Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 275: Direct Entry into the Heavens, the Return of Chu Batian (I)

Chapter 275: Direct Entry into the Heavens, the Return of Chu Batian (I)

"Chen Chu, here is your new identity card and information, as well as a list of people around the target of this mission and other relevant details.

"This is a Morphing Liquid. When applied to your face, your skin and muscle tissues will become highly active, allowing for fine adjustments and reshaping through the use of true power. This change in appearance is indistinguishable from a natural look. To revert to your original appearance, you only need to use the Liquid once more.

"This is a piece of intelligence equipment disguised as sunglasses, connected wirelessly to the official server. When you find someone suspicious, you can use facial recognition to read relevant information within three seconds. They also store more than a dozen military communication channels..."

On a fighter jet heading to the border of the mutated beast battlefield, Du Yu handed a folder, a box containing the intelligence equipment, and a bottle to Chen Chu. He casually placed the box and the Morphing Liquid into his bracelet, then opened the folder, which contained information about his “new” identity.

As the foremost figure of the young generation in the south, everyone believed that Chen Chu would inevitably reach king level in the future and ascend to a mythical realm, provided nothing unexpected happened. Therefore, his identity for this mission needed to be kept somewhat confidential, including some adjustments to his appearance.

Although the borders of East Xia were tightly sealed, preventing the reach of foreign tribes and the demon cults, Chen Hu and Zhang Xiaolan’s safety still needed to be considered. After all, Chen Chu didn’t want his extraordinary talent to bring any danger to them.

After witnessing the brutality in the War of Civilizations, Chen Chu had become even more cautious, knowing his own talent very well. Once he reached the peak of the Sixth Heavenly Realm and created his secret scripture, he would soon break through to the Seventh or even the Eighth Realm.

It wasn’t impossible for him to ascend to the king level within a year. Therefore, he didn’t want any of the incidents that happened to Heavenly King Xuanwu to happen to him.

Compared to half a year ago, Chen Chu had undergone tremendous changes in height, physique, and aura. With a slight modification to his appearance, no one except his close family would be able to recognize him.

Name: Chu Batian

Age: 18 years old.

A genius from the Military Secret Martial Arts Academy, he completed Foundation Building two years ago. Currently, he is at the beginning stage of the Sixth Heavenly Realm, cultivating the Dragon Elephant Tyrant Body...

The information was simple, but the identity was real. The card allowed passage through all countries in the Federation. In addition, his information had a high level of confidentiality, inaccessible to local official agencies. The notes only indicated that he was a special operative of the military, with all matters handled through military channels.

Putting away his identity card, Chen Chu opened another document. Yan Ruoyi's global tour spanned three months, with one performance each week, each in a major city of a different country.

According to the document, the stops in East Xia, North Lin, and West Meng posed no significant issues. However, the itineraries in the other nine countries required great caution. In recent years, those nine countries had seen either confirmed or suspected demon cult members lurking about, many colluding with local forces.

Thus, the mission aimed not only to lure out the avatars of the two kings, but also to conduct a purge. The authorities intended to use Yan Ruoyi's tour as an opportunity to do some clean up.

Once the plan was finalized, the Federation had set up a comprehensive network along the tour route, with strong fighters of the Eighth Heavenly Realm or higher within a radius of several hundred kilometers. If Akunus or the demon king’s avatars dared to appear, or if any traitors surfaced, the Federation would be ready to capture them and eradicate the threat.

Chen Chu's eyes brightened slightly when he saw that Yan Ruoyi's tour included North Lin and West Meng. He had been interested in the gene martial arts that combined human and beast traits, as well as the mech martial arts that integrated technology and combat, ever since learning about them. Finally, he had the chance to study them.

Turning to the task procedures, Chen Chu's gaze fell on the details about the people around Yan Ruoyi.

There was a significant figure next to the superstar: her manager, Bai Yunfeng, fifty-one years old and the director of Yuntian Entertainment Group. She had a cultivation level of the Fifth Heavenly Realm and had been a classmate of King Xuanwu, maintaining a good relationship over the years.

Besides this manager, Yan Ruoyi was also surrounded by a professional bodyguard team, hired to ensure the company's order and safety. Next were the makeup artist, costume designer, music team, dance team...

As a globally renowned superstar with an entertainment group dedicated to her, Yan Ruoyi was surrounded by a massive team.

