One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 86: Struggle

Chapter 86: Struggle


Bedeze's hands on his own ears were starting to burn as well while the blasphemous Latin verses were played on loudspeakers.

However, there were more obstacles. The monsters could not breach the wall of stone fenced with metal. A blasted barrier was in the way, golden in color, Holy element.

The first wave of monsters was curious as one, a troll-like creature with the eyes of the Trihexa, smashed it with his fist.

On contact, the barrier crackled and repulsed it, a wave of arcane lightning launching the troll away with an explosion of force. The monsters with them were either lent by Euclid or purchased through illicit means so they could feed the Trihexa cell to them.

They did not expect that the house would have blasphemous weapons designed to hurt them and abuse their flaws so viciously!

"Eat holy lead, you pompous mofos!"

Every single window was opened. Behind each poked out heavy machine guns, mounted machine gun turrets, each manned by an alien black creature with a white oval face.

Gunfire sang alongside the holy words of heaven, enchanted bullets flying through the barrier, and the material fence with the power of clever magic from Azazel to instantly teleport energy and matter from within the field outside the fence to avoid self-inflicted damage of private property.

In other words, all attacks from within the fence phased through to the targets outside the fence.

"Take cover!" One of the Devil minions shouted within the cacophonous machine gun chaos before his head got blown off into gory pieces.

This was not one of his Peerage members, just one of the many Devil mercenaries and soldiers the Nobles have.

The sight prompted all of the suffering Devils to scatter for cover, wherever there may be.

Emerging from behind the roof were more black creatures, wielding modern-day weapons as they started firing at them, one bullet scraping Bedeze's scalp, leaving behind the familiar burns of enchanted silver as he hissed in great agony.

Shining, passing glints of holy silver swarmed the enemy. The Devils were defenseless as the bullets impaled them, some of them reaching Bedeze's Peerage.

Bedeze watched high-caliber bullets gouging bloody holes large as a baseball, into each of his peerage members.

None of them were prepared for this, even with all of their experience in the Rating Games, showing the difference between the experience in war and sports for entertainment.

Shock replaced his agony-induced rage, horror taking his focus as he watched another of his Peerage dead, head blown off her shoulders. He had lost five pawns and a rook. Now his Bishop was on the floor, crying while holding her bloody stump where her left arm used to be.

"Fire!" More of the abominations crawled atop the roof.

Bedeze widened when he saw the heavier weapons, advanced missile launchers made of Sacred Gear-like make, aimed at him and his Peerage, thunderous cracks of death taking the lives of his subordinates, filling them with holes while ripping out their death throes from their lips.

He bit his tongue, having enough of this, as he jammed his thumb into his ears.

He took a deep breath, never having done this before, bracing himself for the pain.

He has more than enough Phoenix Tears for this, something he repeated in his head as a mantra of motivation, before he pushed his thumbs past the safety line.


And with a warcry, ripped out his eardrums as blood flew from his ears.

Black, Haruka, Diehauser, Cleria, and Masaomi were shocked to see the Devil destroying his hearing.

Then multiple black portals appeared. From within the boundaries of the holy barrier, a wall of portals devouring the explosive payload the Blacks sent their way and spitting them back out at sender.


The Blacks manning the roof and windows immediately took cover as the explosions washed over the mansion.

Everyone in Cleria's emergency room felt the rumble, the room shaking from the impact.

"Shit! Shit shit shit!" The Black at the monitor started typing. "Mansion shielding is stable, but I didn't think he could summon portals from within the barrier! Fuck, he's coming in!"

Bedeze, now deaf to the world, teleported himself behind the barrier and exhaled.

Finally, his mind was clear of the blasphemous words. He had no idea where the voices were coming from, so he decided to destroy everything as he spread his arms apart and shouted at them.

"Watch as your pitiful defenses crumble before my power!"

And summoned a massive wall of spell circles, lightning spells for effect.

"Oh, shit!"

Once the magic circles were ignited, the screens showing the lawn and gates turned into strobing static.

Black continued typing.

"...Again, shit, there goes the audio speakers. Shame, I was having fun there." Black sighed before he stretched his limbs out. "Anyways, internal defense systems are still online. This is why we did weapon testing in the first place, didn't expect the 'Hole power' to allow their dicks through the condoms."

"No crude innuendos in front of the children." Diehauser slapped him.

"Ow! Alright, alright. Automatic turrets are still online, though targeting systems are a bit scrambled because of too much lightning. I am looking through the other mes, and that pompous jerk is still shooting lightning magic everywhere. Alright, what's the game plan?"

"Deal with them, please? Because Masaomi, Cleria and I have a baby to deliver." Haruka said without looking away from her charge, "That's it, Cleria. I can see the head, now again - deep breath and push!"

Cleria did as she grunted, straining against herself as her hands were clutching on her husband's and eldest daughter's for dear life.

Black and Diehauser were now focused, even the other Black clone that Black ejected to guide them to the heavy weapon section, on the baby.

After the head, with another grunt, Cleria managed to push out the arms.

"You are doing great, Cleria. One more time!" Haruka smiled as she turned to the baby.

"NNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Cleria clenched her stomach as hard as she could.

The final push had finally done it - as the newborn's cry, full of life, was heard. Immediately, Sarah prepared the sanitized scissors and cut the umbilical cord.

Then the room was filled with the cries of the fourth of Cleria's growing, happy family. Haruka wrapped the baby with a prepared towel, the new baby smell filling the room.

The baby had Cleria's dark skin and Masaomi's hair

Haruka handed the baby to Cleria, the mother of four still conscious and strong as she smiled, holding the baby.

"Hah hah welcome to the world, little one." Cleria smiled as sweat continued to pour through her pores.

She looked at her brother. She almost giggled when she saw the tears streaming down her silly brother's face.

Despite being dazed at the miracle before him, Diehauser approached his younger sister. He knelt down and watched his new niece.

"She's She's beautiful." Diehauser was truthfully at a loss for words. He slowly reached out his finger to touch the soft dark skin.

"Have you come up with a name?" Cleria asked softly.

"I" Diehauser could not bring the words. Half of his mind had not come up with an idea, the other half was still amazed and overwhelmed at the newborn before him.

"...Sorry to be the mood killer, but I think you can hold it off until we kill these mofos. Priorities, my man," Black called out.

The Emperor of Rating Games blinked before he schooled his features. "...You're right. My apologies, Cleria, everyone. I'm afraid this little one needs to wait for her name for a little longer."

"I will help." Masaomi offered, earning a nod from Diehauser, "Sarah, Haruka, please look after Cleria and the baby."

Sarah and Haruka gave their affirmative.

"I'll be back soon, love." Masaomi then gave his wife a soft peck on her temple before he prepared himself for battle.

"Anyways. You two. Follow me to the heavy weapons room. I'm sure even you, Champion." Other Black clone pointed at Diehauser. "...Would love a chance to see what Genos has prepared. We are the future, my guys, hehehehe. Oh, and we need to borrow something from the kids."

The Black Sperm cackled, as he walked off with Masaomi and Diehauser in tow.

Meanwhile, the Blacks playing with the children had an insidious idea when they saw the two misters, the fish and the crab.

Vali and Sirzechs stood face to face in the courtyard of Vdblin, the silver palace.

A wide-open training ground where the soldiers used to train and exercise, used more nowadays with the threat of war on the horizon.

Matthers, Surtr, Bahamu, Beowulf, and Enku, stood on one side.

Azazel, Asia, Griselda, Bikou, Arthur, and Le Fay stood on the other side.

Elven soldiers were curious enough to stay mingled around them.

The sun battered down their brows as the twin moons of Alfheim gazed upon the scene from above.

"You think you have what it takes to teach me a lesson, Crimson Satan?" Vali quipped at Sirzechs.

Since his rival was away doing who knows what in Mykriundir, towards Skugariki, the Dark Elf capital of Mykriundir, Vali was left bored; so he decided to use this chance to do something he had been planning to do for a long time.

Challenge the Strongest Devil, the Crimson Satan.

The Strongest Lucifer, though Sirzechs urged Vali to abandon that title due to the coming of the Demons.

