Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 168: The Twisted Family (2)

Chapter 168: The Twisted Family (2)

Chapter 168: The Twisted Family (2)

As Ursa looked at the coins stacked over her upturned palm, a rather satisfying smirk touched her lips. "It's been quite enjoyable... and I think the company around me was half the reason for it."

She closed her palm and collected her payment. She still hadn't walked into the kitchen, not knowing about the other half of the staff but getting to know them was already quite gratifying. As Ursa had suspected, Poppy possessed wonderful penmanship. Michi, despite her slightly revealing clothes, was simply a delight to hang around with. Ursa came to know that like herself, Michi also had two children. A boy and a girl and the look of fondness were shared by Ursa when she thought of her two children.

"Oh, hey, you don't need to contribute everything to me," Nik smiled and shamelessly took all the credit but Ursa only smiled. She couldn't deny his charm at the moment. After all, he was quite casual with everyone and open. Laughing at jokes that were considered a bit... lecherous and supplanting with his own.

This may be a tea shop but Nik made sure that it acted a little like a Tavern aside from the unnecessary touching and Ursa enjoyed that. Others did, too.

"I wasn't... it was meant for everyone... although, I still want to know what you gave Kei Lo in that tea... he's quite a stubborn boy, after all."

Nik smiled, "It was nothing... I just lied."

'Or did I?' He chuckled internally.

They had already cleaned their tables and completed other chores and Ursa left soon after once she was unable to get any other answer from Nik but all in all, she felt well and refreshed. Not long after Ursa left, Azu entered the shop, attracting their attention.

"Hmm, oh, Azu, right?" Yue looked at her, smiling, "Ursa just left."

"How unfortunate," Azu smiled plainly and then sat down, by pulling a chair down from the table and setting her legs on the recently cleaned table while looking at others.

"You won't mind brewing a pot of tea for me again, right?" She continued while brushing her hair back, her shoulders slumping in exhaustion, "I've had a very tiring day, after all."

Before they could answer, Azu added, "Oh, and I would also like to know who among you is the leader of this merry band. Hmm?"

Her electrifying gaze observed everyone as they looked at one another in confusion.

"Leader?" Poppy repeated again, "I don't think we have one. If you mean our employer—"

"How sweet of you... you would get along with mom just great but no," Azu's eyes narrowed as she snapped her fingers, causing a wick of blue flames to sparkle and extinguish, "Your leader. The one who decided to take one of my own."

"Hey, what's taking you guys so long— oh, I thought I heard someone else." Nik walked out while cleaning his hands with a towel and then glanced at Azu who certainly made herself comfortable as she smiled, "Am I to assume that you're the leader?"

"No hi, no hello... on with confusing things, huh," Nik muttered and looked at Yue, "What's she talking about?"

"Don't know. She keeps on asking about our leader..."

"Right, we don't have one," Nik gazed at Azu and replied sincerely. They truly didn't. Everyone was just cool with doing their own stuff and interacting with one another. But he did take a seat to imply that he was happy to answer her questions and looked at the girls, "Can you wait for me a little while? I think we would be done here quickly."

Azu observed everything and once they all left, she couldn't help but frown and question, "The lot of you sleep together?"

"Yeah," Nik nodded with a hum, "And it's just what you think it is." He answered before she could question further, making her feel slightly incredulous... after all, those women were beautiful. Very much so. Even Azu felt a little envious and she let it known in her tone, "How could a bum like you even sustain a harem of such caliber?"

"Why can't I?" Nik replied with a snicker, "And you speak like you're royalty or something."

"What if I am?" She smiled.

"Nothing, then you're worse than a bum like me."

"Right... before we let this pointless conversation go any longer, I demand that jet be returned to me this instant."

"Jet... huh," Nik muttered before shaking his head, "I don't think so."

"So you won't even deny that those three knew you?"

"Knew me? We're more than that, if you catch my drift. But the answer is the same. Jet is a nice leverage to have while being in the same village as the famous Blue Devils... tell me, does your mother know about your brother's works? I don't think any mother would feel at peace if they find out that their son... and I think, their daughter, too, directly oppose the Phoenix King and are plotting a rebellion, no less."

The tip of Azu's fingers couldn't help but reveal haunting blue flames as Nik fully realized why Toph felt so flustered once she began describing it... even he felt the chill on the back of his neck as the blue flames reflected in her eyes in an effort to threaten him. Smiling coldly, she whispered, "Let's be civilized here, right, Nik?"

"Oh, I'm definitely telling your mother now... it's funny to see a rebellion collapse out of a mother's wrath," Nik chuckled as Azu's gaze turned colder.