Chen Chu quickly went through all of the information, finishing his reading just as the fighter jet arrived at the Tianqian Base where he had initially entered.

"Chen Chu, I won't be escorting you further. In ten minutes, a Mist Train will pass through Tianqian Station. You should board it and get off at Yunhai Station, where someone will meet you."

"Thank you, Captain."

After exchanging goodbyes, Chen Chu quickly took the cliff elevator, shooting up the thousand-meter-high cliff in just ten seconds. Nodding to the two soldiers on duty who had once wished him success, Chen Chu returned to the empty, rudimentary platform.

Gazing at the vast, primeval forest that stretched endlessly from the earth's fracture, Chen Chu felt a slight pang of emotion. In the month and a half since arriving here, his cultivation had advanced from the beginning stage of the Fourth Heavenly Realm to the Sixth, earning him the title of the foremost figure of the southern younger generation.


A train burst from the mist like a winding black dragon, exuding an astonishing aura that gave it the impression of being a living creature rather than a train.

By now, Chen Chu was no novice and knew that this train, capable of traversing the Endless Mist, was crafted from the corpse of a level 8 black serpent-like colossal beast. Although it had been modified to look like a train, its essence remained that of a level 8 colossal beast, which explained its fearsome aura.

"We have arrived at Tianqian Station. Passengers, please board."

With the announcement, the doors opened, and Chen Chu walked straight in, finding the carriage empty. As the doors closed, the train pulled out of the station, roaring into the Endless Mist at an astonishing speed.


At eleven in the morning, at Yunhai Station, a tall, handsome young man with a commanding presence stepped off the platform. His invisible aura of slight oppression caused many in the surrounding crowd to instinctively step aside.

As the young man left the platform, a soldier in uniform approached him respectfully and asked, "Hello, are you Chu Batian?"

Chen Chu nodded slightly. "Yes, that's me."

The soldier visibly relaxed. "I'm Bai Song. I’ll be responsible for taking you to the Wuxiong Airport."

"Thank you." Chen Chu nodded and got into the military vehicle parked by the roadside, leaving under the curious gazes of many onlookers.

Following the route, Chen Chu's first stop after leaving the southern battlefield was the small town of Yunhai. Then, he would transfer to Wuxiong City, seventy kilometers away, where he would meet up with the Innate Awakener from the northern battlefield and take a flight to Tiannan City, more than a thousand kilometers away, landing at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Chen Chu's appearance had undergone some slight changes. He was still the same person, his features just as handsome, but with subtle adjustments, he appeared more stern.

In truth, cultivators primarily identified someone by their aura and the fluctuations of their spiritual will. For them, physical features were secondary.

Chen Chu made these adjustments mainly to avoid being recognized through facial recognition, which would reveal his true identity. With the adjustments to certain specific points, his new identity perfectly matched, and anyone using facial recognition would only get the surface information of Chu Batian.

At one in the afternoon, the military vehicle stopped outside the Wuxiong Airport. From the driver's seat, Bai Song respectfully said, "Comrade, I'll leave you here. The plane ticket is already purchased. You just need to swipe your identity card."

As the door opened, Chen Chu stepped out of the vehicle. After it departed, he looked at the modern-style airport in front of him and the crowd pulling luggage through security checks, feeling a sense of dissonance.

Just that morning, he had been in the mutated beast battlefield, surrounded by constant killing and primordial forests extending to the horizon. Within half a day, he had returned to the civilized world.

"But this kind of life seems quite nice." Chen Chu smiled and walked toward the airport.

While he stood in line for security, many people couldn't help but sneak glances at him. His tall, straight figure, fair skin, handsome and stern features, and calm gaze all combined to give him a cold and domineering aura.

Additionally, the faint sense of pressure emanating from his Divine Might Tyrant Body, similar to that of a Dragon Elephant, made him stand out in the crowd, drawing many eyes.

Beep beep!

After passing through security and verifying his identity, Chen Chu entered the airport.

Although the sky had become more dangerous due to biological mutations, there were still many flights between major cities in East Xia. Large mutated birds had been eliminated, leaving only ordinary birds that posed little threat to planes. The few that could reach altitudes of ten thousand meters were easily dealt with by onboard weapons.

Of course, under such circumstances, plane tickets were very expensive. Those who could afford to fly were generally well-off, part of the elite tier of society.

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