Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 202: Recruit Banner (Encounter, Picturesque Happy Birthday)

Chapter 202: Recruit Banner (Encounter, Picturesque Happy Birthday)

When he found Banner, it was still running, and the three-meter-tall figure was shuttled through the steel jungle.

Instead of rushing down to chat with Banner, he hangs a distance from a thousand meters above the ground, preparing to wait for Banner to return when he returns to ordinary people.

Go on now?

Isn't that just looking for smoking?

Following the leisurely flight in the high altitude, the wording that may be used in the inner illusion is to wait. Without fighting the unprepared battle, you must consider all the factors. Otherwise, if you miss such a powerful member of Banner, he must be sad.

You know, Banner is not only capable of transforming into a Hulk, but his own talent is also inestimable. He is unmatched in the field of gamma rays, and he was created together with Tony in the later period. Technological talent can match Tony's genius.

This thought, unconsciously, is nearly half an hour later. Zhang Lan has been taken by Banner to a wilderness. This place belongs to the New York border area, and some more is Jersey City. The neighboring city of New York.


Banner, who stopped his body, roared upward in the sky, and it did not endure. I did not know whether it was a coincidence. The aspect of the roar it was facing was the direction of Zhang Lan, and the warning meant very serious.

After some venting, Banner's huge figure began to shrink slowly, and the green skin on his body also faded. Recovering Banner's original white skin, followed by the changes and Banner's pants, it was Zhang Lan's intention The gift, which can change the size according to the user's body size, is full of elasticity, and perfectly solves the embarrassment of Banner streaking after each transformation.

Controlling the Phantom Battlesuit slowly landing next to Banner, he was obviously very tired, just lying on the floor with his naked upper body asleep, not worried about personal safety at all.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan scratched his head, and his suits touched and made a metallic friction sound. After a little thinking, he still decided not to move Banner's body. Who knows whether it will stimulate another one at that time, from the system Remove a few pieces of spare clothes from the space to cover Banner.

Looking around, he reached out and took out the phantom suit into a card, took a lot of soil from the ground, and Chakra, who had just recovered, poured out, picking out a small sand flicker from it, and the remaining soil was scattered and controlled. The fine sand that was picked by Fang Cai was moving upstream on the ground. As time passed quietly, it began to grow its size slowly. In the end, the yellow sand was surging around, like waves, as Zhang Lan The idea began to form a small square house, covering the Banna, avoiding the wind and rain.

At this time, Zhang Lan left some Chakras to rest for a while, and when Chakras recovered more, a palm, the self-made d-class sand escape was released-

Sand Flow Rock

As Chakra poured out, the checkered house that needed to be maintained by Zhang Lan suddenly shrank inwards and compressed into solid sand bricks.

"You're done!"

Zhang Lan happily clapped his hands and was satisfied with the humble house he made. He walked towards the square house. The sand wall automatically opened a doorway enough for people to pass through. After Zhang Lan walked in, he closed it again.

The "decoration" in the house is very simple, there is nothing, just two separate single beds, Banner is lying on one of them, the other is empty, Zhang Lan walks over to lie down and put his hands on the pillow Behind the head, the eyes stared at the roof and squinted slightly. The roof silently opened a small hole, just enough to open the scenery outside the blue room.

A round of meniscus hangs, the surrounding stars are dotted, what a beautiful sky.

Looking at this beautiful starry sky, Zhang Lan gradually fell asleep, this time he did not use deep sleep potions, because the Banner next to him might wake up at any time, as for the release of Shadow Doppel Defense...

This square house is Zhang Lan's defensive layer. No matter who wants to come in from the outside to do something, he will be the first to notice it as the controller.

Even Banner nearby was sleeping on the sand boat he made, so he slept very peacefully.

Because of the deep sleep medicine for a long time, he has not dreamed for a long time. The physical and mental fatigue of the night's battle is so good. The quality of sleep is so beautiful. Even in his sleep, he is fighting with people. The object is one. A Western man holding a hammer, a thunder and lightning burst out in the hands of the hammer in his hand, and he was awesome.

Just when the two were fighting, Zhang Lan woke up with a special touch. He woke up suddenly from his sleep, his eyes wide open, and he had no sleepiness to wake up at all. He looked alertly to Banner.

I saw Banner's body moved, and then turned his head a little confused, his hands rubbed his eyes and sat up~~ Zhang Lan's previously put on clothes slipped down, revealing a strong muscle.

This is the real dress thin, flesh off.

Banner squinted a bit confusedly, looked around, and quickly locked her eyes on Zhang Lan. After thinking hard, she reacted: "Is Zhang Lan? Where am I now?"

"New York or Jersey City, I don't know where it belongs... Um, although you are really stylish, you better wear some clothes. I have no interest in men."


Banner was still a little confused just after waking up. She looked down at Zhang Lan's eyes. This was when she realized that she was still naked. The clothes that had just slipped off were pulled a few times, and she randomly found a jacket. Go inside, and don't forget to talk to Zhang Lan; "So, what is the purpose of you following me now? Or, are you looking for a fight with it?"

"Oh~ No, no, I don't want to meet it." Zhang Lan quickly refused, although Chakra recovered nearly half of his body, but he didn't want to face that guy: "I'm here to find you, or to say, you Should there be nowhere to go temporarily? I can introduce you to a very nice place."

"A good place to go? Do you want to enter SHIELD as a thug?" Banner said with a sneer. He obviously didn't have a cold for entering SHIELD.

"Of course not. It's a better place. I believe you can use your talents well."

"My talent? Or its talent?"

"No, no, it has nothing to do with it, it's simply your talents." Zhang Lan first confirmed Benner's ability and continued to say: "I didn't say that I could help you control it? I have two ways. , Which one do you want to listen to first?"

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