Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 107: Turf war

'This woman is annoyingly persistent,"' I cursed inwardly as I attempted to outrun her. However, she proved to be even faster than me. The only reason I managed to maintain some distance was because I wasn't bothered by the crowd bumping into me, whereas she skillfully dodged them.

"Stop chasing me!" I yelled.

[Suggestion: Failed]

"I knew it," I clicked my tongue in frustration. My stamina wasn't that great compared to my other stats, and I needed to figure out a way to escape this relentless pursuit.

I scanned ahead, and my eyes landed on a group of people dressed in flowery clothing - they were my fellow gang members. It looked like a potential escape route, so I decided to make a dash for it, hoping to lose the police officer in the crowd.

"Stop her!" I commanded, attempting to use my abilities.

[Suggestion: Succeed]

One of the gangsters rushed forward to block her path on my behalf, but she swiftly incapacitated him with just one powerful kick to the stomach. My attempt to stop her had failed, and she was still hot on my trail.

'Useless,' I cursed under my breath, thoroughly unimpressed. He hadn't even lasted a second. With that level of skill, he should have been working an office job, not pretending to be a gangster.

'This woman is incredibly bothersome,'I muttered to myself in frustration.

"Stop her!"

"Stop her!"

"Stop her!"

[Suggestion: Succeed]

[Suggestion: Failed]

[Suggestion: Succeed]

I spammed my skills in a desperate attempt to buy myself some time. I saw other gang members trying to stop her. Then, I quickly turned a corner, hoping to lose her in the alley.

As I sprinted through the narrow alleyway in the bright afternoon sunlight, the surroundings transformed into a bustling Korean commercial area after passing through it. Neon signs in vibrant hues of red, blue, and green illuminated the path, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the walls.

I skillfully dodged beneath a low-hanging banner advertising the latest K-pop sensation's concert of "White Yellow", narrowly avoiding a collision with the promotional materials. The rhythmic beats of K-pop songs provided a soundtrack to my frantic escape.

"What a coincidence," I couldn't help but sigh as I looked at the pictures of those four K-POP girls. Subconsciously, I redirected some of my remaining energy towards my lower body .

After taking another turn, I entered a different section of the commercial area.

The road was flanked by stalls selling all sorts of Korean delicacies – from spicy tteokbokki to crispy hotteok pancakes. Street vendors hustled to attract customers, their voices blending into a cacophony of enthusiastic sales pitches.

I weaved through the maze of small stalls, occasionally passing by shops selling the latest Korean fashion trends, their display windows showcasing the latest styles endorsed by K-drama celebrities. The streets were alive with the energy of shoppers and tourists, creating a chaotic yet vibrant backdrop to my desperate getaway on this sunny afternoon.

"I finally escaped," I gasped as I collapsed to the ground, utterly exhausted. I hastily tried to catch my breath, grateful for the momentary break.

"That was a close call," I chuckled to myself. I leaned against the wall and remained vigilant. I didn't want to be caught off guard by that officer, after all.

After catching my breath, I decided to seek refuge in a nearby clothing store. I knew that my current attire was far too eye-catching, making it easier for the persistent police officer to spot me.

I hastily selected a black jacket from the racks, opting for something that would help me blend in better with the crowd. With my new purchase in hand, I made my way to the changing room, eager to put on the jacket and shed my conspicuous clothing.


"Hello?" I cautiously answered the burner phone while inside the dressing room. This phone had been provided to me by Obo.

"They need backup? Facing more than 20 gangsters? Alright, I'm on my way," I replied with a gleeful expression. An opportunity for more experience points always brought a smile to my face, and I was ready to join the action.

As I made my way toward my destination, I was mindful not to neglect my energy levels. I stopped at a convenience store to grab some snacks and an energy drink to recharge. It was becoming evident that this turf war was far more extensive than I had initially anticipated, with rival gangsters rushing in and out of the area.

The streets were buzzing with tension, and I knew I needed all the energy I could muster for what lay ahead.

I decided to call Dang Bak to get the latest information, and it turned out that the situation had escalated into an all-out war. The stakes were higher than I had initially thought.

I was aware that it was becoming increasingly dangerous, but to be honest, this was the perfect opportunity for me to grind levels and skill points.


[Complex Cognitive Instinct Level 5 —> Complex Cognitive Instinct Level 12]

I decided to invest in increasing my Complex Cognitive Instinct skill because at this moment, it provided the most significant boost to my fighting capabilities. As the skill level up, a multitude of scenarios flooded my mind, offering improved strategies and approaches to handle the ongoing situation more effectively.

"Chased him!"

A voice jolted my attention, and when I turned around, I saw Rak, one of my lackeys, being chased by six guys. The people around us also started running away in panic, creating a chaotic scene.

"Boss!" he shouted, coming to a sudden stop. It seemed like he had mustered some courage now that I was here to face off against the gangsters.

"This dimwit," I cursed silently, frustrated that the element of surprise had been lost with his abrupt announcement.

"Run to that alley!" I commanded, pointing in the direction of a nearby escape route.

Rak heard me and started running again. I wasted no time and  followed them.

I quickly sprinted toward Rak, my fist clenched, and unleashed a powerful punch to one of the rival gangsters' faces who was chasing him.


His companions attempted to gang up on me, but with my heightened senses, I managed to evade their attacks easily , slipping through their attempts to corner me and made my way closer to Rak.

"Keep an eye on my back. If you spot someone trying to use a weapon, stop them no matter what," I whispered urgently to him.

In the midst of an all-out turf war, the likelihood of weapons being drawn and lives at risk was incredibly high.

[Suggestion: Success.]

"Yes Boss,"

"Good," I replied, and then turned towards the rival gangsters.

"Let's settle this like real men, with our fists!" I taunted them, a hint of confidence in my voice as I tried to bait them into a fair fight.

[Suggestion: Success.]

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