Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 33: Chance

Chapter 33: Chance

Li Mo used his phone to send four hundred thousand RMB. Not even five minutes passed and He Lilis call came requesting some more.  

After another four hundred thousand were sent, she went quiet.

He Lili was perfectly clear of Du Feis wealth and what Li Mo sent was over that.

Some things must be endured, and some things had to be done. At any given moment, Li Mo couldve stopped Lei Yan with a breeze, be it in Cang Qings Abode or in Cangnan Mountain. But it wouldve stunted Du Feis growth and he wouldnt witness He Lilis true nature. 

As Li Mo arrived at the hospital, he found He Lili still there, thought not as mournful. She stared at him in astonishment. As for Du Fei, he was still unconscious in ICU. 

Li Mo asked, What did the doctor say?

Thanks to Li Mos trace of spiritual qi, Du Feis wounds were a lot lighter than in his past life, despite being unconscious in both.

It doesnt look well. The doctor said if he doesnt wake up in 72 hours, then, then He Lili choked with sobs.

Some opportunities come only once in life. Some people you need to treasure as much as possible.

Li Mo sighed and patted He Lilis shoulder, startling her.

Du Feis parents came, crying outside his room.

Li Mo shook his head and left.

He Lili left soon after in silence, not saying anything to anyone, vanishing without a trace. 

Many details differed from his past life but the ending was the same.

He Lilis new money was useless. Li Mo made sure to freeze them when he did the transfer. Now all that was left was for Du Fei to wake up and he would get his money back.

Du Fei slowly rose to consciousness after five days. He was moved from the ICU to a normal room and was glad to see Li Mo and his parents. But He Lilis absence left him worried. Her heart may have been unfeeling for him, but his feelings for her were real.

She took 800,000 and left? Youre telling me s-she took my money and dumped me? When his parents left, Li Mo told of He Lilis situation.

No, I dont believe it! Thats not possible! Lili cares for me, she wouldnt do this to me! Du Fei refused to see reason and picked up the phone to dial He Lili, but her number was out of service.

What happened? I was only out for a few days.

Reality started to set in, just that he was still in denial.

She is an orphan, growing up with her aunt. Weve been together ever since she was kind to me. But Ive never mentioned taking the last step with her, thinking of waiting till after marriage

Du Fei rambled on and on, recounting his and He Lilis love tale.

Damn it, is money that great? You think I wouldnt give it to her if she didnt ask?

Damn it all! Its all clear now. She saw me lying here so this is what she decided. In riches yes, but in sickness we are through! How pragmatic!

Bro Mo, you tell me, have I ever been bad to her?

Ahhh Du Fei wailed the whole day, driven mad to get in touch with He Lili, but only to be met with disappointment.

On the second day, Du Fei was eerily quiet in sorrow.

On the third day, Du Fei was back to his usual self. Thanks to Li Mos protective spiritual qi, he only had to mind the skin deep wounds before he could walk on his feet.

On the fourth day, Du Fei yelled he wanted to be discharged. He was so set on it that no one could stop him.

On the fifth day, Du Fei and Li Mo went out drinking then dragged Li Mo to a masseuse parlor. 

Only allowed on

These strings of events happened exactly like in his past life.

Bring me ten ladies! And for my brother here also ten! I will pay! Du Fei shouted.

The chubby wanted to wave his virgin tag goodbye.

Li Mos past self was met with the same situation. Only last time he was a bit nervous, being a teen and having impulses any youth had. But once he entered he started regretting it. 

Bro Mo, in all my life youre the only one whos been good to me, youre my only friend. To hell with love, from this point on, I dont know love! Du Fei babbled. Although the timing was slightly off, everything else was a carbon copy as it was in the past.

Li Mo secretly smiled.

Du Fei went to room 101 while Li Mo to 107.

Li Mo used a small magic trick to seal the door and waited for the show to start.

Ten minutes later, a promiscuous and heavily dolled up lady in her forties maybe fat, maybe stout or maybe black strutted in Du Feis room.  

Ahhh! What are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Help! Save me

Du Fei cried the whole night while Li Mo had a quiet and relaxed sleep. On the morrow, Li Mo went to Du Feis room to find him foaming at the mouth. He mustve had an appetizing sleep.

Get up and lets go. Li Mo wasnt loud but Du Fei opened his eyes.

Are you content now, after gallivanting these days?

Ah? Du Fei felt this Li Mo was a bit strange.

On the path of cultivation, most emphasis is put on having a stable heart. Youve been through a lot these few days, calling it an epiphany would be an overstatement however, but you did gain some understanding from them.

Bro Mo, is there something wrong? Why cant I understand a word youre saying? Am I still dreaming?

Li Mo flipped his hand and the gems appeared before Du Fei, scarring him witless.

I killed Lei Yan and these gems are a chance that I officially give it to you.

You k-killed Lei Yan! Du Fei stammered.

Our world is about to change. If you dont change with it, you will be cast away.


Li Mo gave the Grand Light Sutra spiritual qi bead to Du Fei.

I understand you have questions, but I will answer them later.

Du Fei took the bead and it hummed, releasing thousands of golden characters that flew into his head.

G-g-grand Light Sutra!

Du Fei had the Sacred Light Physique, and this sutra was the most fitting choice for him.

I will keep the gems. They are 19 in total, missing only Xin Xiaoweis. You will have to get it back, because these gems are an array. Only when all of them are together will they display their true potential.

Du Fei stood slack jawed for a while before saying, Bro Mo, pinch me. I think Im still dreaming.

Li Mo stuck his head out the door and yelled, Owner, bring 20 more ladies.

Du Fei shivered and jumped out of bed, running around buck naked, Im up, Im up!

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