Online Game: Starting with an SSS-Level Plundering Talent

Chapter 167: Chapter 167: A One-Man Defense, The Angels Descend

Chapter 167: Chapter 167: A One-Man Defense, The Angels Descend


John couldn't have looked more indifferent.

Malina had no idea what Sini was like.

If Sini found out, not only would she not be angry, but she'd likely try to help him win Malina


John cut to the point, "Transfer the city to the Undead Lord and start the faction. I'm in a hurry."

[Announcement: Beast Clan Black Turtle has established the Heavenly Court faction. Defend against a 12-hour monster tide. Faction will be established upon successful defense.]


Three back-to-back announcements echoed across the world.

Malina paused, staring at John with suspicion. "I remember the Beast Clan is also one of your forces, right?"

The Black Turtle had led the Beast Clan to aid Phoenix City during a previous crisis, so she knew they were under John's control.

He nodded, then urged her, "Hurry up and set up the faction."

Frowning, Malina glanced at John and the Undead Lord, asking again, "Are you seriously planning to fend off the monster tide alone? Don't destroy my Phoenix City in the process!" "Do I look like the kind of guy who would do that? Besides, we've got the Undead Lord here, don't we?" John pointed to the Undead Lord, who stood off to the side.

"Fine." Malina decided to trust him and used the Altar Upgrade Stones to upgrade the city, then transferred the city's authority to the Undead Lord.

Another announcement rang out:

[Announcement: Undead Lord has established the Undead Kingdom faction. Defend against a 12-hour monster tide. Faction will be established upon successful defense.]


Once again, three system-wide announcements echoed.

The back-to-back creation of two factions caused a massive stir in the world chat.

City of Angels.

Elsa heard both system announcements, her brows furrowed in thought.

She knew the Heavenly Court faction of the Beast Clan was tied to Godslayer's forces.

But now, out of nowhere, there was an undead faction as well.

"Undead Lord? Has that guy resurrected?" Elsa knew of the Undead Lord—a former ninth- tier powerhouse from the undead race with considerable strength.

However, he had supposedly fallen long ago, his soul severely damaged. Many powerhouses had coveted his Undying and Immortal talent, but the Undead Lord had been crafty. He destroyed his own body and split his soul to escape.

If he had now returned, his strength probably wasn't what it once was.

"Summon someone!" Elsa called out after some deliberation, deciding to stop the Undead Lord from establishing the faction.

The grand doors opened, and a six-winged angel entered, bowing respectfully. "My lady, what are your orders?"

"Has there been any word from the Dark Humans about whether this Undead Lord is working for Godslayer?" Elsa asked, remaining cautious.

The six-winged angel shook his head and replied, "I've inquired. The Dark Humans have faced numerous attacks from powerful forces of various races recently. Several of their fifth- tier cities have been taken or destroyed, but it's unclear if the Undead Lord is receiving help from Godslayer."

Elsa frowned deeply. She hadn't expected the faction system's activation to turn the Dark Humans into a prime target, which explained why Robing had been looking so grim lately and why he seemed resentful toward her.

The six-winged angel glanced at her and continued, "My lady, should we intervene?"

"Hmm. Send 100 Two-Winged Angels and 10 Four-Winged Angels," Elsa ordered coldly. She couldn't allow the undead to successfully establish their faction.

The six-winged angel, puzzled, asked, "My lady, are we stopping the undead or the Beast Clan?"

"Are you an idiot? The Beast Clan has ninth-tier powerhouses. Do you think you stand a chance?" Elsa snapped angrily.

Terrified, the angel quickly bowed and backed out of the room.

Elsa took a deep breath, trying to quell the frustration boiling within her. Ever since

Godslayer appeared, she hadn't had a moment of peace.

"Godslayer, your time is coming. Once the passage between the world of Gods and Earth opens, it will be your end!" she muttered darkly to herself.

With the speed at which Kent and Toby were leveling up, it would take no more than a year for them to reach the ninth tier, at which point they would break through the barrier connecting the world of Gods to Earth.


Dragonblood Highlands, Phoenix City.

The moment the faction was established, swarms of fourth-tier Elemental Dragon Monsters, fifth-tier Elemental Dragons, and even sixth-tier Elemental Wyverns began gathering. They filled the skies, descending like an unstoppable tide, crashing toward Phoenix City.

On top of that, powerful demons such as Lesser Demons and Flame Demons from the demon race joined the assault.

The members of Phoenix City stood atop the city walls, their faces filled with terror as they trembled, unsure of how to respond to the overwhelming sight before them.

"Godslayer, you've doomed us all!" Malina shouted at John, her face full of rage.

She knew John was powerful, but facing such a massive monster tide-especially with so many formidable creatures-there was no way he could hold them off alone.

And the Elemental Wyverns were a particularly daunting threat.

John glanced at her calmly, saying nothing, as he summoned Avis and flew above the


"Master, should I help?" Avis asked, startled by the sight of the massive horde of Elemental Wyverns swarming the sky.

Though he was also a sixth-tier fighter, facing tens of thousands of Elemental Wyverns was well beyond his ability to handle.

"Just watch," John said in a calm voice. The Sword of Divinity and Demons appeared in his hand, while the Three-Foot Black Dragon Sword floated in front of him.


The swords hummed with energy as a powerful surge of elemental force built around John, and he launched his attack.

