NTR Crush: I Will Steal Every Girl

Book 5: Chapter 1

Book 5: Chapter 1

My name is Hakaru, and a few months ago, I started dating my childhood friend. Tonight, I planned to have sex with her. Thus, I was dressed up in a nice suit, and I came up to her front door. I was driving a car my parents let me borrow, and I had a box with a flower corsage in it. You see, this was the night of the Junior Prom.

I knocked on the front door softly. After hearing some movement and some voices behind it, the door eventually clicks open, and a beautiful woman opens it.

Hakaru! Sasori smiles, come on in.

I return the smile and then enter the house.

She walks and then turns, bending her finger and gesturing for me to come over. I followed behind her until we reached the couch. She gestured, and I sat down.

Kira is upstairs getting ready. Shes joining us once shes gotten dressed in something appropriate.

Ah, I see so its just you and me for the moment. I looked up at her.

I suppose, since youre our guest, I should show you some hospitality, huh?

I lean back on the couch, spreading my arms. I wont object.

She gets down on her knees and reaches forward, grabbing something lying on the floor. Then she gets back up and turns around. Ill go fetch some cookies, okay?

Yes, Mrs. Fukumi.

She turned and walked off into the kitchen while I made myself comfortable and waited for Kira to come down. When she did come down the stairway, my mouth couldnt help but fall open.


She blushed. How do I look?

She had done up her hair and makeup. She was wearing contacts instead of glasses. She also had a very cute dress. Compared to the somewhat nerdy girl I had fallen in love with, this was a drop-dead beauty.

Ah you look adorable. The voice came from her mom, who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a platter of cookies in her hand.


What? She chuckled. I just cant believe my little girl is actually going to prom! You two have grown up so fast. Why, the other day, you were just childhood friends. When you started growing apart, I thought it would never happen. Now Im just so happy

M-mom! Dont cry!

My little girl is going to be leaving home soon! She suddenly bawled.

Kira ran over to comfort her mother while I sat there uncomfortably, and she wept. Its okay, mom! Ill write a bunch, and I will visit!

Ever since your dad left us. Ive just felt so lonely. She sniffled. Once youre gone, Ill be truly alone.

No Ill come and visit, I promise. Kira stroked her head reassuringly. Plus, there is also Hakaru.

Hakaru? She lifted her head and raised an eyebrow.

I mean, hell come and visit too! Right, Hakaru?

Ah! R-right! I stood up. If you need anything, Im here.

Thank you, Hakaru. She said lightly and then sighed. But there are some things a young boy just cant provide a woman.

M-mom! Kiras face went white. D-dont be a pervert! Hes even a student in your class.

I blushed red too, getting what she was saying. It must truly be lonely being a single mom. It had been almost six months since her husband had been sent to jail over some scandal. That was probably a long time for a woman of her age. I couldnt remember well what that scandal was, but Kira and her mom didnt like talking about it.

I was just making a joke! Miss Fukumi fended off her daughter, who was trying to hit her from embarrassment. Im sorry daughter!

Oh before I forget, here! I pulled out a corsage flower which I had picked out with the help of my mother. This is for you.

Oh, my, isnt that pretty? Sasori smiled at her daughter.

It was Kiras turn to blush as she shyly accepted the corsage. Ill go to the bathroom and pin it on now!

She rushed off to hide her face. It was apparently too much for her. We had only started dating recently, so not only was this prom, but it was a third month anniversary. Kira had hinted that wed finally do it for the first time. I tried not to think about that, but how could a boy my age not think about sex every time it came up? Now that the night finally came, I was really anxious. I had a hotel room key in my pocket, which I had rented with Derek earlier, and now I was very nervous.

So, will you guys finally do it? Sasori suddenly asked.

Im hoping so. That hotel room wasnt cheap ah! I mean!

She held up her hands and laughed. Its okay, Hakaru! Im a teacher who has been around innumerable students. Im not so nave as to not understand the importance of prom to many young adults. I was that age too, once.

Right of course If I was uncomfortable before, I was completely out of it now.

I know you dont want to even think about sex around an old lady like me, but this is my daughter were talking about, so I want to make sure youre safe.


Ah! Right I guess this is my gift to you then! She pulled out a bag from her purse, which was resting on the table and then handed it to me.

I looked in the bag to see a box of condoms. I immediately shut it and jumped.

Ah! I mean, I brought a condom!

One? Sasori smirked. You guys are doing it for the first time. Are you sure one is enough?

Ah ah

Youre bound to screw up putting on at least one, so its good to have a bunch. Plus, your idiot friends will probably forget to bring one, and youll be their hero. You can thank me later.

O-okay I nodded, feeling somewhat strange to be handed condoms by my teacher.

Oh, and that stuff has spermicide on it, so dont let her suck it once you do that, or itll make her tongue all numb.


Mmm She suddenly approached me closer, her eyes turning slightly lustful. Although, if it was me, Im on the pill, so you could put it in raw if you want.


I said you can cum in me anytime. She pronounced every word, her head coming to the point she was about to kiss me.

She stopped, confusion slashing in her eyes before she took a step back and shook her head. Ah what did I

Are you okay? I asked, feeling both aroused and confused.