Azazel should not be surprised, but he could not help but be, because he did not expect Vali to challenge Sirzechs so soon. The latter's peerage was equally amused and caught off guard, wanting to see where this would lead.

Asia and Griselda were just curious, the first ready to heal anyone injured just in case. Vali's team were more entertained, Bikou eating more of Alfheim's special salad.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure if I can teach you anything. Issei has a good grasp of his path. He knows what he wants to become in the future, even if it is a little vague, he has a goal. What about you, Vali? What do you want to be?"

Sirzechs' question caused Vali to pause. Before, Vali wanted to become the strongest; however, that notion quickly changed when he ran into the Hyoudous - particularly the man known as Saitama.

The Strongest Man living a happy life and raising a family as a normal freelancer despite his ridiculously overpowered might.

Then, there was Issei, his rival - and as much as Vali would not admit out loud, his best friend. Currently, Issei had gone into a path of evolution and begun to leave him behind.

However, Vali could not shake off the memory when he witnessed Issei nearly being burned to crisp by his own bastard grandfather. He hated that moment where he was so powerless.

"...At first, all I wanted was to be the strongest there is. But now, I don't know what that means anymore." Vali admitted.

"It is simple to say 'be the strongest,' though it is a saying without concrete substance and form. Being just strong is a weak desire, ironically. Why do you seek strength is a better question. Issei wants to surpass Saitama in his own way. And we know how strong he is." Sirzechs chuckled warmly. "He wants to be the next strongest hero in his own way so I will ask you this again. Do you have any clue what to do with that strength? Strength without purpose has no meaning."

Vali paused as he pondered his response.

"...All I can remember since I got away from the piece of shit I call my dad, I always liked fighting. When I awoke Divine Dividing, I felt invigorated." Vali worded.

"I can assume that your life with your parents is full of hardship."

"You assume right. I only wished that I had the chance to kill him myself." Vali clicked his tongue.

"Hmmmm. Perhaps the reason you seek strength is that you do not want to be weak and defenseless again?" Sirzechs deduced.

Vali went silent, as his face darkened slightly; and it was telling enough.

"And along the way, you like that feeling. Power. It's an exhilarating thing, I can imagine. And I can imagine you wanting more so you can destroy your weak self, eventually becoming almost addicted to it. Perhaps some of Albion's influence and love for battle might've infected you with battle lust. Then you met Saitama, the epitome of power the purest example of Power in the shape of a man. You're also wondering why someone that strong is living a life so simple, correct? It is because he got what he wanted and you're not sure if you'll become like him if you reach his level."

"...I'm not going to become bald, though."

Vali's comment made everyone stifle a snicker, Asia and Griselda smiling, while Azazel spluttered.

"Enough talk." Vali inhaled as summoned his Divine Dividing. "Let's do this."

[Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!]

He donned his silver dragon armor, now facing the Strongest Satan.

"Remember! No wide AOE attacks!" Azazel called out.

Vali scoffed as he entered his practiced battle stance. Sirzechs smirked as he entered a more basic fighting stance.

"You're really taking that stance from the baldy?" Vali pointed out the exact mirror image of Saitama's basic stance.

"I have to start somewhere." Sirzechs remarked.

However, as soon as Vali's feet shifted, the sound of the double doors slammed open interrupting them.

"...Issei?" Asia called when she saw him.

It was Issei and the scouting team, sans the beast-tamer and the two elves who were previously with them.

Issie, Rover, Kuroka, and Souji were covered in viscera, green and crimson fluids with scraps of unknown meat. There was some kind of noodly pale organ scarfing around Issei's neck.

"...Hey." Issei called out as his eyes landed on Vali and Sirzechs.

"You two look like you're doing something fun while I'm not here." Issei noted. "You challenging Sirzechs?"

"Of course. Why not when we're here? Don't think I'll have another chance to challenge the Strongest Devil." Vali snorted.

"Really? So, did the favor you got from Dad worked?" Issei asked.

"I still don't know how his power even works, honestly." Vali scoffed. "But yeah it is surprisingly effective. Azazel helped in this case to direct the Baldy on this one. Wanted to test it out on this guy, but what about you? You look like you killed your way out of a hellzone."

"We did, Vali-chin Nya, it's like playing Resident Evil and Dark Souls in real life, nya." Kuroka frowned as she picked the strands of meat from her hair and threw it off.

"The mission turned to shit. We lost Kiyome and Ikala after running into some mutants from the Biohazard franchise."

"...Explain that in a format we can understand."

Everyone's head turned to see Titania entering the courtyard room. Her face was grim with no humor in her expression.

"We ran into mutants. Like, Alfheim's life mutated into monsters kind of mutant. The Dark Elves were experimenting with powers they did not understand and created many things that should not exist. We ran into Djall He was with Princess Celiphrana." Issei continued. "He's a lot different from the Stjarna I know. Too different he kidnapped Kiyome and Ikala. Don't know why, but they're in the dark elf nation."

"...And you didn't stop him?" Titania creased her beautiful features.

"He teleported us away before we could have done anything. Wrote an instant teleportation circle under our noses. The bastard apparently has a malicious sense of humor because he thought it'll be funny to send us to a cave full of Alfheim abominations, giant fucking scorpion things attached to Giants and some Dragons! And a swarm of parasite scorpions trying to latch onto us! Yeah, we fought like hell. Had to bail, we lost our guide and we don't know what else is under there. We barely navigated our way back here."

"Allow me to summarize." Titania was certainly not amused by Issei's explanation. "You brought my husband and daughter to infiltrate enemy territory, and you have the gal to return without them?"

Souji and Kuroka could only watch as Titania glared at Issei, whose eyes met hers without flinching.

"King Oberon decided to stay behind." Issei began. "I will take responsibility for this, but your king instructed us to, quoting him, 'bring the army and knock on the front door'."

Titania glared at Issei.

"...And why did my husband decide to stay behind?" She asked.

"...He didn't say." Issei groused. "And I can only guess. Who knows what Djall is planning to do with them, but I doubt he'll kill them or put them in danger."

Titania's eyes narrowed slightly, as if searching for something in Issei's expression.

"Give me one more reason why I should trust you longer and not turn you into the nourishment of the World Tree itself."

At this point, everyone - particularly Asia and Griselda, could not help but fear Issei's fate after the recent debacle. Sirzechs wanted to interfere, but he was also aware that Issei had to answer for his own failure.

"Because I am your best chance to deal with Djall," Issei said with conviction in his voice.

Titania quirked a brow, "And what makes you think that I cannot defeat him?" She asked.

"You felt his bloodlust that time, didn't you?" Issei reminded Titania. "If you think you can stand against something that can make even the Welsh Dragon tremble in Boosted Gear, go ahead."

Titania pursed her lips as her memory recalled that encounter.

There were no other words she could use other than being in the presence of an ocean of blood. All of Alfheim's waters were replaced with crimson life, death spilling blood from everything that breathed on this world.

That was the image she saw when the creature unleashed his rage.

There was silence between the Queen and the 'human,' if Issei could call himself a human anymore.

Eventually, she exhaled.

"...I will digress that I am too unfamiliar in dealing with your 'friend.'" The Queen admitted. "But I am curious to know how you plan to deal with that thing. Do you know how to defeat him?" She asked.

"I have a few ideas but I haven't gone all out when we met down there. He just sent us away before we could do anything. He didn't bother to kill us, just send us away. He can still be reasoned with although he might be harder to work with than I thought. Who knows what he wants to do with them down there."

Celiphrana had secret tunnels and clearings in the underground havens where she used to get away from the troubles of her political life.

Sometimes, they were her secret meeting spots where she would converse with fellow-minded Dark Elves wanting an end to this feud with the Light Elves, peace and unification between the species.

Celiphrana could not contact her allies within Skugariki. She sat on a rock within a clearing, the only light here being glowing mushrooms.

Ikala sat beside her staring at the little mushroom 'looking' up at them. With the four hulking mushroom things standing beside it.

She had no idea what the thing wanted.

The mushroom bounced up and down as if trying to get her attention.

She looked at Celiph, who looked just as conflicted considering that the little mushroom was an eldritch black moldy ooze that infested the caves before it became this thing with the help of Djall 'educating' it instantly with his 'hive mind.'

