Only Wisdom Awakened

Chapter 24: Show offs

Chapter 24: Show offs

Again, again and again, the camp echoed with the clashing sounds of the battle, prompting the leaders to reconsider their decisions repeatedly. However, before they could enact any alternative plans, the clashing abruptly came to a stop.

A single thought reverberated through everyone's mind, HE'S DEAD.

As the fight stopped, they all once again resumed preparations for the elite raid.

When they all assembled like soldiers in a battalion, a looming shadow gradually approached them, growing larger and ominous with every moment.

The colossal figure was red and imposing, compelling them to assume battle stances.

Yet, the leader took a moment to think, sensing something peculiar in the approaching figure, 'Why would a wyvern walk when it can fly? And why would it take so long to come closer? Something is off...Is that... a person.'

Despite blinking his eyes several times to confirm if what he had seen was right, and no matter how many times he closed and opened them, they still saw the figure of a man in the front.

"HOLD IT!" He commanded the troops, who were already poised to unleash spells and fire arrows.

They all obeyed his order, a few more seconds passed without any order, but no one said anything at all.

The human figure in front of the monster's head was now visible to everyone, making them speechless.

As the figure came closer, they recognized him, the so-called worthless E-Rank, the leader of the fifth team.

It was Hans, who had come back victorious.

What should have typically broken into loud cheering and complimenting, remained a dead silence, rendering the atmosphere tense.

Unfazed, Hans just walked past most of them, dragging the wyvern's corpse on the uneven ground, raising a bit of dust.

He stopped in front of the exploration leader and left the wyvern there before returning to the tent, but before entering, he quoted, "If you manage to win, all the loot obtained from the monster in question will be rewarded solely to you."

"That's what you said, isn't it? Honor your promise," as his last action, he cast a threatening gaze toward the third team leader, who started sweating from the pressure, while the other leaders just let it happen and lowered their heads.

Planning to rest for a couple of hours, Hans fell onto the self-made mattress and muttered, "So... tired," before drifting into a deep slumber to muster the strength to rise once again.

Upon awakening, while still half asleep and his eyes almost closed, Hans ventured outside his tent and walked towards the leaders' gathering room.

The previous day, he had been really rude, and ordered around the others, he was afraid that they would hold a grudge against him.

As he quietly traversed to the camp, most people threw glances at him like before, something that he was used to, however, this time their gazes were different, they were neither filled with hate nor disrespect, instead, they were afraid and bowed their heads, while sweat could be seen surfacing on their pale skin.

The only reason he could think of was his actions from yesterday, since he took down the elite boss alone, people must have now thought of him as a respectable leader.

What he didn't know, however, was that the real reason for their change in attitude was the haunting image of Hans covered in blood while he dragged the wyvern's carcass was deeply imprinted in their mind.

Inside the leaders' tent, an important discussion to decide how the raid would continue was taking place, while the others were expressing their personal opinions, the third team leader was blurting a lot of empty words, quoting some famous books and important people.

However, the discussion suddenly came to a halt as the fifth group's leader, Hans, entered, interpreting their silence as a sign of not being welcomed anymore.

What to do now? Hans planned to create fame through the Elite Boss raid and recruit some people who in the distant future could help him aid in the impossible feat of killing the Abyssal Snake. And naturally, he also wanted to test his limits.

Unfortunately, it seemed to him like his plans didn't produce the anticipated effect, and he now found himself somewhat alienated from the other members.

'Should I just.. yes it's better this way,' he thought to himself.

"I'm s-" Hans attempted to apologize, but was energetically interrupted by the beastly leader, who stole the words from Hans's mouth.

"I'm sorry!" Said the leader and even bowed his head.

"I apologize for not providing any aid during yesterday's raid," he continued, surprising Hans with the loud apology as Garrison was the last person he anticipated this from.

The others nodded in understanding, except for the third team leader who just watched Hans with eyes full of envy.

Ignoring the tension, Hans just let it slide and continued with his activities. This time around, his opinion was sought more frequently, and he was tasked with important missions.

An official report had arrived: the boss monster's nest had been located.

It was not called a nest without any reason; an intricate structure of branches and trees was formed high up on the tallest peak of the mountain range, and flying high between the clouds could be seen a giant eagle, perpetually hungry and lingering around to hunt.

The only reason they hadn't managed to spot it until then was the lack of information, as the notion of a flying monster soaring high above their head didn't even cross their mind until they stumbled upon traces of such flying monsters after seeing the majestic wyvern, prompting them to search every corner of this world till they finally found it.

The whole expedition team prepared for a while before heading out towards the boss's nest.

As a reward for clearing the elite mob, Hans and his squadron were allowed to not participate in the final raid, increasing their chance of survival. However, this wasn't Hans's intention in the slightest since he planned on showing off his skill to attract powerful and formidable allies.

However, their journey was abruptly interrupted as a feline creature decided to block their path.

It was a monster that reigned over high-altitude forests, known by many names, the most common being ... the mountain lion.

[Race: Mountain lion

Title: None

Level: 120

Strength: 144

Dexterity: 190

Endurance: 117

Wisdom: 42






Description: A mountain lion that has ruled over the forest as its apex predator for the last few years. The only monsters it fears are the boss and the elite.

Evaluation: A mid-tier C-Rank.]

The third team leader, eager for achievements and validation, decided to lead his team to take down this dangerous monster.

Despite having many skilled warriors under his command, his terrible battle skills and sense couldn't make up for it.

The battle dragged on for over an hour, turning the more than twenty participants into objects of ridicule and making them a laughingstock among their fellow hunters

A battle that should've meant as a demonstration of his strength and wisdom instead devolved into a pathetic spectacle, making everyone realize how truly unprepared and childish this team leader was.

The only thing he did was throw a final spell to kill the monster and gain the most number of XPs.

In stark contrast, Hans, who had been able to take on his challenges alone, and even brought benefit to his team members was seen in a brighter light.

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