"Or, you can buy our silence with the map my friends wanted."

His words caused Azu to blink and grow curious. Pulling her legs down from the table, she smiled and leaned forward. Two thick locks of her glossy black hair framed her pale face as her golden pupils now gazed into his violet orbs not with the intention of warning but pure curiosity, "Why do you need this map? Unlike what my brother said, we do have a map of the tunnel system, at least, the area we have already explored... but why would you need it?"

"Adventurous wonder?" Nik grinned, leaning forward himself, "But as I promised the women waiting for me on the other side of that door, I plan to make this quick, Azu. The offer is changed. Your mother won't know a thing for that map and one of you siblings would accompany us to explore the regions so that we can be sure the map isn't tampered with."

"And Jet?" Azu narrowed her eyes, "She will be safe. That much I can assure you. But the quicker we deal with our first transaction, the quicker we get onto Jet's exchange... who knows what she may know about you guys and end up spilling to us so better think quickly."

"I could have all of you raided by my men," Azu suddenly chuckled, "Hundred strong men. Benders even. They will break you, destroy your shop. Probably capture your women and slake their pent-up frustration on them... especially women like Yue and Poppy would bring them the greatest sense of pleasure."

"Aw, threats again?" Nik chuckled. He wouldn't just get angry over words no matter how debauched unless they crossed some very personal lines. "Dear Azu... you should be rather worried about yourself. Hundred strong men, led by an impatient man to defeat the Emperor of the world... don't you siblings get caught by guards or anything. I've seen Zulon... he would interest some very special men with his charm... Of course, you won't have to worry about your mother and Jin."

His words caused a glower to escape Azu's lips as he continued, "I'll make sure to take care of them well. You've already seen how happy I can make those around me."

"Don't get cocky!" Azu's tone chilled.

"It could be one of my defining traits, unfortunately. So I cannot help you there. Now, if you would excuse me and leave... I have some people to look after for."

Snorting, Azu got up from her seat. Frustrated beyond belief. She hadn't even stopped to think that Nik or anyone for that matter would stoop so low to use her mother against herself but when she thought about it... Azu felt she may have done the same.

Before she left, Nik called out, "Oh, and Azu..." She turned over to look at him, "If we end up getting attacked... the rebellion won't even reach the Emperor's foot before collapsing so be mindful, yeah, sweetheart? Do come for tea tomorrow." Just when she thought Nik couldn't get any further on her nerves, he grinned, "And be sure to bring Jin along."


She was irritated. Why wouldn't she? He seemed to have everything... EVERYTHING!

From smart enough subordinates, enough skills in speaking, to the women around him, and his own charm. Of course, Azu wouldn't make her mother stop her job right after the first day as Zulon had suggested. It was stupid, at best. No, if their mother is actually focused on something else, this did give them a lot of time to finally develop themselves, too.

But she couldn't think productively. Efficiency was thrown out of the window as she gritted her teeth. She had already sent a message to Jin that she'd be back around midnight and as dutiful Jin is, the peasant girl would wait. The thought of it brought a smile to Azu's face. She grinned.

Jin didn't join their dinner and it may have been a fortunate thing because Zulon, despite getting told not to do it specifically... did just THAT.

"I'm not going to leave my work right after the first day, Zu! And that's final!" Ursa snapped at her son with a stern glare as he flinched and lowered his head. Azu watched everything in silence... she hadn't thought anything of it before but after that particular chat with Nik... the thought began to gnaw in the back of her head, "Mom... that Nik is really some guy, huh... do you think he has a father or an uncle around your age?" She gave an impish smile— a mask that hid her observing eyes.

"Hey, you rascal!" Ursa shook her head and chuckled while reproaching, "How can I even think of this when my two children are worrying me so much? At least get married yourself before trying to find a match for me. Especially you, Zu... have you thought about it?"

Zulon grumbled softly, "Maybe... let's see after tonight..."

Azu snorted. Her brother was truly too simple. He may have a good heart... but he certainly didn't know how to show it. But Azu didn't get distracted and continued with a smile, "Sure... I'll get Nik wrapped around my fingers in a few days so you stop worrying about me, alright?"

Ursa blinked in surprise before she questioned seriously, "What about Jin?"

"What about her?" Azu shrugged with a smile, noticing a brief moment of helplessness in Ursa's eyes but Zulon snapped this time, "No! He's not the right guy for anyone here... he... he..."

"He slept with a woman, Zuzu, get over it. Or do you want me to marry someone who doesn't even have the slightest interest in me?" Azu rolled her eyes as Zulon looked away.

