One Piece: God of Space

Chapter 206 Personnel Training Costs

Chapter 206 Personnel Training Costs

He has been back many times in the past two years, and has witnessed the development of the entire kingdom. For the little king sitting opposite him, Yixiao has begun to recognize the other's ability from the bottom of his heart.

But all this is so easy to say, but when it comes to doing it, it is not as easy as imagined.

This time, 50,000 people were transported to the Sky Island for training at one time. This scale is really huge, and in terms of material requirements, it is also a relatively big test for the entire Tru Kingdom.

The training cost of an army of 50,000 is at least nearly 500 billion beli every year. This kind of large-scale training basically guarantees that everyone’s annual consumption is about 50 million beri. Therefore, in this way, the world Except for the world government, almost no other country in the world can be responsible for such a large consumption.

Of course, they have already taken this into consideration. Now the annual fiscal revenue of the entire kingdom has reached nearly two trillion beli. This may not seem to be a big deal in terms of expenditures for these personnel. But so far, the entire country still needs to build warships. In addition, there are also local troops and officials that need to spend money. Even now, the funds of the entire Tru Kingdom are not as abundant as imagined.

"General Yixiao, it's just that so many people suddenly appeared on the empty island. Regarding training matters, we still need to plan carefully!" Chang Nuo sat there with his eyes closed and thought.

He was mainly considering whether the personnel who would join this kind of special forces in the future needed to be re-screened, because so far, as long as they mastered a six-style skill, they could enter the special forces for the next step of training, but with the changes in the entire kingdom The number of people has increased. So far, more and more people have mastered this skill. Even within the planned time, many people have mastered several six-style skills at the same time.

"Your Majesty, regarding what you mentioned, I will make arrangements directly with them after I return in two days. My initial plan is to let Lieutenant General Haruya stay, and Lieutenant General Deco will return directly to the kingdom. Jun and quasi-general will also come back when the time comes. After all, with the development of the kingdom, there are more and more places that other countries are jealous of. With management specifications of more than 50,000 people, Lieutenant General Zhiya and Lieutenant General Moshank, Bringing a thousand people is enough to handle their training." Yixiao said.

As for the two people he mentioned, Lieutenant General Moshank and Lieutenant General Deco, these are outstanding figures among the special forces in the past two years. After being on the island, it didn't take even half a year for them to master the knowledge Haki and the armed Haki. After the subsequent development, they have become existences that are out of reach for many people in the entire army. .

But they are not the only two who have been promoted to lieutenant general. A total of five lieutenant generals have appeared in the army in the past two years, including Haruya, the original captain of the palace guard. His strength has actually been recognized for a long time. It's just that he hasn't improved in other aspects. In two years, he has fully integrated his Devil Fruit ability, and in one fell swoop he became the most powerful being among all the lieutenant generals.

This guy Junhe has been transformed in the past two years, and his strength is not the same as before. His devil fruit ability has been developed to an extremely powerful existence. Even when facing a naval admiral, he can have the power to rival him, but when it comes So far, the entire Kingdom of Tru does not have that many military commanders, so they can only be candidates for a quasi-general first.

In fact, in the past two years, the biggest surprise to Chang Nuo should still belong to this guy Anilu. He is indeed quite smart, even smart enough to make everyone feel surprised and surprised.

He always smiles indifferently to things, but he is already quite impressed by Enel's performance.

From the beginning to the present, Eniru has completely mastered all the skills of the Six Styles. Not only that, but Eniru, who is only 16 years old now, has also made some achievements in armed color domineering. What surprised everyone the most It’s just seeing, hearing, and domineering.

This guy himself is a person born with the domineering power of knowledge and knowledge. After systematic training, his domineering power of knowledge and knowledge has already surpassed that of the current would-be general Shunhe.

But while training, he will not forget to study the electromagnetic mechanics that Changnuo gave him. Although this guy doesn't know what the purpose of learning this thing is, for Junhe, who has followed Changnuo for a long time, As well as the commander Yixiao who has a better mind, they all understand what His Majesty the King means.

After all, such a move is already obvious, and for all of them, this is indeed a very suitable one. In two years, Anilu has long been different from its original appearance, and now it has gained everything. People's recognition gradually began to move towards what he thought was a strong person.

For this group of more than 50,000 people who went directly, when they return after completing their studies, it will completely mean that the Kingdom of Toru has a pair of relatively hard wings and has the absolute power to protect itself in this pirate world. .

Even now, the power of the Toru Kingdom has surpassed any of the four emperors groups. Even the navy and the World Government will not easily touch the reverse scale of the Toru Kingdom at this moment. They can only Just like with the Yonko, it would be nice if both sides remained silent.

After all, the current Kingdom of Tru is doing particularly well both in terms of military and political aspects. The development of a country to this level is indeed worthy of the collective thinking of all other kings.

But the development of this country to this day is not due to any one person.

In fact, for this country, Changnuo only participated in important decisions and did not worry too much.

The country's Senate has gradually evolved from more than 100 people to nearly 500 people now. It has gradually transformed from old people to young people. Every time policies that can benefit the country and the people are mentioned, they will be the first to do so. When the time comes, all these policies will be implemented as soon as the signature is confirmed.

This enables this country today to complete all planning needs as quickly as possible, both in terms of management at the highest level and implementation at the lower levels.

Although not every official is as honest and honest as imagined, most of them are relatively good at least so far.

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