Ikala decided to entertain the little mushroom and placed her hand on its cap. It wiggled in response.

How was it possible that something so dangerous could become something so tame?

Ikala inhaled as she rubbed the little mushroom's head.

"...Does it have a name?" Ikala asked.

Celiphrana pursed her lips.

"No. Djall always calls it 'little mushroom.'" Celiphrana turned to Djall.

He and this 'Kiyome' were staring into each other's eyes. Kiyome was sitting on a mushroom growth, a white giant puffball variant of the natural mushrooms.

Djall was squatting on a rock not far from her, eating a raw slice of mushroom, shitake variant.

"...What are they doing?" Ikala asked.

"...I think he is trying to find a common ground to communicate with her." Celiphrana then glanced at her lover, "And you haven't explained what in the world you were thinking, putting yourself in danger for a bunch of outsiders."

Ikala looked away.

"I I'm sorry." Ikala blushed. "I heard about your mother wanting to engage the creature to you."

"To our bloodline." Celiphrana sighed. "Meaning, mother might try to tame him herself if you understand what I am saying."

Ikala processed the implications, and her expression grew somewhat conflicted.

"Please don't jump into the darkness again though I can relate to your misunderstanding. I really don't think that mother can control him. She wants him to stay and ally himself with us somehow, against the Devil that integrated himself into our society."

Ikala nodded wordlessly as she and Celiph continued watching the interaction between the other pair in the room.

Djall handed Kiyome a slice of shitake mushroom.

Kiyome stared at it for a moment She slowly accepted the offering with both of her hands tied together in carapace-like handcuffs, with an eye-like gem, clamped around her wrist.

She held it in her hand as she watched Djall finish his portion, licking his lips as he took out a brain-shaped fungus variant and bit into it.

"...Since when are you a mushroom eater?" She asked.

"I like the taste. Much better than plants." Djall answered with his mouth full, chewing.

Kiyome glanced at the two elven princesses.

"Mushrooms are technically plants too, you know. Also, do you always eat because you're constantly hungry?" Kiyome retorted.

"Sometimes I eat when I'm bored."

The awkward silence returned, Djall finishing his current mushroom as Kiyome inhaled.

"...Why do you call me by another name? What am I to you?" Djall asked while licking his fingers off the shroom.

Kiyome stilled.

"...You are" Kiyome paused for a moment. She tried to call out to see if some of Stjarna was there but it seemed that screaming would not help her.

"...What is your first memory?" She asked.

"First memory?" Djall tilted his head.

"When you were born. What do you remember?" She asked.

Djall clicked, a rhythmic song reflecting his emotions and thoughts.

"...Hunger." Djall answered. "Danger. Malice around me. Kill. Blood. Human blood. Human flesh. Taste, mediocre, but sufficient. Many humans. Weak flesh beings. Die too easy."

Kiyome paused as Djall waited.

"...Words. Two approached. Calm. Suspicion. Explanation. Metal. Too much metal. Ate too much metal. Sick of metal. Then language. Understanding. Then came the twisted lessons of you weak-flesh beings. I hate noble etiquette and using utensils."

"Right" Kiyome nodded

"I learned about myself. The Trihexa. What they want from me. I met the others. Don't like the black wings and the magicians there. Then the two wanted to extract my power and give it to others but it gives them cancer."

Ikala and Celiphrana perked at this mention.

"Excuse me. Cancer? My Midgardian is a bit flawed, but did you say cancer?" Celiphrana asked.

"In the beginning, if one overuse my healing abilities, there is a chance they will get cancer. Sometimes it is from overworking your transformation, testing your luck too much as the saying goes. Cancer is inevitable if someone ate both my cell and the Trihexa cell. You and everyone in this world are nothing more than an experiment to perfect the transfer and fusion of power."

Kiyome, Ikala, and Celiphrana could not believe the words coming out of the monster.

It would mean that Euclid forced a devilish curse on Celiph's people in the guise of power.

"You knew of Euclid's sinister intent all along and you allowed it to happen?!" Celiphrana shrieked.

"Would you care if all humans in Midgard suffer a similar fate? People that you don't know, facing an uncertain, risky fate?" Djall asked back.

"Don't bring outsiders in now, you just said that my people are at risk of carrying diseases from this damnable power of yours!" Celiph pressed on.

"It's still an improvement compared to your weak flesh versions. The current variant is the most stable version I've seen so far, especially after seeing how the other group of Dark Elves that invaded the shiny palace managed to piece themselves together without detriment," Djall waved off.

"If you want to know the symptoms, the first sign is loss of control over certain parts of your body. Unable to transform without complications, deformities showing with each attempt." Djall listed

"Next is spontaneous mutations. Cancer isn't just a disease, it's a biological treachery. The body will continue to mutate, my cells will cannibalize your body and start an incubation. Once it has enough energy and control it will become another organism. It will burst free from your flesh as a new creature. Destroying the cocoon that is you in the process."

Djall pointed at Celiphrana.

The girls stared at Djall before Ikala and Kiyome turned to Celiphrana, the morbid imagery of another creature being born from inside the Dark Elf princess.

"...Is there any way to, let's say, give this power back to you?" Ikala decided to ask, her eyes fearfully glancing at Celiph.

"Don't have to." Djall waved off. "It's perfectly synchronized with her. I checked. Unless you want a more thorough diagnosis. If you're smart and maintain yourself, you'll be able to overcome any complications. Like I said, way better than what you were before."

Celiph looked down at herself, as reassuring as Djall wanted it to sound, she could not help but remain wary of the new power within her.

"How can you tell?" Ikala asked.

"I was there every time they tested my cells. There are usually signs of dissonance, and then divergence. One time, it was a swarm of locusts bursting from a Chimera. Another was a Fallen being split in half as a centipede-like thing scuttled out."

The girls were more horrified at the image, his assurance growing weaker and weaker with each example.

"It's kind of funny in a way to me, how Rizevim and Psykos keep trying. Anyways, if you want to know how I know you're safe, I'm using those that consumed the Trihexa cells as a reference, the bond of my corpse father's genetics integrated into the DNA of the host. Trust me, you're safe."

Ikala could only place a comforting arm around Celiph's shoulders, the dark elf leaning against her lover to reciprocate the gesture.

"...I will take your word, Djall." Celiphrana sighed with some relief that she would not meet a disastrous fate.

"...Wait, I have a question." Ikala asked as she gripped her love's hand. "What is the purpose of this experiment, feeding your power to a race? What would happen if it is a success?"

"To test the viability of my cells for proper consumption and to empower the military forces of Qlippoth." Djall answered. "Successful stabilization is the first stage. The second stage, well, is to convince members of the Dark Elves to eat the Trihexa cells. The goal: solve the dissonance between the parent and child. To evolve the military further since everyone at Qlippoth consumed my corpse father's cells. Everyone. Meaning, if you eat a Trihexa cell after mine, you might die. As soil for new life to bloom from your corpse."

Celiph's relief immediately vanished upon hearing Djall's words, "...Are you truly going along with this madness?!"

"You can refuse if you want, you have my power. Your kind has my power, you can resist, fight back," Djall answered back. "The question is, is there anyone insane enough to 'test their luck?'"

"You!" Celiphrana had not the words. "This isn't about luck, or or"

"Is there anyone willing to risk their life like this for power?" Djall asked again.

"...Will this Euclid even speaks the truth about the risks?" Ikala asked.

"Probably not, but I'll be surprised if anyone can't tell if he is lying with my abilities, it should be easy to detect," Djall stated.

Celiph grimaced as she closed her eyes. Someone insane enough to take mortal risk in exchange of power? Her mother was the first person who came to mind.

"This has to stop." Celiph muttered.

"What do you want to stop?" Djall asked.

"Everything! Euclid, mother, I!"

"So she is the one you want to stop." Djall summarized. "Is she insane enough to try it? She is annoyingly ambitious and daring, I admit, but is she wrong-brained enough?"

"I don't know, but since she has the bright idea of trying to engage you to our royal bloodline, she might be." Celiphrana hissed.

