Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 90: Sudden Confession

Chapter 90: Sudden Confession

Tian Qiang locked himself in the Jade Slip room after the incident of blowing the Minor World up to smithereens due to rage. After that, he felt even more motivated to sit there and wait for Tian Yi to screw up!

Dear. Feng Lis voice came from behind, and he turned around.

What is it? His face was neither angry nor happy. Hmm? Why is she here?

Su Qi bowed, and said, This one greets his Majesty, the Celestial Emperor.

I have some personal business to attend to, and she will be my guide. I came here to tell you that Ill be gone for a while. Try not to cause any more trouble for the people, said Feng Li.

Is that so Tian Qiang did not say anything else and turned quiet. He was clearing in a sulking mood.

Haaaa. Feng Li sighed, Dear, I do not blame you any more than I blame myself for Yiers actions. Do not take it to heart. This is what it means to be a parent, and the both of us have talked about this before he was even born, she said.


Youre right--- But that does not mean Ill go easy on him once I find him! His tone sounded more energetic, meaning Feng Lis words had some effect on him.

Feng Li showed a slight smile, Then I am off. If you need me, just look for anyone of my Personal Servants, they will have ways to contact me.

Yeah, yeah, I can hear the impatience in your voice. I am busy here too, so just go. Try not to cause too much trouble when youre out there.

Un. Feng Li nodded and walked away, leaving Tian Qiang behind in the Jade Slip room.

Su Qi was bewildered at their conversation. They talk to each other as if they were some normal married couple?! Arent they the Emperor and Empress? Was it okay for them to do that in front of her, a stranger?

Surprised, eh? Feng Li spoke to Su Qi as if she read her mind. Did you expect something different? Something more formal? If so, then sorry to disappoint you, but this is how our household works.

Su Qi replied after thinking about it, No, now I kind of understand why his Highness has not a shred of arrogance and is who he is now.

You You really are close with my son, arent you?

Eh It is not what her Majest---

Just call me Senior Feng or Senior Li. You are my sons best friend, so there is no need to be so formal. Who knows, maybe you'll even be my future daughter-in-law.

"Eh?" Su Qi trembled after hearing her last words, and began blushing, Y-Yes, Senior Feng.

Feng Li noticed how Su Qi did not deny her obvious joke and smiled, and asked, So, why did you come to me instead of my husband? I am sure he can afford to give you more than what I can afford. Although I boss him around at times as his wife, he is still the Emperor, after all.

Because I can sympathize with Senior Feng, said Su Qi with no hesitation or pause.

Oh? Can you emphasize more on that?

The emptiness that Senior Feng feels in her heart when his High--- when Tian Yi is absent are similar to mine.

Feng Li at bit surprised, asked, How can you tell?

Seniors actions and words during the auction was very clear to me Because I too, feel empty knowing hes gone to somewhere I dont know about. Also not knowing when hell be back... Does not help at all...

Feng Li stopped walking, and she turned around, You have a much closer relationship with Yier than I expected. This journey will be fun, she said in a teasing tone and continued walking again.

Su Qi, taking the opportunity of the mood, bit her lips and said, Senior Feng, I will not hide my desires or motives in front of you. Although you are probably tired of hearing such words, I will still say it.

Feng Li stopped walking again, and she turned around to stare at Su Qis face that even she admired.

Taking a deep breath, Su Qi said, Senior Feng, I want to be a part of your Son, Tian Yis life forever! And I will not stop trying until it happens! Her face was dead serious, and her eyes were clearer than it has ever been.

Feng Li did not look surprised when Su Qi confessed her love to Tian Yi. Instead, she asked her a simple question, Why? Is it because of his face? His status as the next Celestial Emperor? Or his power? Her eyes were narrowed, staring right through Su Qis barrier and into her Soul.