She suddenly looked up at me, and her face turned rigid. I dont know why I said that. Im so sorry. Please dont say anything to anyone. It was just

She didnt finish as Kira came out of the bathroom at that point. She showed her chest proudly, which now had a corsage clipped to it.

Only had to poke myself five times, but I got it! She declared, then glanced down at the bag in my hands. Whats that?

Ah! Nothing important, just my lunch! I put it in my back pocket.

Hey! Let me get some photos of you two before you go! Sasori butts in, further distracting Kira.

I didnt know what happened that had caused Sasori to suddenly say such weird things. For a moment, it felt like she was hitting on me. For an even shorter moment, it felt normal that she should be hitting on me. I was actually tempted to reciprocate. What kind of bastard would I be if I molested the mother of the woman I was dating? Sasori tried to avoid my eyes, and I did the same. She took a few photographs of us, and then bid us farewell.

The pair of us got into a car and drove to the high school. It had only reopened recently. It had been shut down for a few months after a scandal. I couldnt remember much about what I did over that time, but I did clearly remember finally sealing the deal with Kira when I came back. We had been dating ever since, and I didnt regret a moment of it. Kira was refined, beautiful, and smart. She was much more than a loser like me deserved.

Mom has kind of been weird these last few months, Kira said. I dont know she just acts like shes missing something.

Oh? I acted politely, but after what just happened, I wasnt sure how comfortable I was talking about that woman.

I dont know. Im kind of with her. Ive had a sense that something was off. Like I dont know that this is all a dream?

Its not a dream, I responded. Im very happy with my life the way it is right now.

She nodded thoughtfully, I suppose so is there really nothing wrong at home?

I thought about it for a moment. My dad and mom have been banging like rabbits.

Hakaru! She gave a glare.

What? Its true? Dad and mom used to be really a part, but they just cant keep their hands off each other anymore.

Hmm well that isnt a bad thing, I guess she folded her arms across her chest and admitted.

As for my sister I shook my head, a strange image of her naked flashing in my head for a second, which was a weird thing to see. Ah shes in full college mode. She really changed this last year. More focused. She used to be obsessed with boys and popularity, but now the only thing she cares about is studying oh and making my life a hell.

She seemed to have turned kind of mean to me recently. She used to ignore me, but now she doesnt. Rather, she seems on my case all the time. It was almost like she was obsessed with me or something.

I kept those thoughts to myself while I pulled into the high schools nearly-full parking lot and looked for a place we could park.

Hakaru! Hey! As I got out of the car and we started heading for the auditorium the dance was being held at.

Yo, Derek!

Hey man, your date is looking hot!

Uh yeah yours too.

Kira gave Derek a cold expression. One of the reasons I didnt feel jealous is because I knew Kira despised Derek. I didnt know how to feel about him complimenting my date in such a way, but that was simply the way Derek was. He was dressed in a nice outfit like me. On his arm was Akiko, my former girlfriend. That was part of the reason she didnt like him. The two of them were dating now, and she thought I should have dumped him as a friend once he decided to pick up my ex-girlfriend.

Strangely enough, she had no issues with Akiko. In fact, she smiled at Akiko, almost fondly. The two had never been friends that I knew of, but for some reason, once I started dating Kira, Akiko, and she became best friends. When I asked, she said something about how if I had never been with Akiko, then I never would have ended up with Kira.

When I looked Akiko up and down, she lowered her head and blushed. She was easily as pretty as Kira in her own way. However, even Kira might get angry if I looked at her too long, so I quickly turned my head. Kira put out her hand, and Akiko grabbed it, the pair moving off to chatter, leaving Derek and me alone.

Man, Im hyped about tonight! Derek said, You got your room, right?

Yeah, of course! Do you know how hard it is for teens to get a hotel room?

Actually, I heard there was this gaming studio last year where you could rent a private room with your girl, but it got shut down. I guess the dude was a bit of a pervert.

I leaned close. That was Kiras brother.

Seriously? Damn. Small world. Hey, if her brothers a horny freak, you know maybe it runs in the family.

Stop! I made a face as Derek laughed and punched my shoulder.

The two of us laughed and chatted as we made our way into the Dance. There was a line going in, and we had to wait. The girls stood together in front of us. They were whispering, occasionally looking back at us with coy looks. Starting to feel nervous, I leaned over to Derek.

Are you and Akiko really going to you know all the way?

Thats the plan. He shrugged. Back when she was dating you, she showed all kinds of interest in me ah sorry

No, its fine. It was really the best thing that could happen. I got closer to Kira, and you managed to get a beautiful girl too.

He nodded, but then looked a bit uncertain. Its just she hasnt been showing much interest in me since this. It was hot and heavy early on, but for the last 3 months, she wont touch me.

I said it was okay, not that I wanted to hear about it.

Thats right, you and Kira havent even done it yet, right?

Itll be tonight, I said, although it was partially to reassure myself.

Then, lets go together as brothers. He raised his fist. You get to pop your beauty, and I break our 3-month dry spell.

I raised my fist and bumped his. Alright. Ill bump to that.

The pair of us headed into prom.

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