"Then how do you plan to stop your mother? Deposing the current ruler through a coup is a common trend I read from Rizevim's history books," Djall asked, curious now.

Celiph closed her eyes and bit her lower lip, Djall's suggestion to pull a coup was very tempting at the moment.

"...What about you?" Kiyome spoke out. "...Won't you do something to stop this?"

He was here, talking to Celiphrana, trying to be helpful in her time of need, even though it was his power and Euclid's actions that caused the problem.

"Should I?" Djall turned to Kiyome. "Even if I am his master, Rizevim has more authority than I do. Besides, there aren't that many Trihexa cells anyways. Just enough to transform four hundred ninety-eight, at most," Djall scoffed.

Kiyome blinked at the number, "...And how many are the population of dark elves in total?"

"More than a billion." Celiphrana answered.

"See? You're worrying too much. Just warn your family not to eat them and you'll be fine."

The girls now understood why Djall did not share their concern, someone who was more in the know than them.

Euclid did not have the resources to experiment on every dark elf in Alfheim.

"...Then Why do you want to keep us here?" Ikala asked.

"I blame Grayfia for this." Djall frowned. "Once something nags my mind, it is almost impossible to get it out which reminds me."

Djall hopped down from his rock and walked towards Kiyome, until the distance between them was less than arm's reach.

Kiyome was flustered when Djall's calculating gaze was so close to her face.

Then his arms wrapped around Kiyome and pulled her in.


He continued to rain spellfire on the blasted mansion, the Hyoudou residence looking like they were enduring the wrath of the Thunder Gods as lightning scorched the once-beautiful green of the front yard into charcoal earth.

Once Bedeze exhausted himself, he panted as he absorbed his work.

The mansion was still standing despite throwing everything he had at it, the magical barrier shimmering, revealing itself to his chagrin. He looked back and spread his Devil wings, taking flight above to analyze the state of his army.

The wave of gunfire reduced the numbers of his forces significantly. He lost around half of his Peerage; some were wounded, crying while blood flowed out of their eyes, noses, and ears; others were lifeless corpses.

His heart fell at the sight of losing his Peerage, his loyal women like this. He took out a Phoenix Tear and opened the Crimson vial, healing himself once he saw that none of his Devil forces held their ears in pain.

He teleported himself back to his forces, through the fencing barrier surrounding the mansion.

"My liege" His Queen approached him, her face filled with both sorrow and a hint of rage. "I suggest that we retreat. We Our losses, if this continues-"

"There's no turning back." Bedeze interrupted with finality in his tone, "We have gone too far to come back without results, and this is the only time we have the best chance of defeating Diehauser and killing Cleria Belial. We are striking when the House of the Strongest Human is at its most vulnerable. There is no second chance!" He roared.

His Queen was confounded, conflicted by his answer.

"...Send in the monsters first. We'll take back our due tenfold for this slight."

"Bedeze!" Diehauser's voice yelled from the Mansion.

Both King and Queen turned to the voice, seeing Diehauser through the open door of the Hyoudou Mansion.

Standing beside the Emperor was a man bedecked in Sacred Gear-like armor, the design that of a holy knight fused with the futuristic technology, circuit lines of blue running across the sleek silver armor, the knight holding a custom-made light pistol, one with a much longer barrel, rectilinear, sleek black metal smoothed with grooved with Latin.

On his other hand was a light sword, different from the standard mass-produced version, wakizashi length of dark purple light emanating from the Silver hilt.

On his shoulders were mounted guns, meant for additional long-range combat.

"As a fellow noble, and in the light of our past rivalry in Rating Games, there are no words to express my disappointment for you. I always knew you would bring shame to your family and our caste, but to fall this far, you have surpassed my expectations. As a brother of the woman you are trying to kill, I promise you one chance to walk away before I let my rage carry my fists into your carcass!"

Bedeze sneered at the Champion of the Rating Games.

"Disappointment? As if you can use that word! Protecting a traitor that allowed an inferior seed to grace her womb!"

"Traitor, you said" Diehauser was not asking, merely mulling over the word that Bedeze spoke, "Tell me, Bedeze, are you familiar with this?"

He held up his hand, and a chess King piece shining in crimson light was conjured on his palm.

Bedeze stared at the King piece in his hand. Seeing it ignites the phantom pain in his chest as Bedeze bit his lower lip at the memory of that monster tearing it out of him.

"You mistook the aristocracy for the Old Satan Faction, Bedeze. The King Piece that you had on you when Dracula reduced you into paste. Then reconstituted you around the King Piece. Possessing one within you is tantamount to treason. Cleria isn't the only one that knows the sins of your misbegotten kind."

"Then you will die alongside your wretched family. I might not be able to defeat you in the Raiting Games, but this time, I am prepared! More than prepared! While you are alone without your Peerage! Your only wall being this crumbling mansion, a couple of useless humans, and those wretched Black abominations! While I am with my Peerage and an army!"

"Useless, you said?" Masaomi then put up his combat stance, "I hope you have not forgotten that I have slain the likes of you before I met my wife."

"The blood of peasants is cheap and easy to replace. Your confidence in thinking you can hurt a Noble insults your intelligence! Destroy them!" Bedeze ordered the monsters to attack.

Diehauser and Masaomi glared at Bedeze as the army of monsters approached.

"You're not the only one with backup, Bedeze!" Diehauser shouted.

Bedeze was about to retort before something roared from behind the mansion.


Both husband and brother of the woman they love stepped aside as a massive hulk stampeded out of the door.

Bedeze had no words when he saw something muscular with the head of a fish and a body of a bodybuilder.

"What in the Nine Hells?!"

Bedeze immediately summoned his magic circles, but the thing Grew its tail fin until it matched the thing's height and flapped, blowing gusts of wind strong enough to lift the thing towards Bedeze, and propelling it to the sky in the mockery of flight.

Black had the bright idea of borrowing Mr. Carp and Mr. Crab from the children. They gleefully accepted to let their friends be awesome. They were sad when they were not allowed to see the violence as 'they were too young for that.'

Mr. Carp rammed into the Queen, knocking her out of the sky and into the monster and Devil minion army outside of the fence.

The street quaked as the creature decimated many of his monster forces. From a single punch.

His Queen was left broken, coughing blood inside a crater in the concrete.

A demonic guttural roar followed, the menacing crab juggernaut, armored in his garnet shell, rampaged past Masaomi and Diehauser as the creature ran through the gates, the teleported from one side to the other via same magic that allowed the bullets to phase through the fence, and monsters and Devils cried out, bodies thrown into the air as the two monsters went to work.

Bedeze could not believe his eyes at the sight of the decimation of his army, two inexplicable monsters outperforming those lent by Khaos Brigade while 'CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP' and menacing roars filled the air.

The rest of his Peerage tried to defeat them, raining spells and using their Devil Bloodline powers, but the man fish and crab demon thing were too strong.

He grit his teeth as he turned to Diehauser.

"You're up against us now." Masaomi aimed his purple lightsword at Bedeze.

"No. No! NO! I refuse to be beaten! Not like this!" Bedeze shouted before using the King Piece inside him.

It was another King Piece, a spare King Piece that his faction managed to salvage. His power, his strength, his aura flowed with energy as he roared with fury at the two.

Rage consuming him, he used his ability, summoning the Hole technique as he channeled his aura into the Holes, compressing and redirecting his power at them as long range blasting attacks.

However, his attacks were immediately negated under Diehauser's Worthless, the champion's aura completely nullified and rendered Bedeze's power useless as Masaomi, in his new armor, dashed under Bedeze and ascended, the jets under the soles of his armor propelling him towards the Abaddon and swung his purple lightsword up.

Bedeze's years of experience - despite his foul play of using King Piece, managed to kick in and prompt him to leap back, avoiding the blade of light aiming to bisect him from the down up.

The armored exorcist then fired his light pistol at Bedeze, ultra-condensed beams of holy energy fired at an output far stronger than the ones he used to wield.

Bedeze maneuvered while activating his [Hole] power, intending to absorb the barrage of bullets. However, his demonic power failed him since [Worthless] was still in effect. Without defense, Bedeze could barely avoid the bullets aimed at his vitals, while the rest of the bullets were either hitting his limbs or grazing him.

