoke, thinking about new things all the time, and his face was inexplicably smiling at Li Tian's smirk.

Hey, Fei Fei is depressed, this guy giggles all the way, there's something wrong.

How did he know that when Li Tiancai was able to completely control the little qi in his abdomen, it would have a great impact on him in the future.

Li Tian only now suddenly understood what a magical book the broken book pillowed under his head in the dormitory, you must know that Li Tian has only read three pages in the past half a month.

And it's three pages from the first volume.

To be honest, Li Tian couldn't read the handwriting on it, and whenever his eyes came into contact with the broken book, the weird tadpole words on it began to sway in his body.

As if I couldn't help it.

Why does Li Tian feel that he has finished reading the first three pages?

Because when the content of each page was read by Li Tian, when Li Tian looked back again, the tadpoles on it would not swim in his body.

Instead, it became as if it were dead, and it became the same tadpole character as before.

Now Li Tian has been reading for more than half a month, and he has only read the first three pages, and although Li Tian, who has accumulated a little strength in his abdomen, is still wondering why there are tadpole words on the first volume of that broken book.

The second volume also has the third volume, how can it be blank?

If this first volume is Qi training, then what is the second and third volumes for, Li Tian still can't figure it out, and of course he can't understand it himself.

Li Tian, who was sitting in the car like this, quickly followed Fei Fei to the door of the Tang Enterprise, and it happened that he was just in time to catch up with the employees of the Tang Enterprise.

It's time to get off work when Fei Fei drove the bright, but the front of the car was hit and deflated, and Lotus took Li Tian to the downstairs of the company.

caused an uproar.

The employees of the Tang company were stunned one by one, who could have imagined that the eldest lady of the Tang Group actually drove her own sports car.

Sent back a small security guard from the company.

How many people are envious and how many people are jealous, and how many people have the idea of watching the excitement, looking there, Feifei doesn't mind what the employees of these Tang companies think of him.

After Li got out of the car, Fei Fei smiled and said, you work hard, then I'll go.

After speaking, he entered the Lotus, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove away with a snort, leaving Li Tian, who was extremely envied by everyone.

A man confronts these people.

Obediently, this security guard didn't see it, it's still a golden phoenix, do you think, hey, we don't have such a good fate, and we actually transferred the company's eldest lady to hand, you are too talented.

The men in suits and ties said indignantly, and the women couldn't help but laugh at them.

I thought that the eldest lady was so different, but it turned out that she liked the role of a security guard.

Yes, it's really strange, the eldest lady's thoughts are always something that ordinary people can't figure out.

Listening to these people's words, Li Tian shook his head helplessly and walked towards the dormitory by himself.

He didn't care what these people said, let alone what others thought of him, she just had a clear conscience, after all, she had promised the girl to pretend to be her boyfriend.

Just put up with it.

It's just that what Li Tian can't understand is why this girl is so nervous, why is she looking for herself to pretend to be her boyfriend, is she sick or has something else hidden.

When he returned to the dormitory, Xiao Zhao in the room looked at Li Tian's eyes with strange changes, although Yu Dahai didn't show too much.

But when he looked at Li Tian between words, Li Tian had a strange feeling, and Li Tian, who had been in the dormitory for two hours, couldn't stand this dull atmosphere, so he sat up on the small iron bed all of a sudden.

Brother Yu, Xiao Zhao, what's wrong with you, what do you say?

Yu Dahai smiled awkwardly and shook his head.

That Xiao Zhao didn't even look back, turned over on the small iron bed, and said, what is there to say, you are now a celebrity in the company, and even the eldest lady personally drove to pick up and drop off.

We are a little security guard, and we can't compare to Xiao Zhao who listened to these words.

Li Tian smiled helplessly, he knew that these people were jealous of him, but he couldn't help it.

A man slowly sat back on the bed, trying not to think too much about it, and then slowly took out the pillow, and looked at the broken book below.

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