Blades filled the sky, roaring as flames surged upward. Dark clouds gathered above, and lightning crackled and danced through the air like a frenzied host of demons.

In an instant, John unleashed three powerful skills, enveloping the vast armies of monsters both on the ground and in the sky.


Thunder roared as Lightning Chain formed a massive web across the sky. Countless Elemental Wyverns were struck, instantly killed in a flash of lightning.

One after another, the wyverns fell like raindrops, plummeting from the sky.

But it didn't stop there. In the air, endless flashing sword blades tore through the more powerful Elemental Wyverns, shredding them into pieces and scattering their remains as a

bloody mist across the battlefield.


On the ground, Hellfire raged, turning the land into a scene straight out of hell. Elemental Dragon Monsters, Elemental Dragons, and the demon forces writhed in agony as

the flames consumed them, leaving nothing but ash in their wake.

[You've killed a level 1000 Elemental Wyvern. You gained 67,630 experience points.]

[Plunder talent activated. Spirit +1.]


The notifications flashed continuously.

John Plundered over 30,000 basic attribute points, further increasing his strength.

Tens of thousands of monsters were slaughtered by him alone.

On the city walls, the members of the Phoenix Guild stood dumbfounded, their minds only

able to form two words: "Unbelievable!"

Godslayer's power couldn't be measured by player standards anymore.

Gulp! Even Malina couldn't help swallowing hard as she stared at John, standing confidently

on the back of his black dragon, hands behind his back, surveying the skies with an air of

supreme confidence. That image was now seared into her mind.

Without thinking, she sent him a party request.

[Ding! Player Godslayer has rejected your party invitation.]

The notification snapped Malina back to reality. This guy was still the same shameless,

arrogant, lecherous scoundrel he always was.

"Godslayer! You promised to help me level up!"

She shouted, sending another party invite.

John coldly rejected it again.

"Jerk!" she cursed under her breath, then hesitated for a moment before offering, "Ten G for a

video of me dancing in different stockings."

"You should have led with that," John grinned, immediately adding her to the party with a

satisfied smile.

He had already reached level 500, and gaining more levels required over 400 million experience points. The small amount these weak monsters provided was insignificant.

"Ugh!" Malina clenched her fists in frustration, glaring at John. She felt utterly powerless against him.

The thought of dancing in stockings filled her with embarrassment and anger.

"Hey, what are you standing around for? Get your people to clean up the battlefield," John's

voice called out.

Malina's eyes lit up as she noticed the battlefield littered with spoils. Her anger evaporated


John hadn't mentioned claiming any of the loot, which meant everything here belonged ton/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Phoenix City. Malina glanced at the people on the city wall, their gazes fixed on John with starry-eyed admiration. Her frustration only grew as she shouted angrily, "Stop swooning! That guy isn't into men. Get down there and start cleaning up the battlefield!"

One of the guild members, passing by her, leaned in and whispered, "Boss, how do you know

Godslayer isn't into men?"

Without hesitation, Malina raised her staff, casting a fireball that exploded near him.

It leaves him covered in soot and instantly quieting him down.

As John watched the guild members cleaning up the battlefield, he called out, "You can keep

the weapons and gear. Skill stones and artifacts go to me."

"Don't worry, big boss. Anything you need, we'll save for you."

"Boss, do you need any skill stones? I've got a dozen on me-I'll give them to you."


The members of Phoenix Guild were unusually enthusiastic, with several even handing over

their own skill stones to John.

Malina, watching this scene, fumed with anger, feeling utterly betrayed.

These people were supposed to be her loyal subordinates, yet here they were, sucking up to

Godslayer-that shameless jerk!

I'm docking their pay! Every last one of them!

She silently vowed.

John, meanwhile, paid no attention to these interactions. His eyes kept flicking toward the

sky, brows furrowed.

What he was waiting for wasn't the monster tide, but the arrival of the Angel Race.

Only four hours had passed since the monster tide began, barely halfway through. There was

still a good chance the Angel Race would descend.


Suddenly, a powerful ripple of Spatial Energy tore through the sky, ripping open a gaping rift

in the calm heavens.

"They're here!" John's eyes lit up with excitement.

The first to emerge were the Dark Humans, a massive army of over ten thousand soldiers.

Leading them were several seventh- and eighth-tier legendary powerhouses! John's excitement grew-these guys would definitely drop artifacts.


With a burst of Holy Light, a large force from the Angel Race descended-over a hundred

angels in total.

Among them were one hundred seventh-tier Two-Winged Angels and ten eighth-tier Four- Winged Angels.

All of them legendary in strength.

Before his recent breakthrough, John wouldn't have stood a chance against an eighth-tier

Four-Winged Angel, but now that he had reached the sixth tier and greatly increased his power, taking down an eighth-tier legendary angel was no problem.

"Wait... Godslayer!" The leading Four-Winged Angel recognized John, his face paling with

fear as he instinctively tried to retreat.

"My lord, there are no ninth-tier powerhouses here. It looks like he's alone!" a Two-Winged Angel surveyed the surroundings and reminded the leader.

"You're right!" The Four-Winged Angel leader sneered, his confidence restored. "Godslayer,

looks like today's the day you fall. Attack!"

With a roar, both the Angel Race and the Dark Humans charged toward John in unison, weapons raised and battle cries echoing through the air.

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