The holy element burned his limbs as he hissed, weathering the assault before the guns mounted on Masaomi's shoulders fired beams of piercing light at Bedeze.

Bedeze could do nothing as one beam of light pierced through his right abdomen, the other destroying one of his left wings. He fell on his back as the poisonous light ravaged through his grave wound, prompting him to hack blood.

His strength was fading, the light burning away his strength while the agony occupied his mind.

"Hah! Hah! No, NO! I will not!" seething through the pain, Bedeze used his remaining strength to procure something from his mantle, "...LET THINGS END LIKE THIS!" He roared as he held up what appeared to be a piece of flesh in his hand.

Diehauser widened his eyes.

"You! If you dare consume that, you will betray everything we stand for!" Diehauser warned Bedeze at the sight of the Trihexa cell.

Yet this cell was different from the usual ones he saw at Ajuka's laboratories.

"I do this for my family! For our people!"

"Don't do it!" Diehauser warned one more time as Masaomi moved in, firing his guns and lightsword ready to cut him down.

Bedeze threw the meatball in his mouth and swallowed just when Masaomi's sword cut his hand off; then he aimed his pistol and blasted Bedeze's throat and abdomen at point blank range, aiming to burn the meatball inside him.

But it was already too late.

Wounds from blades and bullets immediately gestated and reformed into - or more like deformed into something hazardous.

Bedeze's arms expanded with muscle, nails thickening into claws, the hand Masaomi cut off instantly regrew, skin hardening into tough leather, now his thick hide.

The pain of holy energy weakened under this power as Masaomi retreated, avoiding a vicious swipe of Bedeze's monstrous claws as he growled.

Most of his clothes were ripped and burst apart from the size increase, revealing legs bristling with condensed muscle under the red dragon-scaled hide.

His upper half was more insectoid, his bat wings transmogrifying into insect wings, long thin white membranes as his eyes became an abominable fusion of faceted insect eyes only with the pupils and irises of his original eyes on each ommatidium.

Two antennas grew from his head, his blonde hair darkening as every strand of his follicles rose as if uplifted by an invisible force, undulating under the lifting energy.

He was now taller than Diehauser and Masaomi, a gentleman transformed into a brute.

"Well, I hope you understand there is no turning back from this. You are now an enemy of the Three Factions, an accomplice of Khaos Brigade," Masaomi warned.

Bedeze - or what was left of him, only replied with a maddened roar that rattled even the surrounding atmosphere.

Devil wings spread, Diehauser moved in, gliding forth with the grace and speed worthy of a champion as he struck the monsterized Bedeze.

However, Bedeze blocked the attack with his hulking forearm, insectoid armor absorbing the impact of Diehauser's fist.

Diehauser struck again with his other first, forcing the monster to skid back from the impact a couple steps, only for Bedeze to snarl.

It was the first time Diehauser encountered something that could withstand his fists. No, more like, he didn't expect Bedeze eating a Trihexa Cell would let him stand his ground like this.

The only other creature Bedeze had difficulty defeating was Azi Dahaka. Their battle was a stalemate before Genos intervened and forced the dragon into a retreat.

Bedeze retaliated with a savage punch, years of his fighting experience informing Diehauser that Bedeze became feral, not a single ounce of intelligence or technique in that blow.

Diehauser blocked and parried the strike, the force traveling through his aura and into his bones, the shockwaves passing through him and colliding against the mansion barriers to Masaomi's shock.

The Blacks that were watching from within the mansion noticed the strange power-up - the mutant's aura was more chaotic and out of control; its output magnified manyfold in return.

There was something wrong with the creature's power-up. Bedeze gained more strength than he should have from the Trihexa Cell.

Bedeze's frenzied assault began, talons wildly cleaving the air and lightning-charred soil, sharp wind clawing trenches while Diehauser danced and weaved the assault.

The monster's speed surpassed conjecture, Diehauser recalculated how to defeat this beast.

"Diehauser!" Masaomi aimed his magnum light pistol at the creature.

[Alright, your synergy with the armor is better than I thought.]

Black spoke to Masaomi through the helmet radio from the safe room.

Since they didn't have time, Black decided to instruct the old man on how to use futuristic tech as they fight, and the father was doing well for someone that let his muscles waste away on that island for decades.

[Sync your weapons to the power core of the armor and your soul, and charge the gun like you mean it!]

"...How do I do that?!" Masaomi asked as he looked at the tech strapped on his person in panic.

[Oh, for the love of-! You triggered the photon laser cannons on your shoulders by instinct! Use your head! It's neurokinetic! Use your imagination and THINK! HARD! BE ONE WITH THE ARMOR!]

The last statement, Masaomi understood more above all else, the energy from the armor synced with his futuristic gun.

Energy accumulating rapidly, Masaomi unleashed what was probably the most powerful light pistol shot he had ever seen, a literal canon of holy light flying from his gun and hammered into the monster's forehead, flipping it from its feet into the air in multiple revolutions in that second before the monster fell on the back of his head first with a heavy thud, the rest of his body following.

[Eh? It still has its head? It should've been blown off!]

Black uttered through the comms.

The creature was dazed before it picked itself up, shaking the dizziness from his head before it returned focus to the two.

"Well, it seems I might be rustier than I thought," Masaomi remarked.

"Or Bedeze is no longer as vulnerable to the Holy element as before. Or his skull is just that thick now," Diehauser also remarked.

Then the monster underwent conflagration.

The two defenders stared at Bedeze as all of the wounds on his bestial form were burned away in bright yellow flames. Not that different compared to the healing flames of the Phenex Clan.

"...Did you see that?" Masaomi asked if his eyes did not play tricks on him.

"I saw it. That is the Phenex clan's regeneration powers." Diehauser affirmed with abject disbelief.

"Black, please tell me that it is not what I think it is," Masaomi pleaded.

[...Shit. It is what you think it is. Azazel provided a lot of pretty data on the Pillar Devil superpowers, and I can confirm that it is the OP healing bullshit power.]

"Why does he have that? Bedeze, why do you have that!" Masaomi shouted at the monster, only to receive a snarl.

Devils should not be able to use more than one Clan ability. That was the norm for centuries, the status quo.

Bedeze grinned at the sight of their distress as in his hand, he summoned the crimson power of the Bael, the Power of Destruction in the form of a sphere.

On his other hand, the burning flames of the Phenex Clan as his wings flared with Phenex fire.

The power of destruction in one hand and flames of the Phenex in another, Bedeze unleashed both upon them.

Seeing a stream of fire and warping crimson power flying toward them, Diehauser instantly nullified them with his power, banishing the two back to nothingness.

"Alright, my ability can still nullify his powers. I will need your help in weakening him." Diehauser admitted.

"My friend has made a lot of fun toys for this moment. Black, I will need your assistance in mastering this armor. I think I might keep it."

And show it off to his children. It was about time he impressed his sons and daughters with his skills, he can't have Cleria hog all of the parental glory.

[Hah! Alright, there's a gravity modulator in your leg armor that will reduce or increase your weight mass. Be careful, though; you don't want to jump to the moon by accident!]

"Much obliged." Masaomi grinned, his child side fluttering with excitement at the possibilities.

[Also, I'm still here. You have gun support, dude!]

Barrels of guns filled through the open windows of the mansion as the Black Sperm firing squad returned, snipers and heavy artillery poking out from the roof.

"I hope you like bullet hell, Hulk knock-off!" One of the Blacks shouted as the ridiculous cacophony of gunfire resumed, pelting Bedeze with holy lead as the monster roared from the pain, his massive arms failing to block all of the gunfire.

Masaomi stared at the sight of a monster overwhelmed by swarms of bullets within a cacophony of simultaneous gunfire and then at his gun he aimed it at the monster and joined in the shooting, wanting in on the fun.

While Diehauser just stood there, amazed and dazed by the sight.

Within the underground prison of the dark elf's royal palace, Kiyome was staring absently at the wall in thought.

Sitting on the stone floor with her hands bound together - her mind was still stuck at that moment.

When Djall hugged her.

Actually wrapped his arms around Kiyome and pulled her in, much to the shock of the elf-princesses.