I will not lie to Senior! His face is indeed very attractive, but that is not the main reason! I do not need his power! And his status as the next Celestial Emperor only ruins my mood and makes me angry! And no offense to Senior, but if I really have to tell you why I love him, then I am afraid that even you will not be able to understand it! Also, since you wanted to know why I picked Senior instead of his Majesty, it is because Tian Yi always talks about you, his mother! So you have more influence on him than his Majesty! I am a selfish woman, so I will take hold of any opportunity I get that will increase my chances to be with Tian Yi!

Feng Li did not expect the last part and was pleasantly surprised, smiling unconsciously. Yier always talks about me? What does he say about me?

Eh? Ah, there is a lot, so I will tell Senior as we travel.

Good! Then what are we waiting for? Lets go! And she began walking.

Ahh, Senior, about--- Su Qi wanted to know Feng Lis answer to her confession.

As for your relationship with Yier, no matter who it is, I will support it as long as it is what he truly desires. Feng Li gave her a rather simple answer, but that was all Su Qi needed to hear.

Yes, Senior! said Su Qi with an enthusiastic tone.

The two of them quickly left the Celestial Palace after that, heading straight for the World of Clouds.


After spending another week with the Dragons Head Airship, Tian Yi and his crew finally return to Jin Long Continent.

Master, were here, said Yu Yue.

Un. Tian Yi nodded.

Wasting no time, they headed straight back to the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect.

T-This is Masters Sect? Yu Yue was baffled at the sheer small size this Sect was! Such a small Sect had the next Celestial Emperor as their disciple? If she had told someone from the Higher Realms, they would probably just laugh their ass off and think shes crazy.

Outer Court Disciple Tian Yi, the Sect Master has been waiting for your return. Go see him as soon as possible. Not even ten steps into the Sect and someone had already called for him.

Un. Let the Sect Master know that I will be there as soon as I can. I will head back to my room first, said Tian Yi.

The Messenger was baffled at this his attitude. The Sect Master has been waiting for him for the past week, and he plans on letting the Sect Master wait even longer for an Outer Disciple like him? What arrogance!

Frowning, the messenger sharpened his tone, and said, No, the Sect Master needs to see you a soon as possible, so you will head there right this moment---

You dare speak to my Master in that disgusting tone?!?!?!?! The usually open minded and calm Yu Yue shouted, catching the attention of nearby disciples.

Whats going on there?

Hey, isnt that the Shameless King and Queen? I heard they had disappeared the moment they entered the Sect!

Is it just me or did his group increase--- whos that young beauty?!?!? They were pointing at Meng Xiang, obviously.

Yu Yue, its fine. Dont forget where we are, said Tian Yi.


Youll die from anger if you dont learn to ignore these Mortals soon, warned Yan Yan who had similar reactions to the way people treated Tian Yi at first.

Very well, I will meet up with the Sect Master now. Wanshan, can you lead them to my housing? I will be back shortly, said Tian Yi.

Un. She nodded and began leading the angry Yu Yue and the group towards his house.

The hell? Wanshan? Did he just address his own Master by her given name?

I swear he used to call her Master D-Did they already reach that stage after disappearing for so long?!

She even looked so obedient! Something must have happened!

This is major news! Hurry and let everybody know!

Yeah! I cant wait until those who have been waiting to beat him up hears of his return!

Go, go, go!

Disciples scattered left and right, spreading the news about the return of the Shameless King and Queen!


Tian Yi went straight to the Sect Masters Hall where the Sect Master was waiting for him.

Sect Master, Disciple Tian Yi has returned to the Sect. He called out from outside of the hall.

And literally two seconds later, the door slams open, and an old man came running outside. Oooooh! If it isnt Junior Brother Yi! I have been waiting for your return! Come, come, come. Let us have tea as we talk! The Sect Master was extremely happy to see that Tian Yi had come back to the Sect. Especially with the things that have been happening during his absence.

Entering the halls, and sitting down for a cup of tea, the Sect Master wasted no time and began speaking, Junior Brother Yi, things have truly been hard on us ever since you left.