"Mind your words, lady," Ursa scoffed, "No talks like this over the dinner table. But sure... if you two settle, I would like to find someone for myself."

"But you... already..." Zulon frowned, causing Ursa's body to flinch and Azu to scoff coldly, "Oh, shove it, Zuzu! Mom can find a better man."

For a moment, the other two were surprised by her sincere tone. Ursa smiled slightly... gently. When she faced THIS Azu... Ursa didn't feel so worried anymore.

"Let's not talk about this anymore," Ursa whispered.

"Ah, mom, I'm taking Zuzu out drinking once again tonight... hehe, to celebrate you getting a job."

"Shouldn't I be invited?" Ursa raised her brows with a childish smirk.

"Nope... if you're there, we won't get to have much fun," Azu grinned, "Oh, and I stopped by the Tea Shop... I wanted to walk home with you but I did have a little chat with Nik and others there... they seem great, Mom... it's a really good job you've got there." Even if Azu didn't mean any of it... she knew her words would do their thing like always. Yes. Azu felt relieved when seeing her mother's smile widen. Her mother's lips muttering words of gratitude as much of irritation Azu had been feeling retracted.


"Are you sure... that she would accept me?" Zulon whispered... his eyes fraught with nervousness. He looked at the familiar doors once again, his words hushed and slightly frantic.

It was quite late and Azu had brought him out for a drink or two... alright, maybe more than two. But she didn't seem drunk. Instead, leaning on his back, Azu whispered, "You've got to let go of what others think of you, Zuzu... stop being the good boy... Jin will accept you whether she likes it or not. Don't the two of you have some flame left? Show her that you're better than me~!"

He still felt weird why Azu, of all people, would push him to do something like this but he couldn't deny the enticement her words held. Zulon swallowed his booze-addled saliva and slowly stepped through the familiar doorstep.

Azu didn't follow him this time. Instead, she leaned against the ledge of the door and gave him a knowing smirk, "She's waiting," his sister cooed, "For one of us, at least."

Zulon nodded and worked himself up. His thoughts lingered on Jin's smile. Her wide, expectant eyes... surely, after a bout of surprise, she would have that gaze, right? A beautiful smile, too... and so, he stepped into her room silently. Being with Azu came with its perks as someone could sleep with a sense of peace in their mind knowing that none of them would try to harm them. After all... Azu is crazy in many ways. Even now, Zulon felt things were crazy... surely, it was the same blood flowing in his veins that pushed him to accept such craziness... and be a part of it.

"Hmm? Finally, you're back... do you know how long I've waited?" The sweet and indignant tone echoed in the darkness.

Yes, he's back... and he was utterly sorry to have made her wait for so long...

Stepping forward, Zulon wanted to comfort her with words but Azu's seductive voice echoed in the back of his head, 'Take her! Show her... have her!'

And he did. He reached out to her limbs as he could at least see the silhouette of it and pulled her up easily. Her yelp sounded sweet. Her soft and warm breasts against his chest made his heart quiver and her earthen, comforting scent made him sniff long and hard.

"Who are you?!" Jin snapped out of her stupor and instantly pulled back but she couldn't struggle for even a second as Zulon pulled her back, "It's me, Jin... it's me... I'm here, for you."

"Z-zulon?! Let go! Hey, are you hearing me?" Jin gasped as he held her wrists tightly, "Zulon! I won't say it again, LET GO— mph!"

Her scream was cut short as Zulon kissed her in a panic, in an effort to lower her voice. But while he expected her to melt in his embrace, realizing that it was his love and warmth she needed, a terrible knee struck him in the crotch as his grip loosened and he buckled down. Even without waiting for an explanation, Jin rushed out of the room as his groan echoed.

Outside, Jin instantly recognized Azu's silhouette by the doorstep and she gasped, "Azu, wait, Z-zulon in there... it's not what you think. He just suddenly—"

"Oh, I know," Azu chuckled as she picked up the lamp and set it to light before placing it not far away, her smile finally visible as she walked around the room, lighting the lamps around to brighten the room completely as Jin stood shell-shocked.

"What do you mean... you know?" She turned around, slightly disheveled as Azu sat down on a chair while Zulon slowly walked out of the door with an embarrassed expression, "It means, I gave Zuzu my blessings. I know all about the two of you... those longing glances, those bitter smiles. I figured, I didn't want to stand in the two of your ways. Aren't you happy? You always wanted to leave me, after all."

Azu narrowed her eyes while Jin stood with her lips parting and closing, not knowing what to say. She slightly shook her head... her green pupils revealing just how hard she took the news.