Kiyome could not help but remember the warmth, the scent, and the strange feeling that bloomed in her chest as she was caught in Djall's arms.

Then Djall said that 'he felt weird' and stopped hugging her and started doing some shenanigans that were too embarrassing for her to say.

When she confronted him - The reason why he did that was because he was experimenting the 'human acts' of affection and 'to test Grayfia's words' because her answers nagged his mind too much for him to focus.

Then he proceeded to take her and throw her into the Dark Elf royal prison; to store her here until he decided to return.

How he smuggled her in there was interesting, using teleportation magic and sneaking through the shadows It was a surreal experience, seeing the world through the shadows, bright outlines above the surface of the darkness seas with an infinite cimmerian abyss below.

Then it involved lockpicking the doors and lightly poisoning the guards.

Seeing how Stjarna could break in and enter a heavily secured facility, steal the keys off the drugged warden, throw her in the cell, and saying he would be back, still amazed her that he did all of that just to leave her for later while making sure she couldn't leave.

She still did not understand why she was being kept prisoner like this the elf princesses were even confused by his strange behavior.

Celiphrana asked, he said he just did not want her to get away and did not want Euclid to nag him about it if he brought her home. Then he injected a memory-wiping drug into the guards.

All of them. Just like that. It was surreal seeing him preying on them, throwing bone-like needles filled with concoctions into each and every one of them so swiftly and efficiently.

It made her wonder if she could do the same

After spending a good five minutes stewing in her current situation, Kiyome sighed as she leaned back against the wall, before she began to look around at her current location.

Djall's hand-crafted organic restraints were surprisingly effective in sealing her powers. It seemed that he had grown too familiar with how his power worked, or had too much time experimenting on those that ate the Trihexa cell, knowing how to deal with those like her.

Turns out she was too focused on her dilemma that she only realized that there she had been having company in the cell right next to hers.

"What are you looking at, you tall-legged, curly-browned, horny spoon-eared elf?!"

The said company had a short, stocky build; with a middle-aged face covered in a thick, auburn mustache and braided beard. In other words, a dwarf - a species that was famous for their craftsmanship.

"Excuse me?!" Kiyome retorted with a mortified tone at the dwarf's callous words.

"You are fucking excused!" The dwarf shouted. "Your clothes scream, 'I want to fuck somebody so hard,' the way you're dressed so lightly around the nethers speaks of your youthful arousal for attention from the opposite sex! You ain't fooling anyone!"

"How dare you!?" Kiyome stood up, her face completely flustered with rage warping her features at the insults directed at her. "Who are you to say that to someone you just met?!"

"Because I! AM! URIST!" The bearded dwarf pointed at her. "The descendant of Brokk and Sindri! The ones who made Thor's fucking hammer!"

That caught Kiyome's attention, "Wait, you're saying that your ancestors created the Mjolnir?"

"Yer welcome! To surpass me forefathers, I'm on an epic quest to gather ingredients from the nine fucking realms to make me magnum opus that will trump Mjolnir! Or at least I was, until something loud and flashy bright brought me to this gods-forsaken place when I was returning to Nadavelir So, what's your story, lass? Saw you get thrown into here by your boyfriend, strange lad."

"That's complicated."

The earlier information about Mjolnir kind of swept her off her sails somehow. She slowly returned to sit on the floor, "I'm Kiyome Abe from Japan, and I came to Alfheim for business."

"Hoh? Japan? Oh, so you're Midgardian! No wonder why your Dawi sounds so shite! Damn translator, hahaha!" Urist commented with a curious tone. "Yes, I remember going to that shithole once, back when I was conned into playing in that animated hentai porno, starring girls!"

Kiyome blinked in dumbfoundment, "...What?"

"You heard me! Explains why you're showing too much skin! So much repressed sexual tension, that place! And you're not my type! The slime you call skin is too fucking smooth for me tastes!"

"Well, sorry for having smooth skin." Kiyome snided back before sighing, "...So why are you in this prison again?"

"That whore bitch the knife ears call Queen wants to keep me here to make stuff for them! I pleaded for safe passage to Svarthelheim, and they promised to send me there, but ohhhh noooo, they're fucking rats, I tell ya! Then her knife-eared gimps and simps threw me here, feeding me their stupid mushroom soups all this time! AND THEY NEVER SERVED ME BEER! Once I'm out, I'm gonna built a set of runic mechanical balls of fucking iron, sew them into that Queen's crotch with surgical precision, and kick it so fucking hard, it'll jump right out of her pretty mouth! Twice!"

"...That's a little extreme, but I kind of want to see that." Kiyome nodded, unsure how to react to that imagery.

"Anyways, what are ye in for? You didn't answer me question."

"I'm honestly, he threw me in here because he didn't want me to run away." Kiyome sadly answered.

"Yer boyfriend?"

A blush crept up her face as Kiyome looked away, "He's not my boyfriend! He's he's too young!" She flustered.

"What the fuck do you mean he's too young? He looks like a fracking teenager going through a moody phase!"

"Hah It's a funny and very complicated story like I said." Kiyome replied with another sigh.

"Hah! Don't tell me he put that strange collar and cuffs on you?" Urist pointed at Kiyome's organic shackles.

Kiyome nodded.

"Those ain't jewelry gifts, right?"

"No they're prison wear. I can't do anything with them on me." She sadly stated.

"Really? Definitely in a possessive phase! Let me have a look." Urist, the short man that he is, dropped from his bench, wobbled around Kiyome, and inspected her accessories.

"Hmmmmm Hmmmmm." Urist flicked Kiyome's leg shackles. Djall even made sure that she could not transform her legs as well. Hell, Kiyome could not even grow wings or whatever limbs she could muster.

He tapped on the strange jewel that is in the center of each limb accessory.

"That is definitely not metal. Organic? It has metallic elements in it, but it is don't fracking tell me that it's a Sacred Gear or something?" Urist asked Kiyome.

"...What?" Kiyome asked.

"You heard me! Went to Midgard to study yer stupid God's magnum opus! Best I got is this Azazel showing me his goods, honestly. The gems in your jewelry are like dragon stones if you know what I'm saying, but instead of powering yer accessories, it's taking power from you, and using that power against ya! Clever design! I'm gonna plagiarize it once I get back!"

Kiyome could only smile awkwardly at the dwarf's shameless use of the word 'plagiarize'.

"...Can you take it off?" She asked.

"Don't have me tools, but give me a moment." Urist hummed as he pinched the jewel on Kiyome's offered wrist decorations.

"Hmmm are yee a Sacred Gear user or something?" Urist asked.

"Err, I don't have one?" Kiyome asked.

"There is a lot of energy coming through the anal bead on this thing. Maybe if I interrupt the flow at this point and reverse the diode point"

Kiyome heard a crack on the Jewel.


Urist pried his fingers on the jewel some more until the jewel, along with the rest of the cuff on her left wrist slowly crumbled, allowing Kiyome to move more freely.

Kiyome could not believe it.

"Holy shit okay, you really are their descendant." Kiyome was very impressed that he could pull off something that she couldn't.

The one around her neck was interrupting her power, but she had more than enough strength to rip off the wristband from her other hand, and then tear off the one from her neck, the organic chitin cracking apart before she ripped out the ones from her legs.

"Oh ho! You're stronger than I thought for a wee lassy," Urist noted as Kiyome smiled.

"...You've seen nothing yet, my dear Urist."

On cue, the door leading to the prison complex was opened, metal creaking the turning hinges, revealing Sycorax with a pair of guards clad in insectoid armor flanking her.

Kiyome was in a position where she could see the entrance of the prison doors, steel and runic stone made, her gaze landing on a beautiful queen of ashen gray skin and silver hair garbed in finest silk and leathery materials.

"You! Knife-eared whore!" Urist cursed.

"Who is she?" Kiyome asked as she sniffed the air the beast tamer flinched upon smelling the potent scent of Djall from the Queen.

It was one of the most potent she had encountered since coming here.

"That's the fucking Queen Bitch that locked me in here! Fuck you! I'm getting out of here with my new horny Japan friend! And have all the dwarves wage war on ya!" The Dwarf ranted at the newcomer.