What happened while I was gone, Sect Master?

Since you went to the Phoenixs Continent, you must have heard of the news related to the Feng Clan

Ahhh...Yes, I do have some knowledge about what might have happened

As much as I dislike the Phoenixs Continent, never in my wildest imaginations would I have imagined the Feng Clan to be so corrupted Mortals Nightmare Sect, they truly deserved the Divine Punishment from God

Is that all? Why would the Sect Master be worried about that?

No, you see, this is where things get complicated. The Phoenixs Continent was placed 2nd among the five Continents, but now that their strongest backing, the Feng Clan, has been destroyed, they will no longer be considered 2nd in rankings. According to the rankings, since we were 3rd place prior to their destruction, we are now 2nd because of the outcome. Theres also the appearance and disappearance of their Spirit Guardian, the Red Phoenix, which I will not get into. Now, heres the problem. A Continental War was supposed to happen in only a few months from now. But because of the sudden destruction of the Phoenixs Continent, the other Continents out there has agreed to push to Continental War forward, making it happen as early as next month!

Tian Yi sipped on his tea as he listened. And? What is this Continental War, and what does it have to do with me?

The Continental War is an event where any Continent can send their strongest fighter into a battle zone, battling for the highest rank they can achieve. This is an event that happens once a decade, and we won the 3rd place in the previous Continent War

Tian Yi finally puts down the tea, and looks at the Sect Master with narrowed eyes, Sect Master, you DO remember my conditions for becoming a Disciple of this Sect, right?

The Sect Master began sweating, and nodded, Yes, I remember, and I will not break it. I am not asking you to join the Continental War personally. I do, however, want you to become a temporary teacher and teach the Disciples--- at least until all of this is over with. This is not only for the Sect and Continent, it is also for the Disciples. Although it is forbidden to kill others during this Continental War, not everyone obeys such rules and accidental deaths happen. I do not wish to see my dear Disciples die from---

Then why participate in the first place? Tian Yi interrupts him. You can just ignore it. What matters more, some ranking or your Disciples?

The Disciples, of course! The Sect Master instantly replies. However, fighting in the Continental War is also the Disciples desire. They want to shine, they want to prove to the World that they are strong, and they want their Sect to be above every other Sect out there! That is their ambition! The Disciples are very passionate about such things, and as the Sect Master, I cannot ignore such ambitions.

Is that so Tian Yi closes his eyes to think about it.

Okay, I will personally participate in this Continental War---

Really?! The Sect Master stood up due to the excitement.

Yes, however, I will not be fighting anyone. I will be there to make sure nobody dies. Whether we win or not is up to the Disciples. If I am the last one standing, then we will call it a day and leave this event, deal?

You will make sure nobody dies? Are you talking about our Disciples specifically or---

Everybody as in everybody participating, including the other Continents.

The Sect Master was baffled at his confidence, How is that even possible? He asked.

I have my ways, said Tian Yi.

Then about training the Disciples?

Tian Yi smiled after hearing that. I happen to have a number of challengers here. I will use that chance to teach them.

Challengers? Whatever you mean by that, okay! I will leave them in your care, Junior Brother Yi! The Sect Master does not know what Tian Yi meant by challengers, but he will trust him.

Is that all the Sect Master needed me for? Asked Tian Yi.

Ah, yes. Thank you again, Junior Brother Yi. I will find a way to repay this debt to you.

Do not worry about repaying me. I am only doing what any fellow Disciple would do, and I have always wanted to train together with my fellow Disciples Said Tian Yi as he began walking towards the exit.

And just before he left the hall, Tian Yi said something that blew the Sect Masters mind away for the next few minutes that have yet to come, Ah, Sect Master. I am no longer the Disciple of Xuan Wanshan, and instead, she is now my Disciple. Some things happened and this was the result, I hope you understand. Excuse me. And he closed the door on the Sect Master who has his jaws on the floor.

W-What? The Sect Master mumbled to himself.

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