Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 22: Best

Chapter 22: Best

Yang Chong, whats been up with you lately? You were never like this before. Didnt you swear to bed all Century Middle Schools girls? You just started and youre already giving up?

Huang Yao isnt as hot as the Three Great Beauties, but she can be taken as fourth hottest. And that figure, that rack, he-he

Ma Yu squeezed the air with a lewd look.

Yang Chong was downcast and didnt comment on Ma Yus act.

Century Middle School had many students coming from old money. Besides Yang Chong, the next rampant student down the ladder was Ma Yu before him.

Before Yang Chong showed up at Century Middle School, Ma Yu was the little overlord, but had to abdicate when the former ascended the throne.

It wasnt willing of course, but Yang Chong was very persuasive. Ma Yu was known as the little dueling overlord, who only approved of those he fought in man to man fights. Yet Yang Chong didnt care about manly battles and showed up with his gang to put him in his place. 

Ironically, the two didnt become sworn enemies but grew closer as friends over time. The reason behind it was a common hobby.

Yang Chong liked chasing tail, as did Ma Yu, to a far less extent. Yang Chong had money and looks. Ma Yu had none and was a short fatty. Coupled with his white face, he looked like a flat bread with ginger on top. While Yang Chong got girls left and right, Ma Yus arms were ever lonely.

Ever since they became buddies, when Yang Chong had his fill of a particular girl, Ma Yu would take seconds. For him, this kind of lifestyle was heavens above his past conquests. 

Did you land Huang Yao? Did you record it? Give it here, I want to have a taste of her tonight. Ma Yu swallowed.

Yang Chong said, I dont have a recording, nor did I land Huang Yao. Dont speak of her again. I wont go after her any longer.

The hell, you high? What did you tell me last time we went drinking? That you only gave Huang Yao a month before you nailed her, get it on tape, and let me have a turn

Yang Chong jumped, darting his eyes around as he berated, Dont say these things again, or Ill kill you.

Youre definitely high, of the wrong kind too. You wont even settle for the next beauty besides the Three Great Beauties, Huang Yao. I truly regret knowing you.


Yang Chong cuffed Ma Yu over the ear.

Heres the damn face you wanted! Ill only say this once, dont ever bring up this topic again or I will kill you!

Yang Chong walked away sullen.

Only allowed on

Ma Yu rubbed his cheek as he burst into a hissy fit, Yang Chong, dont think for a second youre some damn big-shot. Ill have you know Im no less than you right now!

What you wont dare, Ill do it with open arms. Isnt it mere drugging and recording? I can do it too!

Huang Lixing showed his face, Li Mo showed his money, buying the invitation to Priceless Auction.

Feng City had a street full of antique stores. Everywhere one looked would see miscellaneous  items strewn on every stall. But filtering through the fake for the diamond in the rough was up to everyones skill, of course.

Li Mo came to this street to scout this street for anything of worth.

Priceless Auction was close to opening. He had the means of getting the invitation, but the money? Besides Du Feis couple of hundred thousand RMB, he was flat broke.

What was the point in going if he had nothing to bid with? To gawk? Not going would be better.

Looking at the two dozen stalls, Li Mo sighed.

Most of the antiques here were fakes, and the scarce items that were genuine were insanely priced. Even if you bought it, youd be reselling it at a loss.

Teacher Huangs luck was ridiculously high to wind up with the Staff of Origin from this place. 

The more Li Mo looked around the more he admired Huang Lixing.

Outside Li Mos home, Qin Zhen sat in a black gaudy Bentley, staring at a building.

Soon, Chen Zhengzhong came out.

Grand-sir Qin, the y-oung expert isnt home.

Qin Zhen was startled, Not home?

If not at school, nor at home, then where?

Did you ask his neighbors where he likes to go?

Yes, and they all said they didnt know him at all, not even his hobbies and routine.

I see.

Qin Zhen nodded, Then we shall wait. He is bound to return in the evening.

Y-yes. Chen Zhengzhong nodded repeatedly.

On the antique street.

Li Mo squatted before a street salesmans displayed items and inspected the cracked and yellow streaked pendant.

After two hours of browsing the street, this was the only item that caught his eye.

How much is it?

The street seller was an astute middle-aged man. When a man asked for a price, he didnt reply but watched, observing to detect the buyers potential.

Oh, buddy, this is an ancient pendant. If not for all the cracks, it would be worth a fortune. Its a national treasure I tell you.

Li Mo was blunt, I asked you a price.

The street seller muttered something then spoke out, 100,000!

Li Mo put down the pendant and rose to leave.

Oh, buddy, pal, dont go! We can talk this out. How about you name a price?

Li Mo rose one finger, One thousand.

Buddy, but its a hundred thousand!

One thousand, take it or leave it?

Youre too much with this price, buddy. My pendant is genuine.

Youre selling or not?

3,000 and its yours!

Li Mo turned.

Wait, sigh. Alright, fine!

The man shouted again and again, chasing Li Mo with the pendant. He bought it at 50 RMB, so he made a killing even if he sold it at 1,000.

Li Mo bought it and walked away.

Boss, Ill pay 5,000 for it!

A soft and hot voice drifted from behind.

The man turned to see a beauty in red clothing.

The woman could be rated as outstanding, with the right curves and 1,70 meters height. She had the golden ratio in all the right places, making her a thing of immense beauty.

The street seller gawked.

The red lady stared at him. The hell you looking at? Wake up! Did you hear a word I said? Ill give you 5,000 for that pendant!

The man woke up with a start and cried after Li Mo, Stop, Im not selling!

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