"Will you stop calling me that?!" Kiyome snapped her head at the dwarf.

"Unfortunately, no one knows you're here, Urist. And you." Sycorax then turned her attention to Kiyome.

"...Imagine my surprise when my spy said Djall broke into the Royal Prison. Knocked out all of the guards. And threw you into the jail cell. The guards are still here, drooling honestly, I still cannot believe he broke into a highly secured facility, incapacitated my wardens, just to stash something behind the bars, not break someone out of it."

Kiyome could understand that, she was there in person when Stjarna did all that work just to throw her in here.

"His thought processes are interesting. He thought that I wouldn't detect him somehow He is talented but still naive. Still, an interesting way of thinking."

"...And what is your relationship with him?" Kiyome snapped at the Queen.

"Hey! What the fuck are you two talking about?!" Urist demanded, but he was ignored.

"Oh, nothing concrete yet. Still, you have his power I came here to talk."

"And let me out!"

"You're not involved in this, Urist." The Queen mentioned the dwarf's yelling.

"Fahck you! All I know you knife-eared pieces of shit might as well fucking abducted me on purpose!" Urist ranted again, "If you don't get me out of this sad excuse of a toilet you call prison, I'm gonna punch your perfect little teeth in so hard, that you have to brush them through your arsehole! Then I'm gonna stitch your walking gimps together by the crotch and smash their puny dicks with a hammer, before I melt and turn them into man-sized dildos, and stick them into your twat and arsehole, you twat!"

Meanwhile, Kiyome could only watch, and could not help but feel impressed at the sheer creativity of Urist's trash-talking.

"Unfortunately, despite your accusation, we are not responsible for your sudden trip to Mykriundir. We simply took advantage of your unexpected detour," Sycorax shook her head calmly despite the dwarf's ridiculous threats. "As for you, dearie. I want to know what is your relationship with the Son of the Beast?"

"Why should I tell you about Stjarna?" Kiyome bit back.


"His name is Stjarna or at least, it was. It doesn't matter; you still hadn't answered my question."

The Queen hummed to herself. The bearded dwarf kicked the metal bars hard, only to curse when he stubbed his toe.

"...The one you call Stjarna and I call Djall is now tied to the fate of my people." Sycorax explained. "You have Djall's power. Much more than any of us have oh." Sycorax noticed something.

Kiyome was without her shackles. Sycorax entered thinking that Kiyome was powerless.

"Hmmm. Continuing, I am hoping to forge a mutual relationship with the prince. There is so much potential within him that only fools would decide to let him go when he is within reach. If you want to know where he is now, he is in the Royal Library, reading all of my collection on fae lore and magics. What do you plan to do once you reunite with him?"

Kiyome steeled herself, "...I'm going to bring him back home with me."

Sycorax pursed her lips, albeit her expression was not that displeased, more curious, in fact.

"Bring him back Hm." Sycorax mulled over the words for a second, "Tell me, dear. Does Djall consider your place as Home, to begin with?"

"What do you mean?" Kiyome asked.

"I can read much about him from the brief exchanges we had before. He is a restless one, moving from place to place. His current 'home' is a prison of metal and stone. He is a creature that values his freedom and needs much open space You said he has a home where you're from. Midgard, correct?"

"...Yes. He made it with his own teeth." Kiyome affirmed.

"Are you sure that is his home? Or just another cage?"

"That's no! I I don't" Kiyome was not sure how to respond to that question. "... nothing is keeping him there well, I can think of one thing keeping him there But this is different."

"Is it? Then why did he throw you into this cage if you truly believe that?"

"I refuse to be ignored! Let me out!" Urist shouted as he kicked the bars again with his other foot, ringing the metal bars into a singing vibration, only to cry out in comical agony.

"Those are rune-forged steel bars, forged in the Shadow Nexus in the hands of a fire giant, you stubborn dwarf." Sycorax sighed before returning to Kiyome, "In any case, you continuing to call him by another name is peculiar, but I have a couple of theories on that. Stjarna is his first name, correct? His current name meant that he underwent some severe alterations? Like amnesia?"

Kiyome flinched.

"I see. I guessed right" The Queen nodded. "Interesting method of taming, but May I ask for your name?" She asked.

"Kiyome Abe."

Sycorax smiled, "Kiyome Abe. I have plans for your 'Stjarna'. His development is now my priority, and I wish for your cooperation in aiding me. If not force is always an option. Since you're no longer shackled, I take it you can free yourself at any time."

"You guessed right." Kiyome grew metallic claws in defiance.

"I need leverage to keep Djall in this castle away from that poisonous Devil's influence. You will do perfectly for my needs."

"And you think I can't see how poisonous you are? As if I'll let Stjarna stay around you as much!" Kiyome snapped back.

The dark elf guards behind Sycorax drew their metal swords, runes embossed onto the flats of their blades.

But Sycorax raised her hand, stopping her guards.

"Allow me. I need something to test my current mastery of my new powers." Sycorax said as Kiyome tore the metal prison door off its hinges and threw it aside.

"By Thor's anus, what are you, girlie?! Your fingers turned into sphincter-probing swords!" Urist shouted, reminding them of his presence.

"Again, complicated." Kiyome reminded, "Think you can make it out of here?" She asked.

"As if I can sneak around an entire army! You need to take the bitch on, lassie! And show her her fucking place!" Urist shouted with a manly fist pump.

"Then brute force it is. Bring it on, bitch." Kiyome spread her fly wings, ready to take on the Queen of the Dark Elves.

The Gods of the Dead stared at the only mortal, if he could be called a mortal, in this room.

The mortal was looking at one of the asgardian draugr guarding this room. He poked his finger into the thing's open ribcage out of curiosity.

"...He's bored." Enma commented.

"He is a simple man." Hades answered.

"You met him before?" Anubis asked.

"Yes. He visited Olympus once. With Ophis."

"Ophis?!" Erishkagal was in shock to hear that name.

"Why is the Infinite Dragon God with him?" Mictlantecuhtli asked.

"Perhaps the dragon God seeks a mate with the strong?" Arawn, Welsh God of Annwn, The Welsh Land of the Dead, suggested.

All of the Gods of the Dead turned to the Welsh God.

"...It is just a theory. I heard that Ophis is now a female."

"In appearance, perhaps." Izanami chimed in, "But the Ouroboros is, by the end of the day, genderless considering its nature. A little bird told me that it has something to do with the Dragon of Dragons in regards to Ophis' current association with the strongest human."

"Wait, are you saying that she might be the reason why the rumor that the Strongest Man defeated the Great Red started? But why is the Great Red still active?" Baron Samedi asked.

"Is he active?" Charon asked.

"The Great Red is very solitary, his business is solely within the Dimensional Gap. As far as I know, he doesn't care about the Nine Realms." Enma reminded.

All of the Gods pondered on the current situation. They all turned to the Strongest Man.

Now, he was inspecting the norse armor of Hel's finest draugr. And accidentally ripped its vambrace.


The draugr looked at him with his eyeless sockets.

"...Sorry." He handed it back.

Even though they saw the strongest man in action via live recording, they could not see that man right now.

Curious and sensing an opportunity, Izanami rose from her seat and approached the Strongest Man.

Saitama just nodded again at the Draugr apologetically for one more time before he noticed someone was approaching him. He turned around to see an eerie woman of pale, otherworldly beauty regarding him with an amused and curious expression.

Glancing around awkwardly, Saitama finally spoke, "...Can I help you?"

In return, the Goddess of Yomi merely smiled, "My apologies, 'tis would be our first encounter, no? I am Izanami no Mikoto, 'tis a pleasure to be acquainted with you, Saitama Hyoudou. And I believe I have acquainted myself with thine son."

"You know Ise?" Saitama blinked.

"Indeed, I believe you should talk to thine son about our encounter, he has been the most interesting But I digress, do you wish to return to Japan?" Izanami asked.

"Yeah? You got a way back?" Saitama asked.

"Of course. Every God has their own method of returning home. My home happens to be in the land of the rising sun."

"Oh, neat." Saitama hummed. "Aren't you still in a meeting about something?"

