Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 95: Li Shili

Chapter 95: Li Shili

Repulsive bastard, now I am certain you wont get me that easily again! Yang Hongying was armed to the teeth and laying in bed. After ten seconds, her soul flew out of her body.

Soul nurturing jade, soul clearing stone, soul hardening talisman, soul grass, ghost fruit

Yang Hongyings body had no less than twenty soul related equipment. She was cocksure this time in teaching that bastard to use her for his amusement.

The gear had her soul double in strength.

After Li Mo played her good, she was always listless and plagued with nightmares. Only a few days ago did she recover. She was the apple of the clans eye so how could she suffer so miserably? She decided then and there to get the soul strengthening gear strapped on and marched to exact retribution on Li Mo. 

Yang Hongyings soul flew to Li Mos mansion.

Her soul was so strong she began to let out a few eerie vibes.

She just got atop of Li Mos home when a red glow blocked her entry.

I am the Warding Shadow God of this dwelling. Leave, wandering spirit, or death shall become thee!

The red glow was precisely Ye Xiaolu. Just that her eyes were blank and spoke with a stiff voice.

With Ye Xiaolus wonderful personality there was no point to even ask if she wanted to be a Warding Shadow God. So Li Mo didnt waste time on her and just threw her in the array core to use her power by force.

Ye Xiaolu was far from willing but also far from able to control herself, not even able to speak her mind. She was doing Li Mos bidding and there was nothing she could do about it.

Yang Hongying shouted, Let me pass, I have no business with you!

I am the Warding Shadow God of this dwelling. Leave, wandering spirit, or death shall become thee! Ye Xiaolu iterated.

Ye Xiaolu was planning on going in anyway but Ye Xiaolu only extended her hand. A bright red glow flashed and was now clutching Yang Hongyings neck.

Based on size, Ye Xiaolu was smaller. But regarding strength, hers was ten times higher. Not to mention she was in the array core and could use its spiritual qi. Yang Hongying stood no chance at all.

Ye Xiaolu threw Yang Hongying tens of meters away.

By masters orders, if the intruder is Yang Hongying, spare her. But if she wants to force her way inside, death shall become her!

Only allowed on

Yang Hongying saw Ye Xiaolus glowing ever redder and lost all desire to enter.

Curses! Damnation!!! Just you wait, Li Mo. I wont ever forgive you! Yang Hongying flew away and Ye Xiaolu returned to the array core.

Curse you, Li Mo! Just you wait, I will never forgive you! Ye Xiaolu wailed in her heart.

Li clans residence was in Shenjing Citys eastern suburbs. It may not be the center of the city but it was a clean area, with convenient public transportation. 

Of Shenjings four clans, only the Su clan was a nouveau riche. The rest had hundreds of years of history. Li clan was no exception either. Because of nearly a hundred years of precise history, the Li clans traditions were rather old fashioned. With the outsiders, they behaved normally, but their structure still used archaic titles. 

To a modern man, the traditionalist Li clan looked amusing. Though such titles in the great clans of Hong Kong and Taiwan, it couldnt be more normal. 

Besides using old titles, the Li clan had one other archaic tradition.

Every member of the clan lived in this household. They dined together and they grew up together.

Li clan residences parking lot was as big as a stadium. Despite there being three days until grand-sir Li Xuanyus birthday ceremony, guests were constantly coming from all around the country.

Before the main gate of the Li residence, around ten servants were on stand-by to receive guests. 

Among them was a middle-aged man in a Chinese suit. He was Li Shizhong, the current clan heads little brother. 

Compared to the guests rolling in with fancy cars, Li Mo was riding a cab. Yu Yonggui offered to bring him, but he refused. Yu Yonggui was no longer part of the Li clan and Li Mo didnt want to bring him any pointless trouble.

Li Mo stepped out of the cab but the servants treated him like air.

Second uncle! Li Mo shouted and Li Shizhong turned his head with a jolt.

Youre little Mo?

I am! Li Mo went to greet him.

Li Shizhong grabbed his hand in glee and looked him over. You havent changed much, just got a bit taller and broader. Ha-ha-ha, youre finally back after ten years!

Li Shizhong was always concerned about Li Mo, while Li Mo was very respectful to the former. He answered all questions, while also omitting what should stay undisclosed.

Listening to Li Mos lifestyle in Feng City, Li Shizhongs eyes turned red, You didnt accept my money and refused a servant. Living alone for so many years mustve been hard on you. But now youre back and all is well. What are you all staring at? Hurry and greet eldest young master!

The servants rushed to obey and shouted eldest young master one after the other.

Who is that shouting? My Li clan has only one eldest young master and is now playing chess with grand-sir!

A middle-aged man in Li Shizhongs spitting image walked over with a calm face. He may look the same as Li Shizhong, but he behaved entirely different. He had a dignified expression and the airs of a highly important person.

He was Li clans current clan head, Li Shili!

He and Li Shizhong were twins.

Li Mos mood darkened. The man didnt even greet him as he walked past. Compared to how Li Mo treated Li Shizhong, he saw Li Shili as nothing more than a stranger.

Big brother, its Li Mo. Your son, look.

Li Mo?

Li Shili sized Li Mo and snorted, Who was it that said he wont ever be coming back to the Li clan? Ha-ha, wheres your integrity?

I have not returned for the clan. This place has long stopped being my home ten years ago. I came to wish grandfather long life!

Long life? With what, empty-handed? Ha-ha-ha.

Li Mo said coldly, Why would you care?

Impudent! How dare you take that tone with me? You no longer see me as a father?

Ten years ago, you caused mothers death. That is also when we broke any relation. Li Shili, show some decorum! Li Mo walked inside.

Li Shili snapped, Stop him!

The servants blocked Li Mo.

Beat him to death!

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