"That's not true... Azu..." Jin whimpered, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "I care for you. I never wanted to leave you... I..."

"Care for me?" Azu sneered, "Please, Jin. There is no need to be so dramatic. Did you really think it wasn't beneath me to give you away? My brother would benefit with you in his life... so as a good sister and a good friend, I found it necessary for you two to get along quickly... and passionately."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Jin snapped, sobbing in the process as Zulon looked away again... unable to bear the weight and sadness of her gaze. "Blessing us? Giving me away? I'm not a toy! I'm your Jin, damnit! How could you do this? And with Zulon, no less? Do you have any sense? At all?!"

Her shoulders shook as her reddened eyes glared into Azu's cold gaze.

"Of course, you're mine. And that's why you should be with someone who I deem fit, don't you think? Or is it that Zuzu's skills aren't satisfactory? I'm sure you can teach him a lot as I taught you once!"

Jin couldn't stop it anymore. Her lips pursed together as she cried silently with her head lowered and still shaking in denial, "I- I thought... we could have... gotten..."

"Married?" Azu began to laugh. Loudly at that, "Don't kid yourself, Jin. I'm not about to settle for a peasant. You're a pleasant distraction, I'll give you that but a woman like you fit my brother more."

Jin couldn't help but look up, "And what about me? Did you consider that I didn't want to be with him?" She shouted, "Or am I not even allowed to feel that?!"

Azu blinked in surprise, "You... don't like my brother? Amusing. But is there anyone more qualified?"

"Just shut up!" Jin shouted frustratingly, "You know what... I don't want to be with someone who won't even look me in the eye for more than a second! And I don't want to be with you anymore! You're selfish! You're hurtful! I was a fool to think you would change for me. And oh, a few days ago when I told you I went to the tavern to argue with that woman with a strange beast was a lie!

I was frustrated. I was looking for Nik to fuck me! And guess what, he makes me feel comforted in the store! And from what I've heard about that night, he would surely not look away from me in fear of you!"

"Careful now, Jin," Azu narrowed her eyes.

"Don't you say my name from your hole!" Jin glowered, "I'm done, Azu! I'm done putting up with you!"

"Oh, you think you can do better? Those women around him... he's sleeping with them all. But I tend to you personally—"

"And guess what, I still choose THAT over THIS!" Asserting this, Jin turned around when Azu's cold voice boomed from behind, "If you leave that door..."

Stopping at the entrance, Jin lowered her head, "Yeah... I know." She looked back the next second, staring at the siblings, "Don't worry... Aunt Ursula doesn't need to feel bad about your actions so I won't say anything but Zulon... you could have just asked me what I wanted, right?"

"I..." Zulon uttered, realizing his folly. Seduced by a moment of power, he now only felt regret.

"And Azu... I hope you don't go around breaking someone else's heart... just because you feel scared for a moment—"

"Shut up!" Azu glowered, losing her cool for a second, "Me? Scared of a peasant like you? Fuck off, Jin! I'm the reason why you could be quite happy around here. I'm the one who allowed you to live without those morons trying to force you into their beds. Don't think for a second that you will live happily without me!

You still have a chance. Turn around... apologize... I WILL take you back... just for myself."

While Azu threatened, Jin noticed a moment of weakness in her eyes... she had seen this look many times. Azu always lies... she presents herself as a strong woman... but she lies...

She is weak.

Jin always faltered when she observed this look. Unlike what Azu imagined, Jin broke all of the princess' misunderstandings, "Azu... know this. I cared more for you than I feared you... It's going to be tough... but I know you'll pull through. But I don't plan to be next to you now just to be thrust into someone else's arm. If I am to find someone else... it would be MY choice and not yours."

Jin didn't look back anymore and left the siblings in her home. She, after all, had a destination...

Last time, she may have faltered due to June's sudden appearance but Jin didn't plan to stop now. At least, she wanted to feel comfortable for the night and fortunately, as she knocked on the back door of the store, through the narrow gaps which she could observe flickering light and a shadow looming over the door on the other side, she prayed internally and worked her courage.

The door opened eventually and she found him staring at her with a surprised expression. This wasn't the one whom she wanted to meet but the man smiled pleasantly, "Jin, right? I'm afraid Nik isn't here like that night back then... but... would you like some tea?"

Her eyes and cheeks still wet from tears felt another bout of waterworks as she matched his kind smile and nodded, whispering softly, "Yes, please..."


Shoutout to Sedeho, Zero_Requim, Peter Evans, IH, Shadi Elmowafi, Luziffer!

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