Chapter 153

153 Chapter 153 Villains Also Wake Up Early

Facing the spring from which Desmond had the inspiration that resulted in the creation of the Full-Drive ability, Desmond was having a quite different experience than he had on that occasion.

How different? Well, Desmond was covered in a cold sweat with an expression of extreme pain on his face, it had been a few hours since he had consumed the potions Sasha had provided him and he had spent the entire night suffering a significant amount of pain throughout each moment.

He first felt a cold that intensified every second until Desmond felt that even his blood began to solidify, but before he reached the point where it became dangerous to his life his temperature began to rise quickly.

That’s when the next kind of torture came, in a matter of seconds, Desmond felt as if his body was on fire with lava flowing through his veins as his muscles twisted in pain and even his bones seemed about to merge.

And then the cycle was repeated, when Desmond’s body seemed like it was going to collapse then the effects diminished and his body felt the cold begin to invade him again, this was repeated over and over again for hours.

Only when the sun made an appearance in the sky did Desmond finally go through the hellish torture that those potions turned out to be, even someone like Desmond who had suffered enough over the years still felt his knees weaken a bit when he finally did breathe calmly free of pain.

′′ Shit, damn Sasha you call that painful, that was more than just painful, if it weren’t for the potions being free I would be damn upset. ′′ Of course, Desmond being the way he was, he couldn’t help but complain a bit about it.

′′ Forget it, I guess I should try archery training to see the results. . . Hmm, I wonder if increased stamina also includes sexual stamina. ′′

Putting aside the shameless concerns of a certain womanizing hunter, that same hunter proceeded to pick up his bow and fire a couple of practice shots while he tested the limits of his current strength.


To Desmond’s surprise, he actually managed to pull the bowstring with great ease until he had been able to open the bow to three-quarters of his maximum capacity; That compared to his previous efforts was certainly a great improvement.

Desmond spent at least half an hour testing the bow while he fired a few occasional shots, being quite pleased with the results he remembered once again that this time he owed that pretty vermilion-eyed girl a lot.

Speaking of the young beauty, Desmond had already seen her watching him from the entrance of the cabin while he trained, seeing those eyes of a maiden in love Desmond felt somewhat helpless and fortunate before this girl who had fallen in love with him so intensely in just one week.

Making his way back Desmond stopped suddenly when he looked around him with a serious expression, Desmond did not know exactly the reason for his concern, but he felt that there was something strange in the environment.

It was only when Desmond focused on his sense of mana that he noticed a strange presence in the air around him, the mana from the wind carrying with it a dark and ominous scent that Desmond had felt before.

As soon as Desmond came to that realization he immediately focused his senses before connecting with the mana of the wind in an attempt to trace the origin of this presence and to no one’s surprise, it was coming from the north side of the property in the direction of the corrupted area of ??the forest.

′′ Sasha!. . We have guests. ′′ Desmond yelled at Sasha as he pointed out the origin of their unexpected guests.

Sasha ran in Desmond’s direction as she pulled the wand out of her holster on her chubby thighs, Desmond on the side of her reached out his right hand and pulled an arrow from the quiver on his thigh before placing it on the bow.

They both kept their guard up for a few moments when they suddenly saw how some of the trees that adjoined the northern outer edge began to dry up while giving off a bizarre sensation.


Multiple guttural growls could be heard coming from that area of ??the grove and soon Desmond and Sasha could see what seemed like half a dozen corrupted beasts slowly emerging from the shade of the trees.

Desmond’s expression changed for the worse when he saw that at least four other beasts were emerging from different directions on the property, now being surrounded by at least ten corrupted beasts both of them were in a rather disadvantageous situation.

′′ Can you take care of the four who are separated? ′′ Desmond was quite confident in his ability to finish this battle alive, but due to his concern for Sasha, he couldn’t help but ask the girl if she would be alright dealing with the corrupt beasts that came in separate groups.

′′ I’ll be fine, do not worry; How about your side? ′′ Sasha actually answered quite confidently and even asked Desmond about her situation.

Instead of responding, Desmond simply drew his bow and fired at an astonishing speed, the corrupted beasts had not yet begun to move when an arrow made its way through the wind and blew one of them to pieces.

The fragility of their bodies was the greatest weakness of the corrupted beasts and in the face of such a high-level bow focused completely on destructive power, one can easily observe the results of such a confrontation.

As soon as the dismembered remains of the first corrupted beast collapsed, the rest of them sprinted at full power to tear Desmond and Sasha’s pair apart.

But were Desmond and Sasha easy prey? The answer was clearly a resounding no, by the time the beasts made their way to Desmond’s position there were only three of them left alive; the rest had been blown to pieces by the young hunter and his trusted bow.

How about Sasha’s side? it was even better, when Desmond took out the third corrupted beast he took a quick look back to discover that all the corrupted beasts Sasha was facing were now giant bonfires that lay helplessly on the ground as they slowly turned to ash.

At that moment Desmond had a strange expression on his face as if to say “What the hell” but he had to keep his thoughts to himself when he saw that the three remaining corrupted beasts had already made their way to him.

In the end, there was no surprise, as soon as Desmond entered Full-Drive his speed became something that the beasts could not deal with and depending on the steel claw Desmond managed to tear the beasts apart little by little until they became incapable of stay up.

After finishing off the beasts that lay crippled on the ground, Desmond approached Sasha and made sure the girl was intact; which was clearly the case for her, the poor corrupt beasts that attacked her didn’t even come within twenty meters of her.

′′ What’s up Desmond? You don’t seem happy to have won. ′′ Sasha, as considerate as she was by nature soon noticed the dissatisfaction in Desmond’s expression.

′′ Do you remember what I told you about the analysis of these beasts? ′′ Instead of answering Desmond asked a question back to the young alchemist.

′′ Mmm, yes, they are extremely lethal necrotic beasts due to the necrotic poison they carry, they lack consciousness and their bodies deteriorated greatly during the corruption process; that is why their bodies are so fragile and their senses are so diminished. ′′ Sasha being a very talented alchemist clearly had a good memory so she answered quite easily.

′′ Then tell me how beasts with impaired senses tracked us here and how beasts without conscience they surrounded us trying to ambush us? ′′ Desmond answered seriously.

But Sasha couldn’t answer him, it was only now that Desmond had pointed it out that Sasha realized the irregularity of the whole thing; Thinking about the whole incident, Sasha’s expression changed for the worse.

′′ You seem to have noticed, whatever is deep in the corrupted area of ??the forest does not seem happy and now we are its target. ′′

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