"We were, but we have pretty much concluded our conversation. Speaking of, is it alright if we talk for a little bit on the way back? Possibly once we arrive at your destination; there is something I would like to discuss."

Saitama blinked and was about to reply, only for another hand to land on his shoulder. He turned to see the ruler of Tartarus staring at Izanami who met his gaze equally.

"Saitama. A word of advice from another God of the Dead." Hades began while maintaining eye-contact with the Yomi, "...Do not trust the words of anyone that offered you something for free, especially when it comes from a god." Hades warned the Strongest Man.

"You misunderstand." Izanami gazed into the pure pale eyes of the skeleton turned flesh. "I bear no ill-will. I simply want to discuss an important matter with someone living in the territory of the Shinto."

"...And he is also the strongest man. I suggest you wait for Hel to arrange your transport. It is wiser and safer that way. If you have something to discuss, Izanami, I suggest you do it here."

Izanami stared at Hades. Her face was stoic, but Hades could see the irritation boiling under her calm geisha features.

"...Wait." Baron Samedi raised his hand. "I have an idea If The Strongest Man is stronger than the Great Red, I propose a solution. Why not prepare a countermeasure by summoning the alive, not-dead person in the thin realm where this GOD is invading?"

"Eh?" Saitama turned to the group of Gods as they murmured amongst themselves.

"Interesting solution"

"But then again, will he allow it?"

"He is duty-bound to protect Midgard, after all. That includes the souls of its inhabitants."

"This needs further debate, but you're onto something."

The Gods muttered in agreement with this proposal.

"Again, with this ridiculous nonsense!" Ereshkigal slammed her fist on the exquisite table. "All this talk about some random bald human being the 'Strongest' among us! This has gone far enough!"

"...Your disdain for a man you've never met or knew is overzealous, even for a Goddess," Seth pointed out.

"Mistress." Bitu, Ereshkigal's Gatekeeper of the Underworld, interjected. "Please, we are not in Mesopotamia."

"Silence. And you, bald man." She pointed at Saitama, "Your story, your legend, you remind me too much of Gilgamesh. Like him, you intrude upon the land of the dead, on the claim that it is by accident? I will not let this farce continue."

"Ah" Hades understood. "...So the rumors of your loss against Gilgamesh were true?"

A tense pause was her answer. Every God of the Dead stared at Erishkigal, piecing the connection between the the Goddess and her irrational dislike against Saitama. They could not see her expression behind the golden mask, but they could sense her distress.

"...No comment!" Ereshkigal denied rather heatedly, "More importantly, back to you!"

"...So what?" Saitama asked, starting to feel confused.

"'What' in this case, is that I shall test your legend with my own hands."

Ereshkigal summoned a scepter, a golden scepter in one hand and a crimson spear in another as she aimed it at the baldy.

Saitama stared at the scepter and spear, "So?"

"She's doing it! By the first death, she's actually going to do it!" Baron Samedi proclaimed with eyes widened. "...Should we take bets?"

To be Continued.

Omake: Why Ikala is here.

"Show me how you love."

It was the first time Djall directed his attention at Ikala and Celiph. His face near the former, almost kissing, his third eye with the hexagram on his pupil unnerved the high elf princess.

Though the words he uttered made the other two girls gawp, the dark elf princess and Kiyome sharing a brief glance.

"Wait, wait, wait! You can't just tell a girl to do that! It's inappropriate!" Kiyome shouted as she stood up from her puffball shroom seat.

"Why do you think I brought her here in the first place?" Djall turned to Kiyome.

"Anything but this?!" Kiyome wildly gestured around with her hands.

"I do not see the problem." Djall stated with genuine intent much to the girls' collective horror.

"You should! What have they been teaching you?!" Kiyome shrieked.

"I have to concur. What you're demanding of Ikala is too much." Celiphrana tried to contain her outrage as Ikala moved away from the monster, a bit scared, towards Celiphrana.

"Why?" Djall asked with a tilted head.

"You cannot demand a girl to 'make love' to you!" Kiyome shouted.

Djall stared at Kiyome with his three eyes in a silence, "...What are you even talking about? I'm demanding that she show her love to the other princess, not to me."

The three stared at the monster in another kind of silence.

"...Oh" Kiyome was not sure how to feel about that. Ikala and Celiphrana were not sure whether to feel relieved or more concerned for his mindset. "Wait, that's not right either!"

"And what is the problem now?"

"It's not supposed to be something outsiders can watch! Like like a show! Or the stupid pervert duo peeking into the locker room to stumble upon two girls kissing!" Kiyome shouted at Stjarna, trying to hammer some sense into his infant mind.

"...Show?" Djall picked up that word.

"It is private! S-Sacred!" Kiyome shrieked.

"Your weak-flesh concepts do not hold much weight to me." Djall responded.

"WELL, IT SHOULD! And stop calling everyone around you 'weak-flesh!' It's demeaning!" Kiyome pointed at him with flustering rage.

"Anyone whose bodies easily fall apart is Weak flesh. It is the truth, it is absolute. Anything against that is denial of the weak-flesh-mind," Djall smirked at Kiyome, elevating her ire a hundred fold.

"When we get back, I swear to the Dead God we'll make your education our priority!"

"Hah!" Djall smiled at Kiyome. "You are funny. I like to see you try. Psykos and Rizevim tried, your betters tried, and they failed. You won't succeed. Now, you two. Show me. I didn't make Little Mushroom go through all the trouble of kidnapping you just to let you idle." He returned to the elven couple.

Hearing him, the little mushroom bounced by Celiphrana's side for attention while the four mushroom hulks remained stationary.

"That's I" Celiphrana and Ikala looked at each other before they looked away with blush on their faces.

Seeing the elves being put on spot, Kiyome exhaled and addressed Djall one more time, "Don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's talking about! There are simpler ways of showing it to you! If you come back home with me, I'll teach you myself!"

Silence fell in the room as Celiph, Ikala and Djall stared at Kiyome who met the latter's gaze without blinking.

"You will teach me yourself?" Djall reiterated.

"Yes, I will! Once we return to Midgard!" Kiyome nodded.

Celiph and Ikala exchanged glances, wondering if Kiyome understood what she just said or if their Midgardian Latin was functional.

Djall, on the other hand, quickly retorted, "Why do I have to leave this place and waste energy for something you can show me right here?"

He then made his way until he was standing right in front of Kiyome.

"...And now."

Kiyome wanted to retort before her eyes blinked twice, "I beg your pardon?"

"...You are funnier than I thought." Djall smirked. "You outlandishly stated that you are bold enough to show your skills in the art of intimate interaction. With me."

The next second, Kiyome's face turned beet red, "N-no! That wasn't what I meant! There are other ways to teach you about copulating other than doing it with you!"

"Hahahahaha! Like what?" Djall asked, looking very amused.

"Like! Um, err" Kiyome glanced around before her mind clicked, "There are pornography and other sources that you can watch in Midgard!"

"...Pornography?" Djall quirked a brow.

Ikala jumped upon hearing the word, "I thought it is forbidden to show children the forbidden arts?!" she shouted.

"This well Wait, you know about porn?" Kiyome looked at Ikala, seeing the princess cover her mouth. Celiphrana looked confused by her lover's actions.

After humming for a second, Djall replied, "Pornography. That is actually the first time I heard the term. What is this. Pornography?"

"...Errrr" Kiyome was not sure how to answer that question.

Actually, what she was attempting to do would be extremely illegal and unethical, corrupting an innocent well, not so innocent since Djall admitted that he ate people, but not the case.

"...Educational material meant for adults? In the form of entertainment?" Kiyome weakly answered.

It was mostly for entertainment, though.

"That sounds dubious." Djall leered at Kiyome.

It absolutely was.

"I uhhhhhhh"

"...You sound like you're luring me into a trap." Djall narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"What? No!" Kiyome denied.

"...Tsk. Fine, if you two are that unwilling, we'll return to this another time." Djall looked away from Kiyome and to Ikala.

"If you want to continue staying here, eat this. If not, I will send you back home."

Walking towards Ikala, Djall spat something in his hand and handed it to Ikala who received it on reflex, before he left the three women alone.

"I need to be alone to gather my thoughts. Give me your answer when I return."

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